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Greenberg D et al. Acute otitis media in children: association with day care centers—antibacterial resistance,

treatment, and prevention. Paediatr Drugs. 2008;10:75.

Gould JM, Matz PS. Otitis media. Pediatr Rev. 2010;31:102.

Pelton SI, Leibovitz E. Recent advances in otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009;28(10, Suppl):S133.

American Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media. The diagnosis and

management of acute otitis media. Pediatrics. 2013;131:e964.

Farrell DJ et al. Increased antimicrobial resistance among nonvaccine serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae in

the pediatric population after the introduction of 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine in the United States. Pediatr

Infect Dis J. 2007;26:123.

McEllistrem MC et al. Acute otitis media due to penicillin nonsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae before and

after the introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;40:1738.

Cohen R et al. Impact of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage

in children with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31:297–301.

Moore MR et al. Effect of use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children on invasive

pneumococcal disease in children and adults in the USA: analysis of multisite, population-based surveillance.

Lancet Infect Dis. 2015;15:301–309.

Shulman ST et al. Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of group A Streptococcal

pharyngitis: 2012 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2012;55:e86–e102.

Gerber MA et al. Prevention of rheumatic fever and diagnosis and treatment of acute streptococcal pharyngitis: a

scientific statement from the American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki

Disease Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, the Interdisciplinary Council on

Functional Genomics and Translational Biology, and the Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care and

Outcomes Research: endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Circulation. 2009;119:1541.

DajaniA et al. Treatment of acute streptococcal pharyngitis and prevention of rheumatic fever: a statement for

health professionals. Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease of the Council on

Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, the American Heart Association. Pediatrics. 1995;96(4, pt 1):758.

p. 2166


Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a major cause of morbidity and

mortality in preterm neonates, resulting from pulmonary surfactant

deficiency; it is characterized by atelectasis, hypoxemia, decreased lung

compliance, small airway epithelial damage, and pulmonary edema.

Case 105-1 (Question 1)

Beractant, calfactant, poractant alfa, and lucinactant are exogenous

surfactants used in the prevention and treatment of RDS in preterm

neonates. These agents have been shown to improve oxygenation and

lung compliance and decrease the need for supplemental oxygen and

mechanical ventilation.

Case 105-1 (Questions 2–6)


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common form of

chronic pulmonary disease in infants; it is caused by lung immaturity,

surfactant deficiency, oxygen toxicity, barotrauma, and inflammation,

and is characterized by tachypnea, retractions, and wheezing.

Case 105-2 (Question 1)

The management of BPD includes supplemental oxygen therapy,

mechanical ventilation, and pharmacologic interventions including

diuretics, bronchodilators, and corticosteroids.

Case 105-2 (Questions 2, 3)

Infants with BPD are at higher risk for experiencing cardiorespiratory

problems including pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular

hypertrophy, and neurologic and developmental abnormalities.

Case 105-2 (Questions 4, 5)


Preterm neonates are at high risk for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a

serious cardiovascular disorder, which may present with tachycardia,

wide pulse pressure, bounding pulses, and systolic murmur.

Complications of PDA include pulmonary edema and heart failure.

PDA places the neonate at high risk for BPD, intraventricular

hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis.

Case 105-3 (Questions 1–3)

Medical management of PDA includes fluid management, correction of

anemia, treatment of hypoxia and acidosis, and pharmacologic therapy

with prostaglandin inhibitors (indomethacin or ibuprofen) to close the

Case 105-3 (Questions 4–10)



Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the most common life-threatening

nonrespiratory condition in newborns and is characterized by abdominal

distension, bloody stools, metabolic acidosis, and bowel perforation.

Case 105-4 (Question 1)

The management of NEC includes parenteral nutrition, intravenous

antibiotics, and bowel resection. Interventions including trophic feedings,

breast milk, probiotics, and a strict feeding protocol may be used to

decrease the incidence of NEC.

Case 105-4 (Questions 2–6)

p. 2167

p. 2168


Bacterialsepsis can be classified as early-onset (caused by pathogens

colonized from the maternal genital tract) or late-onset sepsis (caused

by nosocomial pathogens). Clinicalsigns can be subtle and nonspecific

especially in preterm neonates.

Case 105-5 (Question 1)

Selection of empiric intravenous antibiotics is the same for sepsis and

meningitis and will depend on nosocomial pathogens commonly isolated

in the neonatal intensive care unit, antibiotic resistance patterns, and

underlying neonatal risk factors.

Case 105-5 (Question 2)


Congenital infections including herpes simplex virus, syphilis, and

cytomegalovirus may result in fetal death, congenital anomalies, serious

central nervous system sequelae, intrauterine growth retardation, or

preterm birth; if suspected, appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment

should be started immediately.

Case 105-6 (Question 1)


Pharmacologic treatment of apnea of prematurity includes the use of

methylxanthines, specifically caffeine and theophylline, which decrease

apneic episodes via both central and peripheral effects.

Case 105-7 (Question 1)

Caffeine offers several advantages over theophylline for the treatment

of apnea including a wider therapeutic index, fewer adverse effects,

prolonged half-life, once-daily dosing, and lack of the need for routine

serum drug concentration monitoring.

Case 105-7 (Questions 2, 3)


Neonatalseizure activity is a common manifestation of a life-threatening

underlying neurologic process. Initial therapy is focused on the

treatment of the underlying cause (e.g., hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia,

infection) and may not include antiepileptic drug therapy.

Case 105-8 (Questions 1–3)

Common antiepileptic medications used to treat neonatalseizure activity

are phenobarbital, phenytoin, and lorazepam.

Case 105-8 (Questions 4, 5)


The rational use of medications in neonates depends on an appreciation of both the

physiologic immaturity and the developmental maturation that influence neonatal drug

disposition and pharmacologic effects. Much progress has been made to decrease

neonatal mortality and improve survival of more premature and lower-birth-weight

newborns. Neonates, particularly those of extremely low birth weights (ELBW),

pose a pharmacotherapeutic challenge to the clinician. The alterations of body

composition, weight, and size, as well as physiologic and pharmacokinetic

parameters, which occur with normal growth and maturation during the first few

months of life, are greater than at any other time. Although the amount of neonatal

drug information is increasing, the overall lack of well-designed pharmacokinetic

and pharmacodynamic studies still hinders the clinical use of many drugs in this

population. This is especially true for newborns of the lowest birth weights (<750 g).

An understanding of common neonatal terminology (Table 105-1) is important

because every newborn is evaluated and classified at birth according to birth weight,

gestational age, and intrauterine growth status.

1 Pharmacokinetic parameters,

pharmacodynamics, and dosing recommendations often are specified according to

these terms.


Important neonatal pharmacokinetic differences are reviewed in

Chapter 102, Pediatric Pharmacotherapy. This chapter focuses on the safe and

effective use of medications for common neonatal medical conditions.


Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in

preterm neonates.

3 This clinical syndrome is characterized by respiratory failure with

atelectasis, hypoxemia, decreased lung compliance, small airway epithelial damage,

and pulmonary edema. The principal cause of RDS is pulmonary surfactant

deficiency. Pulmonary surfactant decreases the surface tension at the air–fluid

interface in the alveoli and prevents alveolar collapse. Surfactant also facilitates the

clearance of pulmonary fluid, prevents pulmonary edema, and stabilizes alveoli

during aeration. At birth, the clearance of residual fetal lung fluid is accompanied by

an increase in pulmonary blood flow, which facilitates the transition from fetal to

adult circulation.


p. 2168

p. 2169

Table 105-1

Common Neonatal Terminology


Term Definition

Gestational age (GA) By dates: The number of weeks from the onset of the

mother’s last menstrual period until birth

By examination: Assessment of gestational maturity by

physical and neuromuscular examination; gestational age

estimates the time from conception until birth

Postnatal age (PNA) Chronologic age after birth

Postmenstrual age (PMA) Gestational age plus postnatal age. Postmenstrual age (rather

than postconceptional age) is the preferred term for use in

clinical practice. Postmenstrual age is considered to be a

more accurate term because gestational age is calculated

using the mother’s last menstrual period, and the exact date

of conception is generally not known.

Postconceptional age (PCA) Age since conception. This term is not recommended for use

in clinical practice and is currently reserved for cases when

the exact date of conception is known (i.e., assisted

reproductive technology). Older literature may use this term

to describe the sum of gestational age plus postnatal age;

thus, it is important to know how this term is defined when


Corrected age Postmenstrual age in weeks minus 40; represents postnatal

age if neonate had been born at term (40 weeks’ gestational


Neonate A full-term newborn 0 to 28 days postnatal age. Some may

also apply this term to a preterm neonate who is > 28 days

postnatal age, but with a postmenstrual age ≤ 42 to 46 weeks

Preterm <37 weeks’ gestational age at birth

Term 37 weeks’ 0 days to 41 weeks’ 6 days (average ˜ 40

weeks’) gestational age at birth

Post-term ≥42 weeks’ gestational age at birth

Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) Birth weight <1 kg

Very low birth weight (VLBW) Birth weight <1.5 kg

Low birth weight (LBW) Birth weight <2.5 kg

Small for gestational age (SGA) Birth weight <10th percentile for gestational age

Appropriate for gestational age (AGA) Birth weight between 10th and 90th percentiles for

gestational age

Large for gestational age (LGA) Birth weight >90th percentile for gestational age

In the fetus, endogenous cortisol stimulates the synthesis and secretion of

pulmonary surfactant at 30 to 32 weeks’ gestational age.

4 However, sufficient

amounts of pulmonary surfactant for normal lung function are not present before 34 to

36 weeks’ gestation.

4,5 Therefore, the incidence and severity of RDS increase as

gestational age decreases. RDS occurs in approximately 25% of neonates born at 30

to 31 weeks’ gestation, but may occur in as high as 95% to 98% of neonates born at

22 to 24 weeks’ gestation.


Without adequate amounts of surfactant, the surface tension within the alveoli is so

great that the alveoli collapse (atelectasis), resulting in poor gas exchange (e.g.,

hypoxemia, hypercapnia). Low lung compliance also results, and large inspiratory

pressures are needed to aerate the lungs. Unfortunately, the extremely compliant

neonatal chest wall makes it difficult to create the large negative inspiratory

pressures necessary to open the alveoli. This results in an increased work of

breathing and alterations of ventilation and perfusion.


Aeration of the surfactant-deficient lung also results in the cyclic collapse and

distension of bronchioles, with resultant bronchiolar epithelial injury and necrosis.

This epithelial damage causes pulmonary edema by allowing fluid and proteins to

leak from the intravascular space into the airspaces and interstitium of the lung. The

necrotic epithelial debris and proteins then form fibrous hyaline membranes.


Hyaline membranes and pulmonary edema further impair gas exchange.

The inadequate oxygenation and ventilation and increased work of breathing

caused by RDS may result in the need for assisted positive-pressure ventilation.

Complications of RDS may be related to mechanical ventilation and include

pulmonary barotrauma (e.g., pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema [PIE]),

intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), retinopathy of

prematurity (ROP), and chronic lung disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).


Clinical Presentation

CASE 105-1

QUESTION 1: L.D., a 680-g male, was born at 25 weeks’ gestational age via cesarean section as a result of

placenta abruption to a 38-year-old gravida 6 para 5 woman with gestational diabetes. Apgar scores were 3 at 1

minute, 5 at 5 minutes, and 8 at 10 minutes. Thirty minutes after birth, L.D. appears cyanotic and has retracting

respirations with grunting and nasal flaring. His heart rate (HR) is 160 beats/minute, and respiratory rate (RR)

is 65 breaths/minute. An arterial blood gas (ABG) on 60% oxygen by nasal intermittent positive-pressure

ventilation (NIPPV) is as follows:

pH, 7.25


, 41 mm Hg


, 71 mm Hg

Base deficit, 8

Based on the blood gas results, L.D. is intubated immediately and placed on positive-pressure-assisted

ventilation. An umbilical arterial catheter is inserted for frequent ABG monitoring, and an umbilical vein catheter

is inserted for central venous access. L.D.’s chest radiographic shows RDS (see for a radiograph of

an infant with RDS). Ampicillin 100 mg/kg every 12 hours and gentamicin 5 mg/kg every 48 hours are ordered

intravenously (IV) to rule out sepsis. What is an Apgar score? What risk factors does L.D. have for RDS?

What signs and laboratory data are consistent with RDS?

An Apgar score is a method of evaluating the physical condition of a newborn

infant immediately after birth. It consists of

p. 2169

p. 2170

five clinical signs including HR, respiratory effort, muscle tone, skin color, and

reflex irritability. Each sign can receive a score of 0 to 2 points with a total possible

score of 10 points. A score of 7 to 10 is considered normal, whereas scores of 0 to 3

require immediate resuscitation. The Apgar score is routinely done at 1 and 5

minutes of life and is repeated every 5 minutes until a total score of at least 7 is

achieved. (For a video of how to assign an Apgar score to newborns, go to

1B12-4C65-92BA-D4C6DFA35BBA.html?mod=googlewsj.) L.D.’s Apgar scores

of 3 and 5 at 1 and 5 minutes indicate that he may have experienced some perinatal

asphyxia, most likely secondary to maternal placenta abruption. L.D.’s risk factors

for RDS are prematurity, male sex, perinatal asphyxia, cesarean section, and

maternal gestational diabetes. Other risk factors include second-born twins and

maternal-fetal hemorrhage.

3 Clinical signs and laboratory data consistent with RDS

in L.D. include tachypnea, cyanosis, retracting respirations, grunting, nasal flaring,

hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and a mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis.

3 Clinical

manifestations classically present within the first 6 hours of life.

Tachypnea, the first sign of respiratory distress, is an attempt to compensate for the

inadequate ventilation, hypercapnia, and acidosis. L.D.’s retracting respirations (the

use of intercostal, subcostal, suprasternal, or sternal accessory muscles) reflect the

increased work of breathing necessary to maintain ventilation. His nasal flaring

decreases resistance during inspiration and increases oxygenation. Grunting is the

result of forceful exhalation against a partially closed glottis in an effort to prolong

expiration and maximize oxygenation. Grunting also increases intrathoracic pressure

during expiration in an attempt to stabilize the alveoli and prevent atelectasis. L.D.’s

cyanosis, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis are

consequences of inadequate oxygenation and poor ventilation and are consistent with




CASE 105-1, QUESTION 2: What treatments should be initiated for L.D.’s respiratory insufficiency?

Before L.D. is treated for RDS, other causes of respiratory distress must be ruled

out. For example, infections (particularly group B streptococcal sepsis or

pneumonia) often present with respiratory distress. Because it is difficult to

distinguish between RDS and infection, all neonates with severe RDS should receive

antibiotics. L.D. was started empirically on antibiotics, and a complete evaluation of

possible sepsis should be performed.

Neonates should be treated for RDS as soon as possible and may require

ventilatory support. Noninvasive ventilator support such as NIPPV or nasal

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has been shown to reduce barotrauma,

volutrauma, and airway damage compared to intubation with mechanical ventilation.


However, some extremely preterm neonates may require intubation with mechanical

ventilation due to persistent symptoms of RDS. Because L.D. failed NIPPV and

required intubation, exogenous surfactant should be administered intratracheally as

soon as possible. Human surfactant is synthesized and secreted by type II alveolar

epithelial cells of the lung. It contains 80% phospholipids, 8% neutral lipids, and

12% proteins.

5 The major surface-active component is

dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), also known as colfosceril or lecithin.

However, this phospholipid slowly adsorbs to the air–fluid interface in the alveoli.

Other phospholipids (e.g., phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol) and four

surfactant apoproteins (SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and SP-D) enhance spreadability and

surface adsorption.

5 Adsorption and surface spreading of the surfactant in the alveoli

are important determinants of surface tension activity. SP-A and SP-D both play a

role in immune regulation and providing host defense. SP-A may also help to regulate

alveolar surfactant reuptake and metabolism.

5 SP-B and SP-C are the two most

important apoproteins responsible for promoting adsorption and surface spreading of

the surfactant in the alveoli to form a phospholipid monolayer.

5 SP-B is thought to be

the most critical protein for surfactant activity.

Natural surfactants are derived from bovine or porcine lung lipid or lavage

extracts. Modified natural surfactants are lung lipid extracts supplemented with

phospholipids or other components.

3 Currently, four surfactant products are

commercially available for clinical use in the United States (US): beractant

(Survanta), calfactant (Infasurf), poractant alfa (Curosurf), and lucinactant (Surfaxin).

Beractant, calfactant, and lucinactant are US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-

approved for the prevention (i.e., prophylaxis) of RDS, whereas beractant,

calfactant, and poractant alfa are approved for treatment (i.e., rescue therapy).

Animal-derived products contain variable amounts of SP-B and SP-C, lipids, and

phospholipids. Lucinactant, a new synthetic surfactant, contains not only

phospholipids but also high concentrations of sinapultide (KL4), a synthetic peptide

that mimics human SP-B. (see Table 105-2 for comparisons).


CASE 105-1, QUESTION 3: What are the effects of exogenously administered surfactant that can be

expected in L.D.?

Oxygenation and lung compliance rapidly and markedly improve after the

administration of surfactant. It should be expected that supplemental oxygen and

mechanical ventilation may need to be significantly reduced. The increased lung

compliance and decreased need for high inspiratory pressures result in a dramatic

decrease in the incidence of pneumothorax and PIE. Survival in treated infants

increases by approximately 40% regardless of birth weight or gestational age, and

neonatal mortality from RDS is decreased to approximately 20%.

10 Other

complications of RDS such as severe BPD, IVH, NEC, ROP, and PDA have not been

decreased consistently with surfactant therapy.


CASE 105-1, QUESTION 4: Which surfactant is appropriate and when should it be administered to L.D.?


Trials comparing natural surfactant products (poractant alfa vs. beractant, calfactant

vs. beractant, poractant alfa vs. calfactant) have demonstrated that poractant alfa and

calfactant result in a significantly faster weaning of supplemental oxygen and mean

airway pressure compared to beractant. Furthermore, a lower mortality rate at 36

weeks’ PMA was seen with a higher initial dose of poractant alfa 200 mg/kg. No

differences were seen with the duration of mechanical ventilation and supplemental

oxygen, the incidence of BPD, and other secondary outcomes.

12,13 To date, there is

only one trial comparing the three natural surfactant products for the treatment of

RDS. Overall, there were no significant differences in the incidence of

pneumothorax, PIE, death, and the combined variable of BPD or death among the

three surfactant products.


Trials comparing synthetic (lucinactant) to a natural surfactant product (beractant

or poractant alfa) found no difference in the incidence of RDS at 24 hours; however,

one study reported a significantly higher incidence of RDS-related death by 14 days

of life and NEC in the beractant group.


In addition, no significant differences were

found with mortality, BPD, IVH, PDA, and ROP between synthetic and natural



Studies assessing the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes (at 1 year and at 18

to 24 months of corrected age) of infants receiving surfactants (beractant vs.

poractant alfa and lucinactant vs. beractant or poractant alfa) for RDS found no

significant difference between products.


p. 2170

p. 2171

Table 105-2

Comparison of Currently Marketed Surfactant Products


Variable Calfactant (Infasurf)



(Curosurf) Beractant (Survanta) Lucinactant (Surfaxin)

Type and


Naturalsurfactant, calf

lung wash



Modified natural

surfactant, bovine lung

Synthetic surfactant,

protein analog

porcine lung

mince extract

mince extract



Natural DPPC with

mixed PL

Natural DPPC

with mixed PL

Natural and

supplemented DPPC

with mixed PL

Synthetic DPPC with

mixed PL

Proteins SP-B and SP-C SP-B and SPC

SP-B and SP-C Sinapultide (KL4


Indications Prophylaxis and rescue




Prophylaxis and rescue


Prophylaxis therapy

Criteria for


Premature neonates <29

weeks’ GA at high risk

for RDS

Not approved Birth weight <1,250 g or

evidence of surfactant


Premature neonates at

high risk for RDS



3 mL/kg (PL 105 mg/kg) Initial dose: 2.5

mL/kg (PL

200 mg/kg);

Repeat dose:

1.25 mL/kg

(PL 100


4 mL/kg (PL 100 mg/kg) 5.8 mL/kg (PL 175



regimen for


Give first dose ASAP

after birth, preferably

within 30 minutes;

repeat every 12 hours up

to a total of three doses

if infant remains


Not approved Give first dose ASAP

after birth, preferably

within 15 minutes; repeat

as early as 6 hours up to

a total of four doses if

infant remains intubated

and requires FIO2 ≥0.3

with Pao2 ≤80 mm Hg

Give first dose ASAP

after birth; repeat as

early as 6 hours up to a

total of four doses in first

48 hours of life

Criterion for

rescue therapy

Infants ≤72 hours of age

with confirmed RDS

who require

endotracheal intubation

Infants with


RDS who




Infants with confirmed

RDS who require

endotracheal intubation

Not approved


regimen for

rescue therapy

Give first dose ASAP

after RDS diagnosed;

repeat every 12 hours up

to a total of three doses

if infant still remains


Give first dose

ASAP after



repeat every

12 hours up to

a total of three

doses if infant



Give first dose ASAP

after RDS diagnosed,

preferably by 8 hours

postnatal age; repeat as

early as 6 hours up to a

total of four doses if

infant remains intubated

and requires FIO2 ≥0.3

with Pao2 ≤80 mm Hg

Not approved




Administer through side

port of ETT adapter via

ventilator or through

disconnected ETT via

5F catheter, divide dose

into two aliquots with

position change




ETT via 5F


divide dose

into two

aliquots with


Administer through

disconnected ETT via 5F

catheter, divide dose into

four aliquots with

position change

Administer through side

port of ETT adapter via

ventilator, divide dose

into four aliquots with

position change




Gentle swirling of the

vial may be necessary

for redispersion;

warming to room

temperature is not

necessary; do not shake

Warm to room


before use; do

not shake

Warm to room

temperature before use;

do not shake

Warm for 15 minutes in

a preheated dry block

heater set at 44°C

(111°F); after warming,

shake vial vigorously

untilsuspension is

uniform and freeflowing. The

temperature of product

has to be ≤ 37°C (99°F)

before administration

Stability If warmed to room

temperature for <24

hours, unopened, unused

vials may be returned

once to refrigerator;

single-use vial contains

no preservative, discard

unused portion

If warmed to



for <24 hours,


unused vials

may be

returned only

once to


single-use vial

contains no


discard unused


If warmed to room

temperature for <24

hours, unopened, unused

vials may be returned

only once to refrigerator;

single-use vial contains

no preservative, discard

unused portion

If not used immediately

after warming, can be

stored protected from

light at room temperature

for up to 2 hours. Do not

return to refrigerator

after warming; discard if

not used within 2 hours

of warming or any

unused portion

Cost per vial $455.00 (3 mL), $805.33

(6 mL)


$445.15 (1.5

mL), $877.78

(3 mL)


$459.60 (4 mL), $813.46

(8 mL)


$1032.00 (8.5 mL)


aAverage wholesale price according to 2015 Red Book.

ASAP, as soon as possible; DPPC, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine; ETT, endotracheal tube; F, French; F IO2


fractional inspired oxygen; Pao2

, partial pressure of oxygen; PL, phospholipids; RDS, respiratory distress


p. 2171

p. 2172

Cost-effectiveness studies of different natural surfactant products for the treatment

of RDS reported significant cost savings associated with poractant alfa (due to fewer

required additional doses) compared with beractant.

12,13 A recent pharmacoeconomic

analysis of costs associated with reintubation in preterm infants treated with either

lucinactant, beractant, or poractant alfa utilized data from two multicenter trials.

Reintubation rates were significantly lower in the lucinactant-treated group.


However, it is important to note that one of the studies compared lucinactant to

colfosceril palmitate, a product no longer available in the US. Furthermore, the

second trial was terminated before achieving enrollment goal. Therefore, these

limitations may have affected respiratory outcomes and healthcare costs associated

with reintubation and mechanical ventilation.

Based on these comparative trials, it appears there are no significant differences in

the short-term (e.g., air leaks, duration of mechanical ventilation/oxygenation) and

long-term outcomes (e.g., death, BPD, and other secondary outcomes) between the

four surfactant products. Poractant alfa, given at a dose of 200 mg/kg, may be the

favorable surfactant therapy because it resulted in a faster weaning of oxygen and

mean airway pressure, a decrease in mortality at 36 weeks’ PMA, and a lower cost.


Surfactant therapy can be administered as prophylactic (i.e., within 10–30 minutes

after birth) or rescue treatment (given to those with established RDS within 12 hours

of life). Early rescue is defined as the administration of surfactant within the first 2

hours of life; late rescue is defined as treatment after more than 2 hours of life.

Theoretically, the first dose of surfactant should be given before the newborn’s first

breath or before positive-pressure ventilation.

10 This would avoid the early lung

injury in RDS that can interfere with surfactant distribution, bioavailability, and

effectiveness. This strategy, however, increases the cost of care because newborns

that might never experience RDS would be intubated and treated unnecessarily. In

addition, delivery room treatment may interfere with resuscitation and stabilization of

the neonate.


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