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Testicular Size and Aging

Testicular size decreases with age; however, the testicular degeneration is sporadic,

thereby allowing most elderly men to maintain a normal or slightly decreased sperm


200 Overall, spermatogenesis decreases and is accompanied by an increase in

serum concentration of FSH. FSH elevation correlates well with a decline in the

number of Sertoli cells that secrete inhibin. Inhibin normally decreases FSH.



As a result of primary or secondary hypogonadism in the elderly male, available

testosterone declines. Approximately 60% to 75% of circulating serum testosterone

is bound to a β-globulin known as sex hormone-binding globulin or testosteronebinding globulin. Approximately 20% to 40% of testosterone is bound to serum

albumin, and 1% to 2% is unbound, or free. The unbound portion of testosterone is

the only active portion of the total serum testosterone concentration. Testosterone

serum concentrations are 20% higher in the morning than in the evening, and this

should be taken into consideration when evaluating laboratory results. In virtually all

cases of ED, the serum concentration of testosterone should be measured in the


Testosterone production is regulated by feedback with the hypothalamus and

pituitary. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in

response to low testosterone levels. GnRH induces the pituitary to secrete LH and

FSH, which in turn stimulates the Leydig cells of the testes to secrete testosterone.

Less than 10% of cases of ED studied are caused strictly by hypogonadism.

138,203 The

role of testosterone in ED is complex. After testosterone production decreases,

libido eventually declines and precedes the decrease in frequency of erections.


Men given antiandrogens maintain their erectile capacity but have a decreased


205 On the other hand, high dosages of androgens given to hypogonadal men

increase both the frequency of erections and libido.


It would seem reasonable to

postulate that at physiologic levels, testosterone modulates the cognitive processes

associated with sexual arousal more than it contributes to erectile capability.

Endocrine Disorders

Many endocrine disorders can result in ED. Patients with prolactinomas commonly

have ED, but prolactinomas account for less than 1% of ED cases.

169 Prolactin

inhibits the release of testosterone, resulting in secondary hypogonadism.

Hyperprolactinemia may be more prevalent in diabetic patients.


In the elderly,

however, hyperprolactinemia often is secondary to the use of medications. F.M.’s

serum prolactin level is elevated, most likely because of his diabetes mellitus.

In summary, aged men have a decrease in testosterone because of defects in

testicular and hypothalamic–pituitary function. Secondary hypogonadism in elderly

men is common, and the point at which this becomes pathologic has not yet been

established. Correspondingly, the use of hormonal therapy to treat physiologic

secondary hypogonadism is extremely controversial. Therefore, the gonadal function

tests for F.M. are normal for his age and do not provide an explanation for his ED.


CASE 109-4, QUESTION 5: Is it likely that a medication is causing F.M.’s ED?

Several general statements can be made regarding sexual function and medications.

Drugs that affect libido generally have a central mode of action. For example,

medications that block central dopamine transmission can decrease libido, and

opiates have an antiandrogen effect.

176 Drugs that alter hemodynamics may interfere

with erection. Excessive sympathetic tone is thought to cause the “steal syndrome,”

which increases blood flow to muscles, drawing blood away from the erectile


165 Drugs that block the peripheral sympathetic system can cause retrograde

ejaculation or no ejaculation at all. Numerous drugs have been associated with

altered sexual function (Table 109-6).


Few studies exist in the literature solely devoted to drug-induced ED or sexual


187,188 A few studies and review articles, however, list medications as

one of many potential causes for ED.


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p. 2264

Most studies documenting drug-induced ED have been subjective and based on

case reports, uncontrolled studies, and clinical impressions. The MMAS reported

that ED was statistically correlated with antihypertensive, vasodilator, cardiac, and

hypoglycemic drugs. The probability of moderate as well as complete ED was

particularly high for vasodilator drugs.

136 Although the MMAS is one of the most

well-designed studies to date, the medications reported are not considered to be the

universe of all medications associated with ED. Diagnosis of drug-induced sexual

dysfunction should be restricted to a reproducible dose-related effect that disappears

on discontinuation of the drug.

146 A much larger survey of a controlled study in a

clinical population would be required to establish any suspect medication as

causative, rather than temporal.

F.M.’s sexual dysfunction (e.g., loss of interest in sexual activity and ED) is not

caused by his current drug regimen, ramipril, and glipizide. Although the MMAS


reported a correlation between the use of antihypertensives and hypoglycemic drugs

with ED, clinicians must look at the individual drugs themselves and the conditions

for which they are prescribed. Sexual dysfunction is not likely to occur with ramipril,

or any of the other angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or with the

hypoglycemic agent glyburide. Although ramipril is an antihypertensive, its

pharmacologic effects do not contribute to a decline in libido or cause ED (an

advantage that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have compared with other

antihypertensive medications). Similarly, the pharmacologic action of glipizide does

not contribute to F.M.’s decreased libido or ED. In most sexual dysfunction cases, it

is less likely that the medication is the direct cause of the problem; rather, it is the

medical condition for which the drugs were prescribed. The ability of a drug to

induce sexual dysfunction simply is an extension of its pharmacologic actions. As a

general rule, drugs that manipulate the sympathetic or the parasympathetic system,

both centrally and peripherally, are associated with sexual dysfunction.

CASE 109-4, QUESTION 6: What factors most likely are contributing to F.M.’s ED?

F.M. is a patient with hypertension and diabetes who smokes cigarettes. Those

three factors are more likely to be the cause of F.M.’s sexual dysfunction than are his

medications. Diabetes mellitus is the most common hormonal disorder associated

with ED in the elderly population.

195 The continued loss of interest in sexual activity

experienced by F.M. most likely is the result of having experienced ED during past

and present sexual events.

F.M.’s subjective and objective findings are common among elderly men. His

sexual dysfunction is caused by atherosclerosis and possible neuropathy secondary to

diabetes mellitus. Because cigarette smoking is no doubt contributing to F.M.’s ED,

cessation should be encouraged; some improvement can be expected.

165 There is no

need to alter F.M.’s drug regimen.


CASE 109-4, QUESTION 7: What are the primary therapeutic considerations for F.M.?

Essentially, there are three levels to the management of ED. Level 1 includes

lifestyle and drug therapy modifications. Specifically, the patient should be instructed

to modify smoking and alcohol use. The patient’s drug regimen should be checked

periodically to ensure that drugs associated with ED are not being prescribed. If

necessary, psychosocial counseling should be provided. After careful consideration,

oral medications for management of ED should be instituted. If level 1 therapies have

failed or are not acceptable to the patient, then level 2 therapy is instituted. These

interventions include a vacuum constriction device to elicit an erection,

intracavernosal injections, or transurethral inserts. Level 3 management involves

placement of a penile prosthesis.


Any therapy directed at male sexual dysfunction must include the elimination of drugs

causing adverse sexual effects. Drug therapy is directed primarily toward treatment

of ED and includes hormonal therapy, bromocriptine, prostaglandin E1

, sildenafil,

tadalafil, vardenafil, avanafil, and apomorphine.

Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors

CASE 109-4, QUESTION 8: Would phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor therapy be appropriate for F.M.? What

are its side effects and contraindications? Does it interact with other drugs?

F.M. has diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis and therefore is a candidate for

treatment with a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor.

210 These agents are orally

active and selective inhibitors of cyclic guanosine monophosphate-specific PDE-5,

the predominant phosphodiesterase isoenzyme metabolizing cyclic guanosine

monophosphate in the corpus cavernosum. They facilitate an erection in response to

sexual stimulation by enhancing the nitric oxide-induced relaxation of corpus

cavernosal smooth muscle. The results of double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical

trials in men with ED of various causes have demonstrated that PDE-5 inhibitors

significantly improve erectile function and the rate of successful sexual intercourse,

with therapeutic outcomes approaching those of normal men of the same age.


F.M. should be counseled on the adverse effects of PDE-5 inhibitors. The

vasodilating action of PDE-5 inhibitors affects both the arteries and the veins, so the

most common side effects are headache and facial flushing.

214 PDE-5 inhibitors cause

a small decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures, but clinically

significant hypotension is rare. Studies of PDE-5 inhibitors and nitrates taken

together show much greater drops in blood pressure. For that reason, PDE-5

inhibitors are contraindicated in patients taking long-acting nitrates or short-acting

nitrate-containing medications.


In phase II/III studies before US Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) approval, more than 3,700 patients received sildenafil and

almost 2,000 received placebo in double-blind and open-label studies.

Approximately 25% of patients had hypertension and were taking antihypertensive

medications, and 17% were diabetic. In these studies, the incidence of serious

cardiovascular adverse effects was similar in the double-blind sildenafil group, the

double-blind placebo group, and the open-label group. Twenty-eight patients had

experienced a myocardial infarction. When adjusted for patient-years of exposure, no

significant differences were seen in the myocardial infarction rates between the

sildenafil and the placebo group, and no deaths were attributed to sildenafil.



an analysis of 67 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of sildenafil, the overall

frequency of death was comparable between the sildenafil-treated patients (13 of

8,691; 0.15%) and placebo group (7 of 6,602; 0.11%).

217 Nevertheless, several

deaths caused by myocardial infarction or arrhythmia have been associated with the

use of sildenafil.

218 Deaths associated with sildenafil (and presumably other PDE-5

inhibitors) are most likely caused by increased cardiac workload in patients with

unstable angina.


Transient visual anomalies (mostly blue-green color-tinged objects, increased

sensitivity to light, and blurred vision) have been reported in patients taking PDE-5

inhibitors, especially at higher dosages. These visual effects appear to be related to

the weaker inhibiting action of PDE-5 inhibitors on the enzyme phosphodiesterase-6,

which regulates signal transduction pathways

p. 2264

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in the retinal photoreceptors. In patients with inherited disorders of retinal

phosphodiesterase-6, such as retinitis pigmentosa, PDE-5 inhibitors should be

administered with extreme caution. In 2005, the FDA recommended that all PDE-5

inhibitors include a precaution in their labeling regarding the risk of nonarteritic

anterior ischemic optic neuropathy as a cause of decreased vision including

permanent vision loss. There have been only a handful of reports of nonarteritic

anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in postmarketing surveillance, and most patients

had underlying risk factors.

220 Clinicians should advise patients to discontinue the use

of all PDE-5 inhibitors and seek medical attention in the event of sudden vision loss

in one or both eyes.

The vasodilator actions of nitrates are profoundly amplified with concomitant use

of PDE-5 inhibitors. This interaction likely applies to all nitrates and nitric oxide

donors, regardless of their predominant hemodynamic site of action. They also may

potentiate the inhaled form of nitrate, such as amyl nitrite, and therefore are

contraindicated in patients using this product. Dietary sources of nitrates, nitrites, and

L-arginine (the substrate from which nitric oxide is synthesized) do not contribute to

the circulating levels of nitric oxide in humans and, therefore, are unlikely to interact

with PDE-5 inhibitors. The anesthetic agent, nitrous oxide, is eliminated unchanged

from the body, mostly via the lungs, within minutes of inhalation. It does not form

nitric oxide in the human body and does not itself activate guanylate cyclase. As such,

no contraindication exists to its use after administration of PDE-5 inhibitors. The

concomitant use of nitrates and the PDE-5 inhibitors is contraindicated although some

differences in the nitrate-free period do exist based on the pharmacokinetic profile of

the PDE-5 inhibitor. After 24 hours, the administration of nitrates can once again be

considered in patients using vardenafil and sildenafil; however, this should be

extended to 48 hours in patients using tadalafil and can be shortened to 12 hours with


CASE 109-4, QUESTION 9: Which PDE-5 inhibitor should be recommended for F.M.?


The typical dose of sildenafil is 50 mg orally, taken 1 hour before sexual activity.

However, it may be taken anywhere from 4 hours to 30 minutes before sexual

activity. The maximal recommended dosing frequency is once per day. The following

factors are associated with increased plasma levels of sildenafil: age older than 65

years (40% increase in area under the curve), hepatic impairment (e.g., cirrhosis,

80% increase), severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 mL/minute, 100%

increase), and concomitant use of potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., erythromycin,

ketoconazole, itraconazole, 200% increase). Because higher plasma levels may

increase both the efficacy and the incidence of adverse events, a starting dose of 25

mg should be considered in these patients. The dose may be increased to 100 mg.

Because F.M. is older than 65 years of age, he should be started on 25-mg tablets of

sildenafil. The dose may be increased under strict supervision.

Sildenafil is metabolized by both the CYP2C9 pathway and the CYP3A4 pathway.

Thus, inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme, such as erythromycin or cimetidine, may

lead to competitive inhibition of its metabolism; however, CYP3A4 is a highcapacity pathway. The effects of erythromycin or cimetidine on the half-life and

physiologic effects of sildenafil are not known, but clinicians should be warned

about the potential interaction.

Inadequate physical sexual stimulation while using any of the PDE-5 inhibitors can

lead to treatment failure. Adequate sexual stimulation is needed to trigger the events

leading to erection.

221 PDE-5 inhibitors cannot initiate an erection; they can only

assist in the process. Some patients may need several attempts at sexual stimulation

before they are successful with intercourse.


Similar to sildenafil, tadalafil is a selective inhibitor of PDE-5. Tadalafil has several

times more affinity for PDE-5 than sildenafil.

222 Tadalafil and vardenafil, however,

have minimal or no effect on visual disturbance (impairment of blue-green color

discrimination), which is a well-recognized side effect of sildenafil.

223 Tadalafil’s

extended half-life of 17.5 hours relative to sildenafil most likely precludes its use in

patients with angina or hypertension. Tadalafil is metabolized by the hepatic

CYP3A4 isozyme. Food has no effect on the oral absorption of tadalafil in contrast to

sildenafil (bioavailability decreased by 29%). Tadalafil may be advantageous in a

subset of patients, based on its shorter onset of action (16 minutes) and 24-hour

duration of action.

224 Specifically, patients with psychogenic or neurogenic ED and

those with stable cardiovascular systems may prefer tadalafil because it offers the

potential for multiple sessions of intercourse with a single daily dose.


Vardenafil is the third FDA-approved oral PDE-5 inhibitor for treatment of ED. The

warnings regarding the use of nitrates while taking vardenafil are similar to the

warnings for sildenafil. Patients using vardenafil may experience headache, flushing,

or rhinitis; the incidence of these side effects is dose related.

225 Vardenafil is

metabolized by the hepatic CYP3A4 isozyme and has a reported half-life of 5


226 Thus, drugs known to inhibit the CYP3A4 isozyme have the potential to

prolong its half-life. Vardenafil 10 mg does not impair the ability of patients with

stable coronary artery disease to exercise at levels equivalent to or greater than that

attained during sexual intercourse.



Avanafil is a new PDE-5 inhibitor with enhanced PDE-5 selectivity which may

translate to fewer side effects due to less selectivity for non-PDE-5 isoenzymes,

found in the heart, retina, and skeletal muscle. The starting dose is 50 mg and should

be taken 30 minutes before sexual activity whereas the 100- to 200-mg doses can be

taken 15 minutes before. It has a similar half-life to sildenafil and vardenafil and is

rapidly absorbed following administration. Side effects and contraindications for

avanafil are similar to the other PDE-5 inhibitors.


F.M. has hypertension that most likely would be affected by tadalafil; therefore,

extreme caution is advised. Perhaps, the shorter-acting sildenafil, vardenafil, or

avanafil would be the PDE-5 inhibitor drug of choice for F.M.


CASE 109-4, QUESTION 10: Should F.M. be treated with testosterone?

Primary hypogonadism with severely deficient serum levels of bioavailable

testosterone is the only appropriate indication for the use of androgen hormone


169 The goal of androgen-replacement therapy is to restore potency and libido

by maintaining normal serum levels of testosterone.

229 Testosterone has no benefit in

the treatment of eugonadal or mildly hypogonadal elderly men and actually may

enhance the growth of undiagnosed adenocarcinoma of the prostate or cause further



In eugonadal men, testosterone enhances the rigidity of the erection, but does

not change the penile circumference.

230 F.M. would not be a candidate for

testosterone therapy.

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p. 2266

CASE 109-4, QUESTION 11: Which type of patient would benefit from testosterone therapy?

Unless testosterone deficiency is severe, (free testosterone serum levels less than

7 to 8 pg/mL) testosterone replacement therapy will not improve the success rate of


231 Testosterone replacement in patients with primary hypogonadism

generally restores libido and potency. In some patients with secondary hypogonadism

caused by disorders of the hypothalamus or pituitary, GnRH analogs can be

administered to differentiate between hypothalamic and pituitary abnormalities and to

correct testosterone deficiency.

229 Libido and potency then are restored.

CASE 109-4, QUESTION 12: How should testosterone be used as a treatment for ED?

Testosterone-replacement therapy is available in several formulations, including

gels, transdermal patches, and intramuscular injection. Because of poor drug

bioavailability, oral testosterone-replacement therapy is less effective than

parenteral testosterone in achieving normal serum testosterone levels. Oral

administration also is associated with a higher incidence of hepatotoxicity and

adverse serum lipid effects.

143,174 A long-acting testosterone intramuscular

formulation, such as the enanthate or cypionate ester, is still considered the regimen

of choice for the treatment of primary hypogonadism. A dose of 50 to 400 mg should

be administered intramuscularly every 2 to 4 weeks. Side effects of testosterone

therapy include early gynecomastia, increases in hematocrit (sometimes to the point

of polycythemia), and fluid retention that may worsen hypertension or heart failure.

Results of several studies have demonstrated that serum testosterone levels are

normalized while using transdermal testosterone applications.

175,232–234 The system

normalizes DHT to testosterone ratios and reduces LH levels toward the normal

range. The transdermal testosterone is well tolerated, with application site reactions

such as pruritus, burn-like blisters, and erythema being the most commonly reported

event. The adhesive side of the patch should be applied to a clean, dry area of the

skin on the back, abdomen, upper arms, or thighs. The patient should be instructed to

avoid application over bony prominences or on a part of the body that may be subject

to prolonged pressure during sleep or sitting (e.g., the deltoid region of the upper

arm, the greater trochanter of the femur, and the ischial tuberosity); do not apply to

the scrotum. The sites of application should be rotated, with an interval of 7 days

between applications to the same site. The area selected should not be oily, damaged,

or irritated.

Topical testosterone gel should be applied once daily in the morning to clean, dry

skin. Depending on the specific product, it can be applied to the upper arms,

shoulders, thighs, or abdomen. A topical solution for application to the axilla is also

available. The dose can be as high as 100 mg/24 hours. After the gel or solution has

dried on the site of application, it should be protected with clothing to prevent

transfer to a nonuser. The patient should wash his hands after application.

Commonly reported adverse effects in chronic users include acne, edema,

gynecomastia, and dermatologic reactions to injections or transdermal applications

of testosterone. The most serious risk of prolonged testosterone use is prostate

carcinoma, although the association between high concentrations of testosterone and

the risk of prostate carcinoma is controversial.

235–237 Three studies suggest that

testosterone-replacement therapy is relatively safe in hypogonadism.

238–240 Baseline

assessment of the prostate should be done before starting testosterone-replacement

therapy. This should consist of a TRUS, digital palpation of the prostate gland, and

analysis of the PSA, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels.


CASE 109-4, QUESTION 13: Because F.M.’s prolactin serum concentration is 28 ng/mL, should

bromocriptine be prescribed to decrease his hyperprolactinemia and treat his ED?

Hyperprolactinemia may be treated with the ergot alkaloid bromocriptine, which

works as a dopamine agonist to inhibit prolactin secretion. Even with normalization

of prolactin levels, approximately 50% of elderly male patients are unable to achieve

erectile function and desire.

174,229 Bromocriptine therapy may be initiated with twicedaily 1.25-mg doses taken with meals to minimize gastrointestinal upset. Thereafter,

doses may be increased weekly, at a rate of no more than 2.5 mg/day. Adverse events

associated with bromocriptine are nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, hypotension, and

cerebrovascular accidents.

143,229 For those who fail bromocriptine, cabergoline is a

reasonable alternative given once or twice a week with good efficacy and a lower

incidence of nausea.


F.M. is not a candidate for treatment with bromocriptine because he does not have

secondary hypogonadism, and his ED probably is secondary to atherosclerosis

associated with his hypertension, diabetes, and cigarette smoking. Furthermore, the

elevation of F.M.’s serum prolactin concentration is not significant enough to warrant

drug therapy. Medication-induced hyperprolactinemia is usually associated with

prolactin levels ranging from 25 to 100 μg/L, but metoclopramide, risperidone, and

phenothiazines can lead to prolactin levels exceeding 200 μg/L by way of dopamine


241 Verapamil can cause hyperprolactinemia presumably by blocking

hypothalamic dopamine, and opiates and cocaine can induce it through the μreceptor.

241 Usually prolactin will normalize 3 days following discontinuation of the

offending medication, however this patient is not on any medications that can induce

hyperprolactinemia. Because the response rate to bromocriptine in elderly men is

50% (or less), the risk of adverse reactions (e.g., dyskinesia, dizziness,

hallucinations, dystonia, confusion, cerebrovascular accidents) outweighs the benefit

of this dopamine agonist therapy.

CASE 109-4, QUESTION 14: What other drug therapy is available for F.M.?

Before the advent of the PDE-5 inhibitors, intracavernosal and intraurethral

prostaglandin E1

(alprostadil) administration was the only nonsurgical option for ED.

Alprostadil causes direct vascular smooth muscle relaxation allowing blood flow

and entrapment in penis. Less invasive than intracavernosal injections, alprostadil

intraurethral pellet is inserted, as semisolid gel form, through the urethral opening of

the penis 5 to 10 minutes before sex and works for up to one hour. However, it is less

effective and not recommended with pregnant partners.


Intracavernosal injections

are given at the base of the penis 10 to 20 minutes before sex and were effective in

87 percent of cases in one clinical trial.

243 Phentolamine, papaverine, and vasoactive

intestinal peptide are also available for intracavernosal injection, but are not FDAapproved. Adverse events from intracavernosal therapies include priapism, pain at

the injection site, and penile fibrosis after long-term use. Topical alprostadil cream

has also shown efficacy in 74% of patients but is not currently available in the US.



A full list of references for this chapter can be found at Below are the key references and websites for this

chapter, with the corresponding reference number in this chapter found in parentheses

after the reference.

p. 2266

p. 2267

Key References

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Tsertsvadze A et al. Oral phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors and hormonal treatments for erectile dysfunction: a

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Wagg A et al. Urinary incontinence in frail elderly persons: Report from the 5th International Consultation on

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Key Websites

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Effective Health Care Program: Non-surgical Treatments for

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American College of Physicians releases new recommendations for treating urinary incontinence in women. Accessed June 18, 2015.

American Urological Association Guideline: Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Accessed June 18, 2015.

American Urological Association. Clinical Guideline on the Management of Erectile Dysfunction. Accessed June 18, 2015.

National Association for Continence.

Simon Foundation for Continence.



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