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It is the most common extracranial tumor during

childhood, representing 7% of all childhood cancers. The median age at diagnosis

p. 2002

p. 2003

is 19 months; 36% occur in children younger than 1 year of age and 89% before 5

years of age.

14 Of neuroblastomas, 65% are abdominal (half of these adrenal) and

20% are thoracic.

14 The majority of children older than 1 year of age at diagnosis

have metastatic disease at diagnosis. Lower-risk patients, which mostly includes

infants with stage 1, 2, or 4S, may have spontaneous remissions or at least a 75% to

greater than 90% 5-year event-free survival.


Intermediate-risk patients have a 50%

to 75% event-free survival, and high-risk patients a 19% to 42% 5-year event-free


16 With evolving therapies for high-risk patients (see below), survival may

be improved over these numbers.


Neural tumors related to neuroblastoma can be ganglioneuroma (benign) or

ganglioneuroblastoma (mixed benign and malignant) or pure neuroblastoma. At

biopsy, multiple specimens may be required to fully assess the malignant potential of

the tumor. As with other cancers, neuroblastoma results from the loss of cell-growth

control because of oncogene activation, tumor suppressor gene inactivation, and

related malignant processes. The association of MYCN oncogene amplification with

aggressive, poor-prognosis disease was the first key genetic alteration to be

identified. Recently, reports suggest that patients whose tumor is characterized by

hyperdiploidy with increases in whole chromosome copy number to approximately

triploidy generally have excellent outcomes, whereas segmental alterations of

chromosomes resulting in diploidy or tetraploidy are associated with poor


17,18 The latter includes loss of 1p or loss of heterozygosity at 11q, both of

which are being studied in current COG protocols as risk factors that may require

more aggressive treatments for patients otherwise categorized as intermediate-risk.

The explanations for these correlations are not clear, but this new biology may lead

to better understanding of this disease and its treatment.



Patients with neuroblastoma often present with a fixed, hard, abdominal mass noted

on physical examination by the family or physician, and possibly other signs or

symptoms, depending on the location of the primary tumor and metastases.

For example, gastrointestinal (GI) fullness, discomfort, or dysfunction can occur.

Other less common but characteristic signs include proptosis with periorbital

ecchymoses, increased renin hypertension, secretory diarrhea with increased

vasoactive intestinal peptide, respiratory distress, nerve root compression,

opsomyoclonus, and unilateral ptosis.

14 The most common sites of metastases are the

bone marrow, bone, liver, and skin.

14 Because bone marrow can be involved (distant

metastases), it is necessary to do a bone marrow aspirate to rule out bone marrow


A 123

I metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) test is an important diagnostic tool for

neuroblastoma because of its high uptake into the tumor tissue (including metastatic

sites). The catecholamine metabolites vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and

homovanillic acid (HVA) are elevated in the urine of 90% of patients with

neuroblastoma and are also useful in diagnosis.

14 Because infants have a better

prognosis than older children with neuroblastoma, efforts have been made to screen

infants using urinary concentrations of VMA and HVA.

19 To date, these efforts have

resulted in the diagnosis of more infants with good-risk disease but have not reduced

the number of older children diagnosed with poor-risk disease. This is thought to

reflect two distinct types of biology: a relatively benign biology in infants and a

relatively malignant biology in patients older than 12 to 18 months old.

Table 95-2

International Neuroblastoma Staging System (Abbreviated)

Stage 1 Local tumor with complete gross excision

Stage 2A Unilateral localized tumor with incomplete gross excision

Stage 2B Unilateral localized tumor, complete or incomplete excision, with ipsilateral non-adherent

lymph node spread

Stage 3 Involves both sides of the midline

Stage 4 Distant lymph node or organ involvement

Stage 4S Infants younger than 1 year of age with localized primary tumor (stage 1 or 2) with

dissemination limited to liver, skin, or less than 10% of bone marrow

Source: National Cancer Institute PDQ® Neuroblastoma Treatment. Bethesda, Maryland: National Cancer

Institute. Date last modified 12/15/2014. Accessed May 14,


A simplified description of the international staging system is shown in Table 95-

2. Twenty percent (20%) of infants (<1 year) and 59% of children have stage 4

disease at the time of diagnosis. A newer staging system has been designed by the

International Neuroblastoma Risk Group task force, but it is only used in the most

recent COG protocols. The new system has the designations L1, L2, M, and MS. M

and MS are the same as International Neuroblastoma Risk Group stages 4 and 4S. L1

and L2 are more localized disease and are differentiated by a list of “image-defined

risk factors.”


A large number of prognostic factors have been identified and are discussed


14,19 Patients are currently stratified for treatment based on age, stage,

MYCN amplification, histology, and diploidy, or by the new staging system with

good or bad genomics and histology. COG guidelines divide low-risk and

intermediate-risk patients into four groups for the purpose of assigning treatments

(Table 95-3).


Infants have better outcomes than older children for the same stage of

disease and low-stage infants have a significant incidence of spontaneous regression

or regression with minimal treatment.



In current US clinical trials, patients with low-risk disease are typically treated with

observation or surgery (groups 1 and 2, Table 95-3). Progression or recurrence may

be treated with surgery, unless disease is unresectable, in which case chemotherapy

is used. Two to four courses of chemotherapy may be used with initial surgery if

organ-threatening symptoms are present. Intermediate-risk disease is treated with

surgery and four to eight courses of chemotherapy (groups 3 and 4, Table 95-3, and

chemotherapy in Table 95-4) for favorable or unfavorable histology and ploidy.


Chemotherapy for patients with low-risk or intermediate-risk disease avoids

cisplatin to reduce nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, limits the total doxorubicin dose to

avoid cardiac toxicity, limits the total etoposide dose to reduce the risk of secondary

acute myelogenous leukemia, and avoids ifosfamide to eliminate Fanconi renal

syndrome. Radiation therapy is used only for poor responders.

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Table 95-3

Example of Children’s Oncology Group Neuroblastoma Risk Groups and

Treatment for Low-Risk, Intermediate-Risk, and High-Risk Patients

Low-Risk; Surgery and Observation

Allstage 1 patients

Patients with stages 2A or 2B, >50% resected and MYCN not amplified


Infants with 4S with MYCN not amplified, favorable histology, and hyperdiploidy

Low-Risk, Group 2; Receive 2 Cycles of Chemotherapy with Surgery

Stage 2A/2B, <50% resected, or biopsy only and MYCN not amplified

Infants with Stage 3 or symptomatic 4S, MYCN not amplified, favorable histology, and hyperdiploid; increase

one group if loss of heterozygosity at 1p or 11q

Stage 3, >1 year old, MYCN not amplified, favorable histology

Intermediate-Risk, Group 3; 4 Cycles of Chemotherapy with Surgerya

Infants with stage 3, MYCN not amplified, and diploidy or unfavorable histology

Stage 4, up to 18 months old, MYCN not amplified (good genomics)

Infants with stages 4S and MYCN not amplified, and either diploidy or unfavorable histology

Intermediate-Risk, Group 4; 8 Cycles of Chemotherapy with Surgery

Infants with stage 4S, unknown biology

Infants with stage 4, MYCN not amplified, with diploidy or unfavorable histology

Stage 3, up to 18 months old, MYCN not amplified and unfavorable histology


Biopsy, 5–6 cycles of chemotherapy, followed by definitive surgery, high-dose chemotherapy with autologous

progenitor cell rescue, radiation to the primary site, and maintenance therapy.

Induction chemotherapy: Vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide for cycles 1, 2, 4, and 6; cisplatin and

etoposide for cycles 3 and 5.

Consolidation: high-dose chemotherapy (carboplatin, etoposide, and melphalan) followed by autologous progenitor

cell rescue.

Maintenance therapy: 6 cycles of isotretinoin (2 weeks on; 2 weeks off for each cycle) concurrent with 5 cycles

of dinutuximab with GM-CSF on cycles 1, 3, 5 or interleukin-2 on cycles 2 and 4.


MYCN amplified and not included in previous groups.

Consult current protocols as classifications and treatment recommendations are changing rapidly. Typical

correlations with the newer staging terminology: L1 and MS patients with good genomics would be in the low-risk

group; L2 patients with good genomics would be in the intermediate-risk group but bad genomics in the high-risk

group; MS patients with good genomics would be lower risk or with bad genomics would be high risk; M patients

would be in the high risk unless they are less than 18 months old with good genomics. See Table 95-4 for details of

chemotherapy regimens in low-risk and intermediate-risk patients.

aMYCN is an oncogene that is associated with more aggressive higher-risk neuroblastomas.

bGM-CSF is granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor.

Sources: Brodeur GM et al. Neuroblastoma. In: Pizzo PA, Poplack DG, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric

Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010:886; National Cancer Institute PDQ®

Neuroblastoma Treatment. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Date last modified 12/15/2014. Accessed May 14,


Therapy for high-risk disease generally involves a first surgery for biopsy,

aggressive chemotherapy, second-look surgery for residual tumor resection, either

additional aggressive chemotherapy or high-dose chemotherapy with autologous

progenitor cell rescue, radiation to the tumor bed, and maintenance therapy (Table


16,19 High-dose chemotherapy with autologous progenitor cell rescue raised 5-

year, disease progression–free survival to 49% from historic values of 10% to 20%;

however, relapses can occur later with 7-year disease progression–free survival of

only 26%.

22,23 Survival can be improved (46% vs. 29% 5-year post-chemotherapy

disease-free survival) for patients with higher-risk disease if standard-dose or highdose chemotherapy is followed by maintenance with six cycles of isotretinoin 80

mg/m2 given orally twice daily for 14 days of each 28-day cycle.

22 Addition of the

anti-GD2 monoclonal antibody, dinutuximab (ch14.18), along with interleukin-2 and

granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), to the maintenance

regimen has been shown to further increase survival.

24 Typical conditioning regimens

preceding autologous progenitor cell rescue include carboplatin and etoposide with

either cyclophosphamide or melphalan, or thiotepa and cyclophosphamide.


CASE 95-1

QUESTION 1: H.K. is a 2-year-old girl with a 3-month history of constipation and progressive abdominal

distension. She has a decreased appetite, 1-week history of vomiting, and she is pale and tired. She has a large

retroperitoneal mass and multiple bilateral enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. Her WBC count, differential and

platelets are within normal limits. Serum sodium, potassium, chloride, creatinine, and glucose are within normal

limits. Her laboratory test results also include the following:

Hemoglobin (Hgb), 5.1 g/dL (normal, 11–14 g/dL)

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 424 units/L

Albumin, 2.3 g/dL

Urine HVA, 570 mg/g creatinine (normal, <26 mg/g)

Urine VMA, 31 mg/g creatinine (normal, <11 mg/g)

Biopsies of the abdominal mass and bone marrow are positive for neuroblastoma cells that are MYCN

amplified. The lymph nodes are negative for neuroblastoma. Scans are negative for other sites of disease.

Which of these signs, symptoms, and laboratory results are consistent with a diagnosis of neuroblastoma?

Table 95-4

Typical Cycles of Chemotherapy Used in Children’s Oncology Group Low-Risk

and Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma


a Drugs

1 Carboplatin, etoposide

2 Carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin

3 Cyclophosphamide, etoposide

4 Carboplatin, doxorubicin, etoposide

5 Cyclophosphamide, etoposide

6 Carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin

7 Carboplatin, etoposide

8 Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin

aEach row represents a single 21-day cycle of therapy. Generally, the first four cycles are used in patients at

intermediate risk with favorable histology disease, and all eight for patients with unfavorable histology. Patients at

low risk whose disease is potentially organ-threatening may receive the first two to four cycles plus surgery. See

Table 95-3 for common chemotherapy guidelines for neuroblastoma patients.

Source: Brodeur GM et al. Neuroblastoma. In: Pizzo PA, Poplack DG, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric

Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010:886; National Cancer Institute PDQ®

Neuroblastoma Treatment. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Date last modified 12/15/2014. Accessed May 14,


Virtually all of H.K.’s findings are consistent with neuroblastoma. The low

hemoglobin and albumin and high LDH, however, are not specific for this cancer. In

addition to the biopsy, the elevated urine VMA and HVA are most helpful in

confirming the diagnosis of neuroblastoma. In H.K., biopsies of the bone marrow,

lymph nodes, and primary tumor were necessary to demonstrate the presence or

absence of neuroblastoma at more than one site for staging purposes.


CASE 95-1, QUESTION 2: What stage of disease does H.K. have? What treatment willshe receive?

H.K.’s abdominal disease with distant bone marrow involvement indicates stage 4

(or M) disease. Considering her age and disease stage, H.K. has a high risk of dying

from her disease. Her MYCN also was amplified. Therefore, she is started on

chemotherapy consisting of vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide for

cycles 1, 2, 4, and 6, and cisplatin and etoposide for cycles 3 and 5.

CASE 95-1, QUESTION 3: H.K. is 81.5 cm tall, weighs 11.65 kg, and has a body surface area of 0.5 m



For her third chemotherapy cycle, consisting of cisplatin 50 mg/m


/day on days 1 through 4 and etoposide 200



/day on days 1 through 3, she is given hydration fluids of 5% dextrose with 0.45% sodium chloride at 62.5

mL/hour. Urine output is 4 mL/kg/hour. How does monitoring of H.K.’s chemotherapy differ from that of an


Monitoring Vital Signs for Etoposide

Although prevention and monitoring of toxicities from chemotherapy agents in

children follow the same basic rules as in adults, there are some differences. When

monitoring vital signs for hypotensive reactions to etoposide, normal blood pressure

will be lower (hypotension is defined as a systolic blood pressure under 74 mm Hg

for a 2-year-old girl) and the pulse higher (mean, 119 beats/minute for a 2-year-old)

than in adults.


It is important to have baseline vital signs so that hypotension or

tachycardia will be recognized.

Monitoring Hydration for Cisplatin

In adults receiving cisplatin, hydration is often standardized with 1 to 2 L of

intravenous (IV) fluids given before the drug, 1 to 2 L with the drug, and then

continuous hydration for at least 24 hours after the dose.


In children, hydration

volumes should be calculated based on the child’s size. To decrease the risk of

cisplatin nephrotoxicity, most pediatric protocols recommend IV fluids at twice

maintenance rates to maintain urine outputs of at least 2 to 3 mL/kg/hour. The COG

calculates maintenance fluids as 1,500 mL/m2

/24 hours, so H.K. should receive

3,000 mL/0.5 m2 = 1,500 mL during 24 hours (62.5 mL/hour). H.K.’s measured urine

output is 4 mL/kg/hour, which should be adequate to prevent nephrotoxicity. Weight

should also be monitored throughout cisplatin administration to assure fluid balance.

Acute weight gain may require diuretics to prevent overhydration, and weight loss

may indicate dehydration with impending reduction of urine output that could lead to

acute nephrotoxicity. Increased IV fluids would help prevent the latter.

Adjustment of Creatinine Clearance to Adult Size

CASE 95-1, QUESTION 4: H.K.’s measured creatinine clearance (CrCl) is 39 mL/minute. Should her

cisplatin be withheld or the dose adjusted because of low creatinine clearance?

Cisplatin is either not administered or administered at a reduced dosage when the

creatinine clearance is less than 50 to 60 mL/minute/1.73 m2


27 Although H.K.’s

creatinine clearance of 39 mL/minute appears to be low, it is relative to the patient’s

size (i.e., 39 mL/minute/0.5 m2

). Guidelines for dosing drugs cleared by glomerular

filtration are based on creatinine clearance for normal adult body size, 1.73 m2


Therefore, it is important to correct H.K.’s creatinine clearance to adult body size.


Multiplying by 1.73/0.5, her creatinine clearance is 135 mL/minute/1.73 m2

, so this is

not a reason to withhold cisplatin. One precaution is that the accuracy of serum

creatinine and creatinine clearance in assessing renal function during cisplatin

therapy in children has been questioned.


Partial Response and Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Rescue

CASE 95-1, QUESTION 5: H.K. obtains a partial response to the aforementioned initial chemotherapy

regimen with reduction of urine VMA and HVA concentrations and a 50% decrease in the size of the primary

tumor in the abdomen. Second-look surgery is performed to debulk the tumor, and pathology results indicate that

the residual tumor contains 95% mature (benign) ganglioneuroma cells, but neuroblastoma cells are still present.

What further treatment has the most potential benefit for H.K.?

The best chance for prolonged disease-free survival for H.K. is dose-intensive

chemotherapy combined with autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell rescue.

The regimen she is receiving was designed to be followed by high-dose

chemotherapy and stem cell rescue. The 2- to 3-year disease-free survival is better

with high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous progenitor cell


14,16,19,22,23 The plan for H.K. is to proceed to high-dose chemotherapy

(carboplatin, etoposide, and melphalan) with an autologous progenitor cell rescue. If

a complete response is achieved, she would then receive radiation to the bed of the

primary tumor, followed by 6 monthly cycles of isotretinoin (cis-retinoic acid) and 5

cycles of dinutuximab with granulocyte-macrophage colony

p. 2005

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stimulating factor (GM-CSF cycles 1, 3, 5) and interleukin-2 (cycles 2, 4). All

three of these treatments, dose-intensive chemotherapy with progenitor cell rescue,

isotretinoin, and the dinutuximab regimen, have been shown to independently

increase survival.

Further Treatments Based on Disease Biology

With rapid advances in neuroblastoma biology being made, future alternatives may

include more biologic treatments. One agent in clinical trials is



compound that delivers radiation directly to catecholamine-secreting cells such as

neuroblastoma. Studies have used


I-MIBG as part of the conditioning regimen

before progenitor cell rescue in patients with neuroblastoma.

30 Crizotinib, an

anaplastic lymphoma kinase receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has entered phase I–II

clinical trials in pediatric patients and shows some promise for a small percentage of

patients with neuroblastoma.


Wilms Tumor


Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is a kidney tumor composed of various

kidney cell types at different stages of maturation.

32 Approximately 5% of all

childhood cancers are Wilms tumor, making it the most common intra-abdominal

tumor of childhood.

1 The peak incidence occurs at 3 to 4 years of age.

32 Overall,

Wilms tumor has an excellent prognosis. Four-year relapse free survival is greater

than 50% for all categories of Wilms tumor except stage IV with diffuse anaplasia.

For low-stage patients, 4-year relapse-free survival is generally greater than 86%.


Histology is the most important indicator of likely outcomes with diffuse anaplasia

being distinctly worse than either focal anaplasia or favorable histology.

The relationship of genetic factors to Wilms tumor is demonstrated by the

approximately 1.5% of patients with Wilms tumor who have family members with the

disease and the approximately 10% who have aniridia, hemihypertrophy, or

genitourinary anomalies.

32,33 Chromosomal aberrations at 11p13 and 11p15, known

respectively as WT1 and WT2, and WTX on the X chromosome, are associated with

nonfamilial Wilms tumor. Genes at these sites are involved with normal development

of the urinary tract and other tissues involved in the anomalies. It is thought that the

relationship between congenital anomalies and Wilms tumor may relate to

methylation and inactivation of a set of neighboring genes involved with the two

medical conditions.

32 The familial syndrome is related to FWT1 (17q12-21) and

FWT2 (19q13.4), which have been identified more recently and about which less is


33 Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 1p and 16q correlates with increased risk

of recurrence in stage III or IV disease with favorable histology. Treatment

guidelines suggest increased chemotherapy for patients with these findings (Table



Patients with Wilms tumor frequently present with an asymptomatic abdominal mass,

although malaise and pain may be reported.

32 Hematuria and high renin hypertension

each occur in approximately 25% of patients. Metastases, when present at diagnosis,

most commonly involve the lungs (80%) or liver (15%).


Diagnosis of Wilms tumor is based on biopsy and computed tomography (CT) of

chest and abdomen to rule out metastatic disease. Treatment in the United States is

based mostly on disease stage after surgical resection or debulking and favorable

histology versus focal or diffuse anaplasia. Surgical resection is the primary

treatment, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy (Table 95-5). A simplified

description of the staging is as follows: stage I is limited to the kidney and can be

completely removed surgically; stage II is extended beyond the kidney but can be

completely excised; stage III is characterized by residual tumor confined to the

abdomen; stage IV is distant metastases; and stage V is bilateral disease.


Metastases are present in only 15% of patients at diagnosis, and even these patients

have relatively good prognoses. Notably, in Europe the majority of treatments use

neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery. The benefits and risks of each method

have been discussed elsewhere.

34 COG studies suggest surgery followed by adjuvant

chemotherapy except in stage V (bilateral disease), where neoadjuvant chemotherapy

is used in an attempt to preserve kidney function. Current protocols use newer

regimens and also examine the possibility of surgery without chemotherapy for some

very-low-risk patients.


Table 95-5

Wilms Tumor Treatment Regimens by Stage and Histology

Stage I, Any Histology, and Stage II, Favorable Histology

Surgery followed by 18 weeks of vincristine and dactinomycin. Add abdominal radiation for either focal or

diffuse anaplasia.


Stage III or IV, Favorable Histology; Stages II, III, or IV Focal Anaplasia

Surgery followed by 24 weeks of vincristine, dactinomycin, and doxorubicin, with abdominal radiation.

b Add

pulmonary radiation if chest CT (computed tomography) shows metastases, unless there is complete resolution

after chemotherapy.

Stages II through IV, Diffuse Anaplasia

Surgery followed by 24 weeks of vincristine, doxorubicin, etoposide, and cyclophosphamide with mesna, plus or

minus dactinomycin and carboplatin, abdominal radiation. Stage IV: Add pulmonary radiation if chest CT

(computed tomography) shows metastases, unless there is complete resolution after chemotherapy.

Stage V

Biopsy followed by neoadjuvant vincristine, dactinomycin, and doxorubicin, then complete resection or debulking

followed by more chemotherapy and, if a poor response, radiation therapy; more aggressive treatment if

unfavorable histology.

aStage I with tumor <550 g in a patient <24 months of age: surgery alone has been used investigationally with

some success.

bStage III or IV with favorable histology but loss of heterozygosity at 1p and 16q: higher risk, use vincristine,

dactinomycin, doxorubicin, plus outpatient cyclophosphamide and etoposide.

Source: National Cancer Institute: PDQ® Wilms tumor and other childhood kidney tumors treatment. Bethesda,

MD: National Cancer Institute. Date last modified August 15, 2014. Accessed May 14, 2015

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p. 2007


CASE 95-2

QUESTION 1: B.N. is a 34-month-old boy who is pale and irritable. He has had abdominal complaints with

decreased bowel movements and reduced oral intake for 2 weeks. He has played less than normal for the last 4

weeks. B.N.’s blood pressure has intermittently been as high as 146/87 mm Hg (normal, 90th percentile,

106/69). His laboratory results include the following:

Hgb, 7.9 g/dL (normal, 11.5–13.5)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 139 mm/hour (normal, <10)

B.N. has a history of hypospadias and left hydronephrosis. Scans show a right kidney mass extending

through the capsule plus two distant metastases in the peritoneum. Chest radiography shows one nodule in the

lung as well. Pathology from a biopsy sample shows favorable histology Wilms tumor. What treatment should

B.N. receive?

B.N. has stage IV disease with favorable histology and the cells are negative for loss

of heterozygosity at 1p and 16q. The expected treatment for him is 24 weeks of

vincristine, dactinomycin, and doxorubicin, assuming findings at surgery are

consistent with pretreatment scans. He will receive abdominal radiation; he would

also receive pulmonary radiation unless the lung metastases completely disappear

with chemotherapy. The series of five National Wilms Tumor studies have sought to

progressively minimize toxicities from radiation and chemotherapy while maintaining

the excellent cure rate. The fourth National Wilms Tumor Study Group (NWTS-4)

study demonstrated that intermittent, higher doses of dactinomycin allowed higher

dose intensity with less myelosuppression than lower doses given daily for 5 days.

Using greater dose intensity and dose density, 6 months of therapy was shown to be

as effective as 15 months of therapy given the traditional way.

35 Also, fewer clinic

visits were made and estimated costs were reduced by 50%.

35,36 The NWTS-5

evaluated surgery followed by 18 to 24 weeks of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy was

determined by the stage and histology findings (Table 95-5). Abdominal radiation

therapy was added to chemotherapy for stage II disease with unfavorable histology

(focal or diffuse anaplasia) or stages III or IV with any histology; pulmonary

radiation was added for stage IV disease if the chest radiograph was positive for

metastases. The latter part of the guideline has now changed to depend on whether or

not the pulmonary nodules clear with chemotherapy or not. For patients with stage V,

or those with inoperable tumors, surgery could be delayed until neoadjuvant

chemotherapy reduces the tumor size.

Dosing Chemotherapy in Infants and Young Children

CASE 95-2, QUESTION 2: Are there any special precautions for dosing chemotherapy in B.N.?

The NWTS-2 study noted an excessive number of toxic deaths in infants with good

prognosis, and this resulted in a dosing change.

37 After chemotherapy doses were

decreased by 50%, severe hematologic toxicity, toxic deaths, and pulmonary and

hepatic complications were reduced.


Importantly, no decrease in therapeutic effect

was noted. Reduction of chemotherapy doses in infants is a consideration for other

pediatric cancers as well.

39–41 Reasons for increased toxicity in infants may include

altered pharmacokinetics or organ sensitivity as well as the larger body surface

area/kilogram relative to older children and adults.


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