Furosemide, which increases renal prostaglandin synthesis, has been suggested to
help prevent indomethacin-associated renal toxicity. However, by increasing
prostaglandins, furosemide may theoretically decrease ductal closure. Currently,
studies do not support the routine use of furosemide in preterm neonates who receive
indomethacin for the treatment of PDA. Furosemide is also contraindicated in
In addition to monitoring renal function and serum
electrolytes, serum concentrations of aminoglycosides, digoxin, and other renally
eliminated drugs should be monitored carefully. Indomethacin therapy may decrease
renal drug clearance and cause accumulation of these agents, which may require a
A platelet count should also be obtained from T.S. before therapy because
indomethacin may decrease platelet aggregation. Thrombocytopenia (platelet count
<50,000/μL) is a contraindication to indomethacin therapy.
thrombocytopenia, indomethacin may be withheld temporarily until platelets can be
transfused. Other potential contraindications to indomethacin therapy include active
bleeding and clinical evidence of NEC because GI bleeding, perforation, and NEC
have been reported with indomethacin use.
49 These GI effects may be related to
decreases in intestinal blood flow usually seen with rapid IV infusions. Grades II to
IV IVH also are frequently quoted as contraindications to indomethacin therapy;
however, indomethacin treatment probably is not associated with progression of
IVH. In fact, prophylactic treatment with indomethacin may be associated with a
decrease in the incidence of severe IVH (grades III and IV).
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 7: When is the best time to initiate an NSAID for symptomatic treatment of
Conflicting data exist on when to initiate indomethacin or ibuprofen therapy for the
treatment of symptomatic PDA. Some centers may opt to treat within the first 2 to 3
days of life (early symptomatic PDA) when infants initially present with clinical
signs of PDA (i.e., murmur, widened pulse pressures, tachycardia). Others may not
treat until clinical signs of congestive heart failure are present (late symptomatic
50 Both treatment strategies (early and late) significantly
decrease the incidence of PDA, but both cause significant transient reduction of urine
output and SCr elevation. In some studies, infants receiving early treatment of
indomethacin had significant reductions in the incidence of BPD and NEC and the
In contrast, one study found that final PDA closure rates
treatment group, which may indicate unnecessary treatment in the early group. In
addition, renal adverse effects and ventilatory requirements were higher in the infants
60 Thus, early administration of indomethacin should not be used
routinely; however, it may be given to preterm neonates at high risk for having a large
PDA. Clinically, these recommendations can also be applied to ibuprofen. Because
T.S. is an ELBW neonate with RDS, she is at high risk for exhibiting a large PDA.
She also has clinical signs of a PDA and, thus, should be treated as soon as possible.
PDA. Current data include the following:
Why did PDA recur in T.S., and how should it be managed?
Successful closure of the PDA with indomethacin occurs in 70% to 90% of infants;
however, ductal reopening or recurrence can occur in 20% to 35% of infants who
initially respond to indomethacin.
indomethacin. Recurrence of PDA is inversely proportional to gestational age; the
incidence of ductal reopening is significantly higher in infants with 26 weeks’
gestational age or younger compared with infants born at 27 weeks’ gestation or
more (37% vs. 11%, respectively).
62 The higher recurrence in younger gestational
age neonates may be related to resumption of PGE2 production after indomethacin
serum concentrations decline and heightened sensitivity of the immature ductus
arteriosus to the dilating effects of PGE2
49,61 This is particularly important in
ventilator-dependent patients such as T.S. because mechanical ventilation increases
circulating vasodilating prostaglandins.
Furthermore, the rate of ductal reopening is independent of indomethacin serum
concentrations, but seems to be related to the timing of indomethacin therapy, PNA,
and the amount of fluid intake 24 hours before indomethacin treatment.
recurrence is lower in infants who were treated with indomethacin earlier in life
compared with those who receive treatment later.
49 Because anatomic closure of a
PDA may be delayed for a couple of weeks, it is not surprising that the ductus
arteriosus reopened in T.S. after her initial response to indomethacin.
Although controversial, prolonged indomethacin therapy may prevent recurrences
and allow for permanent closure of the ductus arteriosus. Several prolonged
treatment regimens have been successful in preventing ductal reopening.
regimen (indomethacin 0.2 mg/kg/dose IV every 12 hours for three doses, followed
by 0.2 mg/kg/dose every 24 hours for five doses) was able to significantly decrease
the recurrence of PDA from 47% to 10% in neonates less than 1,500 g without
increasing toxicity. The need for surgical ligation also was decreased significantly.
However, some studies report an increased mortality in infants receiving prolonged
therapy (5 to 7 days) compared with those receiving the short course (three doses).
Furthermore, a recent meta-analysis demonstrated that prolonged therapy (six to eight
doses) did not improve PDA closure, retreatment, reopening, or surgical ligation
rates. Although prolonged courses were shown to decrease transient renal
dysfunction, a significantly higher incidence of NEC was observed. Thus, the routine
use of prolonged courses of indomethacin is not currently recommended.
of prolonged therapy may be used. Individual patient response needs to be
considered, especially in ELBW neonates. The optimal duration of indomethacin
therapy and dosing regimen need to be identified.
T.S. remains ventilator-dependent and is at increased risk for exhibiting BPD.
Because she has no contraindications to indomethacin therapy, a second course of
indomethacin (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/dose every 12–24 hours for three to five doses) should
If the PDA fails to respond to this prolonged regimen or if it
recurs again after an initial response, and T.S. remains ventilator-dependent, surgical
ligation most likely will be required to permanently close the PDA.
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 9: Could prophylactic NSAID administration have prevented the development of a
Prophylactic indomethacin therapy is defined as the administration of
indomethacin within 24 hours of life to newborns who are at risk of experiencing a
64 However, routine prophylaxis would unnecessarily expose a
large number of newborns to indomethacin (and its adverse effects), because PDA
closure may occur spontaneously without treatment. Prophylactic use of indomethacin
has short-term benefits; it significantly decreases the incidence of PDA and IVH
(grades III and IV) and the need for PDA surgical ligation.
studies have not shown that prophylactic ductal closure with indomethacin decreases
the incidence of death, BPD, NEC, or neurodevelopmental disabilities. Additionally,
infants receiving prophylactic therapy have a higher incidence of severe oliguria or
64 Therefore, routine prophylactic administration is usually not
warranted. It may be considered, however, in some neonatal units that do not have
easy access to cardiac diagnostic and therapeutic services or that have a high
incidence of IVH. Typically, preterm neonates, particularly those at high risk for
experiencing a large PDA (e.g., ELBW neonates), are treated as soon as clinical
Prophylactic ibuprofen therapy (administered at <24 hours of life) significantly
decreases the incidence of PDA and the need for rescue pharmacologic treatment and
65 However, it does not appear to decrease BPD, IVH, NEC, or
mortality, and may increase the risk of renal dysfunction and sepsis. Because of the
lack of long-term follow-up studies with the current ibuprofen lysine product,
prophylactic ibuprofen therapy for the prevention of PDA is not recommended at this
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 10: During multidisciplinary NICU rounds, the advanced nurse practitioner
mentions that acetaminophen has been used to treat PDA and may be safer than NSAIDs. Should
The advanced nurse practitioner is partially correct and should be informed of the
following information. Several case reports suggest that acetaminophen may be used
for the treatment of PDA in neonates who fail or have contraindications to NSAID
66–68 Similar to NSAIDs, acetaminophen inhibits prostaglandin synthesis.
However, in contrast to NSAIDs that inhibit cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 (steps that
occur early in the synthesis of prostaglandins), acetaminophen is thought to affect a
subsequent step in prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting the peroxidase site of the
acetaminophen would be expected to have less serious side effects than NSAIDs.
Two randomized controlled trials compared acetaminophen to ibuprofen for the
treatment of PDA in preterm neonates.
67,68 Both trials used acetaminophen doses of
15 mg/kg every 6 hours for 3 days. A recent meta-analysis of these studies found no
significant difference in the failure rates for PDA closure or risk of reopening the
68 No significant differences in secondary outcomes or
adverse effects were observed, with two exceptions: The duration of required
supplemental oxygen was shorter, and the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was lower
in patients who received acetaminophen. Although these results appear promising, an
association of postnatal use of acetaminophen with autism or autism spectrum
disorder has recently been identified.
In addition, animal studies suggest
acetaminophen may affect cognitive function when administered during neonatal
brain development. Therefore, further research, including long-term follow-up
studies of neurodevelopment, is needed before acetaminophen can be recommended
for PDA closure in routine clinical practice.
68 Due to these concerns, acetaminophen
should not have been used in place of indomethacin to treat the symptomatic PDA in
T.S. After weighing all potential risks and benefits, some clinicians may use
acetaminophen before surgical ligation, in select neonates with a significant PDA,
who have failed or who have contraindications to NSAID therapy.
ABG results revealed the following:
mg/kg IV push every 12 hours are restarted. What clinical signs of NEC does C.D. have? What is the
pathogenesis of NEC, and what risk factors for NEC does C.D. have?
and is inversely proportional to gestational age and birth weight.
90% to 95% of NEC occurs in premature infants; however, NEC can infrequently
70 The age of onset of NEC is also inversely related to
gestational age and birth weight; the greater the gestational age at birth, the sooner the
onset of NEC. Although NEC is less common in term infants, it usually develops
within 3 to 4 days of birth. In contrast, infants born at approximately 30 weeks’
gestation acquire NEC at a mean PNA of 20 days. Thus, preterm infants are at a risk
71,72 Although C.D. is extremely premature, she
experienced NEC early (at 15 days of age), most likely because of the aggressive
advancement of feedings. The rate of hospitalization associated with NEC is 1.1 per
73 The mortality rate of NEC can be as high as 40% to 50%, and
approximately 25% of survivors experience long-term complications.
addition, infants with NEC required longer hospitalizations (60 days longer if
surgery is needed and 20 days longer if surgery is not needed) compared with infants
without NEC. For infants with medically managed NEC, the estimated hospital cost
is $60,000 to $70,000 compared to $200,000 for infants with surgically managed
C.D. has several clinical signs of NEC, including abdominal distension, bloody
stools, apnea, metabolic acidosis, and pneumatosis intestinalis on abdominal
radiograph. Gastric retention of feedings, respiratory distress, occult blood in stools,
lethargy, temperature instability, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia also may occur.
NEC may progress to bowel perforation, peritonitis, sepsis, disseminated
intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), and shock. On an abdominal radiograph, the
presence of gas in the intestinal mucosa or in the portal venous system is diagnostic
of NEC, and free air in the abdomen is observed with bowel perforation. (For
images of NEC go to https://image.slidesharecdn.com/necrotizingenterocolitis-
cb=1437303559.) Although these radiographic findings confirm the diagnosis of
NEC, a lag time may occur between the initial clinical signs of NEC and radiologic
NEC can evolve slowly during a period of 24 to 48 hours, from a clinically benign
course to an advanced stage of shock, peritonitis, and widespread intestinal necrosis.
Although NEC can affect any part of the GI tract, most of the disease is confined to
the ileum and colon. A staging system, which categorizes severity according to
systemic, intestinal, and radiologic signs, has been developed to permit a more
consistent evaluation and treatment of patients.
75 Stages IA and IB NEC include
neonates and infants with suspected disease or rule out NEC. These patients may
have mild GI problems such as delayed gastric emptying and emesis, temperature
instability, apnea, bright red blood from the rectum, or a mild ileus. Infants with
stages IIA and IIB have definite NEC and usually present with abdominal distension,
bloody stools, and the presence of pneumatosis intestinalis on radiograph. Infants in
stage IIB NEC may also exhibit metabolic acidosis and thrombocytopenia. Infants
with stages IIIA and IIIB (advanced disease) are severely ill with clinical signs,
including peritonitis, ascites, shock, severe metabolic and respiratory acidosis, and
DIC. Those with stage IIIB have intestinal perforation. Pneumatosis intestinalis,
caused by hydrogen production from bacterial translocation into the bowel wall, is a
classic and diagnostic radiographic finding of NEC. Because pneumatosis intestinalis
may be hard to detect on radiographs, some infants can experience severe NEC
needing surgery without having radiographic findings. Therefore, new criteria
including biomarkers of NEC may be needed to help diagnose NEC sooner and
prevent its progression. C.D.’s presentation is most consistent with stage IIB NEC.
The pathogenesis of NEC is unknown, but seems to be multifactorial. Most likely,
NEC results from the effects of intestinal bacteria and other factors on injured
intestinal mucosa. Inflammatory mediators such as platelet-activating factor, tumor
necrosis factor-α, interleukin 1β, and interleukin 8 may also contribute to mucosal
70,72 The neonatal intestinal mucosa is prone to injury for the following
reasons: (a) increased permeability to potentially harmful substances, such as
bacteria and proteins; (b) decreased immunologic host defenses, including low
concentrations of immunoglobulin A in intestinal mucosa; and (c) decreased
nonimmunologic defenses, such as decreased concentrations of proteases and gastric
acid. Furthermore, inappropriate initial microbial colonization may also contribute to
the pathogenesis of NEC in preterm neonates, especially because NEC does not
occur until after 1 week of life, at a time when the gut has been colonized with
anaerobic bacteria. In addition, numerous factors (both prenatal and postnatal) can
cause injury to the neonatal intestinal mucosa and increase the risk for NEC.
Prenatal maternal factors include eclampsia, prolonged rupture of membranes, fetal
distress, maternal cocaine use, and cesarean section. Postnatal factors include
prematurity, low birth weight, ischemia or hypoxemia, asphyxia, hypothermia,
hypotension, respiratory distress, apnea, malnutrition, infection, hemodynamically
significant PDA, congenital GI anomalies, cyanotic heart disease, toxins,
hyperosmolar substances (e.g., feedings, medications), rapid advancement of enteral
feedings, exchange transfusions, blood transfusions, and the presence of umbilical
72,74,75 Medications such as corticosteroids, indomethacin, and H2
and prolonged empiric IV antibiotic use have also been associated with an increased
72,74,75 However, the most significant clinical risk factor for NEC is
C.D. has several risks for developing NEC, which include prematurity, ELBW,
history of infection, and RDS requiring mechanical ventilation. Furthermore, C.D. not
only was given a hyperosmolar formula (24 cal/ounce instead of 20 cal/ounce), but
her feedings were advanced aggressively. These two factors may also contribute to
the development of NEC. More than 90% of infants with NEC have received enteral
feedings, although NEC also occurs in infants who have never been fed.
feedings (breast milk or formulas) serve as substrates for bacterial proliferation in
the gut. As a result, reducing substances, organic acids, and hydrogen gas are
produced by bacterial fermentation of these nutrients. Although studies have shown
that rapid advancements in the volume of feeds (30 mL/kg/day vs. 15–20 mL/kg/day)
were associated with an increased risk of NEC, a systematic review reported that
infants advanced at a rate of 30 to 35 mL/kg/day reach full enteral intake and regain
birth weight significantly earlier than infants advanced at 10 to 20 mL/kg/day without
increasing the risk of NEC or NEC with perforation.
reported that early initiation of feeds might increase the risk of NEC; however, a
recent review failed to confirm these findings. In fact, infants who were fed earlier
(within 4 days of birth) had a significant reduction in the number of days on
73 C.D. was started at a much higher initial feeding volume (44
mL/kg/day) and aggressively increased by 44 mL/kg/day, which may have increased
of NEC. If C.D. were appropriately fed, she would have reached full feedings in 7
to 14 days instead of 4 days. Last, the presence of PDA and the use of indomethacin
for the treatment of PDA may also have contributed to NEC in C.D. through
decreased mesenteric blood flow with resultant ischemia and intestinal mucosal
CASE 105-4, QUESTION 2: How should C.D. be managed?
Significant abdominal distension may compromise respiratory function and blood
flow to the intestines. Therefore, as soon as NEC is suspected, feedings should be
stopped immediately and an orogastric tube with low intermittent suction placed to
decompress the abdomen. C.D.’s vital signs and abdominal circumference should be
closely monitored for disease progression. A complete blood count and platelet
count should be obtained frequently to monitor for neutropenia and
thrombocytopenia. Blood and urine cultures should be obtained, and parenteral
antibiotics should be started as soon as possible; 20% to 30% of infants with NEC
have associated bacteremia. Radiographic examinations should be routinely
performed at least every 4 to 8 hours or as needed to evaluate the progression of the
disease. In infants with stage I NEC, antibiotic therapy is usually given for 3 days
pending culture results and clinical signs. Once the diagnosis of NEC is ruled out,
antibiotics may be discontinued. Enteral feedings can then be initiated slowly.
However, if the diagnosis of NEC is made (i.e., stages II or III), antibiotics are
continued and parenteral nutrition is initiated at that time. Infants require bowel rest
(NPO) for at least 7 to 14 days. The length of antibiotic therapy and bowel rest in
infants with documented NEC is determined by the severity of systemic illness (e.g.,
metabolic acidosis, thrombocytopenia). In general, infants with NEC stage II require
at least 7 to 10 days of antibiotic therapy and bowel rest whereas those with NEC
stage III may require at least 10 to 14 days. C.D. has stage IIB disease and needs to
be NPO for at least 7 to 10 days; she requires total parenteral nutrition during that
time, and the surgery team should be notified at this point. Infants with stage III
disease may also require fluid resuscitation, administration of inotropic agents such
as dopamine and dobutamine, and surgical intervention, especially for those with
70,71 Up to 40% of infants treated for medically managed NEC may
require surgical intervention (either primary peritoneal drainage or exploratory
laparotomy), with the absolute indication for surgery being intestinal perforation.
Despite the type of surgical intervention, up to 50% of ELBW infants who require
CASE 105-4, QUESTION 3: C.D. just completed a 7-day course of ampicillin and gentamicin. Is it
appropriate to restart these antibiotics?
The selection of antibiotics for NEC depends on the common microorganisms
observed in an individual neonatal unit and their sensitivities. Many organisms have
been implicated in NEC, including Enterobacteriaceae (e.g., Escherichia coli,
Klebsiella species), Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus (in rare cases, methicillin
resistant), Staphylococcus epidermidis, Clostridium, enteroviruses, and rotaviruses.
For most cases of NEC, treatment with a broad-spectrum penicillin, such as
ampicillin, and an aminoglycoside (e.g., gentamicin) is appropriate.
Due to an increase in S. epidermidis-associated NEC, vancomycin and an
aminoglycoside may be used as routine treatment in some nurseries or in specific
patients at risk for Staphylococcus infections (e.g., neonates with central catheters or
prolonged ICU stays). Vancomycin may be more appropriate than ampicillin because
vancomycin has coverage against methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis, as well as
enterococcal and streptococcal species. Because C.D. has been hospitalized for
longer than 1 week and weighs less than 1,000 g, vancomycin and gentamicin may be
more appropriate, especially if her neonatal ICU has a high incidence of
staphylococcal nosocomial infections. C.D. should be treated with parenteral
Other antibiotic combinations used to treat NEC include cefotaxime and
vancomycin, and cefotaxime and ampicillin. The combination of cefotaxime and
vancomycin has been shown to prevent severe peritonitis and death and reduce the
need for surgery in less than 2,200-g birth-weight neonates with NEC, whereas
gentamicin and ampicillin have not. Suppression of aerobic fecal flora by the
combination of cefotaxime and vancomycin, but not by ampicillin and gentamicin,
76 Therefore, if C.D. is not responding to vancomycin and
gentamicin, consideration should be made to replace gentamicin with cefotaxime.
CASE 105-4, QUESTION 4: Two days later, C.D. exhibits peritonitis with ascites (NEC stage III),
The use of empiric anaerobic coverage in infants with definite NEC, stage II or III,
remains controversial; however, many institutions have added anaerobic coverage to
76 The two most commonly used agents are clindamycin
and metronidazole. Routine use of clindamycin in the treatment of NEC has not
decreased the incidence of intestinal gangrene, perforation, or death. In addition, it
has been associated with an increased incidence of abdominal strictures.
no studies to demonstrate the efficacy of metronidazole in this patient population, but
the lack of reports documenting adverse effects in preterm infants has made it the
agent of choice in some hospitals. A recent study reported no significant difference in
the incidence of the combined outcome of death or intestinal strictures in infants with
NEC stages II and III treated with or without anaerobic coverage.
anaerobic antibiotic therapy did not prevent the progression to death within 7 days of
NEC diagnosis or to surgical NEC. However, a higher risk of strictures was found in
all infants receiving anaerobic antibiotic therapy. Furthermore, in those with surgical
NEC, a lower mortality rate was found in the anaerobic antibiotic-exposed infants.
Based on this study, it might be prudent to consider weighing the risk versus benefit
when deciding to add anaerobic antibiotic therapy in the treatment of medically
managed NEC. In contrast, infants with peritonitis secondary to intestinal perforation
(i.e., those needing surgery) require both aerobic and anaerobic coverage. Therefore,
an antimicrobial agent with anaerobic activity such as metronidazole should be
added to C.D.’s current regimen.
CASE 105-4, QUESTION 5: C.D. is taken urgently to the operating room, and 40 cm of necrotic ileum is
removed along with the ileocecal valve. What long-term nutritional problems is C.D. likely to have?
The most common postoperative complications of NEC are intestinal strictures (up
to 25%) and short-bowel syndrome (11%).
C.D. is at risk of experiencing short-bowel syndrome, a condition of
malabsorption and malnutrition that results from surgical removal of a significant
portion of the small intestine. The most important factors that determine short-bowel
syndrome are the length of the remaining small intestine and the presence of the
ileocecal valve. Because C.D. has had a majority of her ileum and her ileocecal
valve removed, she most likely will suffer from short-bowel syndrome.
Because the terminal ileum is an important site for absorption of vitamins, trace
minerals, and nutrients, C.D. will be at risk for decreased absorption of these
substances. C.D. also will have a faster GI transit time and diarrhea because her
ileocecal valve was removed. (The ileocecal valve plays a major role in controlling
intestinal transit time.) Absorption of enterally administered medications also may be
decreased in patients with short-bowel syndrome. When C.D. starts to receive most
of her nutrition enterally, she should be monitored for fat malabsorption and other
nutritional deficiencies (e.g., deficiencies in vitamins A, B12
Despite advances in earlier diagnosis and aggressive treatment, approximately
15% to 50% of all infants with NEC die, with the highest mortality in those with birth
weight <750 g and with surgical NEC.
69,70,74,75 Furthermore, infants with NEC are
significantly more likely to have neurodevelopmental impairment (e.g., CP); those
requiring surgical management are at higher risk.
CASE 105-4, QUESTION 6: What could have been done to prevent NEC in C.D.?
Several interventions may decrease the incidence of NEC. Enteral feedings in
preterm infants can be withheld for several weeks and parenteral nutrition initiated.
Intestinal priming or trophic feeding (i.e., using a small amount of full-strength
formula or breast milk for several days to stimulate GI mucosal development) has
been shown to decrease the incidence of NEC compared with infants with
73 Because breast milk provides antibodies, growth factors,
and cellular immune factors, it may reduce the incidence of NEC. Infants fed with
human milk had a significantly lower incidence of NEC than those fed with
In a recent study, a significant decrease in the incidence of NEC and
In contrast, the use of hyperosmolar formulas or medications can cause osmotic
injury to the bowel and may result in NEC. Maternal steroids (commonly used to
accelerate fetal lung maturation) can decrease the incidence of NEC owing to a
maturational effect on the microvillous membranes.
Although prophylactic enteral administration of antibiotics (i.e., gentamicin or
vancomycin) has been shown to decrease the incidence of NEC, its routine use is not
In addition, prophylactic use of these antibiotics has been associated
with the emergence of resistant organisms, especially with long and repeated
Probiotics are live, nonpathogenic microbial preparations that colonize the
intestine and have a beneficial effect on the health of the host. Probiotic
microorganisms commonly used are strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. In
a recent Cochrane review, enteral administration of probiotics significantly
decreased the risk of severe NEC and death and shortened the time to full feedings in
78 Furthermore, recent studies evaluating the long-term effects of
probiotics (assessed at 18–22 months up to 3 years corrected age) reported no
adverse effects on growth or neurodevelopmental outcomes.
that exposing immunologically immature VLBW infants to probiotics may potentially
increase the risk for infections. Although the Cochrane review did not find an
increased risk for infections in neonates receiving probiotics, cases of systemic
infections, especially in ELBW neonates, have been reported.
probiotic-associated sepsis could be due to failure of the laboratory to isolate these
strains in blood cultures by the use of conventional culture-based techniques. Other
controversies exist. Most studies did not evaluate the effects of probiotics in ELBW
infants, the population at greatest risk for NEC. The optimal type of probiotic
(species, strains, single or combined, live or killed) and the timing, dosage, and
duration of therapy are still unknown. Little is known regarding the benefits of
probiotics in infants who are exclusively or partially fed breast milk. Furthermore,
none of the studies were conducted in the United States and most of the trials did not
utilize US commercially available probiotics. Lastly, currently no product in the
United States has the appropriate regulatory mechanisms in place to ensure the
quality of the product. Therefore, clinical studies are needed to address these issues,
and if probiotics are administered to VLBW infants for the prevention of NEC,
careful surveillance of mortality, NEC, and emergence of resistant strains will be
necessary. When C.D. is ready to be fed, breast milk (if available) should be used in
place of formula to help prevent future risk of NEC. Although probiotics have been
shown to significantly decrease the incidence of NEC, their use cannot be
recommended for C.D. at this time.
QUESTION 1: J.E., a 28-week gestation, 850-g male, was born to a mother with prolonged rupture of
admitted to the neonatal ICU. Vitalsigns on admission were as follows:
Blood and urine cultures are pending. Significant laboratory data include the following:
WBC 2,400 cells/μL with a differential of 25% segmented neutrophils, 15% bands, 45% lymphocytes, 10%
monocytes, 4% eosinophils, and 1% basophils
C-reactive protein (CRP), 5 mg/dL
clinicalsigns and laboratory evidence of sepsis are apparent in J.E.?
Bacterial sepsis significantly contributes to neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Neonates, especially preterm newborns, are at increased risk for infections and
should be considered immunocompromised. The neonate’s decreased immune
function (e.g., immature function of neutrophils, lower amounts of immunoglobulin)
also results in a reduced ability to localize infections. Once a tissue site becomes
infected, bacteria can spread easily, resulting in disseminated disease. In addition,
the lack of opsonic antibodies in preterm infants such as J.E. increases the
susceptibility to infections caused by bacteria with polysaccharide capsules (e.g.,
group B streptococcus, E. coli, Haemophilus influenzae type B).
The incidence of neonatal sepsis is inversely proportional to birth weight and
gestational age, and ranges from 6 to 9 cases per 1,000 live births. However, the
incidence is much higher in VLBW neonates (~25%).
80 Risk factors (as demonstrated
in J.E.) include prematurity, low birth weight, male sex, and predisposing maternal
conditions (e.g., prolonged rupture of membranes, maternal fever, elevated maternal
WBC or left shift, chorioamnionitis, and urinary tract infection).
treatment, mortality rates for neonatal sepsis can be as high as 30% to 50%, with the
highest mortality observed in newborns less than 1,500 g.
complication of bacterial sepsis in 10% to 30% of septic neonates
mortality rate of 20% to 50%, depending on the pathogen.
meningitis have been reported in about 20% to 60% of survivors and include hearing
loss, abnormal behavior, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, focal motor disability,
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