There are several equations designed for pediatric use; the National Kidney Disease
Education Program (NKDEP) and the National Kidney Foundation recommend the
bedside isotope dilution mass spectroscopy (IDMS) Schwartz equation
is creatinine clearance (mL/minute/1.73 m2
Using this method, H.G. has a calculated creatinine clearance of 116
, indicating normal renal function. As with patients of any age, this
equation should be used only as an estimate of renal function. It should be interpreted
with caution in patients with little muscle mass or those who are dehydrated.
Pharmacokinetic Changes During Puberty
QUESTION 1: A.M. is a 16-year-old, 67-kg boy with osteosarcoma. He has received morphine for pain
been unchanged. What might explain the change in A.M.’s response to morphine?
Although developmental pharmacology has traditionally focused on the differences
in neonatal pharmacokinetics, there is growing interest in the influence of puberty on
55–57 Adolescence is not simply a link between childhood and
adulthood, but is a distinct period of significant physiologic change. Hormonal
fluctuations and sexual maturation can alter the efficacy or toxicity of many drugs
administered during this period. Drug distribution can be altered as a result of an
increase in body fat. Rapid increases in serum protein concentrations that occur
during puberty alter drug binding characteristics.
56 Renal function, as measured by
GFR, may exceed average adult values, resulting in rapid clearance of renally
eliminated drugs such as aminoglycosides and vancomycin. Metabolic activity
57 A study conducted in adolescents receiving morphine during a
sickle cell crisis revealed a reduction in drug clearance with advancing sexual
58 Postpubertal adolescents, such as A.M., had weight-normalized
clearance values 30% lower than younger patients during early puberty, suggesting a
possible reduction in UGT2B7 activity. The titration of A.M.’s morphine must
encompass not only the changes in drug clearance resulting from growth and
development but also the progression of his
respiratory rate, is essential for appropriate adjustment of A.M.’s morphine infusion.
A second example comes from a recent study of lopinavir pharmacokinetics in
children who exhibited identified age- and sex-related differences in drug
59 When normalized for weight, there was no significant difference in
clearance between prepubertal boys and girls. After the age of 12, boys had a mean
rate of lopinavir clearance 39% greater than girls. The area under the concentration–
time curve in boys was only half that of the girls. The authors suggest that this
difference may reflect a reduction in CYP3A4 in girls that becomes apparent only
with sexual maturation. Similar sex-related results have been reported in lopinavir
studies conducted in adults. Caffeine metabolism via CYP1A2 has also been found to
60 The rate of N-demethylation slows in both sexes after
puberty, but appears to decrease earlier in puberty for girls than for boys. Other
investigators have identified pharmacokinetic changes during adolescence with
acetaminophen, alprazolam, carbamazepine, digoxin, isoniazid, lamotrigine,
Although not as well studied as pharmacokinetics, developmental changes in
pharmacodynamics during growth may have equally significant effects on response to
might explain S.L.’s lack of response, and how should his hypotension be managed?
Maturational changes in receptor conformation, density, and affinity, as well as
signal transduction, can result in clinically significant differences in response to
61 Although a dopamine infusion of 20 mcg/kg/minute will produce
an adequate increase in myocardial contractility and elevate systemic vascular
resistance in most children and adults, infants may not have a significant change in
cardiovascular response. Infants have long been suspected to be relatively resistant
to the effects of β-adrenergic agonists, including dopamine, dobutamine, and
epinephrine. Recent research suggests the lack of response is related to a relative
reduction in adrenergic receptor density or a downregulation of receptors within the
myocardium of premature and critically ill neonates.
rate, up to 40 mcg/kg/minute, may be necessary to achieve an adequate blood
pressure for S.L. If the dopamine is increased, S.L.’s extremities must be closely
monitored for any signs of excessive peripheral vasoconstriction. Supplemental
therapy with hydrocortisone, at a dose of 0.7 mg (1 mg/kg) IV every 8 hours, may
also be used to manage his hypotension.
incidence is listed as 0.8% in children 2 to 16 years of age, but only 0.3% in adults.
difference in the incidence of an adverse effect by age?
Differences in pharmacodynamics resulting from growth and development can
alter more than just therapeutic response. A drug’s adverse effect profile may be
distinctly different during childhood. A classic example of this phenomenon is the
higher incidence of serious dermatologic reactions, including toxic epidermal
necrolysis, in children taking lamotrigine compared with that of adults.
first suspected during initial pediatric clinical trials and appeared to be associated
with rapid dose titration during the first several months of treatment, which had been
based on previous studies in adults.
65 The slower dose escalation, now recommended
for pediatric patients, is starting E.S.’s lamotrigine dose at 0.15 mg/kg/day and
increasing by 0.15- to 0.3-mg/kg/day increments every 2 weeks, and may reduce the
likelihood for these reactions.
CASE 102-9, QUESTION 2: What is the possible mechanism(s) for the increased risk for toxicity with
lamotrigine in children such as E.S.?
Research has led to several theories for the greater incidence of serious
dermatologic reactions in children. Some investigators have suggested that this is a
dose-related toxicity more evident in children who have a limited capacity to
metabolize lamotrigine through glucuronidation to its inactive metabolites.
theory, however, does not explain why other patient groups known to have higher
serum lamotrigine concentrations during treatment, such as the elderly, are not at
increased risk. Others have speculated that this represents an immune-mediated
hypersensitivity response, because many of the affected patients reported have had
previous reactions with other antiepileptic drugs.
66 Children with refractory seizures,
such as those with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, who are often treated with multiple
agents beginning in the first years of life may be more likely to develop
hypersensitivity. Although the mechanism underlying the age-related difference in the
incidence of lamotrigine-associated rashes is not yet well understood, the importance
of patient counseling is clear. The caregivers of all children receiving lamotrigine
should be made aware of the risk and the need to seek medical care as soon as any
signs of rash or erythema are noted.
QUESTION 1: A.K. is a 7-year-old, 20-kg boy recently diagnosed with ADHD. After developing insomnia
dose for clonidine in children is 5 mcg/kg/day divided and given in two to four doses.
concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. What steps are necessary to ensure the accuracy of this prescription?
The differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics observed in children
influence the choice of dose and dosing interval.
68 Because incorporating all of these
variables would result in dosing calculations too difficult for practical use, weight
has traditionally been chosen as the single best estimate of growth. Pediatric drug
references provide most doses in units per weight, such as mg/kg/day or
mcg/kg/dose. Among the exceptions to this are chemotherapeutic agents, which are
dosed by body surface area, incorporating height as an additional variable. Because
of the difficulty in accurately determining height (or length) in young children, it is
not commonly used for other drugs.
Age can be an important variable, especially for premature infants, in whom it can
be used to account for differences in volume of distribution and elimination half-life.
For example, neonatal gentamicin dosing is often based on a rubric of gestational or
postconceptional age, postnatal age, and weight.
17 A recent study of clonidine
clearance in the early postnatal period suggests that both age and weight should be
used to optimize clonidine doses in newborns being treated for neonatal abstinence
In the future, pediatric dosing recommendations for many drugs may be
based on more than just weight to incorporate new pharmacokinetic data.
Medication orders or prescriptions with doses outside of the dosing range listed in
a pediatric drug reference should always be questioned for appropriateness. Older
children and adolescents should transition to adult dosing whenever the calculated
weight-based dose exceeds the usual adult dose. When evaluating a pediatric
prescription or medication order, determining whether the dose is appropriate for the
patient’s weight is not the only step undertaken by the pharmacist. As with all
patients, allergies, underlying diseases, and concomitant therapy must be taken into
A.K.’s clonidine dose of 0.05 mg twice daily is equivalent to 5 mcg/kg/day, the
appropriate starting dose for a child. Using a 0.1-mg/mL extemporaneous solution,
his dose will be 0.5 mL twice daily. The label on A.K.’s clonidine bottle should
include the concentration of the formulation, as well as the dose in both mg and mL.
Before the start of treatment, A.K.’s parents should be counseled about the drug, the
dose, and potential adverse effects. They should be given or have access to an oral
dosing syringe or spoon to accurately measure the dose.
CASE 102-10, QUESTION 2: After 2 days of therapy, A.K. returns to his pediatrician’s office with his
potential cause of A.K.’s symptoms, what factors may have led to an error in A.K.’s case?
Medication errors pose a significant risk for infants and children.
rate of medication errors reported in studies of adults is approximately 5%, rates in
many pediatric studies have ranged from 10% to 15%.
weight-based doses can lead to mathematic errors. In A.K.’s case, the dose must be
multiplied by the patient’s weight, divided into individual doses, and converted from
micrograms to milligrams. Unit conversions and decimal point errors are particularly
dangerous in pediatrics, because a 10-fold overdose of a drug with a narrow dosing
range such as clonidine, digoxin, morphine, or fentanyl can be fatal.
prescribing errors, dosage formulation manipulation, such as the preparation of an
extemporaneous liquid in this case, increases the risk for drug preparation errors.
Oral liquid medications also present a risk for administration errors. Healthcare
providers and caregivers in the home must be aware of the potential for errors and
the need for precise dose measurement. A.K.’s medical history must include
information on how the clonidine had been prepared by the pharmacy as well as how
his parents were preparing and administering his doses.
CASE 102-10, QUESTION 3: What steps could have been taken to prevent the medication error that
There are a number of methods to reduce the potential for medication errors,
including recommendations from the Joint Commission, the American Academy of
Pediatrics, and a recent Cochrane review (Table 102-3).
concentrations for IV products and oral liquids, smart-pump technology, bar coding,
and electronic prescribing with clinical decision support tools have been found to
significantly reduce errors in pediatric hospitals. In the outpatient setting, medication
errors can be reduced by the inclusion of patient-specific information on
prescriptions, including diagnosis and patient weight.
83 The product label, whether it
is a prescription or over-the-counter medication, should include all the information
needed to correctly prepare and administer the dose. Caregivers should have access
to the appropriate tools for measuring liquid medications, such as oral dosing spoons
or syringes, and the opportunity to practice preparing a dose under the supervision of
a healthcare provider to ensure that they are able to prepare the dose correctly.
Methods for Reducing Pediatric Medication Errors
Improve Ordering and Preparation
Perform careful medication histories, including assessment of oral liquid concentrations
Provide access to current pediatric medication information
Include patient weight (in kg) on all medication orders and prescriptions
Include dosage calculations on orders and prescriptions
Limit the number of concentrations available for high-risk medications
Use accurate measuring devices, in both the hospital and home settings
Implement Appropriate Technology
Adopt weight-based electronic prescribing or dose-checking software
Employ barcode technology to reduce patient identification and medication administration errors
Use smart-pump technology (programmable IV pumps with weight-based dosing limits)
Provide pediatric-specific continuing education for allstaff on a routine basis
Develop pediatric-specific medication orders and protocols to guide care
Assign staff with pediatric expertise to all committees involved in medication management
Involve Families and Other Caregivers
Encourage all caregivers to ask questions about their child’s medications
medications when giving a medication history
Ensure that caregivers can accurately prepare the medication dose
One of the most effective methods to prevent medication errors has been to include
pharmacists in the medication ordering and review process.
pharmacists in reducing pediatric medication errors was demonstrated by Folli et
In this landmark study, clinical pharmacists performed prospective evaluations
of medication orders at two children’s hospitals for a 6-month period. The overall
rate of medication errors detected by the pharmacists averaged 4.7 per 1,000
medication orders. Of these, 5.6% were considered potentially lethal. The majority
of the errors (64.3%) occurred in children younger than 2 years of age. The most
common type of error identified by the pharmacists was incorrect dosage. The
authors concluded that pharmacy intervention had a significant effect on medication
error prevention, a finding that resulted in the expansion of pediatric clinical
pharmacy services in many institutions. Pharmacists in the community provide the
same benefit when reviewing pediatric prescriptions and play a significant role in
caregiver medication education.
CASE 102-10, QUESTION 4: Although the dose of clonidine for the treatment of ADHD is available in
to increase the availability of pediatric drug information?
Although the availability of pediatric drug information has been limited in the past,
several recent initiatives from the FDA are increasing the number of clinical trials
being conducted in infants and children. The Pediatric Exclusivity Program, part of
the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, was developed to address the lack of pediatric
study data, including medication prescribing information.
Program provides pharmaceutical manufacturers with incentives to study their
products in children, including a 6-month extension at the end of a drug’s patent life if
a pediatric study is conducted. The 1998 Pediatric Rule and the Research Equity Act
of 2003 authorized the FDA to require that manufacturers conduct clinical trials of
drugs that would be used in a significant number of patients. The Best
Pharmaceuticals for Children Act supplements the previous incentives by the creation
of a mechanism for funding studies of older, off-patent medications that are often
These programs have been successful in adding pediatric dosing and adverse
effect information to the prescribing information of many drugs routinely used in
children. As of June 2017, the FDA had issued 430 written requests for pediatric
studies, and 241 drugs had been granted a patent extension under the Exclusivity
86 An assessment of the first 7 years of the program found that 50% of the
studies conducted resulted in the new information supporting the use of the drug in
In spite of this success, much work remains to be done. Modifications in
clinical trial design to incorporate pharmacogenomic studies and the use of combined
pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic analyses have been recommended to further
refine our knowledge of drug disposition in children.
87,88 The emphasis on the needs
of pediatric patients has not been limited to just the United States; similar programs
are in place in the European Union and throughout Asia. With the growing interest in
developmental pharmacology and pharmacogenomics, as well as the increased
funding and support for pediatric clinical trials worldwide, our understanding of the
unique differences in how children respond to drug therapy continues to improve.
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