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Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) scoring systems, 191t

Pulmonary exacerbations, 454

Pulmonary function

drug poisoning and, 75

tests, for asthma, 383–384

Pulmonary interventions, 458

Pulmonary involvement

airway obstruction, infection, and inflammation, 454–455

cystic rosis, 454–456


Aspergillus fumigatus, 455–456

Burkholderia cepacia, 455

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 455

Pulmonary vein, reentrant circuit in, 309f

Pulmozyme Early Intervention Trial, 459

Pulseless electrical activity (PEA), 329, 331–332

Pulsus paradoxus, defined, 386

Purple toe syndrome, from warfarin, 194

Pustular psoriasis, 833 (see also Psoriasis)

PUVA (see Psoralens plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) light therapy)

PVC (see Premature ventricular contraction (PVC))

PVE (see Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE))

PVP (see Portal vein pressure (PVP))

Pyelonephritis, 636–637, 977, 1402–1403, 1490t (see also Urinary tract infections (UTIs))

Pyridoxine, 612


QIDS (see Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms (QIDS))

QPCR (see Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR))

QRS complex, 300

qSOFA (see quickSOFA (qSOFA)

QTc interval, 309

Qualitative screening, drug poisoning and, 76

QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test, 1427

QuantiFERON-TB Gold test, 1427

Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR), 2030

Quantitative testing, drug poisoning and, 76–77

Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms (QIDS), 1816–1817

quickSOFA (qSOFA), 366

Q waves, ECG of, 232


RA (see Rheumatoid arthritis (RA))

RAAS (see Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS))

Radiation-induced nausea and vomiting (RINV), 477, 477t

Radiation therapy, prostate cancer, 2089–2090

Radical prostatectomy, 2089

Radiocontrast media-induced ATN, 642–644, 643t

Radiologic-isolated syndrome, 1221

Radiologic testing, 507

Radionuclide left ventriculography, usage of, 274

RAFT (see Resynchronization/Defi brillation for Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT))

Rai classification, modified, 2032t

RALES (see Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES))

Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES), 257

Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure (see

REMATCH (Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive

Heart Failure) trial)

Ranolazine Open Label Experience (ROLE), 223

Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment (REACT), 252

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 1763–1764

Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN), 625, 640–641

Rapid urease test, for Helicobacter pylori, 491, 491t

RASS (see Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS))

Raynaud’s phenomenon, 169–171

cause of, 169

clinical presentation of, 170

diagnosis of, 169–170

epidemiology of, 170

pathophysiology of, 170

primary, 169–171

secondary, 169–171

serotonin and, 170

treatment of, 170–171

calcium-channel blockers, 171

nonpharmacologic management, 170

Raynaud syndrome, 922–923

RBBB (see Right bundle branch block (RBBB))

RBCs (see Red blood cells (RBCs))

RBF (see Renal blood flow (RBF))

RCA (see Right coronary artery (RCA))

RDS (see Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS))

REACT (see Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment (REACT))

Reactive arthritis, 926–927

bacterial pathogens associated with development of, 926t

clinicalsigns of, 926t

Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS), 97

Re-bleeding, 547

Rectal drug absorption, 2130

Rectal prolapse, 453

Red blood cells (RBCs), 31, 164 (see also Anemias)

indices, 32–33

Red man syndrome, 693

Red neck syndrome, 693

Red zone, of PEF, 402


conduction and, 308–309

with PSVT, 318–319

Refeeding syndrome, 796

Reflux esophagitis, 977

Refractory cancer pain management, 1203–1204

Refractory CMV retinitis, 1613

Rehabilitation, 1317

Relapses and remissions, 520

Relapsing CMV retinitis, 1613

Relapsing fever, 1721

characteristics, 1722

disease characterization, 1722

geographic distribution of, 1722

spirochetal behavior, 1722

spirochete, role of, 1722

p. 2363

p. 2364

tick species responsible, 1722

treatment, 1722

Relative infant dose (RID), 1002

REMATCH (Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart

Failure) trial, 272

REMS (see Risk Evaluation and Management Strategy (REMS))

REMS (see Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS))

REM sleep (see Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep)

Renagel in New Dialysis (RIND) trial, 619–620

Renal biopsy, 640

Renal blood flow (RBF), 270

factors affecting, 287f

Renal clearance, 672

Renal dialysis, 652


complications, 657–659

principles and transport processes, 652–655, 653f, 655t

vascular access, 655–657

peritoneal dialysis

access, 660–661

dialysis prescription, 661–663

principles and transport processes, 659–660, 660f

Renal dysfunction, 1209

on metabolism, effect, 672–673

Renal failure, dosing of drugs in

advantages and disadvantages of, 669t

drug disposition, effect on

bioavailability, 665

elimination, 665–666

protein binding and volume of distribution, 665, 665t

drug removal by dialysis

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, 666–667

drug-specific properties, 666

hemoperfusion, 667

high-flux hemodialysis, 666

enteral formulas for, 780–782

metabolized drugs, effect on

enoxaparin, 677–678

meperidine, 677, 677t

narcotic analgesics, 677

pharmacodynamics and renal disease, 667

pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of specific drugs in

acyclovir, 672–673

aminoglycosides, 668–670, 669t, 669f

antipseudomonal penicillins, 674

caspofungin, 675

cefazolin, 675–676

ceftazidime, 667–668

effect of hemodialysis, 670–672

penicillin, 673–674

phenytoin, 676, 676f

tenofovir, 673

vancomycin, 674–675

plasma protein binding of acidic drugs, 665t

principles, 664–665

renal function in elderly, assessing, 678

Renal Fanconi syndrome, 2011

Renal function

assessment, 1210

in elderly, assessing, 678

in ICU, 1206–1207

and renin-angiotensin aldosterone system, 265–266

Renal hemodynamics, 605f

Renal insufficiency-related anemia, 1943

Renal magnesium wasting, 594

Renal replacement therapy (RRT), 631, 641, 647–648, 648f, 649t

Renal tubular acidosis (RTA), 560–561, 1633

lead-induced, 561

treatment of, 561

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), 265, 542, 636


determination of, 252

of occluded artery, 361

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), 1817

Repolarization, TdP and, 309

Residual volume (RV), 383

Respiratory acidosis, 564–565, 564t

causes of, 564t, 565

drug-induced, 565

evaluation of, 565

treatment of, 565

Respiratory alkalosis, 565–566

causes of, 566, 566t

evaluation of, 565–566

treatment of, 566

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

cause of, 2168

characteristics, 2168

clinical presentation of, 2169–2170

incidence of, 2169

treatment, 2170–2173

Respiratory reaction, aspirin-induced, 694

Respiratory tract infections, 1404–1420

acute bronchitis, 1405–1407

AECOPD, 1407–1409

community-acquired pneumonia, 1409–1415

hospital-acquired pneumonia, 1415–1420

vaccination and, 1409

ventilator-associated pneumonia, 1415–1420

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), 1763

clinical features of, 1268t

clinical presentation of, 1268–1269

treatment of, 1269–1270

Restorative sleep, 1763

Restrictive vs. obstructive airway disease, 384

Resynchronization/Defibrillation for Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT), 301

Retarded ejaculation, 2259

Retching, definition of, 466

Reticulocytes, 33

Retinol-binding protein, 751


hypertension and, 142

of prematurity (ROP), 2169

risk of, 891

Retrograde ejaculation, 2259

Reversible inhibition mechanisms, 42

Rhabdomyolysis, 117

Rhabdomyosarcoma, 2010–2011

clinical presentation, 2010–2011

description, 2010

diagnosis, 2010

epidemiology, 2010

pathophysiology, 2010

prognostic factors, 2010–2011

treatment, 2010–2011

Rh D alloimmunization, 998–999

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

characteristic finger deformities in, 879f

clinical presentation, diagnosis, and disease course, 878–880

diagnosis criteria, 879t

epidemiology, 876

etiology, 876

extra-articular manifestations and complications, 880

frequency of involvement of different joint sites in, 878f

juvenile idiopathic arthritis ( JIA), 900–904

overview of joint changes in, 876f

pathophysiology, 876, 878

provisional criteria for remission, 886t

recommendations for reducing cardiovascular risk, 880t

representation of events occurring in, 877f

tools used to measure disease activity in, 886t

treatment, 881–900

biologicDMARDs, 882–883

clinical use ofDMARDs, 884

conventionalsynthetic DMARDs, 882

corticosteroids, 883, 899–900

NSAIDs, 881–882, 887–891

quantifying response to drug therapy, 884, 886–887

seldom-used DMARDs, 883–884

targeted synthetic DMARDs, 882

traditional DMARDs, 891–899

ulnar deviation and metacarpophalangealsynovitis, 878f

Rhinitis, 426–448

acute, 427

allergic, 427, 428

alternative therapies for, 443–444

anatomy of, 428

assessment of, 429–431, 430f

asthma and, 428

cause of, 427–428, 427f

chronic, 427

classification of, 427–428, 427f

p. 2364

p. 2365

clinical presentation of, 429–431, 430f

defined, 426

diagnosis of, 436

epidemiology and impact of, 428

hypothyroidism and, 427f

idiopathic, 447–448

intranasal corticosteroids for, 441t

medicamentosa, 446–447, 446–447t

mixed allergic–nonallergic, 448

nondrug therapies for, 436

oral and intranasal agents for, 440t

pathophysiology of, 428–429, 429f

physiology of, 428

pregnancy and, 435

treatment, overview of, 431–436, 431f, 432–435t

Rhus (see Poison ivy (Rhus) dermatitis)

Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS), 1212

RID (see Relative infant dose (RID))

RIFLE, 631

Right bundle branch block (RBBB), 321

Right coronary artery (RCA), 209f

Right ventricular dysfunction, 274

RIND (see Renagel in New Dialysis (RIND) trial)

RINV (see Radiation-induced nausea and vomiting (RINV))

RIPLS (see Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS))

Risk Evaluation and Management Strategy (REMS), 1123

Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS), 830

RLS (see Restless legs syndrome (RLS))

RMSF (see Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF))

Robust inflammatory response, 455

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), 1724–1725

ROLE (see Ranolazine Open Label Experience (ROLE))

Rotavirus, 1361–1362

and diarrhea, 1450

RPGN (see Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN))

RRT (see Renal replacement therapy (RRT))

RTA (see Renal tubular acidosis (RTA))

rTMS (see Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS))

Rule of nines, burn injuries, 860

RV (see Residual volume (RV))


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