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p. 2126


Children undergo considerable physiologic changes between birth and

adulthood. Although most follow the same general pattern of growth,

the timing of maturation varies from child to child.

Case 102-1 (Question 1),

Table 102-1


All aspects of pharmacokinetics are affected by growth and

development. Drug absorption is altered by a variety of mechanisms,

with the most significant differences noted during the first months of


Case 102-2 (Question 1),

Case 102-3 (Questions 1–4)

Drug distribution is affected by changes in relative organ size, body

water content, fat stores, plasma protein concentrations, acid–base

balance, cardiac output, and tissue perfusion. The greatest degree of

change occurs during the first year of life.

Case 102-3 (Questions 5, 6),

Table 102-2

Metabolic function is highly dependent on patient age. This has been

demonstrated in a number of recent studies, which have identified

significant differences in half-life during infancy, childhood, and


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