Prophylactic surfactant therapy has been shown to decrease the incidence and
severity of RDS, mortality, pneumothorax, and PIE, compared with rescue
11 However, these findings were reported in studies that were conducted
prior to routine clinical use of CPAP for the management of RDS. In studies that
utilized routine CPAP as initial management of RDS, a significantly lower incidence
of BPD or death was seen in the CPAP group when compared with prophylactic
surfactant therapy without CPAP.
In contrast, when comparing early versus late
rescue therapy (regardless of routine initial use of CPAP), infants treated in the early
group had significant decreases in the incidence of mortality, air leak, BPD, and the
combined variable of BPD or death.
11 Thus, CPAP should be utilized initially, with
selective early rescue surfactant administration in infants in whom symptoms of RDS
Surfactant should be administered by qualified physicians with the presence of
nursing and respiratory therapy personnel.
administration, go to
v=hkUdH01sLmA&feature=related.) Surfactants can be administered through a
disconnected endotracheal tube (ETT) via 5F catheter or through a side port of ETT
adapter via ventilator, depending on the product (see Table 105-2). Both
administrative techniques are effective and are not significantly different with regard
11 Several alternative methods of surfactant administration have
been utilized in an effort to avoid mechanical ventilation. The “INSURE” (INtubate–
SURfactant–Extubate) technique is a strategy that administers surfactant during a
brief intubation followed by immediate extubation to nasal CPAP. This technique
was associated with a reduced need for mechanical ventilation and subsequent
Because surfactant works better if given earlier in the course of RDS, it is
important to determine who is at highest risk for RDS. Unfortunately, the exact
criteria to clinically determine high-risk newborns are still unclear. Surfactant
treatment should be administered as soon as clinical signs of RDS appear. The
administration of CPAP after birth with subsequent selective surfactant therapy
should be the preferred alternative to prophylactic surfactant therapy. Early therapy
avoids progression of the disease and the potential for decreased surfactant
effectiveness; therefore, it should be considered in preterm infants born at <30
weeks’ gestation who need mechanical ventilation because of severe RDS. Because
L.D. has clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings consistent with RDS, a dose
of 2.5 mL/kg (200 mg/kg phospholipid) of poractant alfa should be administered to
L.D. intratracheally immediately within 1 hour of age with subsequent extubation to
CASE 105-1, QUESTION 5: Within 1 hour of poractant alfa administration, L.D.’s oxygenation improved,
and the FIO2 was weaned from 60% to 40%. Ten hours later, the ABGs revealed the following:
saturation, 90% on the following ventilator settings: FIO2
, 0.40; intermittent mechanical ventilation (IMV),
30; PIP, 18; positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), +5
Should another dose of poractant alfa be administered?
The response to a single dose of surfactant usually is transient; thus, more than one
dose may be needed. Response to surfactant therapy can be variable, especially in
preterm newborns or in those who require high oxygen and ventilatory pressures.
Reasons for lack of response include surfactant inhibition by proteins that have
leaked into the alveolar spaces, inactivation of surfactant by inflammatory mediators
(free oxygen radicals, proteases), presence of conditions that can decrease surfactant
effectiveness (e.g., pulmonary edema), or poor delivery of surfactant to the alveoli
3 The degree of responsiveness to surfactant also decreases
with increasing postnatal age.
Although the indications for subsequent doses of surfactant vary, persistence of
respiratory failure is the major clinical indicator for retreatment. In practice, most
infants require only one dose of surfactant. This may be related to advances in
neonatal and perinatal management and an increased use of antenatal steroids.
However, there are neonates who may be more likely to require more than one dose;
these include those who were not exposed to antenatal steroids and/or those with
extreme prematurity (<26 weeks’ gestation). A second dose of poractant alfa should
be given to L.D. because he still requires mechanical ventilation with relatively high
inspiratory pressures and supplemental oxygen (FIO2 ≥ 0.3) to maintain an arterial
PO2 of at least 50 mm Hg and oxygen saturation of 90%.
The most common adverse effects of surfactant therapy are related to the method of
11 During administration, L.D. may experience bradycardia and oxygen
secondary to vagal stimulation and airway obstruction.
might require temporary discontinuation of surfactant administration and increased
The risk of pulmonary hemorrhage, which usually occurs within the first 72 hours
of life, can be found in up to 6% of neonates receiving surfactant therapy.
pulmonary hemorrhage has not been consistently reported in recent studies; thus, the
association between surfactant therapy and this disorder is questionable.
Furthermore, the benefits of surfactant therapy far outweigh the potential risk of
extubation numerous times and is currently requiring mechanical ventilation with an FIO2
formula at 40 mL every 3 hours. Based on these findings, the diagnosis of BPD is made. What is the
BPD (also known as chronic lung disease) is the most common form of chronic
pulmonary disease in infants. The disease develops in newborns that require
supplemental oxygen and positive-pressure ventilation for RDS or other primary lung
disorders. A severity-based definition of BPD has been developed by the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
21 For infants born at less than 32
weeks’ gestational age, assessment of BPD is performed at 36 weeks’ PMA or at the
time of discharge. Mild BPD is defined as a need for supplemental O2
21% for at least 28 days but not at 36 weeks’ PMA or discharge; moderate BPD as a
for at least 28 days plus treatment with less than 30% O2 at
36 weeks’ PMA or discharge; and severe BPD as a need for supplemental O2
least 28 days plus treatment with at least 30% O2 or positive-pressure ventilation at
36 weeks’ PMA or discharge. For infants born at 32 weeks’ gestational age or older,
the above definitions are different only in that assessments are conducted at 56 days
of life rather than 36 weeks’ PMA.
21 BPD is a significant cause of infant morbidity
and mortality. BPD affects 10,000 to 15,000 infants in the United States each year.
The incidence and severity of BPD are inversely related to gestational age and birth
weight. Infants born at 23 weeks’ gestation have a 73% incidence of BPD compared
with a 23% incidence in infants born at 28 weeks’ gestation.
infants born at 23 weeks’ gestation develop severe disease compared with 8% in
infants born at 28 weeks’ gestation.
21 Overall, from 1993 to 2006, the incidence of
BPD has decreased; however, length of hospital stay has increased significantly. This
may be due to a change in the definition of BPD and/or an increase in the use of
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
The cause of BPD seems to be multifactorial. Lung immaturity, surfactant deficiency,
oxygen toxicity, barotrauma or volutrauma, and inflammation all play important roles.
Premature infants, especially those at less than 26 weeks’ gestation, are at a higher
risk for BPD owing to lung immaturity.
21 Surfactant deficiency and the immature
parenchymal structure of the lung and chest wall contribute to the development of
BPD. Oxygen therapy, which causes a release of free oxygen radicals, is directly
associated with the pathogenesis of BPD. Prolonged exposure to high oxygen
concentrations and free oxygen radicals causes tissue damage, alveolar–capillary
leaks, and atelectasis with resultant impaired gas exchange and pulmonary
21,23,24 This may lead to the chronic pulmonary fibrotic changes seen in infants
with BPD. In term infants, the lungs contain antioxidant enzymes that help to protect
the lung from damage produced by free oxygen radicals. However, in preterm infants,
the concentration of antioxidant enzymes may be low or absent. Therefore, premature
infants are more susceptible to develop BPD than term infants.
Barotrauma secondary to positive-pressure ventilation is also a major factor in the
pathogenesis of BPD, independent of oxygen toxicity.
repetitive distension of the terminal airways during mechanical ventilation. This
results in disruption of the epithelium and an increase in capillary permeability to
proteinaceous fluid. The severity of lung injury is related to the amount of positive
peak pressure used. Volutrauma is also involved in the pathogenesis of BPD and is
caused by high tidal volume ventilation and overdistension. The combined iatrogenic
insults of oxygen toxicity and barotrauma or volutrauma, both inflicted on an
immature lung for an extended time, can worsen lung damage.
The inflammatory process in the lung is activated by oxygen toxicity, barotrauma
or volutrauma, or other injury. This results in the attraction and activation of
leukocytes (e.g., neutrophils, macrophages), which may cause further release of
inflammatory mediators, elastase, and collagenase.
24 Elevated levels of elastase and
collagenase can destroy the elastin and collagen framework of the lung. α1
inhibitor, a major defense against elastase activity, may be inactivated by free oxygen
radicals. Therefore, the combined elevated levels of elastase and the decreased
-proteinase inhibitor may enhance lung injury and lead to the
combined with the activated leukocytes, cause significant lung damage with
breakdown of capillary endothelial integrity and capillary leakage. Furthermore, the
increased fibronectin levels found in tracheal aspirate samples of infants with early
BPD may predispose them to exhibit pulmonary fibrosis.
Infection and nutrient deficiency may also play a role in the pathogenesis of BPD.
The presence of chorioamnionitis may increase the infants’ risk for BPD, although
recent studies failed to report similar findings. Pathogens such as Ureaplasma,
Chlamydia, or cytomegalovirus may cause chronic infection and contribute to the
21,23,24 A recent meta-analysis has shown direct correlations
between Ureaplasma colonization and the presence of BPD, regardless of gestational
25 Deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A (retinol) or trace elements such as
zinc, copper, and selenium (which are integral components of the antioxidant enzyme
structure) may also play a role in the pathogenesis of BPD.
J.T. has two of the most important risk factors for BPD, low birth weight, and
decreased gestational age. She is also at risk for
BPD owing to mechanical ventilation, oxygen toxicity, and fluid excess (160
mL/kg/day). Other risk factors include male sex, white ethnicity, and persistent
BPD is characterized by tachypnea with shallow breathing, intercostal and
subcostal retractions, and expiratory wheezing as demonstrated in J.T. Other signs
radiograph shows evidence of BPD, including focal emphysema, atelectasis,
bilateral diffuse haziness (interstitial thickening) with increased expansion of the
lungs, and irregular fibrous streaks. Mucous plugging, sepsis, and pneumonia can
also develop in BPD infants on chronic mechanical ventilation. Infants with severe
BPD eventually experience cardiovascular complications such as pulmonary
hypertension, cor pulmonale, systemic hypertension, and left ventricular hypertrophy.
In addition to chronic respiratory and cardiovascular complications, infants with
BPD have significant growth, nutritional, and neurodevelopmental problems.
CASE 105-2, QUESTION 2: What nonpharmacologic and therapeutic agents should be used to manage
The medical management of infants with BPD includes supplemental oxygen
therapy, mechanical ventilation, fluid restriction, nutritional management, and various
pharmacologic interventions. Supplemental oxygen administered via mechanical
ventilation, CPAP, or nasal cannula should be provided to maintain an oxygen
saturation of 90% to 95% and prevent hypoxemia.
23,24 Fluids should be restricted to
120–130 mL/kg/day to prevent congestive heart disease and pulmonary edema.
Because infants with BPD have a 25% increase in caloric expenditure, hypercaloric
formulas (e.g., 24 or 27 cal/ounce) may be used to optimize calories while restricting
If this increased energy is not provided, infants are at risk for
undergoing a catabolic state that places them at higher risk of experiencing more
severe BPD (inadequate nutrition may potentiate the toxic effects of oxygen toxicity
and barotrauma). The goal of nutritional therapy is to produce weight gains of 10 to
30 g/day, which can usually be accomplished by providing 140 to 160 kcal/kg/day.
If infants do not tolerate enteral feedings, parenteral nutrition should be substituted
until the gastrointestinal (GI) tract becomes more functional. Because J.T. is on a 20-
cal/ounce formula, switching her to a hypercaloric formula would help to optimize
her weight gain. Her fluids should be restricted to 120–130 mL/kg/day.
The treatment of BPD consists of multiple-drug therapy, which includes diuretics,
bronchodilators, and corticosteroids.
2,27–32 Despite the advancement of drug therapy,
none of these drugs have been shown to reverse pulmonary damage in infants with
BPD. Instead, they are used primarily to reduce clinical symptoms and to improve
Infants with BPD are particularly prone to pulmonary edema from cardiogenic and
noncardiogenic factors. Left ventricular failure may worsen the already existing right
ventricular failure. Pulmonary vascular permeability is increased because of the
disruption of the alveolar–capillary unit and causes an increased amount of fluid in
the interstitium. Although the precise mechanism in the treatment of BPD is unknown,
diuretics help to reduce interstitial lung water.
pulmonary vascular resistance and improve gas exchange, thereby reducing oxygen
requirements. The most commonly used diuretics are furosemide, thiazides, and
spironolactone. Furosemide is the drug of choice because of its potent diuretic effect.
In addition, it increases lymphatic flow and plasma oncotic pressure and decreases
pulmonary interstitial edema. The use of furosemide in infants with BPD was
associated with short-term improvement in lung compliance and oxygenation,
decreased total pulmonary resistance, and facilitation in ventilator weaning.
However, a meta-analysis did not support all of these findings. Tolerance to
furosemide may develop after a few days of therapy; this may be a result of the
contraction in extracellular volume, which can lead to a compensatory increase in
water and sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules. Furosemide can have significant
adverse effects including hypochloremia, hypokalemia, and hyponatremia.
Furthermore, volume depletion, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, osteopenia, and
24,29 Excessive fluid loss or hypochloremia may result in
metabolic alkalosis and worsen respiratory acidosis. Some of these adverse effects
may be reduced by using alternate-day furosemide therapy or nebulized furosemide.
Neither of these regimens were associated with electrolyte imbalances, and both
were shown to significantly increase lung compliance and decrease pulmonary
oxygen requirements with increased diuresis.
27 Although less potent than furosemide,
the combination of these two diuretics can reduce the incidence of hypokalemia
commonly associated with loop or thiazide diuretics. Adverse effects commonly seen
with this combination include hyponatremia, hyperkalemia or hypokalemia,
hypercalciuria, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, azotemia, and hypomagnesia.
summary, despite insufficient evidence of long-term efficacy (e.g., decreased oxygen
requirement, need for mechanical ventilation, death, severity of BPD) and the
potential for adverse effects, diuretics are often used in the management of BPD to
provide short-term improvement in pulmonary edema and reduce the need for
Generally, infants with BPD are treated with furosemide, but are changed to a
combination diuretic if long-term treatment is needed to avoid adverse effects.
Suggested indications for initiating furosemide therapy include (a) 1-week-old
infants with early BPD and ventilator dependency, (b) infants with stable BPD who
significantly worsen owing to fluid overload, (c) infants with chronic BPD who do
not improve, and (d) infants requiring an increased fluid intake to provide adequate
26 Because J.T. has chronic BPD and is not improving (i.e., she has not been
able to be weaned off the ventilator), furosemide 2 mg/kg given every 12 hours
enterally may be considered. J.T. should be monitored and treated for electrolyte
disturbances while on furosemide.
Infants in the early stages of BPD generally have airway hyperactivity and smooth
muscle hypertrophy. They are also at higher risk for bronchoconstriction owing to
increased airway resistance secondary to hypoxia. Therefore, the use of
bronchodilators may be helpful in these infants. β2
-Agonists such as albuterol have
been shown to provide short-term improvements (4 hours) in lung compliance and
pulmonary resistance owing to bronchial smooth muscle relaxation.
inhaled bronchodilators are not effective in all infants with BPD. Infants in the late
stages of BPD may have severe pulmonary damage and fibrotic changes.
Only half of these infants demonstrate a decrease in pulmonary resistance after
In addition, tolerance may develop with prolonged
27 Therefore, inhaled bronchodilators should be reserved for infants
bronchodilators in BPD infants. Despite the lack of meaningful long-term clinical
-agonists and the variable results, their use continues to
be very common in preterm infants with BPD. Further studies evaluating the efficacy
and safety of long-term inhaled bronchodilator therapy are needed.
Inhaled anticholinergics (e.g., ipratropium bromide) have produced short-term
benefits (approximately 4 hours) in infants with BPD by improving pulmonary
Inhaled anticholinergics, which relax bronchial smooth muscle and
decrease mucus secretion, are generally reserved for infants who fail or are
intolerant to albuterol, or as an adjunct to albuterol if clinical improvement is not
27 The combined therapy of albuterol and ipratropium may be more effective
27 The adverse effect profile of ipratropium is minimal because
A major problem with inhaled bronchodilators is their method of administration
and drug delivery. Inhaled bronchodilators can be given by jet or ultrasonic
nebulization or via a metered-dose inhaler (MDI).
29 For ventilator-dependent infants
receiving MDIs, the MDI is connected to an adapter that is attached to the ventilator
circuit and ETT. MDIs can also be given through bag ventilation via the ETT. For
nonventilated infants, the MDI can be given using a valved holding chamber device
Compared with MDIs, nebulization has several disadvantages including loss or
inefficient delivery of drug and cooling of the inspired oxygen mixture. In several
neonatal studies, MDIs with a spacer provided more efficient delivery of inhaled
bronchodilators and greater improvements in oxygenation and ventilation; smaller
doses and a shorter treatment time were also used.
35,36 Furthermore, when comparing
the three different devices, the MDI with spacer and the ultrasonic nebulizer are more
efficient in delivering aerosols to neonates than the jet nebulizer.
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