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CBT and, 1748

duration of, 1750

nonpharmacologic, 1748

selection of, 1749

triggers of, 1749

Paper charts, 3t

Pap smear, 1019

Paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction (PICD), 545

Paradoxical sleep, 1763–1764

Parasitic infections

amebiasis, 1702–1707

cestodiasis, 1708–1710

enterobiasis, 1708

giardiasis, 1707–1708

malaria, 1694–1701

pediculosis, 1710–1712

scabies, 1712

Parathyroidectomy, 623

Parenteral nutrition (PN)

for adults, 791–805

advantages and disadvantages of, 798t

diabetes and, 799–800

EFAD and, 795

electrolytes and, 801t

and elevations in liver enzymes, 805

formulations for, 792

amino acids in, 793, 794–795, 794t

caloric density of nutrients in, 793t

carbohydrate in, 792

components of, 792–793, 793t

cycling of, 804

lipids in, 792–793

medications addition to, 804–805

microbial growth in, 798

micronutrients in, 793

total nutrient admixture in, 797–798

hyperglycemia and, 795, 800, 802

hypokalemia and, 801

hypomagnesemia and, 802

hypophosphatemia and, 801–802

for infants, 2148, 2151–2152

calcium content, 2151

with chronic renal, 2148–2149

fat emulsion complications, 2149

with GI anomalies, 2148

goals of, 2149

with hepatic disease, 2148–2149

and liver diseases, 2151–2152

with respiratory distress, 2148

for VLBW, 2148

metabolic alkalosis and, 802

mixed-fuelsystem and, 795

monitoring parameters for, 799t

obesity and, 799–800

pancreatitis and, 800

patient assessment

moderate stress, 795–805, 796t, 798t, 799t

population-based formulation, 793–795

phlebitis and, 795

short bowelsyndrome and, 803

therapy, 791

trace elements and, 801–802, 801t

venous access sites for, 792

central, 792

peripheral, 792

vitamins and, 801–802, 801t

weight loss and, 796

Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD), 2151–2152

Parietal cell, 482, 482f

Parity, 968

Parkinson’s disease (PD)

and anxiety disorders, 1736t

classic features of, 1248

clinical presentation of, 1248–1249, 1248f

diagnosis of, 1249

early, treatment of, 1251–1259, 1252f

essential tremor and, 1270t

etiology of, 1247

incidence, prevalence, and epidemiology of, 1247

medications used for, 1250–1251t

motor complications, 1259–1260

nonmotor symptoms of, 1266–1268

autonomic dysfunction, 1267

dementia, 1266–1267

depression/anxiety, 1267

falls, 1267–1268

psychosis, 1267

sleep disorders, 1268

pathophysiology of, 1247

progression of, 1259–1264

and SAD, 1750

staging of, 1249, 1249t

surgical therapies for, 1264–1265

treatment algorithm for management motor complications in, 1263f

treatment of, 1249–1251

Parkinsonism, 1798–1799

Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF), 311

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), 311, 318

arrhythmogenesis and reentry, 318–319

clinical presentation of, 318

treatment of, 319–320

Parturition, 968

PASI (see Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI))

Patellar reflexes, 987–988

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 2169

changes at birth, 2178

circulatory structures, 2177, 2177f

clinical presentation of, 2178–2179


of ductus arteriosus, 2178

of foramen ovale, 2178

and pulmonary vasoconstriction, 2177

recurrence of, 2180

treatment, 2179–2181

indomethacin therapy, 2179–2181

mechanical ventilation, 2180

NSAID, 2179–2181

Patient-directed monitoring/testing, 36–37

Patient education, 9

Patient encounter, approach to, 2f

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), 1816

Patient history, in medication therapy management services, 4–6

Patient information, sources of, 2–3

Patient interviews, 3, 4t

Patient monitoring, 735–736

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, 11

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, 95

Patient self-care, 2

Patient therapy, assessment of

in medication therapy management services

assessment, 8–9

objective data, 8

patient education, 9

plan, 9

problem list, 7–8, 7t

subjective data, 8

Pauci-immune, 641

PBPCs (see Peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPCs))

PCI (see Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI))

PCI-Clopidogrel as Adjunctive Reperfusion Therapy (PCI-CLARITY), 255

PCMH (see Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model)

PCOS (see Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS))

PCP (see Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP))

PCT (see Procalcitonin (PCT))

PCWP (see Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP))

PD (see Parkinson’s disease (PD))

PDA (see Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA))

PE (see Pulmonary embolism (PE))

PEA (see Pulseless electrical activity (PEA))

p. 2358

p. 2359

Peak expiratory flow (PEF), 379

green zone, 402

measurement of, 383–384

red zone, 402

yellow zone, 402

Peak inspiratory flow (PIF), 394

Pediatric depression, 1830–1831

Pediatric malignancies

acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 2011–2019

and age factor, 2002

children and radiation-related toxicity, 2002

Ewing sarcomas, 2001

genetics associated, 2001

late effects, 2002

neuroblastoma, 2002–2006, 2003–2005t

non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 2019–2022

osteosarcoma, 2008–2010, 2009f

pediatric multi-institutional research groups, 2002

rhabdomyosarcoma, 2010–2011

risk of a health problems, 2002

role of carcinogens, 2001–2002

of small round cells, 2001

statistics, 2001, 2001t

Wilms tumor, 2006–2008, 2006t

Pediatric Rule and the Research Equity Act of 2003, 2137

Pediculosis (lice infections), 1710–1712

epidemiology, 1710

life cycle of lice, 1710, 1710f

prevalence, 1710

signs and symptoms, 1711

treatment, 1711–1712, 1711t

PEF (see Peak expiratory flow (PEF))

PEG (see Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG))

PEJ (see Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (PEJ))

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 1512–1514

clinicalsequelae in, 1512

diagnosis and treatment of, 1513t, 1612–1614

etiology of, 1512

gonococcal infection and, 1508

incidence of, 1512

risk factors for, 1512

signs and symptoms of, 1512


induced ATN, 645

induced neurotoxicity, 673–674

Penicillin-allergic women, 995

Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), 48

Penile vasocongestion, 2259

Pepsin, 490

Peptic ulcer bleeding, 511

clinical assessment and diagnosis, 511–512

epidemiology, 511

pathophysiology, 511

treatment, 512–513

Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)

clinical assessment and diagnosis, 491–493, 491–492t

clinical course and prognosis, 493

clinical presentation, 491

epidemiology, 489

etiology and risk factors, 489

Helicobacter pylori-related, 495–496

patients with penicillin allergies, 497–498

secondary or rescue therapy for, 498

treatment of, 496–497

management of, 494f

NSAID induced ulcers, 489, 489t, 490–491, 490t, 498–499

cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors and cardiovascular toxicity, 500

strategies to reduce risk of, 499–500

stratification of future risk for, 500–501

pathophysiology, 490

patient education, 497

treatment, 493–495, 493–494t, 494f

Perception, 1173

Percussion and postural drainage (P&PD), 458

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), 212, 225–228, 232, 360

advantages of, 249

disadvantages of, 249

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), 36

Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (PEJ), 770

Percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy (PRG), 770

Perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC), 438


definition of, 1028

pathophysiology of, 1029, 1029f

Periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS), 1269

Perioperative pain management, 1175–1176

Periorbital edema, 1067

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), 162–169

cause of, 162

cigarette smoking and, 163

clinical presentation of, 164–165

diabetes and, 163

epidemiology of, 163

hypertension and, 142, 163

hypertriglyceridemia, 163

pathophysiology of, 163–164

treatment of, 165–169, 165t

antithrombotic therapy, 169

pharmacologic therapies, 167–169

therapeutic objectives of, 165–167

Peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPCs)

mobilization and collection of autologous, 2104–2105

Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), 330, 792

Peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN), 792

Peripheral vascular disorders

nocturnal leg muscle cramps, 171–173

peripheral arterial disease, 162–169

Raynaud’s disease, 169–171

Peripheral venous access, 792

Peritoneal dialysis

access, 660–661

dialysis prescription, 661–663

principles and transport processes, 659–660, 660f

Peritoneovenous shunt, 546


definition of, 1473

primary, 1473–1477

secondary, 1477–1480

Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN), 2205

Personalized medication record (PMR), 10, 10f

Personalized medicine

pharmacogenomics and (see Pharmacogenomics)

Pertussis, 1357

PESI (see Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) scoring systems)

Petechial skin lesions, 1386, 1387f

Petrolatum, 1712

P-glycoprotein (PGP), 178, 291

P-glycoprotein (P-gp), 41–42, 48

PGP (see P-glycoprotein (PGP)

Pharmaceutical care, 1

Pharmacodynamic drug interactions, 39, 43–44, 45t


definition of, 51

family implications of, 60

making case for, 60–61

Pharmacogenomics, 14

CYP2D6, peculiarities of, 58–59

definition of, 51

developmental impact and, 59–60

drug target implications of, 56–57

nonmetabolism implications of, 57–58

pharmacodynamic implications of, 53–55

pharmacokinetic implications of, 53, 53t, 54t

toxicity implications of, 55–56

Pharmacokinetic drug interactions, 39, 41–43, 42–43f, 45t

Pharmacokinetic implications, 53

Pharmacotherapy, 607

Pharmacy information systems (PIS), 3, 11

PharmD curriculum, 96

Phenylketonuria, and congenital malformations, 971

Phlebitis, 795

PHN (see Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN))

Phobic disorders

difference between SAD and, 1750

subtypes, 1750

Phosphate, 27

binders, 620t

blood chemistry reference values for, 18t

Phosphate-binding agents, 619–621

calcium-containing preparations, 619

p. 2359

p. 2360

iron-based phosphate binders, 621

lanthanum carbonate, 620–621

magnesium agents, 621

sevelamer, 619–620

Phospholipids (PL), 101–102


disorders of, 591–593

homeostasis, 591

Photoaging, 857

clinical application of, 858–859

epidemiology of, 857

etiology of, 857–858

Photoallergic reactions, 821

Photoallergy, 848–849, 856–857

Photoprotection, 849, 849t

Photosensitivity, 845–864

eruptions, 821–822

Photostability, 851

Phototherapy, 1818

Phototoxicity, 848–849, 856–857

Phototoxic reactions, 821

Physical activity, for hypertension reduction, 139

PICC (see Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC))

PICD (see Paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction (PICD))

PID (see Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID))

PIF (see Peak inspiratory flow (PIF))

PIF (see Prolactin inhibitory factor (PIF))

Pilocarpine iontophoresis test, 456

Piperacillin/tazobactam, 1209

PIS (see Pharmacy information systems (PIS))

Pityrosporum orbiculare, 1623

PL (see Phospholipids (PL))

Placental–fetal compartment effect, 970–971, 971f

Placental ischemia, 984

Plasma expanders, 545

Plasma osmolality, 570

Plasmapheresis, 641

Platelet adhesion, 175

vonWillebrand factor in, 175

Platelet factor 4 (PF4), 185

Platelet function tests, 227t

Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO), 255

PLATO (see Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO))

Pleiotropic drug resistance, 1957

PLMS (see Periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS))

PM (see Polymyositis (PM))

PMDD (see Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD))

PML (see Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML))

PMN (see Polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) cells)

PMR (see Personalized medication record (PMR))

PMR (see Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR))

PMS (see Premenstrual syndrome (PMS))

PNALD (see Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD))

Pneumococcal vaccines, 1360

Pneumocystis jiroveci, 1601

lung infections in cancer patients by pathogens in, 1556

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP)

and allogeneic HCT, 2125

HIV and, 1601–1605

classification, 1602

clinical presentation of, 1605

diagnose, 1605

natural course of, 1602

prophylaxis, 1604–1605

treatment, 1602t, 1603–1604

Pneumonia, 2227

causative organisms for, 1323

Pneumonia severity index (PSI), 1410

PN (see Parenteral nutrition (PN) therapy)

POAG (see Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG))


Poison control centers, 65

Poisoning & Drug Overdose, 65

Poisoning, from drugs, 62–82

Poison ivy (Rhus) dermatitis, 820–821

Polyclonal antibodies, 722–723

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 1905

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 954–955

and amenorrhea, 1010

and androgen production, 1009

and cardiovascular disease, 1010

clinical characteristics of, 1007–1008

complications of, 1009–1010

and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 1007

diagnosis of, 1007

and dyslipidemia, 1010

and endometrial cancer, 1010

and endometrial hyperplasia, 1010

genetic basis for, 1008

and gonadotropin secretion, 1008–1009

and hirsutism, 1007–1008

and hyperandrogenemia, 1007

and hyperandrogenism, 1007

and hyperprolactinemia, 1007

and IGT, 1010

lifestyle modification for, 1008

menstrual dysfunction in, 1008

and metabolic syndrome, 1010

and obstructive sleep apnea, 1010

and oligomenorrhea, 1010

ovulatory dysfunction in, 1008

pathophysiology of, 1008–1009, 1008f

and risk of insulin resistance, 1009

and thyroid abnormalities, 1007


for anovulation, 1013

COCs, 1011

diet modification, 1011

exercise, 1011

glycemic index foods, 1011

for hirsutism, 1012–1013

impact of weight loss, 1011

nonpharmacologic, 1010–1011

for oligo-ovulation, 1013

for ovulation induction, 1013

weight reduction programs, 1011

Polygenic hypercholesterolemia, 105, 106t

Polymeric formulas, 771, 772t, 773

caloric density/macronutrient quantities in, 774, 774t

er in, 774–775

nutrient sources in, 773–774

protein in, 774–775

Polymorphism in drug metabolizing enzymes, 682

Polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) cells, 520

Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), 924–925, 925t

Polymyalgia Rheumatica Activity Scale, 925

Polymyositis (PM), 927–928

Polypeptides, 747

Polypharmacy, defined, 39

Polysaccharides, 747

Polysomnography, 1763, 1777

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 792–793

POMR (see Problem-oriented medical record (POMR))

PONV (see Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV))

Pooled Cohort Equations, 110

Porcine skin, 862

Porcine xenografts, 862

Pork tapeworm (see Cestodiasis (tapeworm infection))

Porphyria, and EPT, 2276

Portal hypertension, 540–542, 540f, 541t

Child–Turcotte–Pugh classification of severity, 541t

clinical presentation, 541–542

laboratory findings, 540–541

portal venous system, schematic diagram of, 540f

Portal vein pressure (PVP), 546

Positron emission tomography scanning, for migraine headache, 1235

Post-antibiotic effect (PAE), 1340

Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), 1188, 1652 (see also Neuropathic pain)

treatment, 1189

Postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS), 1461

Post-Lyme disease syndrome, 1721

Postoperative course and delayed graft function, 726

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), 477–479, 478t

Postoperative pain

prevalence of chronic, 1176t

risk factors for increased, 1176t

transition of opioid doses, 1179t

Postprandial distress syndrome, 487

Postrenal acute kidney injury, 635, 645–646, 646t

p. 2360

p. 2361

Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN), 640

Post-term birth, 968

Post-transplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM), 732

Posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD), 722, 725, 743–745

Posttransplant hyperlipidemia, 733

Posttransplant hypertension, 732–733

Posttransplant osteoporosis, 733

Post-traumatic hyperthermia, 2214

Post-traumatic seizures (PTS), 2214

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

clinical assessment and goals of therapy, 1755

clinical course, 1753

clinical presentation of, 1754–1755

diagnostic criteria, 1752–1753

epidemiology, 1753

etiology, 1753

panic disorder associated with, 1749

pathophysiology, 1753

rating scales, 1755

symptoms, 1754

symptoms of, 1753t


antidepressants, 1754

course and duration of, 1755

nonpharmacologic, 1754

SSRIs, 1754

Potassium, 22, 1603

blood chemistry reference values for, 17t

and children, 2140t

disorders of

hyperkalemia, 584–586

hypokalemia, 582–584

and diuretics, 2223

homeostasis, 581–582

and induction therapy, 1612

and licorice tea, 2223

loss due to diarrhea, 2142

maintenance doses of, 2141

normal daily intake of, 582

in oral electrolyte solutions, 2161t

and renal dysfunction, 1991

and respiratory alkalosis, 1672

supplementation in hypertension, 139

and tumor lysis syndrome, 2027

in WHO formula, 2160

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) stain, 1325

Powassan disease, 1728

PPHN (see Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN))

PPIs (see Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs))

PPN (see Peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN))

PPS (see Palliative Performance Scale (PPS))

Prealbumin (see Transthyretin (prealbumin))

Prealbumin, 27

blood chemistry reference values for, 18t

Preconception counseling, 968

Preeclampsia, 979, 983–988

antihypertensive therapy for, 986

and BP, 983–984, 986

and coagulopathies, 986

diabetes mellitus and, 983

and eclamptic seizures, 986

encephalopathy and, 986

liver failure and, 986

magnesium sulfate therapy for, 987

mild, 984

etiology and pathogenesis, 984–985

treatment of, 985–986

and pulmonary edema, 986

renal failure and, 986

risk factors, 983–984

risk for recurrence, 983


clinical presentation, 986

complications, 986–987

treatment of, 985–986

Pre-emptive therapy, 743

Pregestational diabetes, 978


abortion, 968

acetaminophen overdoses during, 79

and alloimmunization, 998–999

anticoagulation during, 199t

breast tissue maturation during, 999

and BV, 995

and cardiovascular systems, 970

and clozapine, 1811

criticalstages of human development, 974f

DKA and, 1108

and endothelial damage, 984–985

FDA classification structure for, 974

first trimester, 968

GDM and, 1076

and genital herpes, 1531–1532

gestational age, determination of, 968

and GI systems, 970

and glucose tolerance, 982

glycemic control in, 980

HIV and, 1592

home pregnancy tests, 969

and hydronephrosis, 977

hyperthyroidism in, 1064–1065

induced pharmacokinetic changes, 970–971

albumin concentrations, 970

drug absorption, 970

drug distribution, 970

elimination of drugs, 970

glomerular filtration rate, 970

hepatic blood flow, 970

metabolism of drugs, 970

N-acetyltransferase activity, 970

placental–fetal compartment effect, 970–971, 971f

plasma volume, 970

respiratory systems, 970

serum creatinine concentration, 970

intestinal amebiasis, treatment for, 1706–1707

and iodide use, 1064

and iron deficiency, 968–969


Braxton-Hicks contractions, 988

cervical dilation, 988–989

cervical ripening, 989–990

and chorioamnionitis, 988, 996

contraindications to, 988–989

false, 988

HIV in, 996–997

hygroscopic dilators, use of, 989

induction of, 988–991

latent phase duration of, 988

onset of true, 988

and preeclampsia, 988

preterm delivery, 988–989

third stage of, 988

uterine activity, 988

uterine hyperstimulation, 990

management of conditions


-receptor antagonists, 977

nausea, 975–977, 976t

reflux esophagitis, 977

vomiting, 975–977, 976t

medication use in

criticalstage of exposure, 972, 974f

dose–response curve, 972

embryonic period, exposure effects, 972

fetal period, exposure effects, 972

and genetic variability, 972

placental drug transfer, 973–974

pre-embryonic period, exposure effects, 972

and risk of developmental toxicity, 972

and methyldopa therapy, 984

NAC therapy in, 80

NTD-affected, 969

parturition, 968

perinatal period, 968

period of, 968

and placental ischemia, 984

postpartum hemorrhage

prevention, 997

treatment, 997–998

post-term, 988–989

preconceptional care, 968

prenatal vitamins, 968

proper nutritional requirements

calcium, 969

folic acid, 969

iron, 968–969

prostacyclin in, 985

rhinitis and, 435

risk of congenital malformations, 971

causes, 971–972

drug-induced birth defects, 971

and spontaneous abortions, 971

and stillbirths, 971

syphilis and, 1521

TB in, 1443

and teratogenicity, 972–974, 973t, 974f

thromboxane A2

in, 985

trichomoniasis in, 1527

urinary tract infections, 1484, 1500

acute cystitis, 977–978

asymptomatic bacteriuria, 977–978

bladder dysfunctions, 977

dysuria, 977

hematuria, 977

pyelonephritis, 977

ureteral dilation, 977

p. 2361

p. 2362

and urinary tract infections, 977–978

VVC in, 1526

warfarin interactions, 196t

Preload, defined, 352 (see also Shock)

Premature atrial contraction (PAC), 309

Premature ejaculation, 2259

Premature ventricular contraction (PVC), 292, 309, 322, 322f, 323–324

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), 944

COC formulation for, 1025, 1027

diagnosis of, 1022–1023

ACOG criteria, 1023t

pathophysiology, 1023–1024

symptoms of, 1023

treatment, 1025–1027

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 944

diagnosis of, 1022–1023

ACOG criteria, 1023t

mind–body approaches for, 1024

pathophysiology, 1023–1024

symptoms of, 1023

treatment, 1024–1025

Prenatal vitamins, 968–969

Prerenal azotemia, 544, 631, 635

PRESERVE (see Prevention of Serious Adverse Events following Angiography (PRESERVE))

Preterm birth, 968

Preterm labor, 996

and calcium-channel blockers, 993

clinical presentation and evaluation, 991

corticotropin-releasing hormone and, 991

etiology, 991

ronectin test for, 991

maternal and fetal genes variations, 991

and maternal infections, 991

risk factors, 991

rupture of membranes, 994–995

and tocolysis, 992–994

and urinary tract infections, 992

Prevention of Serious Adverse Events following Angiography (PRESERVE), 643

PRG (see Percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy (PRG))

Primary headache disorders, 1234

cluster headache, 1234

abortive therapy for, 1243–1244

pathophysiology of, 1243

prophylactic therapy for, 1244

signs and symptoms of, 1243

migraine, 1234

without aura, 1236–1240

intractable, 1240

medication overuse, 1242–1243

pathophysiology of, 1235–1236

prophylactic therapy for, 1240–1242

quantitative assessment instruments for, 1236

tension-type headache, 1234

general management and abortive therapy for, 1244–1245

interprofessional management of, 1245

pathophysiology of, 1244

prophylactic therapy for, 1245

Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), 1150–1158

Primary peritonitis, 1473–1477

CAPD-associated, 1475–1477

in cirrhotic patients, 1474–1475

fungal CAPD-associated, 1476–1477

Primary prophylaxis, 549–550

Prinzmetal variant angina, 228–229

Probiotics, 493

Problem-oriented medical record (POMR), 6–9, 6t

Procalcitonin (PCT), 31, 1321, 1414

blood chemistry reference values for, 20t

Proctitis, 520

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), 529, 1228

Proinsulin, 1083

Prolactin inhibitory factor (PIF), 999

Prophylactic co-therapy, 493


for cluster headache, 1244

for migraine headache, 1240–1242

for tension-type headache, 1245

Propionibacterium acnes, 826

Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9), 107

Prostate cancer

androgen deprivation therapy, 2090–2092, 2091t

castration-resistant, 2092–2098

adverse effects of, 2096

androgen deprivation therapy, 2096–2098

metastatic disease, 2094–2096

radiation effects, 2098

clinical presentation, 2084

diagnosis, 2084

epidemiology, 2083

Gleason score, 2088, 2088f

incidence, 2083

life expectancy, 2087

pathophysiology, 2084

prevalence, 2083

radiation therapy, 2089–2090

risk factors

age, 2084

diet, 2085

ethnicity, 2084–2085, 2085f

family history, 2085

genetic syndromes, 2085

lifestyle, 2085

screening, 2085–2088, 2086t

sites of metastases, 1950t

specific antigen, 2088

staging, 2088

treatment, 2084

definitive local therapy, 2089

locally advanced disease, 2092

observation versus active surveillance, 2088–2089

progression, 2092

recurrence, 2092

surgery, 2089–2092

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 20t, 30–31, 2255–2256, 2256t

Prostatitis, 1403

Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), 1391–1393

antimicrobial therapy for, 1392–1393

etiology of, 1391

prophylaxis for, 1391–1392

Proteases, 455

Protein-binding alterations, 1210

Proteins, 747

diabetes and, 1081

in enteral formulas, 777, 778t

laboratory tests for, 18t

Proteinuria, 35, 601, 603–604, 624, 983–984

Proteus mirabilis, 977

Prothrombin ratio (PTR), 35

Prothrombin time (PT), 35, 181, 541

Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), 228, 484–486

Pruritus, 819

PSA (see Prostate-specific antigen (PSA))

PsA (see Psoriatic arthritis (PsA))

Pseudoaddiction, 1876

Pseudoallergic reactions, 693–694, 693t

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II–receptor blockers, 694–695

aspirin/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 694

iron-dextran injection, 696

narcotic analgesics, 696

radiocontrast media, 695–696

Pseudomenopause, 1019

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 418, 455, 662–663

endocarditis by, 1400–1401

eradication of, 460

PSGN (see Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN))

PSI (see Pneumonia severity index (PSI))

Psoralens plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) light therapy, 838

Psoriasis, 832–843

categorization of, 834–835

clinical presentation of, 833–834

drug-induced, 834, 834t

erythrodermic, 833

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