are less expensive than nebulization. Therefore, the use of MDIs with an appropriate
spacing device is preferred for most infants.
Corticosteroids, particularly dexamethasone, have been used extensively for the
prevention and treatment of BPD. Mechanisms of action of corticosteroids include
(a) reduction of polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration to the lung, (b) reduction of
lung inflammation, (c) inhibition of prostaglandin, leukotriene, tumor necrosis factor,
and interleukin synthesis, (d) reduction of elastase production, (e) stimulation of
surfactant synthesis, (f) reduction of vascular permeability and pulmonary edema, (g)
enhancement of β-adrenergic receptor activity, (h) reduction of pulmonary fibronectin
(which can reduce the risk of interstitial fibrosis), and (i) stimulation of serum retinol
Systemic dexamethasone is associated with many serious short-term adverse
effects, including hyperglycemia, increased BP, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, GI
bleeding, intestinal perforation, pituitary–adrenal suppression, bone
demineralization, poor weight gain, and increased risk of infection.
2,24 Serious longterm adverse effects such as cerebral palsy (CP) and neurosensory disability have
also been identified in preterm infants who receive systemic corticosteroids.
Early (within the first week of life) and late (administered after 1 week of life) use
of dexamethasone was associated with significant decreases in the incidences of
BPD and the combined outcome of death or BPD at 28 days’ postnatal age (PNA)
37,38 Additionally, infants in the late group had a significantly
lower incidence of mortality at 28 days’ PNA. However, the risk for CP and the
combined outcome of death or CP were significantly increased in the early group.
Although none of the studies were powered to detect long-term neurologic adverse
events, the authors concluded that the benefits of early dexamethasone use do not
outweigh the adverse effects and cannot be currently recommended.
dexamethasone should be reserved for infants who are unable to be weaned off the
ventilator, and the dose and duration of treatment should be minimized.
trials evaluating the adverse long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes associated
with dexamethasone reported that low-dose dexamethasone (0.15 mg/kg/day)
appeared to be safe and did not increase the risk of CP, whereas high-dose
dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg/day) was associated with significantly increased risk of
Although studies have reported that hydrocortisone may be safer than
dexamethasone, a meta-analysis found no effect of hydrocortisone on survival
In addition, an increase in spontaneous GI
perforation was found in the hydrocortisone-treated group in the largest trial,
resulting in an early termination of three studies.
23,27,39,40 The incidence of GI
perforation may have been increased as a result of concomitant treatment with
indomethacin. In contrast to studies of high-dose dexamethasone, long-term adverse
effects (e.g., CP, neurodevelopmental impairment) of hydrocortisone in patients
assessed at 2 to 8 years of age have been reported to be similar to placebo or
39,40 The doses of hydrocortisone used in most of these studies (1
mg/kg/day) were lower than the doses of dexamethasone used in clinical trials. Most
infants treated with dexamethasone received a dose of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/kg/day, which is
equivalent to hydrocortisone 5 to 15 mg/kg/day. Furthermore, all of these studies
initiated hydrocortisone within the first week of life. Currently, there are no trials
evaluating the use of hydrocortisone after 1 week of life in infants with established,
Based on these clinical findings, a policy statement from the American Academy
of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend high-dose dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg/day
or greater) owing to the absence of improved short- and long-term outcomes from
It also does not recommend low-dose dexamethasone (<0.2
mg/kg/day) or high-dose hydrocortisone (3–6 mg/kg/day) owing to insufficient
evidence. Early low-dose hydrocortisone (1 mg/kg/day) given within the first 2
weeks of life may benefit a specific patient population. Clinicians must weigh the
potential risks of BPD with the potential adverse effects associated with
glucocorticoids; therapy should be considered in VLBW infants at high risk for
experiencing BPD (e.g., those still on mechanical ventilation after 1–2 weeks of age).
Parents should be fully informed about the short- and long-term adverse effects of
39 Despite the AAP recommendation, some clinicians would
still consider administering a short course of low-dose systemic corticosteroid to
help facilitate extubation. This practice may be supported by a meta-regression
analysis demonstrating that the impact of postnatal steroids on the combined outcome
of death or CP was modified by the risk of BPD.
24 When postnatal steroids were
used in infants with a low risk for BPD (<35%), there was a significant increase in
the risk of death or CP. However, when used in infants with a higher risk for BPD
(>65%), a significant reduction in the risk of death or CP was found. Overall, infants
with a >50% predicted risk of BPD had less harm associated with steroids than those
24 Dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/day in two divided doses (tapered
for 5–7 days) may be considered for J.T., even though she is now 13 weeks old.
Throughout therapy, J.T. should
be monitored for hyperglycemia, hypertension, GI bleeding, and intestinal
Inhaled steroids such as beclomethasone dipropionate, flunisolide, fluticasone, and
budesonide have also been used for the treatment and prevention of BPD.
compared to placebo, inhaled corticosteroids have not been shown to decrease the
incidence of death or BPD, the combined outcome of death or BPD, and duration of
mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy; however, the use of systemic steroid may
30,41 When compared to systemic steroids, no significant differences in
mortality or the incidence of BPD were found.
31,32 The use of early inhaled steroids
(i.e., prevention) was associated with increased duration of mechanical ventilation
and oxygenation. None of these studies evaluated long-term neurodevelopmental
outcomes associated with inhaled steroids. Adverse effects of inhaled steroids are
less common than with systemic steroids; these include mild adrenal suppression,
bronchospasm, tongue hypertrophy, and oral candidiasis.
suppress the pituitary–adrenal axis; however, studies have reported conflicting
results. Suppression may vary depending on the type of inhaled steroids, dosing
regimen, and other factors such as prematurity.
33 The infant’s mouth should be
cleaned after each use of inhaled steroid to minimize complications such as oral
thrush. As with inhaled bronchodilators, administration is a therapeutic problem with
these medications. Further studies evaluating the optimal dose, duration of therapy,
time of initiation, delivery technique, most appropriate preparation, and long-term
adverse effects (including neurodevelopmental outcome) of corticosteroids are
needed before inhaled steroids can be routinely recommended.
CASE 105-2, QUESTION 4: Five months have passed, and J.T. is now 4.5 months old (corrected age),
complications of BPD that can be expected in J.T.?
Infants with BPD have little pulmonary reserve and, therefore, are at higher risk
for experiencing frequent respiratory exacerbations. BPD places J.T. at risk for
recurrent infections of the lower respiratory tract, and she may require frequent
hospitalizations during the first year for bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Approximately
50% of all children with BPD require hospitalization for respiratory exacerbations
21 Respiratory syncytial virus is a common cause of
respiratory distress and recurrent atelectasis. With time, most preterm survivors with
BPD have an improvement in pulmonary function owing to lung growth; however,
many continue to have airway hyper-reactivity. Infants with severe BPD can also
experience pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, systemic hypertension, and left
In addition, J.T. may be at risk for experiencing bone demineralization and rickets.
VLBW infants are born with inadequate stores of vitamin D. In general, these
premature infants may not receive an adequate intake of vitamin D, either
parenterally or through their diet. Most VLBW infants require prolonged parenteral
nutrition, which may cause cholestasis or hepatic failure. Prolonged cholestasis or
chronic hepatic congestion owing to heart failure may cause malabsorption of
calcium and vitamin D. In addition, furosemide may exacerbate calcium deficiencies
by causing hypercalciuria. These combined factors may result in bone
demineralization and rickets. Infants with BPD usually have a high catabolism and
increased oxygen consumption as a result of an increased work of breathing and
chronic hypoxia. Inadequate nutritional support may negatively affect weight gain,
growth, and long-term outcome of BPD.
Neurologic and developmental abnormalities such as learning disabilities, speech
delays, vision and hearing impairment, and poor attention span can also occur in
21 BPD itself is not an independent risk factor for neurologic
abnormality; related factors include birth weight, gestational age, and socioeconomic
21 Long-term follow-up evaluations at 1 to 15 years of age in infants previously
treated with high-dose dexamethasone revealed an increase in neurodevelopmental
abnormalities such as CP and decreased school performance in some studies.
However, it is not known whether these abnormalities were attributable to an
adverse effect of dexamethasone on brain development or to an improved survival of
infants who may already be at risk for experiencing these abnormalities.
Mortality rates for infants with BPD range from 30% to 40%.
80% of deaths associated with BPD occur during initial hospitalization and are
attributable to respiratory failure, sepsis, pneumonia, cor pulmonale, and congestive
CASE 105-2, QUESTION 5: What preventive measures could have been used to decrease the likelihood of
the development of BPD in J.T.?
Prevention of prematurity and other etiologic factors of RDS is the most effective
means of preventing BPD. Although both antenatal steroids and exogenous surfactant
therapy have been shown to reduce the incidence of RDS, the incidence of BPD has
23 One of the causes of BPD can be vitamin A deficiency, which can
predispose infants to BPD owing to impaired lung healing, increased susceptibility to
infection and loss of cilia, and decreased number of alveoli.
especially VLBW infants, are at greatest risk owing to low body stores, inadequate
intake during feedings, and decreased enteral absorption of vitamin A. Intramuscular
(IM) vitamin A has been shown to significantly reduce the combined outcome of
mortality or BPD; however, no difference was found with mortality, ROP, or
In contrast, administration of oral vitamin A 5,000 international units/day
did not decrease the incidence of BPD, perhaps because of inadequate dose or poor
42 Vitamin A seems to be a relatively safe drug; the incidence of
adverse effects was similar between treated and control groups.
appears to support IM vitamin A in infants with birth weight less than 1,000 g, further
studies evaluating the efficacy, safety, and optimal dosage regimen of vitamin A for
the prevention of BPD are needed.
Ureaplasma urealyticum colonization of the respiratory tract of premature infants
is a significant risk factor for BPD. Several studies evaluated the use of macrolide
antibiotics for eradication of Ureaplasma in premature infants at risk for BPD.
Although erythromycin has not been shown to reduce the incidence of BPD or death,
studies evaluating azithromycin and clarithromycin reported variable efficacy results.
Azithromycin and clarithromycin have shown to decrease the incidence of BPD, but
only in infants positive for Ureaplasma.
43 However, prolonged antibiotic exposure
has been linked to an increased rate of NEC or sepsis. Furthermore, erythromycin use
has been associated with infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
these adverse findings as well as conflicting clinical efficacy, routine use of
macrolide antibiotics is not recommended.
Optimization of nutritional support may also help to prevent the development of
BPD because proper nutrition helps to promote
lung maturation, growth, and repair. Excessive fluid administration should be
avoided because it may lead to BPD. Fluid restriction decreases both the incidence
24 The early use of caffeine (initiated before 3 days of life) to
treat apnea of prematurity in infants with birth weights of 500 to 1,250 g has been
shown to decrease the incidence of neurodevelopmental impairment, including CP. In
addition, the incidence of BPD was significantly decreased in the caffeine-treated
infants, although BPD was one of their secondary outcomes.
early use of caffeine citrate, and IM vitamin A could have been recommended for
J.T. in the early course of her hospitalization to help decrease the likelihood of her
The fetus has three unique circulatory structures that differ from the adult circulation:
(a) the ductus venosus, which permits blood to bypass the liver; (b) the foramen
ovale, which allows blood to pass from the right atrium into the left atrium; and (c)
the ductus arteriosus, the structure that connects the pulmonary artery to the
descending aorta and allows blood to bypass the lungs (Fig. 105-1).
these structural differences, vascular resistance and pressure play important roles in
determining the pathway of the fetal circulation. For example, the relative hypoxia
that occurs in utero causes pulmonary vasoconstriction. Pulmonary vasoconstriction,
along with compression of pulmonary blood vessels by unexpanded fetal lung mass,
results in a high pulmonary vascular resistance and decreased pulmonary blood flow.
This decreased pulmonary blood flow is acceptable in utero because the lungs
essentially are nonfunctional. Large amounts of blood, however, must be pumped
through the placenta where gas exchange occurs.
Maximally oxygenated blood (PO2
, 30–35 mm Hg) flows from the placenta to the
fetus through the umbilical vein (Fig. 105-1). Approximately 50% of the umbilical
venous blood is shunted away from the liver through the ductus venosus and directed
into the inferior vena cava. Blood from the inferior vena cava and superior vena cava
then enters the right atrium. Most of the blood from the inferior vena cava, which is
well oxygenated, is directed in a straight pathway across the right atrium through the
foramen ovale directly into the left atrium. It then enters the left ventricle through the
mitral valve and is pumped through the ascending aorta and into the vessels of the
head and forelimbs. Thus, the fetal brain is preferentially perfused with blood
containing a higher amount of oxygen. Deoxygenated blood returning from the head
region via the superior vena cava enters the right atrium and is directed through the
tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, where it then is pumped into the pulmonary
artery. Most of this blood is diverted through the ductus arteriosus into the
descending aorta and then through the two umbilical arteries to the placenta. A small
percentage of the blood flows to the lower extremities and then is returned to the
heart via the inferior vena cava.
Practice. 7th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001.)
At birth, major circulatory changes result from umbilical cord clamping, aeration and
expansion of the lungs, and an increase in arterial PO2
in the transition from a fetal to an adult circulation. When the umbilical cord is
clamped, blood flow decreases through the ductus venosus. Clamping of the
umbilical cord also results in a twofold increase in systemic vascular resistance.
This increase in systemic vascular resistance increases aortic, left ventricular, and
left atrial pressures and cardiac output. Pulmonary pressures and blood flow also
change. After the neonate’s first breath, the lungs expand, oxygenation improves, and
pulmonary vascular resistance immediately drops. This increases pulmonary blood
flow, causing a decrease in pulmonary arterial, right ventricular, and right atrial
Because of the decreased right atrial pressure and increased left atrial pressure that
occur after birth, blood attempts to flow down the pressure gradient from the left
atrium through the foramen ovale into the right atrium. This is in the opposite
direction from what occurs in fetal life. The small, valve like flap that lies over the
foramen ovale on the left side of the atrial septum closes over the foramen ovale
opening when the pressure in the left atrium exceeds the pressure in the right atrium.
Closure of this flap prevents further flow through the foramen ovale. As long as the
pressure in the left atrium is higher than that in the right atrium, the foramen ovale
remains functionally closed, until it closes anatomically.
Closure of the Ductus Arteriosus
Closure of the ductus arteriosus is more complex and depends on many factors. In
utero, patency of the ductus arteriosus is maintained through the combined
vasodilatory effects of a low PO2 and high concentrations of prostanoids, particularly
47 After birth, the smooth muscles of the
ductus arteriosus constrict as arterial oxygenation increases and concentrations of
placentally derived prostaglandins, particularly PGE2
the ductal blood is 18 to 22 mm Hg, whereas after birth in a term neonate, it is
approximately 100 mm Hg. Normally, the ductus arteriosus of a term neonate
functionally closes within the first few days of life (i.e., in 82% of infants within 48
hours of life and in 100% of infants within 96 hours of life). Anatomic closure of the
ductus occurs within 2 to 3 weeks of life. When the ductus arteriosus fails to close, it
is called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). In a term neonate, a PDA beyond the first
few days of life generally is permanent. It usually is secondary to an anatomic defect
in the wall of the ductus arteriosus and requires surgical ligation. In contrast, a PDA
in a preterm neonate may persist for weeks and still close spontaneously.
When a PDA is present, the direction and amount of shunting through this opening
are determined by the pressure gradient between the systemic and pulmonary
circulations. Usually, blood flows from the aorta into the pulmonary circulation.
Because systemic vascular resistance and aortic pressure are increased, and
pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure are decreased after
birth, blood pumped from the left ventricle into the aorta flows from the aorta (a
high-pressure area) through the PDA and into the pulmonary artery (a lower-pressure
area). This flow is called left-to-right shunting and is in contrast to the right-to-left
shunting that occurs through the PDA during fetal life.
desired fluid intake of 120 mL/kg/day. Current vitalsigns and ABGs are as follows:
pulmonary edema and an enlarged heart. What risk factors for PDA does T.S. have?
T.S. has two major risk factors for developing a symptomatic PDA: prematurity
and RDS. The occurrence of a PDA is inversely proportional to gestational age and
birth weight. The incidence of PDA is approximately 45% in premature infants with
a birth weight of less than 1,750 g, but can be as high as 80% in premature infants
with a birth weight of less than 1,200 g.
In contrast, the incidence of PDA in term
48 Preterm neonates are at a higher risk for PDA than term
newborns because the smooth muscle of the immature ductus is more sensitive to the
dilatory effects of prostaglandins and less sensitive to the constrictive effects of
increased oxygen tension. In addition, circulating concentrations of PGE2 are often
elevated in premature infants owing to the decreased pulmonary metabolism of
prostaglandins. These factors contribute to the delayed closure of the ductus
arteriosus in premature infants. With advanced gestation, the ductus is less
responsive to the relaxant effects of prostaglandins and is more sensitive to the
constricting effects of oxygen.
RDS also increases the risk for PDA. Exogenous surfactant also may increase the
risk and lead to an earlier clinical presentation of symptomatic PDA.
further complicate the course of RDS.
49,51 T.S.’s course is typical of a preterm
neonate with resolving RDS. T.S.’s pulmonary function improved after surfactant
administration. Consequently, pulmonary vascular resistance decreased and the
degree of left-to-right shunting across the ductus arteriosus increased, causing a
deterioration in respiratory status. In addition, the excess fluid that T.S. received is
an iatrogenic factor that may have increased the shunting across the PDA, aggravating
the degree of pulmonary congestion.
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 2: How is T.S.’s presentation consistent with that of PDA?
T.S.’s clinical presentation is related to the increased pulmonary blood flow,
decreased systemic perfusion, and left ventricular volume overload that resulted from
the shunting of left ventricular cardiac output through the PDA into the lungs. To
for the inadequate peripheral perfusion, HR increases. This results in an increase
in cardiac output and a greater left-to-right shunt through the PDA, creating a vicious
cycle. The widened pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic
pressures, 32 mm Hg) is a result of diversion of aortic blood flow through the PDA,
which is causing the bounding pulses. The systolic murmur, which is not always
present, is the result of turbulent blood flow through the ductus arteriosus occurring
because the pulmonary vascular resistance decreases. Tachycardia, hyperactive
precordium, and a continuous murmur are results of the left-to-right shunting through
the ductus arteriosus during systole.
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 3: What are the potential complications of this hemodynamically significant PDA
The increased pulmonary blood flow and resultant pulmonary edema will worsen
T.S.’s respiratory disease and increase the need for ventilatory support. The higher
ventilatory settings (increase in MAP and FIO2
) place T.S. at risk for having BPD. If
the PDA is left untreated, T.S. may experience congestive heart failure secondary to
an increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume. A hemodynamically significant
PDA also places T.S. at risk for IVH and NEC.
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 4: How should T.S.’s PDA be managed?
The initial medical management for T.S.’s symptomatic PDA is supportive care,
which includes fluid management (e.g., fluid restriction and diuretic therapy),
correction of anemia, and treatment of hypoxia and acidosis. Although excessive
fluid administration may increase the risk of PDA, fluid restriction alone is unlikely
to result in ductal closure. T.S.’s fluid intake should be restricted to 100–120
mL/kg/day (approximately 80% of total fluid maintenance requirements) to avoid
worsening of her pulmonary edema and to prevent congestive heart failure.
Furosemide 1 mg/kg IV push should also be given to T.S. immediately to treat her
pulmonary edema. In addition to fluid management, correction of anemia is important.
Low concentrations of hemoglobin result in an increased cardiac output, which may
worsen the infant’s cardiac function. Anemia not only increases the demand of left
ventricular output to ensure adequate oxygen delivery to the tissues, but may also
increase the magnitude of the left-to-right shunt by decreasing the resistance of blood
flow through the pulmonary vascular bed.
49 Maintaining a hematocrit level of more
than 40% to 45% is often recommended. Because of T.S.’s gestational age, birth
weight, and size of PDA, it is unlikely that she will respond to these general
measures alone. Therefore, T.S. requires pharmacologic treatment with indomethacin
Both indomethacin and ibuprofen are available in injectable form for the treatment of
PDA. These drugs nonspecifically inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, thereby
eliminating the vasodilator effects of the PGE series on the ductus arteriosus,
allowing the ductus to close. Indomethacin has been used clinically for more than 30
years for the treatment of PDA. However, because of its adverse effects, other
prostaglandin inhibitors, such as ibuprofen, have been studied for PDA closure.
Results indicate that ibuprofen is as effective as indomethacin in closing the ductus
and causes significantly less of a decrease in renal, mesenteric, and cerebral blood
flow. In a recent meta-analysis comparing ibuprofen with indomethacin, ibuprofen
reduced the risks of NEC and transient adverse effects on renal function (e.g.,
oliguria, elevations of serum creatinine [SCr]).
mortality, BPD, and IVH were similar for both drugs. Unfortunately, no long-term
follow-up studies of ibuprofen exist. These studies are needed to determine whether
ibuprofen or indomethacin is the drug of choice for PDA closure.
studies currently available, ibuprofen may be preferred in patients who have or are at
risk for decreased renal function. The initial dose of ibuprofen lysine is 10 mg/kg
followed by two doses of 5 mg/kg given at 24-hour intervals. If urinary output
decreases to less than 0.6 mL/kg/hour, the second or third doses should be held.
Unfortunately, not every infant treated with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID) responds with constriction of the ductus arteriosus; therefore, surgical
ligation of the PDA may be required. Ligation generally is reserved for neonates who
do not respond to pharmacologic therapy or those in whom drug therapy is
The medical team should be told the following information. The route of choice for
indomethacin is IV; enteral indomethacin is less effective. This reduced effectiveness
may be related to the formulation of the suspension and decreased, erratic enteral
absorption. In addition, the use of enteral indomethacin has been associated with
A large interpatient variability of indomethacin pharmacokinetics occurs in
preterm neonates. Serum concentrations do not correlate consistently with therapeutic
or adverse effects. Furthermore, the optimal therapeutic serum concentration is not
55 Although many dosage regimens have been reported, dosing guidelines
from the National Collaborative Study are commonly used.
doses are given in 12- to 24-hour intervals, with the first dose equal to 0.2 mg/kg IV
in all neonates. Because indomethacin clearance is directly proportional to postnatal
age, the second and third doses are determined by postnatal age at initiation of
indomethacin therapy. If onset of treatment was at less than 2 days’ PNA, neonates
receive 0.1 mg/kg/dose; if initiation of therapy occurred at 2 to 7 days’ PNA,
neonates receive 0.2 mg/kg/dose; if therapy began at more than 7 days’ PNA,
neonates receive 0.25 mg/kg/dose. Second and third doses are administered at 12- to
24-hour intervals. No specific guidelines exist regarding which patients receive
every-12-hour versus every-24-hour dosing; however, the individual dosing interval
generally is determined by the neonate’s urine output. If urine output remains greater
than 1 mL/kg/hour after an indomethacin dose, then the next dose may be given in 12
hours. If urine output is less than 1 mL/kg/hour but greater than 0.6 mL/kg/hour, then
the dosing interval may be extended to 24 hours. Doses should be held if urine output
is less than 0.6 mL/kg/hour. T.S. should receive three doses of indomethacin 0.15 mg
(0.2 mg/kg/dose) given every 12 hours, as long as her urine output remains greater
than 1 mL/kg/hour. If T.S.’s urine output decreases, then the dosing interval should be
Other indomethacin dosing regimens have been evaluated more recently for the
treatment of PDA in preterm infants. An initial dose of 0.2 mg/kg followed by either
0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg for two doses at 12- to 24-hour intervals has been used. In a study
measuring serum concentrations, higher doses of indomethacin were required in
older neonates (>10 days’ PNA).
56 This may be owing to an increased indomethacin
Because rapid IV administration of indomethacin can decrease cerebral,
mesenteric, and renal blood flow, longer infusion rates of 20 to 30 minutes are
Response to NSAID therapy can be determined by assessing the clinical signs of
PDA such as tachycardia, widened pulse pressure, bounding pulses, heart murmur,
and the ability to wean from ventilator support. In certain cases, echocardiography
may be performed to confirm closure of a PDA.
CASE 105-3, QUESTION 6: What clinical and laboratory data should be monitored during T.S.’s
Before initiating indomethacin therapy, T.S. should receive an echocardiogram to
rule out ductal-dependent congenital heart disease and to confirm the presence of a
PDA. In addition, an SCr and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) should be obtained from
T.S. before indomethacin therapy because nephrotoxicity is the most common
adverse effect. Infants receiving indomethacin can experience transient oliguria with
increased SCr. This occurs as a result of indomethacin-induced decreases in renal
blood flow and glomerular filtration rate.
51 Dilutional hyponatremia may occur
secondary to either decreased urine output or decreased free water diuresis owing to
increased antidiuretic hormone activity. Treatment of hyponatremia should be aimed
at decreasing free water intake through fluid restriction rather than by sodium
supplementation. Typically, renal function normalizes within 72 hours after the last
dose of indomethacin. In general, indomethacin therapy is contraindicated in neonates
with renal failure, urine output less than 0.6 mL/kg/hour, or an SCr of 1.8 mg/dL or
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