Figure 109-1 Neurologic bladder control.
Aging affects the lower urinary tract in several ways (Table 109-1), including both
structural and functional changes. Bladder capacity, the ability to postpone voiding,
urethral and bladder compliance, maximal urethral closure pressure (the maximal
difference between the urethral and the intravesical pressure), and urinary flow rate
all are reduced with normal aging.
2,3 For women, these changes are correlated with
the postmenopausal decline of estrogen production. Estrogen has trophic effects on
the epithelium and on tissues lining and surrounding the urethra, bladder outlet, and
vagina. Atrophy of these tissues can result in friability, inflammation, susceptibility
to infection, diminished periurethral blood flow, and prolapse of pelvic structures.
All of these effects can precipitate symptoms of urinary incontinence. For men, the
age-related changes in the prostate gland are responsible for many of the changes in
urination. The most common age-related change, in both women and men, is
involuntary bladder contractions (detrusor motor instability). These involuntary
bladder contractions occur in up to 20% of asymptomatic, neurologically normal,
Age-Related Changes in Urologic Function
↑ Uninhibited bladder contractions
↑ Nocturnalsodium and fluid excretion
↓ Urethral resistance in women
Weakness of pelvic floor muscles in women
S Stool impaction (and other factors)
on Incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn. 2015;34(5):398–406.
Each of these changes predisposes people to incontinence, but none alone
precipitates it. This predisposition to incontinence, together with the increased
likelihood that an older person will be subjected to additional pathologic,
physiologic, or pharmacologic insults, underlies the higher incidence of incontinence
in the elderly. The onset or exacerbation of incontinence in an older person is likely
to be caused by a precipitating factor outside the lower urinary tract.
treatable causes of urinary incontinence in the elderly can be described with the
mneumonic DIPPERS (Table 109-2).
9 Correspondingly, reversal of the precipitating
factor may be sufficient to restore continence without correction of the underlying
Loss of bladder control in the elderly was reported in 36.7% of short-term
residents and 70.3% of long-term residents in nursing homes.
very severe levels of bladder incontinence were identified in 24.0% of
noninstitutionalized elderly patients.
Incontinence has economic costs, and medical
(e.g., cystitis, urosepsis, pressure sores, perineal rashes, falls) and psychosocial
(e.g., embarrassment, isolation, depression, predisposition to institutionalization)
consequences. Nevertheless, incontinence often is a neglected condition. Patients
may not report incontinence to their primary-care providers because of
embarrassment or misconception regarding treatment. Incontinence is not an
inevitable consequence of aging. It is a pathologic condition that, when rationally
approached, usually can be ameliorated or cured, often without invasive tests or
surgery and almost invariably without an indwelling catheter.
Urinary incontinence can be classified in several different ways. The two most basic
types of urinary incontinence are (a) acute
( o r transient) and reversible and (b) chronic and persistent. Persistent urinary
incontinence (PUI), which refers to incontinence that is not acute and occurs for a
long time, can be classified further into four subgroups: (a) urge, (b) stress, (c)
Urinary incontinence that is of relatively recent onset or associated with an acute
medical problem should prompt a review for reversible factors. These include the
following: (a) cystitis, atrophic vaginitis, and urethritis; (b) heart failure; (c) polyuria
from diabetes; (d) delirium and acute confusional states; (e) immobility; and (f)
medication side effects (discussed subsequently). The management of acute forms of
urinary incontinence depends on the identification and elimination of the reversible
For women with urethritis and atrophic vaginitis with irritative voiding symptoms,
estrogen replacement can be very helpful. An intravaginal estrogen cream is
administered nightly for 7 days, followed by at least once-a-week application.
keeping with the Women’s Health Initiative trial, serious risks, including breast
cancer and cardiovascular disease, appear to outweigh long-term benefits of
systemic combination of hormone therapy. Therefore, topical therapy is preferred.
Drug-Induced Urinary Incontinence
Several medications are associated with acute-onset urinary incontinence, including
diuretics, α-adrenergic agonists (e.g., pseudoephedrine), α-adrenergic antagonists
(e.g., terazosin), anticholinergics, and neuroleptics.
Reports of female stress incontinence from α1
-adrenergic receptor antagonists,
which have a relaxant effect on urethral smooth muscle, have appeared in the medical
In one study, the incidence of genuine stress incontinence was
significantly higher in women taking prazosin (86.2%) than in the group without
prazosin (65.7%; p <0.01). In 55% of the women contacted in the prazosin group,
urinary incontinence was reduced or cured by prazosin withdrawal.
significant increase in functional urethral length, maximal urethral closure pressure,
and abdominal pressure transmission to the urethra after prazosin withdrawal. In one
case report, switching from doxazosin to enalapril briefly reduced the female
patient’s stress incontinence; however, she experienced a persistent dry cough (from
the enalapril) that continued to cause episodic stress incontinence. Her cough and
stress incontinence resolved when she was switched to amlodipine.
Urge incontinence, the most common form of incontinence affecting the elderly,
occurs when involuntary voiding is preceded by a warning of a few seconds to a few
minutes. Urge PUI is characterized by precipitous urine leakage, most often after the
urge to void is perceived. Urge PUI can be caused by a variety of genitourinary and
neurologic disorders. It most often, but not always, is associated with detrusor motor
instability (involuntary contraction of the bladder) or detrusor hyper-reflexia
(detrusor motor instability caused by a neurologic disorder). The most common
causes are local genitourinary conditions, such as cystitis, urethritis, tumors, stones,
bladder diverticula, and outflow obstruction. Neurologic disorders, such as stroke,
dementia, parkinsonism, and spinal cord injury, can be associated with urge PUI.
Overactive bladder is a medical syndrome defined by symptoms of urgency, with or
without urge urinary incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia. By definition,
overactive bladder is a syndrome and not a diagnosis.
Stress incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine that occurs when an abrupt
increase in intra-abdominal pressure (“stress,” e.g., coughing, sneezing, laughing,
lifting) overcomes urethral resistance. Stress incontinence is common in elderly
women but uncommon in men (unless the sphincter has been damaged during a
transurethral resection of the prostate [TURP] or a prostatectomy). Typical stress
PUI is characterized by daytime loss of small-to-moderate amounts of urine,
infrequent nocturnal incontinence, and a low postvoid residual volume in the absence
of a large cystocele. Stress incontinence can be diagnosed by the “tissue test” in
which a tissue is placed just below the urethra and the patient is asked to cough,
resulting in the loss of a small amount of urine. The usual cause of stress PUI is
urethral hypermobility owing to weakness and laxity of pelvic floor musculature, but
also can predispose individuals to stress incontinence. Many factors have been
suggested to contribute to the development of urinary stress incontinence in women,
including estrogen deficiency and a genetic defect in the connective tissue in such
patients. The prevalence of urinary stress incontinence among first-degree relatives
of patients with urinary incontinence is 3 times (p < 0.005) that of matched control
groups of women without micturition disorders.
Overflow incontinence occurs when the weight of urine in a distended bladder
overcomes outlet resistance. Leakage of small amounts of urine (dribbling) is
common throughout the day and night. The patient may complain of hesitancy,
diminished and interrupted flow, a need to strain to void, and a sense of incomplete
emptying. The bladder usually is palpable, and the residual urine volume is large.
Overflow incontinence results from an anatomic outlet obstruction or an
acontractile (or atonic) bladder.
8 Common causes are benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH), urethral stricture, bladder sphincter dyssynergia, diabetic neuropathy, fecal
impaction, and anticholinergic medication use. If the cause is neurologically
mediated, control of the perianal sphincter may be impaired.
Functional incontinence occurs when a continent individual is unable or unwilling to
reach the toilet to urinate. Common causes are musculoskeletal disorders, muscle
weakness, impaired mental status, use of physical restraints, psychological
impairment, environmental barriers, and medications (e.g., sedatives, neuroleptics).
Clinical Presentation and Evaluation
of H.K.’s urinary incontinence?
The rationale for the clinical evaluation of H.K. is to classify the imbalance
between bladder pressure and bladder sphincter resistance and, as a result, institute
appropriate medical or surgical management of her urinary incontinence.
Documentation of H.K.’s urinary incontinence is accomplished most easily by
keeping an incontinence record. Observations should be recorded every 2 hours
regarding whether she is wet or dry, as well as associated symptoms or
circumstances. A record maintained for 3 to 4 days will facilitate assessment of the
voiding pattern. Knowledge of the voiding pattern can be used to design
bladder training programs and to detect iatrogenic causes (e.g., diuretic ingestion,
use of restraints). Successful bladder training relies on estimating when the bladder
Physical examination, including a neurologic assessment, of H.K. is needed to
determine the cause and classification of her urinary incontinence. Clinical findings
may identify specific pathophysiologic abnormalities. H.K. should have a thorough
pelvic examination to determine the contribution of atrophic vaginitis, uterine
prolapse, and bladder anatomy. Funneling of the bladder neck suggests stress
incontinence, and palpation of the bladder suggests overflow incontinence. The
presence of physical restraints or musculoskeletal disability would suggest functional
H.K.’s bladder should be catheterized immediately after urination to determine
residual urine volume. Alternatively, if a bladder ultrasound is available, the volume
can be measured noninvasively. Volumes in excess of 50 to 100 mLin the elderly are
abnormal and may indicate retention due to obstruction or an adynamic detrusor
little evidence suggests that these produce clinically useful data for institutionalized
geriatric patients. A urinalysis, blood chemistries, renal function, and postprandial
glucose tests should be performed. An abnormal urinalysis may suggest pathology
(e.g., infection) that can be managed medically. Urinary tract infection is common in
Treatment options exist for each type of urinary incontinence (Table 109-3).
Proper evaluation should guide the clinician in choosing the optimal course of drug
therapy. Drug therapy should be based on sound principles of neurophysiology,
urology, and pharmacology. Drug therapy is directed at decreasing bladder
contractility (detrusor instability) or increasing bladder outlet resistance (bladder
Drug Therapy of Persistent Urinary Incontinence
Type Treatment With Initial Doses
Urge Oxybutynin 2.5 mg every day to TID; 5–30 mg XL every day
Oxybutynin transdermal patch 3.9 mg/24 hour 1 patch 2×/week
Oxybutynin 10% topical gel 100 mg/g every day
Oxybutynin 3% topical gel 84 mg (3 pumps) every day
Tolterodine 1–2 mg every day; 2–4 LA every day
Trospium 20 mg BID; 60 mg ER every day
Stress Pseudoephedrine 15–30 mg BID–TID
Vaginal estrogen cream 0.5–1.0 g 2 to 3 times/week
Duloxetine 40–80 mg every day divided in one or two doses
Overflow Terazosin 1–5 mg every day (usually at bedtime)
Tamsulosin 0.4–0.8 mg every day
BID, 2 times daily; LA, long acting; TID, 3 times daily; XL, extended release.
Postvoiding bladder scan revealed a residual urine volume of 30 mL. What is the pathophysiology and
classification of H.K.’s incontinence?
Most neuropathic disease processes can change bladder function. As illustrated by
H.K., a cerebrovascular accident is commonly associated with bladder dysfunction
and incontinence in the elderly. Neurologic injury above the level of the micturition
center in the spinal cord, in most cases, results in bladder spasticity. Sacral reflexes
are intact, but loss of inhibition from higher CNS centers results in spastic bladder
and inappropriate sphincter behavior. The degree of spasticity varies between the
bladder and sphincter, as well as from patient to patient with the same CNS lesions.
H.K. has a spastic detrusor muscle resulting from an unchecked sacral reflex. H.K.’s
bladder dysfunction is classified as urge urinary incontinence of the persistent type.
A number of nonpharmacologic options are available that may help improve the
symptoms of PUI. The first step is to educate patients about bladder function,
appropriate fluid intake, and avoidance of caffeine and other bladder irritants. The
patient can then keep a bladder diary in which they record their fluid intake, voiding
pattern, and incontinence episodes. Bladder training refers to scheduled voiding,
urge-suppression techniques, and pelvic muscle exercises. Scheduled voiding can be
used in both cognitively intact and impaired individuals. The patient is instructed to
void on a schedule (e.g., every 2 hours), thereby minimizing the volume of urine in
the bladder and making incontinence episodes less likely. The same principle can be
used in cognitively impaired patients by prompting them to toilet. Urge-suppression
techniques can be used to retrain the bladder; the scheduled toiletings are adjusted
for longer or shorter times, depending on the patient’s voiding pattern. The goal is to
achieve an interval during which the patient is continent and does not need to void. In
most patients, this is approximately 2 hours. Pelvic floor muscle exercises, also
known as Kegel exercises, work by increasing the strength and tone of the pelvic
floor muscles. In randomized trials, incontinence episodes were reduced by 54% to
75% compared with 6% to 16% with no treatment.
adequate instruction on how to identify the pelvic floor muscles and then practice
these exercises 3 times a day.
CASE 109-1, QUESTION 3: What nonpharmacologic therapy should be recommended for H.K.?
H.K. should have a comprehensive review of her medications completed to
determine any temporal relationship between medications and incontinence episodes.
She should then be placed on a toileting schedule in which she is prompted to void
every 2 hours. The nursing staff should continue to keep a bladder diary in which they
record fluid intake and when she is wet and dry. This information can be used to
tailor her toileting schedule to make sure H.K. has the best outcome while at the same
time being practical, based on staffing at the institution. Because of H.K.’s moderate
dementia, the teaching of pelvic floor muscle exercises may not be feasible.
CASE 109-1, QUESTION 4: What drug therapy should be prescribed for H.K.?
H.K. has detrusor instability that may respond to anticholinergic drug therapy if
nonpharmacologic measures do not produce desired results. The major
bladder smooth muscle. Atropine and atropine-like substances depress true
involuntary bladder contractions of any etiology by the interaction at the muscarinic
23 Of the five known muscarinic subtypes (M1
the most clinically relevant in the human bladder. M2 muscarinic receptors are the
predominant subtype (comprising about 80% of all muscarinic receptors); however,
contraction of smooth muscle, including muscles in the urinary bladder, is mediated
receptors are also involved in contraction of the
gastrointestinal smooth muscle, saliva production, and iris sphincter function.
Inhibition of the muscarinic receptors in the urinary bladder results in decreased
urinary bladder contraction, increased residual urine volume, and decreased detrusor
Oxybutynin is available as an oral immediate-release tablet, an extended-release
tablet, a transdermal system, and a topical gel. Oxybutynin has been described as a
strong independent smooth muscle relaxant with local anesthetic activity and
23,25 This agent has been used successfully to depress
uninhibited detrusor contractions in patients with and without neurogenic bladder
dysfunction. Oxybutynin improves symptoms, total bladder capacity, neuropathic
voiding dysfunction, and bladder filling pressure.
26–28 The oral dosage of oxybutynin
chloride suggested for the elderly is 2.5 mg up to 3 times a day; in some cases, the
dosage may need to be increased to 5 mg 3 times a day. Because oxybutynin is a
tertiary-amine anticholinergic compound and also blocks central M1
29,30 Maximal benefit was demonstrated by maintenance week 4 and was
sustained as long as the patient continued therapy.
The transdermal system is available both in a prescription and over-the-counter
version and contains 36 mg of active drug and delivers 3.9 mg of oxybutynin per day
32 The transdermal system should be protected from
moisture and humidity. Common side effects from the transdermal system at the
application site are pruritus (14%) and redness (8.3%). A comparison study of
immediate-release oxybutynin and the transdermal system indicated that patients
using the transdermal system experienced fewer side effects. Dry mouth was reported
in 38% of the oxybutynin transdermal system users in contrast to 94% of those who
used immediate-release tablets.
33 Oxybutynin is also available as a 10% topical gel
in 1-g unit dose sachets. One sachet delivers 100 mg and is applied per day to the
were reported in 5.4% of patients, and dry mouth was reported in 6.9% of patients.
Tolterodine is a competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist that is relatively
receptors. It is indicated for the treatment of overactive
bladder symptoms of urinary frequency or urge incontinence. At doses of 1 to 2 mg
twice a day, compared with a placebo, the number of urinary voids per 24 hours
decreased (p = 0.0045), the volume of urine per void increased (p < 0.001), and the
mean number of incontinence episodes decreased by 50% (p < 0.19).
tolterodine can modestly prolong the QT interval, no clinical or electrocardiographic
evidence was seen of significant cardiac adverse events in the group studied.
onset of pharmacologic action of tolterodine is less than 1 hour, and therapeutic
efficacy is maintained during long-term treatment.
Despite short terminal half-lives of 2 to 3 hours and 3 to 4 hours for tolterodine
and its active 5-hydroxy metabolite, respectively, twice-daily dosing is effective
because of the drug’s long pharmacodynamic effects.
recommended in the presence of renal or hepatic impairment and during concurrent
therapy with drugs that inhibit cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 2D6 and CYP3A4 isozymes.
The usual dose for the elderly is 1 to 2 mg twice daily of the immediate release or 2
to 4 mg once daily of the long-acting formulation. The incidence of dry mouth with
the long-acting formulation is 23%.
Fesoterodine is an antimuscarinic prodrug that is converted into the same active
metabolite as that of tolterodine. The efficacy and safety of fesoterodine appear
comparable to those of tolterodine.
38 The recommended starting dosage of
fesoterodine is 4 mg once daily and may be increased to 8 mg in patients with an
insufficient response. Patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance
<30 mL/minute) or those taking a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor should not take more than
Trospium is a quaternary ammonium antimuscarinic agent with relative selectivity for
receptors. It is used for the management of overactive bladder and urge
incontinence. The hydrophilic properties of trospium minimize the passage of the
drug through the blood–brain barrier, thereby causing fewer CNS and cognitive
39 No significant differences were found in urodynamic outcomes
between trospium and oxybutynin in a 52-week study.
micturition frequency and urgency episodes at 26 and 52 weeks of treatment was also
not significant. However, the incidence of dry mouth and gastrointestinal adverse
events was significantly lower in the trospium group. The medication should be
administered at a dose of 20 mg twice daily or 60 mg of the extended-release product
once daily. For patients with severe renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance <30
Darifenacin is a selective M3 muscarinic receptor antagonist indicated for the
treatment of overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary incontinence, urgency, and
frequency. A pooled analysis of three 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trials (n = 1,059) demonstrated that darifenacin reduced the median number of
incontinence episodes per week (p < 0.01) versus placebo.
constipation were the most common reasons for discontinuation. The recommended
starting dose is 7.5 mg once daily. Based on the individual response, the dose may be
increased to 15 mg daily after 2 weeks.
Solifenacin is a competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist that is selective for M3
receptors. It is used for the treatment of overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary
incontinence. In clinical trials, solifenacin showed significant reduction in the
of urinary frequency, urgency, and urge incontinence compared with placebo.
Safety concerns with solifenacin include an increased risk of QT interval
prolongation in patients with a known history of QT interval prolongation or patients
who are taking medications known to prolong the QT interval. The recommended
dose of solifenacin is 5 mg once daily, which can be increased to 10 mg once daily if
needed. However, in those with renal and hepatic impairment or on CYP3A4
inhibitors, the dose should not exceed 5 mg once daily.
Mirabegron is a first in class β3
-adrenergic agonist approved for use in overactive
bladder. The human bladder muscle has β1,2,3
-adrenergic receptors; however, β3
adrenergic receptors account for 95% of the β-receptors and are most likely
responsible for detrusor relaxation.
44 Compared to placebo, mirabegron was able to
reduce the mean number of incontinence episodes per 24 hours by –0.44 (95 %
confidence interval (CI) –0.59 to –0.29, p <0.00001).
45 The efficacy of mirabegron is
sustained at 12 months, and its safety is notable for significantly less dry mouth and
constipation compared to antimuscarinics.
46 Although mirabegron has not been
studied in patients with dementia, clinical trials have not reported any CNS adverse
effects with mirabegron. Mirabegron can be used alone or in combination with
antimuscarinics for those who cannot tolerate an increase in the antimuscarinic dose
or are already on a maximum dose. Mirabegron is initiated at 25 mg once daily and
can be titrated up to 50 mg once daily in 2 to 4 weeks. Patients with renal or hepatic
impairment should not receive doses higher than 25 mg once daily. Blood pressure
increases have been reported with mirabegron (>10%) particularly in patients with
uncontrolled hypertension and thus warrant careful monitoring.
a CYP2D6 inhibitor, and drugs that are CYP2D6 substrates taken concomitantly may
Although any of the aforementioned drugs may be useful for H.K., a careful
consideration of adverse event profile should be considered before prescribing an
anticholinergic agent. The rate of decline in activities of daily living and cognition in
patients with dementia was 50% faster when anticholinergic medications were
combined with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors than when acetylcholinesterase
48 Even though H.K. is not treated with an
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, she does have moderate dementia and would likely
have pronounced anticholinergic side effects. In addition, the limited efficacy of
anticholinergic medications needs to be carefully considered before starting
treatment in H.K. A comprehensive review of placebo-controlled trials of
anticholinergic medications for overactive bladder estimated that, as a class, even
long-acting agents have a very limited effect on symptoms, with approximately one
fewer incontinent episode and one fewer voiding episode per 48 hours.
potential for side effects and the limited efficacy, it would be prudent to use
nonpharmacologic measures (i.e., prompted voiding) to manage H.K. If the desired
end points are not achieved, a trial of an anticholinergic medication could be
considered. Mirabegron may potentially be a safe option in patients with dementia;
however, future studies to promote its use over anticholinergics in this population
would be beneficial. All agents in this group should be prescribed for a 2-week trial
period with careful monitoring for efficacy and side effects.
QUESTION 1: M.K., a 68-year-old woman, has been diagnosed with urinary stress incontinence. What
therapy would be appropriate for this type of PUI?
M.K. should initially be educated on pelvic floor muscle or Kegel exercises.
Several methods have been effectively used to help patients identify and correctly
exercise the pelvic floor muscles, including self-help books, biofeedback, electrical
stimulation, and verbal feedback during physical examination by a physician.
the pelvic floor muscles have been identified, M.K. should empty her bladder and sit
or lie down. She should contract her pelvic floor muscles, holding the contraction for
5 seconds, and then relax for 5 seconds. This should be repeated 5 times with a goal
of 10-second contractions for M.K. She should practice these exercises 3 times a
CASE 109-2, QUESTION 2: M.K. has incomplete resolution of her stress incontinence symptoms. Physical
The pharmacologic mechanism of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) in treating PUI at
50 All the TCAs have some degree of anticholinergic effect, both
centrally and peripherally, but not at all sites. Imipramine has significant systemic
anticholinergic effects, but it has weak anticholinergic effects at the detrusor
Imipramine has a significant inhibitory effect on the detrusor muscle that is
mediated by neither anticholinergic nor adrenergic mechanisms. Its detrusor
inhibitory effect may be the result of peripheral blockade of norepinephrine reuptake.
The ability of imipramine to increase bladder outlet resistance is believed to be
attributable to enhanced α-adrenergic effects in the smooth muscle of the bladder
base and proximal urethra, where α-receptors outnumber β-receptors. The significant
anticholinergic side effects associated with imipramine make it a poor treatment
α-Adrenergic receptor stimulation at the detrusor muscle and proximal urethra will
increase the maximal urethral closure pressure.
52 However, α-adrenergic agonists,
such as pseudoephedrine, have a minimal role in the treatment of stress urinary
incontinence because the risk of adverse events exceeds the limited benefit it is likely
Duloxetine is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that has shown
efficacy in patients with stress incontinence. Duloxetine also treats depression, and
though not FDA-approved for the treatment of stress incontinence, it could be a
reasonable option for a woman with both depression and stress incontinence. A
meta-analysis of nine trials including 3,063 women predominately with stress
incontinence showed duloxetine-treated patients had a reduction in the incontinence
episode frequency by approximately 50%; however, the absolute reduction (10.8%
vs. 7.7%) in incontinence episodes was small, suggesting that any benefits would be
modest. Adverse effects were common, with 71% of duloxetine-treated patients
reporting side effects and approximately one in eight patients discontinuing
53 The most common adverse effect with duloxetine is nausea, which tends
to resolve with time. The dose of duloxetine that has been studied for stress
incontinence is 40 to 80 mg/day in one or two doses. The clinical effects of
duloxetine appear to be modest and need to be weighed against the risk of adverse
Estrogens affect many aspects of uterine smooth muscle, including excitability,
receptor density, and transmitter metabolism, especially adrenergic nerves.
detrusor and urethra are embryologically related to the uterus, and significant work
has been done on estrogenic hormone effects on the lower urinary tract.
α-Adrenergic stimulation of the urethra is estrogen dependent,
have demonstrated the relationship of estrogen with α-adrenergic receptor density in
56 Estrogen therapy, in the form of vaginal suppositories (10
mcg/day), facilitates urinary storage in some postmenopausal patients by increasing
urethral outlet resistance, and it has an additive effect with α-adrenergic therapy.
Additional preparations of estrogen include a vaginal ring that is inserted into the
vagina and removed after 90 days. The ring releases 7.5 mcg of estradiol each day
over a 90-day period. The use of estrogen in the treatment of stress PUI requires
further study. The use of long-term estrogen treatment must be considered carefully in
light of the controversy about whether estrogen therapy predisposes to the
development of endometrial carcinoma. If estrogen is combined with α-adrenergic
agonist therapy, the lowest effective maintenance dose should be prescribed.
M.K.’s incomplete resolution of stress incontinence symptoms is probably caused
by urogenital atrophy. She would respond well to an intravaginal estrogen cream,
which will improve local blood flow and dryness. An estrogen cream such as
estradiol should be prescribed at a dose of 0.5 g of cream 3 times a week. The
combination of local estrogen therapy and pelvic floor muscle exercises should
Overflow incontinence in female patients resulting from outlet obstruction or weak
detrusor muscle is now being treated with α1A-blockers by many urologists. Most
α1A-receptors are found in prostate tissue; however, these same receptors are also
located in the spinal cord, bladder neck, urethra, and periurethral tissue in women.
The urinary symptoms suggestive of prostatism are not sex-specific. Well-controlled,
randomized, crossover studies are needed to determine the efficacy of α1A-blockers
in overflow incontinence. If detrusor underactivity is the known cause of overflow
incontinence, bethanechol can be considered. As a cholinergic agent, bethanechol
increases bladder muscle tone causing contractions that initiate urination. Common
adverse effects with bethanechol include flushing, tachycardia, abdominal cramps,
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a common cause of urinary dysfunction
symptoms in elderly men, results from proliferation of the stromal and epithelial cells
58,59 There is both a static and a dynamic component to prostate
enlargement. The static component increases the prostate size by smooth muscle cell
proliferation in the prostate stroma, whereas the dynamic component contributes to an
enlarged prostate through an increase in smooth muscle tone in the prostate and
bladder neck. The term benign prostatic hypertrophy often is used inappropriately
because the prostate gland pathology results from hyperplasia rather than
hypertrophy. BPH rarely is detected in men younger than 40 years of age. After age
40, the prevalence of BPH is age dependent.
60 Approximately 75% of men who live
to the age of 70 exhibit clinical symptoms of BPH that are sufficiently severe to
necessitate medical attention, and approximately 90% of octogenarians have
evidence of BPH. Essentially, all men will experience BPH if they live long enough.
The microscopic incidence of BPH is fairly constant among several Western and
61 suggesting that the initiation of BPH may not be
environmentally or genetically influenced. Although BPH and prostatic cancer often
coexist, no compelling evidence indicates that BPH predisposes patients to the
development of prostate cancer.
62 The appearance of atypical prostatic hyperplasia
correlates, however, with the presence of latent prostatic carcinoma.
The cause of BPH is unclear; however, most hypotheses are based on hormonal
and aging processes. This is because intact, normally functioning testes are essential
64 and castration before puberty prevents the development of
BPH. The prostate is dependent on androgens both for embryologic development and
for maintenance of size and function in the mature male.
circulating androgen, is metabolized to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by 5α-reductase.
The two isoenzymes of 5α-reductase are designated as type 1 and type 2. Type 2 is
found predominantly in the prostate and other genital tissues, whereas type 1 is found
throughout the body, as well as in the prostate.
66 For testosterone to be active in the
prostate, it must be converted to DHT; therefore, DHT is the obligate androgen
responsible for normal and hyperplastic prostate growth. Within the prostate, DHT
initiates RNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and cell replication. The exact role of
testosterone may be only to initiate fibroadenomatous hyperplasia, eventually
resulting in glandular enlargement.
Stromal hyperplasia in the prostate periurethral glands is one of the earliest
microscopic findings in men with BPH.
61 As men increase in age, testosterone serum
concentrations decrease and the peripheral conversion of testosterone to estrogen
increases. At one time, estrogens were thought to initiate stromal hyperplasia, which
in turn induces epithelial hyperplasia. It is now known, however, that estrogens do
not have a direct effect on the development of BPH and prostatic carcinoma, but
progesterone does play a role in their pathogenesis. Progesterone receptors have
been shown to exist in prostate stromal cells, whereas estrogen receptors were
Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation
difficulty maintaining flow, and does not feel relieved. Laboratory findings are as follows:
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 45 mg/dL
Serum creatinine (SCr), 3.2 mg/dL
Serum prostatic acid phosphatase, 3 units/L
Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 7.1 ng/mL
urologic workup. What is the pathophysiologic basis for G.M.’s symptoms?
Symptoms of BPH can be both obstructive and irritative, and descriptions of the
symptoms need a frame of reference for standardization. The Boyarsky index, a
questionnaire consisting of nine questions to quantify the severity of BPH, has been
68 Five questions are designed to assess obstructive symptoms and
four to assess irritative symptoms. Although some limitations to the use of this
questionnaire (Table 109-4) may exist, it is one of the most common measures used
to quantify symptoms in BPH studies, and it correlates well with the pathophysiology
61 The format of the Boyarsky index is designed to help the clinician educate
the patient about the obstructive and irritative symptoms of BPH. The Boyarsky index
was the first of three patient questionnaires developed to quantitatively assess BPH
and the effectiveness of individual treatment.
65 As such, this questionnaire has been
used in numerous clinical trials to measure the outcome of interventions. The
Boyarsky index is not useful in comparing different treatment therapies among BPH
patients because it has not been sufficiently validated for this purpose; rather, it is
useful in evaluating an individual’s response to therapy.
The Multidisciplinary Measurements Committee of the American Urologic
Association (AUA) also has published a urinary symptom index for prostatism.
index is useful to assess the baseline severity of prostatism, disease progression, and
effectiveness of different therapies. The AUA symptom index allows comparison
among therapies and is the preferred questionnaire for BPH research. It has been
validated through internal consistency reliability, constructive reliability, test–retest
reliability, and criterion reliability.
65 The AUA index, however, may not be BPH
70 When 101 men and 96 women between the ages of 55 and 79 used the
AUA index, urinary symptoms and severity of urinary symptoms were similar in both
groups. Therefore, symptoms associated with prostatism can be associated with
aging as well as BPH. The National Institutes of Health convened a chronic
prostatitis workshop to come to consensus on a new classification system for the
diagnosis and management of prostatitis.
71 This group developed a symptom index
that provides a valid outcome measure for men with prostatitis. This index attempts
to quantify the pain and discomfort associated with prostatism and should help
differentiate prostatism from prostatic hyperplasia. The symptom index is selfadministered.
CASE 109-3, QUESTION 2: What objective findings in G.M. are associated with BPH?
G.M. presents with obstructive symptoms consistent with BPH as follows: (a) a
history of difficulty in initiating urination (hesitancy), (b) a decrease in urinary force,
(c) occasional midstream stoppage, (d) postvoid dribbling, and (e) a feeling of
incomplete bladder emptying. The common obstructive symptom of decreased force
and size of urine stream is caused by urethral compression from prostate gland
hyperplasia. Hesitancy, another obstructive symptom, is the result of the bladder
detrusor muscle taking a longer time to generate the initial increased pressure to
overcome urethral resistance. Urinary stream intermittency is caused by the inability
of the bladder detrusor muscle to sustain the increased pressure until the end of
voiding. Terminal dribbling and incomplete emptying occur for the same reason, but
also may be caused by obstructive prostatic tissue at the bladder neck, causing a
G.M. also has a history of classic irritative symptoms that are consistent with BPH
as follows: (a) nocturia approximately 4 to 5 times a night and (b) daytime urinary
frequency of 8 to 10 times a day. Incomplete emptying of the bladder results in
shorter intervals between voiding, explaining the complaint of frequency. Also, a
large prostate gland provokes the bladder to trigger a voiding response more
frequently. This response is more pronounced if the prostate is growing
intravesically and compromising the bladder volume. The bladder detrusor muscle
becomes hypertrophied as a result of the greater bladder residual urine volume,
which can result in increased detrusor muscle excitability. Clinically, this
excitability may result in bladder instability. The symptoms of urinary frequency are
more pronounced at night because cortical inhibitions are lessened and bladder
sphincter tone is more relaxed during sleep. Obstructive symptoms are associated
more with an enlarged prostate, and the predominance of irritative symptoms could
suggest voiding dysfunctions in addition to those of BPH.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptom Scoring System (Boyarsky Index)
0 Occasional (≤20% of the time)
1 Moderate (20%–50% of the time)
Intermittency (lasts ≥1 minute)
0 Occasional (≤20% of the time)
1 Moderate (20%–50% of the time)
Terminal Dribbling (at end of voiding)
0 Occasional (≤20% of the time)
1 Moderate (20%–50% of the time)
3 Always present (may wet clothes)
1 Occasionally difficult to postpone urination
2 Frequently difficult to postpone urination
3 Always difficult to postpone urination
Impairment of Size and Force of Urinary Stream
2 Most of the time size and force are restricted
3 Urinates with great effort and stream is interrupted
1 Occasional burning sensation during urination
2 Frequent (>50% of the time) burning sensation
3 Frequent and painful burning sensation during urination
Sensation of Incomplete Voiding
2 Frequent (>50% of the time) sensation
3 Constant and urgent sensation, no relief on voiding
considering surgical intervention.
this diagram, the ureters and bladder are dilated by backed-up urine.
Urinary incontinence is not a common symptom of BPH. With advanced BPH, a
large residual volume of urine in the bladder weakens the bladder sphincter and
allows the escape of small amounts of urine when the bladder is full. Because the
residual bladder volume increases, the ureters will dilate, resulting in stasis of urine
in the ureters. The end result may be ascending hydronephrosis caused by the
transmission of high pressure to nephrons, which produces renal damage (Fig. 109-
2). This can account for abdominal discomfort and flank pain during voiding and
ascending urinary tract infections.
Acute urinary retention in BPH can occur as a result of increasing size of the
prostate gland. Independent of gland size, drugs may precipitate acute urinary
retention. Drugs, such as alcohol, anticholinergic agents, α-adrenergic agents, and
neuroleptics, all have been associated with acute urinary retention in men with BPH.
Commonly, when advanced BPH is present, acute urinary retention is exacerbated if
the patient does not void at the first sign of urgency. G.M. is not taking any drugs
commonly associated with urinary retention.
G.M. presents with classic symptoms of BPH. The increasingly severe symptoms
culminated in an episode of acute urinary retention as evidenced by inability to void
and lower abdominal discomfort. Objective symptoms associated with G.M.’s BPH
include (a) abdominal tenderness with increased dullness in the hypogastrium; (b) the
finding of an enlarged bladder; (c) an enlarged, firm, and rubbery prostate gland; and
(d) a return of 900 mL of urine via urinary catheter. The normal serum acid
phosphatase, slightly elevated PSA, and digital rectal examination of the prostate
suggest hydronephrosis as a result of his BPH.
CASE 109-3, QUESTION 2: What objective findings in G.M. are associated with BPH?
Because patients with BPH also may have a urinary tract infection, a urinalysis with
microscopic examination is essential. It is mandatory that G.M. gives a urine
specimen for urinalysis before the digital rectal examination of the prostate gland
because examination of the prostate causes prostatic secretions to be expelled into
the urethra, which may contaminate the urine specimen and make it difficult to
determine the source of an infection. The presence of white blood cells and bacteria
in the urine necessitates a workup for infection. Similarly, hematuria requires a
workup for urinary tract pathology other than BPH. Because BPH also can cause
hydronephrosis, renal function and serum electrolytes should be evaluated.
A serum PSA followed by a digital rectal examination of the prostate remains a
fundamental part of evaluating a man with prostatism. The prostate examination
should determine the size, shape, consistency, and nodularity of this gland. Prostatic
hyperplasia results in a large, palpable prostate with a smooth mucosal surface
rectally. The discernment of the right and left prostate lobes is lost in BPH. The
digital rectal examination of a patient with BPH commonly finds asymmetry of the
prostate, with one side being larger than the other. Prostatic enlargement can be in
both an anteroposterior and a superoinferior direction. As a result, on digital rectal
examination, the upper extent of prostate hyperplasia is not palpable. Occasionally,
the degree of enlargement felt by digital rectal examination may be misleading
because a substantial portion of enlargement may be intravesicular. The consistency
of the gland may be soft or firm, depending on the predominance of glandular or
72 The presence of firm-to-hard nodules, irregularities,
induration, or a stony, hard prostate suggests possible prostate cancer. In those cases
in which the prostate gland size or shape may be questioned, the patient should have
a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) to determine the gland volume.
PSA is a glycoprotein enzyme (molecular weight, 33,000) that is secreted in the
cytoplasm of the prostatic cells; it aids in the liquefaction of semen. Some claim that
this enzyme is specific for prostate origin, although a few isolated instances of
elevation in nonprostate tumors have been reported. PSA correlates reasonably well,
on average, with prostate weight owing to benign prostate glandular hyperplasia.
Prostate cancer, however, produces approximately 10 times the amount of PSA on a
tissue volume basis than does BPH.
74 Men 50 years of age or older have been
encouraged to have an annual measurement of serum PSA and a digital rectal
examination as a basic screen for prostate cancer and to monitor the growth of the
prostate gland. Several investigators have proposed age-adjusted PSA reference
ranges, which reflect the size of the prostate gland (Table 109-5).
Age-Adjusted Prostate-Specific Antigen Values
PSA Upper Limit (ng/mL) 40–49 2.5 0.08
PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
The PSA result for G.M. is slightly above the upper limit for his age. As such, he
should have a TRUS to determine the prostate gland volume and, hence, the PSA
density. Once the prostate gland volume is determined, the significance of his PSA
level of 7.1 ng/mL can be determined.
G.M. most likely will be scheduled for a TURP, because he presents with acute
urinary retention and hydronephrosis owing to a moderately enlarged prostate gland
(i.e., >40 g and <80 g). He should be started and maintained on an α1
receptor antagonist to reduce the tension of the bladder neck, the prostate adenoma,
and the prostatic capsule. Similarly, he should receive a 5α-reductase inhibitor to
induce atrophy of the prostate gland and halt progression of the disease.
The prostatic capsule and hyperplastic prostate have plentiful α1A-adrenergic
receptors. The three known subtypes of the α1
-adrenergic receptor are α1A, α1B, and
α1D. Inhibiting the α1A-adrenergic receptors can reduce the smooth muscle tone of the
prostatic urethra, thereby reducing the functional component of urethral constriction
-adrenergic receptor antagonist, has significantly reduced
obstructive symptoms and improved urinary flow rates at doses of 1 to 5 mg/day.
-blockade alone does not account for the long-term clinical responses exerted
by this drug in the treatment of BPH. Terazosin has been shown to induce prostate
smooth muscle cell apoptosis, resulting in reduced urinary symptoms. Terazosin (and
doxazosin) has a quinazoline nucleus, which may account for this effect. Tamsulosin,
which is not a quinazoline, does not induce prostate smooth muscle cell apoptosis.
In most patients, the dose of terazosin should be started at 1 mg once daily at
bedtime and titrated over several weeks to 5 to 10 mg once daily to obtain desired
results. Orthostatic hypotension may occur in the beginning days of therapy or during
dosage adjustment periods. In patients who stop their terazosin therapy for 2 or more
days, therapy should be reinstituted cautiously to avoid the “first-dose” adverse
Terazosin has demonstrated sustained improvement in BPH symptom scores for a
30-month period. Only 10% of the patients experienced treatment failure.
long-term study, the systolic blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive
patients was decreased by 4 and 18 mm Hg, respectively. Apparently, terazosin
typically only lowered the blood pressure significantly in the hypertensive patients.
Doxazosin, another quinazoline derivative, is a long-acting α1
antagonist structurally related to prazosin and terazosin (Table 109-3). Prazosin has a
relatively short half-life and is not recommended for use in BPH. Doxazosin
originally was prescribed primarily for hypertension and currently is not considered
a first-line antihypertensive agent. (For a discussion of the current use of α-blockers
in hypertension, see Chapter 14, Essential Hypertension.) Hypertension and BPH are
linked by the sympathetic nervous system. As with terazosin, doxazosin improves
urinary flow rates and symptoms in patients with BPH. These effects have been
demonstrated in controlled clinical studies, within weeks, and for the long-term.
Doxazosin should be started at 1 mg/day. After 1 to 2 weeks, the dose can be
increased over several weeks to 8 mg/day. As with other long-acting α1
receptor antagonists, the first dose should be taken at bedtime to minimize
lightheadedness and syncope (the first-dose effect), and the blood pressure of the
patient should be monitored periodically during therapy. Most patients require
between 4 and 8 mg/day for effective control of the urinary symptoms of BPH.
Dosages greater than 4 mg/day are associated with a greater frequency of dizziness,
orthostatic hypotension, and syncope.
Tamsulosin, a nonquinazoline, is a long-acting selective α1A-adrenergic receptor
antagonist similar to doxazosin, terazosin, and prazosin. Tamsulosin and its
metabolites are more specific for the prostatic α1A-adrenergic and less specific for
the vascular α1A-adrenergic receptors responsible for orthostatic hypotension.
Consequently, no need exists to titrate tamsulosin to the recommended daily dose
range of 0.4 to 0.8 mg. Coadministration of tamsulosin with antihypertensive agents
does not require dosage adjustment of the antihypertensives. Tamsulosin is very
effective in treating bladder outlet obstruction associated with BPH.
More than 90% of tamsulosin is absorbed after oral administration of a 0.4-mg
dose under fasting conditions. Administration with food decreases the bioavailability
by 30% and increases time to peak plasma concentration. Tamsulosin is hepatically
metabolized by CYP3A4 and CYP2D6.
Impaired renal function increases the total
tamsulosin plasma concentration by approximately 100% during steady state.
However, active unbound drug levels are not affected; thus, renal dose adjustment is
85 Tamsulosin appears to reduce mean ejaculatory volume in 90% of
-adrenergic receptor antagonists, tamsulosin does not affect
the PSA and must be taken indefinitely to maintain its therapeutic effect.
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