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sepsis and septic shock in, 2202–2205, 2203t, 2204t, 2205t

cardiovascular drug therapy, 2206–2209, 2207t

corticosteroid therapy, 2209

management, 2205–2206

sodium concentration, 2141

theophylline dosing in, 398t

traumatic brain injury, 2210–2214

tuberculosis and, 1443

type 1 diabetes in

blood glucose monitoring, 1102

clinical presentation of, 1101

diagnosis of, 1101

goals of therapy, 1101–1102

honeymoon period, 1102

hypoglycemia, 1102–1103

injection sites, 1102

insulin therapy, 1102

sick day management, 1103, 1103t

type 2 diabetes in, 1075

risk factors, 1077t

Chlamydia, 1019

Chlamydia trachomatis, 1514–1517

Chloride, 23

blood chemistry reference values for, 17t

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 847

Cholecystectomy, 1472

Cholesterol, 31 (see also Lipoproteins)

laboratory tests for, 20t

synthesis of, 101–102, 101f

Cholesterol absorption inhibitor, 121–122, 121f

Cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP), 106f

Chorioamnionitis, 996

Chorionic gonadotropin, 964

Chorioretinitis, 971–972

Choroid, 1149

Choroidal vein retinal occlusion (CRVO), 1169

Chronic allograft injury (CAI), 728

Chronic asthma (see also Asthma)

anticholinergics, 399

anti-IgE therapy, 400

classification of, 394

corticosteroids, 395–397

leukotriene modifiers, 397

seasonal, 395

theophylline, 397–399

therapy of, 394–395

Chronic bronchitis (CB), 409, 410

Chronic dyspepsia, 487

Chronic glomerulopathies, 624–629

focalsegmental glomerulosclerosis, 628–629

lupus nephritis, 625–626

Wegener granulomatosis, 626–628

Chronic hypertension, 983–984, 985t

clinical presentation, 983

risk factors, 983–984

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), 631, 652

anemia of

characteristics and etiology, 612

goals of therapy, 612–613

treatment, 613–616

cardiovascular complications

dyslipidemia, 617–618

hypertension, 616–617

classification of, 598–599

clinical assessment

complications of, 604

proteinuria, 603–604

quantifying glomerular filtration rate, 602–603

complications of

altered glucose and insulin metabolism, 623–624

dermatologic complications, 624

endocrine abnormalities caused by uremia, 623

gastrointestinal complications, 624

criteria for, 598t

definition, 598–599

diabetic nephropathy, 608

management, 608–609

drug-induced causes of

analgesic nephropathy, 601–602

lithium nephropathy, 602

economics, 600

end-stage renal disease

clinicalsigns and symptoms, 606, 606–607t

treatment, 607

epidemiology of, 599–600

examples of, 599t

fluid and electrolyte complications

electrolyte and metabolic disturbances, 611

hyperkalemia, 610–611

metabolic acidosis, 611

sodium and water retention, 610

glomerular disease

chronic glomerulopathies, 624–629

nephrotic syndrome, 624

hypertension and, 141–142, 146

medication use, 600

mineral and bone disorders

etiology, 618–619

treatment, 619–623

pathophysiology, 601


antihypertensive therapy, 604–605

dietary protein restriction, 604

dyslipidemia treatment, 605–606

risk factors for, 600t

staging of, 598t

Chronic liver rejection, 738

Chronic lung disease (see Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD))

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

diagnosis of, 2032

epidemiology of, 2032

infectious complications of, 2034–2035

pathophysiology of, 2032

signs and symptoms of, 2032–2033

staging and prognosis of, 2033

treatment of, 2033–2034

Chronic maintenance therapy, 462–464

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)

clinical presentation of, 2029–2030

cytogenetic response in, 2030t

diagnosis of, 2029–2030

disease course, 2030–2031

epidemiology of, 2029

hematologic response in, 2030t

pathophysiology of, 2029

prognosis of, 2030–2031

relapsed and refractory, 2031–2032

signs and symptoms, 2030

treatment, 2030, 2031

WHO Criteria for, 2031t

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 409–425, 1736t

acute exacerbation of, 423–424

asthma and, 411–412, 413t

chemokines and, 410, 411t

classification of severity and clinical presentation, 414–415

clinical features of, 412t

cytokines and, 410, 411t

definitions of, 409

diagnosis and patient assessment of, 412–415

epidemiology of, 409

exacerbations of, 418

growth factors and, 410

HIV and, 409

immunization with, 415, 419

inflammatory cells and, 411t

natural course, 415

oxygen therapy for, 424–425, 425t

pathogenesis of, 410, 410f, 411t

pathophysiology of, 410–412

pharmacologic therapy by disease severity, 418

pharmacotherapy of, 416–418

proteases and, 410

pulmonary rehabilitation for, 415, 423

risk factors for, 409

smoking and, 409, 415, 419

spirometry testing of, 413–414, 414f

stages of, 419–425

surgical treatment of, 425

therapeutic selection of, 417f

Chronic opioid therapy (COT), 1196

Chronic pain, 1173

Chronic persistent surgical pain (CPSP), 1176

Chronic rejection, 727–728

Chronic rhinitis, 427

Chronic salicylism, 68

Chronic stable angina, 208

p. 2330

p. 2331

anti-ischemic drug therapy, 219–225

atherosclerotic vascular disease, 210

cardiac catheterization, 212

clinical presentation of, 211, 216–217

diagnostic procedures, 217–218

risk stratification and prognosis, 218

diagnosis of, 211–212

drug and nondrug therapy

anti-ischemic pharmacotherapy, 214–215

myocardial revascularization, 215–216

vasculoprotective therapy, 212–214

epidemiology of, 208

exercise stress testing, 220

intracellular sodium and calcium handling, 211

ischemia, 208

medical management of

dietary interventions, 218–219

risk factors and lifestyle modifications, 218

myocardial oxygen supply and demand, 208–210, 209f

pathophysiology of, 208–211, 209f

platelet aggregation, 210–211

risk assessment of, 211–212

stress testing, 212

thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging, 212

Churg-Strauss syndrome, 443

Chylomicrons, 104

CI (see Cardiac index (CI))

Cinchonism, 172–173

CINV (see Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV))


pathogenesis of, 539–540

portal hypertension, 540–542, 540f, 541t

CIS (see Clinical information system (CIS); Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS))

CK (see Creatine kinase (CK))

CKD (see Chronic kidney disease (CKD))

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), 1331

Clinical decision support (CDS), 49

Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI), 886

Clinical information system (CIS), 3

Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), 1221

Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive Drug Evaluation (COURAGE), 227

Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC), 56

guidelines for simvastatin, 57t

guidelines for TPMT genotype-based thiopurine dosing, 56t

CLL (see Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL))

Clonidine, 546

Clopidogrel and Metoprolol in Myocardial Infarction Trial (COMMIT), 251

Clopidogrel as Adjunctive Reperfusion Therapy–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 28 (CLARITYTIMI 28), 251

Clopidogrel, role of, 168

Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of Ischemic Events (CAPRIE) trial, 213

Clostridium difficile, 495, 2161

Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD), 1463–1468

BI/NAP1 stain and, 1466–1467

mild to moderate infection, 1463

proton-pump inhibitors and, 1448

relapse of, 1467–1468

severe, 1467

transmission of, 1466–1467

Clostridium perfringens, foodborne illnesses and, 1452–1453


cascade, 175–176, 176f

diarrhea and, 196

inhibitors of, 175–176

mechanisms, 176t

vitamin-K dependent, 180t

CLSI (see Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI))

Clubbing, of nails, 1386

Cluster headache, 1234

abortive therapy for, 1243–1244

pathophysiology of, 1243

prophylactic therapy for, 1244

signs and symptoms of, 1243

CML (see Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML))

CMM (see Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM))

CMP (see Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP))

CMS (see Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS))

CMV (see Cytomegalovirus (CMV))

CNS (see Central nervous system (CNS))

CO (see Cardiac output (CO))

Coagulation studies, 34

Coagulopathy, from salicylate toxicity, 70

Coccidioides immitis, 1640

Coccidioidomycosis, 1639–1640

antifungal central nervous system penetration, 1640

intraventricular administration of AmB, 1640

serologic tests, 1639–1640

Cockcroft–Gault (CG) equation, 603, 635

for CrCl estimation, 24

for renal function estimation, 670, 2065

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 1187–1188, 1197, 1197t, 1817

for GAD, 1736

insomnia and, 1765, 1765t, 1775

OCD and, 1757

panic disorder and, 1748

PTSD and, 1754

for SAD, 1752

Cognitive dysfunction, and MS, 1224


common, 1661

in infants and children, 2157–2158

nodule, 1043

Collagen-glycosaminoglycan biodegradable matrix, 862

Collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2), 1221

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