– – anterior 31, 93, 98, 232, 474

– – posterior 31, 93, 98, 232

– spiral, of renal pelvis 329

– splenic 279, 296, 300, 309, 315 f, 328 f

– – posterior pancreatic branch 316

– subclavian 95, 97, 170, 177, 184, 206, 208,

252, 271, 273 ff, 281, 396, 414

– – of fetus 288

– subcortical, of kidney 329

– submental 152, 168

– subscapular 396, 412, 415

– supra-orbital 134, 168

– – medial branch 82

– suprarenal

– – inferior 328 f

– – middle 328

– – superior 328

– suprascapular 168, 170, 378, 396, 404 f, 414

506 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– suprascapular

– – anastomosis with circumflex scapular artery


– supratrochlear 93, 134, 168

– sural 487, 491

– tarsal, lateral 499

– temporal

– – deep 80, 82

– – – anterior 81

– – inferior, of retina 134

– – middle 168

– – superficial 63, 77, 81 ff, 85, 168, 170, 183

– – – anterior articular branch 80

–––frontal branch 79 f, 168

–––parietal branch 79 f, 168

– – superior, of retina 134

– testicular 218, 328, 341, 343, 346

– thalamic 92

– thoracic

– – internal 168, 177, 206, 208, 214, 216,

264 ff, 272, 396, 398

– – lateral 168, 170, 196, 207 f, 214, 396, 410,


– – superior 396, 412

– thoraco-acromial 168, 170, 184 f, 207, 264,

396, 407

– – acromial branch 407

– – pectoral branch 407

– thoracodorsal 396, 404, 407, 410, 412, 415

– thyroid

– – inferior 168 f, 177, 185, 396

– – superior 152, 168 ff, 177, 185, 396

– tibial 468

– – anterior 467 f, 491, 495

– – posterior 457, 467 f, 488, 491

– tympanic

– – anterior 126

– ulnar 388, 396, 415 ff, 419, 423, 425, 428

– umbilical 289, 346 f

– – obliterated 293

– – remnant 219

– uterine 360, 366

– – ovarian branch 360

– vaginal 360

– vertebral 31, 62, 69, 71, 89, 93 ff, 96 ff, 165,

168 f, 174, 177, 200, 237, 240, 414

– – muscular branch 237

– vesical

– – inferior 347

– – superior 346 f

– zygomatico-orbital 85

Articulation s. Joint

Atlas 53, 159, 165, 188 ff, 192 ff, 200 ff, 240,

369 f

– articulation with dens of axis 200


– left, of heart 245, 252 ff, 256 ff, 273, 281, 285

– – midsagittal section 322

– – orifices of pulmonary veins 285

– nasal 144

– right, of heart 244 f, 252 f, 255 ff, 259, 261 ff,

270 f, 273, 283 f

– – of fetus 288

Auditory apparatus 122 ff, 129

Auditory pathway 131

Auricle 122 ff

– of left atrium 252, 258, 260 ff

– – of fetus 288

– of right atrium 244, 252, 255 f, 258, 260 ff,

269, 271, 283

– – of fetus 288

Axilla, lymphatics 290

Axis 159, 188 ff, 192 ff, 200 ff, 369 f



– innervation 229

– muscles 221 ff

– – deep 292

– – deepest layer 224

– nerves 226 ff, 229

Ball-and-socket joint 10, 432

Band, longitudinal

– inferior, of cruciform ligament 200 f

– superior, of cruciform ligament 200 f


– of cochlea 123, 125, 129

– of coracoid process 371

– of mandible 22 f

– of metacarpal bone 376 f

– of metatarsal bone 442

– of patella 441

– of proximal phalanx 376 f

– of sacrum 191, 434 f

– of skull 20, 30 ff, 84, 97, 203

– – angulation 19, 37, 143

– – bones 23

– – canals 34

– – cranial nerves 31, 75, 98

– – fissures 34

– – foramina 34

– – inferior aspect 32 f

– – internal aspect 30 f, 34

– – of newborn 33, 35

– of stapes 128

– of urinary bladder 367


– first 50

– second 50


– of atrioventricular bundle 261

– of trachea 18, 246, 274 ff, 281

Bile duct(s) 296 f

– common 292, 296 f, 299 f, 317

– extrahepatic 296 f, 301, 316

Bladder, urinary s. Urinary bladder

Blindness 139


– amygdaloid 107, 110 f, 114 ff

– of axis 200

– carotid 164 f

– cavernous s. Corpus cavernosum

– of cervical vertebra 53, 177, 194 f

– – MRI scan 201, 203

– ciliary 133

– of clitoris 361 f, 365

– of corpus callosum 99, 107

– of epididymis 343

– of fifth lumbar vertebra 189

– of first lumbar vertebra 189, 211

– of fornix 106 f, 113

– of gallbladder 297

– geniculate 107

– – lateral 131, 137

– – medial 115, 131, 137

– of hyoid bone 150, 158

– of incus 128

– of ischium 433

– of lumbar vertebra 190 f, 194, 198 f

– mamillary 65 f, 86, 94, 99, 103, 107, 137

– of mandible 22 f, 52

– of maxilla 21 f

– – nasal surface 42

– of metacarpal bone 376

– of pancreas 296 f, 316

– perineal 350 f, 362

– pineal 86, 99, 107, 115, 120

– of pubis 433

– restiform 116

– retrosternal 398

– of rib 192, 197

– of sphenoidal bone 26

– of sternum 188 f, 192 f, 264, 369 f

– of stomach 294, 316

– of thoracic vertebra 192

– trapezoid 131

– of twelfth thoracic vertebra 189

– of uterus 357

– of vertebra 53, 177, 191 f, 194 f, 199

– vitreous 133, 148

Bone(s) 42, 155

– capitate 376 f, 380

– – coronal section 425

– carpal 7, 368, 375 ff, 427

– cranial 20 ff

– – of newborn 35

– cuboid 443, 449, 495

– cuneiform

– – intermediate 442, 449, 495

– – lateral 443

– – medial 495

– ethmoidal 20 ff, 23, 34, 37 f, 40 ff, 44 f, 47

– – of newborn 35

Index 507

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– – orbital part 21

– facial 20, 28

– – lateral aspect 52

– frontal 7, 19 ff, 23, 28 f, 34, 36 f, 42, 44 f, 47,


– – of newborn 35

– – squamous part 28, 44 f

– – temporal surface 44

– hamate 376 f, 380

– – coronal section 425

– hyoid 20, 22, 55, 60 f, 67, 69, 86, 150 f, 154 f,

158 ff, 161, 166, 169, 175

– incisive 33, 45

– lacrimal 20 ff, 23, 28, 37, 47, 52, 132

– lunate 376 f, 380

– – coronal section 425

– metacarpal 7, 368, 375 ff, 427

– – axial section 431

– – coronal section 425

– – first 375 ff, 380, 425

– – of newborn 9

– – of thumb 375 f

– metatarsal 7, 432, 442 f, 449 ff, 495

– – first 450

– – of newborn 9

– nasal 20 ff, 23, 37, 47 f, 52, 144

– of nasal cavity 48

– navicular 442, 449 ff, 495

– – articular surface 449

– occipital 7, 20 f, 24 ff, 27 ff, 33 f, 37, 38 ff,

42, 46 f, 194

– – basilar part 25, 33

– – lateral part 33, 39

– – of newborn 33, 35

– – squamous part 20 f, 25, 28, 33, 39 ff, 44

– – – lower part 27

– – – upper part 27

– palatine 20, 33, 37, 39 ff, 42, 44 f, 48, 49

– parietal 7, 20 ff, 23, 29, 34, 37

– – of newborn 33

– pisiforme 377, 381, 389 f, 394

– pubic 346, 355

– scaphoid 376 f, 380

– – coronal section 425

– sesamoid 449

– of skull 20 ff

– sphenoidal 20 ff, 23, 24 ff, 28, 33 f, 37, 38 ff,

41 f, 44 f

– – of newborn 35

– tarsal 7, 432

– temporal 20 ff, 23, 27 ff, 33 f, 37, 46 f, 52, 125

– – of newborn 35, 125

– – petromastoid part 125

– – petrous part 20, 33 f, 37, 122, 127, 130

– – squamous part 20 f, 27 f, 125

– – – of newborn 35

– – tympanic part 20 f, 27

– trapezium 376 f

– – coronal section 425

– trapezoid 376 f, 380

– – coronal section 425

– triquetral 376 f, 380

– – coronal section 425

– zygomatic 7, 19 ff, 23, 28, 33, 37, 45, 47, 52,


– – orbital surface 45


– anterior, of spleen 300

– inferior, of lung 249

– interosseous

– – of fibula 440

– – of tibia 440

– lateral, of scapula 370 f

– medial

– – of scapula 371, 382

– – of tibia 440

– posterior, of fibula 440

– superior, of scapula 371

Brachium of inferior colliculus 115, 131

Brain 3, 99 ff

– areas of blood supply 96

– arterial blood supply 92

– coronal section 92, 116 f

– cross section 116 f

– dissections 104 ff

– divisions 91

– horizontal section 118 ff

– inferior aspect 65, 99

– median section 90 f

– ventricular cavities 112

Brain stem 67, 69 ff, 84, 91, 114 f, 139

– auditory pathway 131

– median section 90 f

Breast, lymphatics 290

Breast tissue 290

Bronchial tree 246 f, 275

– mediastinal dissection 247

Bronchus(-i) 246, 249

– primary

– – left 276, 278 f, 281

– – – of fetus 288

– – right 280

– secondary 278

– segmental 246

Bulb 147

– of aorta 244, 252, 259, 261

– olfactory 31, 65 f, 75, 89, 99, 103, 107, 146 f

– of penis 336 f, 339, 342, 345

– of vestibule 355, 360 ff, 364

Bulla, ethmoidal 37, 53, 145


– atrioventricular 261

– of His 261


– of Achill tendon 449

– omental 292, 311 ff

– – horizontal section 324

– – isthmus 318

– – midsagittal section 322

– – splenic recess 318

– – superior recess 318

– suprapatellar 446 ff

Bypass vessel 263


Calcaneus 7, 443, 449, 451, 495

– articular surface

– – talar

– – – anterior 449

– – – middle 449

–––posterior 449

– of newborn 9

Calcar avis 104, 106, 110

Calvaria 29, 53, 87 ff, 97, 149

Calyx, renal 326 f

– major 326

– minor 326 f


– adductor 452

– – entrance 480

– – tendinous wall 467

– anal 3, 336 f

– – coronal section 345

– – midsagittal section 322

– carotid 27, 31, 33, 46, 98, 125, 127, 164

– central 86, 91, 116

– cervical 357

– condylar 25, 27, 33, 39

– facial 31, 125 f, 129 f

– gastric 294

– for greater petrosal nerve, hiatus 27

– hypoglossal 25, 30 f, 33, 36, 39, 46, 201

– incisive 33, 42, 145, 147

– infra-orbital 46

– inguinal 217 f

– – in the female 220, 323

– – in the male 217 ff

– mandibular 165

– – entrance 52, 83

– musculotubal 129

– nasolacrimal 46 f, 132

– obturator 444 f

– optic 23, 25 f, 30 f, 34, 38, 44, 46 f, 132, 138

– osseus semicircular

– – anterior 123 ff, 129 f

– – lateral 123 ff, 127, 129 f

– – posterior 124 f, 129 f

– palatine

– – greater 40, 46

– – lesser 46

– pterygoid 25, 33, 45 f, 146, 164

– pudendal, entrance 483

– pyloric 294

– sacral 434 f, 437

508 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– of Schlemm 133

– spiral, of cochlea 125

– vertebral 88, 188, 230 ff, 472

– – sagittal section 232


– chordae tympani 125

– cochlear 27

– lacrimal, inferior 142

– mastoid 27, 125


– carpi 14, 389, 394 f, 427, 429

– musculotubarius 27

Canine 50 f

– permanent 51

Capitulum of humerus 373, 375, 379, 391

Capsula adiposa perirenalis 296, 300, 324


– articular 12

– – of atlanto-occipital joint 200

– – of elbow joint 379, 391

– – of hip joint 444

– – of interphalangeal joint

– – – of fingers 381

– – – of toes 449

– – of knee joint 12, 447 f

– – of metacarpophalangeal joint 381

– – – of thumb 381

– – of metatarsophalangeal joint 449

– – of shoulder joint 378

– – of temporomandibular joint 53 f

– – of wrist joint 380

– external 116, 120

– fibrous, of kidney 326

– – vessels 329

– internal 92, 105, 109 f, 111, 113, 115 f

– – anterior limb 120

– – posterior limb 120

Cardia 296, 300

Carotid sheat 174

Carotid sinus nerve 164 f

Carpal tunnel 14, 389, 394 f, 427, 429


– alar

– – greater 49

– – lesser 49

– articular

– – of condylar process of mandible 54

– – of knee joint 12

– – of shoulder joint 15

– arytenoid 158 f

– corniculate 158

– costal 7, 189, 192

– cricoid 155, 157, 158 f

– of larynx 158

– nasal 49

– – lateral 49

– septal 49

– thyroid 151, 154 f, 158 f, 255

– tracheal 158 f

Cauda equina 230, 232, 471

– horizontal section 320, 324

Cavity(-ies) 345

– abdominal 1, 291 ff

– – coronal section 1

– – CT scan 321

– – frontal section 309

– – horizontal section 320 f, 324

– – midsagittal section 313

– – MRI scan 309, 320

– – parasagittal section 325

– – posterior 332 f

– – veins of posterior wall 279

– articular 12

– – elbow joint 431

– – hip joint 496

– – humeroradial joint 431

– – knee joint 446

– – shoulder joint 10, 15, 378

– cranial 84 ff

– – coronal section 62

– glenoid 188 f, 369 ff, 378

– nasal 7, 22, 31, 84, 88, 90, 143 ff

– – arteries 146 f

– – bones 48

– – coronal section 62

– – horizontal section 148

– – lateral wall 145 ff

– – – nerves 147

– – median section 145

– – nerves 146 f

– oral 50, 84, 143, 150 ff, 163

– – coronal section 50, 62

– – floor 150 f

– – median section 88, 145

– – transverse section 82

– pelvic

– – in the female 366 f

– – horizontal section 4

– – in the male

– – – coronal section 345

– – – MRI scan 342, 345

– – – nerves 349

–––parasagittal section 346

– – – sagittal section 342

– – – vessels 346 f

– – MRI scan 4 f

– of septum pellucidum 104, 120

– thoracic

– – coronal section 1

– – parasagittal section 325

– – posterior 332 f

– – veins of posterior wall 279

– tympanic 69, 120, 122 ff, 128 ff

– – medial wall 126 f

– – roof 123

– uterine 367

– ventricular, of brain 112

Cecum 291 f, 304, 307, 318

– horizontal section 320

Center, acoustic 131

Cerebellum 66, 74 f, 84, 86, 90, 94, 102 f

– median section 90 f

Cerebrum 18, 99 ff, 233

– in neonate 233

Cervix of uterus 354, 356 f, 359

– vaginal portion 322, 356 f, 360

Chamber, anterior, of eyeball 134

Chiasma, optic 65 f, 73 f, 86, 90 f, 99, 103, 138 f

– lesion 139

Choana 45, 146, 163, 164

– of newborn 33

Chondrocranium 22

Chord, oblique 379


– tendineae 253, 256, 258

– tympani 62, 68 ff, 77, 124 ff, 128, 146

– – extracranial part 126

– – intracranial part 126

Chorion 359


– arterial, of Willis 93, 98

– greater, of iris 134

– lesser, of iris 134


– collateral, of shoulder 404

– lymphatic 16

– portal 16

– pulmonary 16

– systemic 16

Circulatory system 16

– fetal 288 f

– shunts 288

Circumference, articular

– of radius 374 f

– of ulna 374 f


– cerebellomedullar 85 f, 89, 112, 145, 230,

240 f

– chiasmatic 85

– interpeduncular 85

– of lateral cerebral fossa 89

– of pons 201

Cisterna chyli 17, 332

Claustrum 92, 116, 120

Clava 115

Clavicle 3, 7, 168, 174, 177, 187 ff, 206 ff, 264,

284, 368 ff

– articular facet

– – for acromion 369

– – for sternum 369

– end

– – acromial 369 f, 378

– – sternal 369 f

– surface anatomy 204, 401 f

Clitoris 354, 360 ff

Clivus 25, 27, 30, 38

Index 509

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– Dura mater 89

Coccyx 3, 7, 189, 191, 193, 195, 350, 433 ff,

437, 472

– surface anatomy 476

Cochlea 122 ff, 127, 129

Cockett veins 468 f


– facial 115

– inferior of midbrain 67, 103, 111, 114 ff, 131

– of midbrain 67, 86, 90 f, 99, 107

– seminal 338 f, 344 f

– superior of midbrain 114 ff

Colon 3

– ascending 302, 304, 307

– descending 210, 304, 310

– Head’s area 205

– sigmoid 292, 304, 306 f, 310, 322

– transverse 244, 291 f, 302, 306 ff

– – midsagittal section 322


– of fornix 103, 105, 107, 114 ff, 119 f

– lateral, of erector spinae muscle 212

– medial, of intrinsic muscles of back 212, 225

– renal 326

– vertebral s. Vertebral column


– anterior 86, 90 f, 94, 99, 107, 110, 116, 137

– of fornix 104

– habenular 107

– labial, posterior 361


– of auricle 122, 124

– nasal

– – inferior 20, 22 f, 36 f, 42, 44, 46, 48, 53, 86,

90, 142, 143 ff, 147 f

– – – inferior border 48

– – middle 22 f, 33, 36 f, 38, 40, 44 f, 48, 86,

143 ff

– – superior 36 f, 48, 86, 145


– lateral

– – of femur 9, 439, 441, 447

– – of tibia 440, 446 f

– medial

– – of femur 9, 439, 447

– – of tibia 440

– occipital 21, 25, 27, 33, 36, 46, 62, 202

Cone, medullary, of spinal cord 472 f

Confluence of sinuses 75, 85, 87 f, 241


– diagonal 434, 438

– true 434, 438


– of eyeball 133

– palpebral, of lower lid 142

Connection, intertendinous 392


– arteriosus 256, 258

– – horizontal section 286

– elasticus 158

– medullaris 230, 232 f, 475

– – midsagittal section 322

– – in neonate 233


– spermatic 204, 211 ff, 217, 219, 337, 340,

343, 346, 479 f

– spinal s. Spinal cord

– umbilical 233, 359

– urachus 219

Cornea 132 f, 135 f

Cornu s. also Horn

– greater, of hyoid bone 61, 67, 149, 150, 158,


– inferior, of thyroid cartilage 159

– lesser, of hyoid bone 150, 158

– sacral 191

– superior, of thyroid cartilage 158 f


– of glans penis 342

– radiata 109 f


– callosum 62, 85 f, 233

– – coronal section 116

– – fiber system 104

– – median section 90 f, 233

– – in neonate 233

– cavernosum

– – of clitoris 356, 360

– – of penis 336 ff, 339 f, 341 f, 347

– spongiosum of penis 336 f, 339 ff

– sterni 194


– cerebral 85, 92, 118 ff

– insular 113

– of kidney 326

– limbic 99


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