Nasal Cavity: Nerves and Arteries 147
Nerves of the lateral wall of nasal cavity. Carotid canal opened, mucous membranes of pharynx and
Dissection of palatine tonsil located in the lateral wall of
the nasopharynx (left side). Root of tongue reflected.
Nerves of the lateral wall of nasal cavity. Body of sphenoid
bone appears transparent (schematic drawing).
148 Sections through the Nasal and Oral Cavities
Horizontal section through the head. CT scan. Bar = 2 cm.
7 Optic nerve with dural sheath
9 Pituitary gland and infundibulum
11 Superior tarsal plate of eyelid
24 Superior rectus and levator
26 Inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles
Sections through the Nasal and Oral Cavities
Coronal section through the head at the level of the second premolar of the mandible.
Coronal section through the head (MRI scan, courtesy of
Prof. Heuck, Munich, Germany). Note the situation of the
31 Superior longitudinal muscle of tongue
33 Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue
37 Frontal lobe of brain and crista galli
38 Lateral and medial rectus muscles
40 Vertical and transverse muscles of tongue
41 Second premolar of mandible
47 Root of tongue (lingual tonsil)
57 Greater cornu of hyoid bone
Dorsal surface of the tongue and laryngeal inlet.
3 Upper lip and orbicularis oris
6 Lower lip and orbicularis oris
10 Anterior belly of diagastric muscle
16 Root of tongue and lingual tonsil
20 Laryngopharynx continuous with
Median sagittal section through the oral cavity and pharynx.
Hyoid bone (oblique lateral aspect).
1 Lesser cornu and body of hyoid bone
3 Ramus of mandible and inferior alveolar nerve
5 Genioglossus muscle (divided)
8 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
11 Intermediate tendon of digastric muscle
opened. Arrow: submandibular duct.
Supra- and infrahyoid muscles and
3 Digastric muscle (posterior belly)
6 Glossopharyngeal nerve (n. IX)
11 Internal branch of superior
(branch of vagus nerve, not visible)
19 Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx
21 Terminal branches of lingual nerve
23 Genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles
24 Mylohyoid muscle (divided and
25 Sternohyoid muscle (divided)
152 Oral Cavity: Submandibular Triangle
Submandibular triangle, superficial dissection. Right side (inferior aspect). Submandibular gland
Submandibular triangle, deep dissection. Right side (inferior aspect). Mylohyoid muscle has been
severed and reflected to display the lingual and hypoglossal nerves.
4 Hypoglossal nerve and lingual
superior root of ansa cervicalis
10 Masseter muscle and marginal
14 Submandibular duct, sublingual
16 Mylohyoid muscle and anterior
belly of left digastric muscle
17 Hyoglossus muscle and lingual
21 Anterior belly of right digastric
22 Submandibular gland and duct
17 Superficial temporal artery and
19 Posterior belly of digastric
24 Middle pharyngeal constrictor
35 Right and left sublingual papillae
Oral cavity (internal aspect). Tongue and pharyngeal wall removed.
Dissection of major salivary glands. Left mandible and buccinator
muscle partly removed to view the oral cavity (infero-lateral aspect).
Location of the major salivary glands in relation to the
4 Nerves and vessels of the neck
(carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve)
Regional anatomy of the neck (anterior aspect). The anteriorly
located muscles and the thoracic wall have been removed.
Organs of the neck (anterior aspect, schematic drawing).
The main arterial trunks are indicated in red.
The anterior aspect of the neck contains the trachea
and larynx, which are connected to the nasal
cavity via the pharynx. Behind the trachea lies the
esophagus, which is connected to the oral cavity,
The thyroid gland is located anterior to the trachea,
whereas the carotid artery and jugular vein together
with the vagus nerve are situated laterally,
conjoining the head with the thoracic organs and
Underneath the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the
the innervations of neck and upper limb respectively.
2.5 Neck and Organs of the Neck
Organization and Regions of the Neck
Organization and Regions of the Neck
Median section through adult head and neck. Note the low position
of the adult larynx when compared with that of the neonate (cf. with the
Median section through neonate head and neck. Note the high position
of the larynx permitting the epiglottis to nearly reach the uvula (cf. with the
Regions and triangles of the neck
Muscles of the neck (anterior aspect, schematic drawing).
The muscles of the neck are complex and
highly sophisticated. There are two major
groups of muscles to be distinguished according
to their functional aspects. One group is
constituted by muscles connecting head to
the hyoid bone and the larynx. The second
category of muscles links the head and the
The sternocleidomastoid muscle represents
the border between the anterior and posterior
7 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
15 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
Muscles of the neck (anterior aspect). Sternocleidomastoid and sternohyoid muscles on the
right have been divided and reflected.
Axial section of the neck at the level of the intervertebral disc between the 5th and 6th
cervical vertebra (inferior aspect).
Axial section of the neck at the level of the 4th cervical
vertebra (MRI scan; from Heuck et al., MRT-Atlas, 2009).
Organization of the neck (axial section at the level of the
thyroid gland; schematic drawing).
4 Internal jugular vein, common
carotid artery, and vagus nerve
15 Longus colli and longus capitis
18 Ventral and dorsal root of cervical
21 Anterior tubercle of transverse
process and origin of scalenus
22 Superior facet of articular process
158 Larynx: Cartilages and Hyoid Bone
13 Muscular process of arytenoid
15 Lamina of cricoid cartilage
Cartilages of the larynx and the
Cartilages of the larynx (anterior
aspect). Thyroid cartilage is indicated
Cartilages of the larynx (obliqueposterior aspect).
Cartilages and ligaments of the larynx
Cartilages of the larynx and the hyoid
Larynx: Cartilages and Hyoid Bone 159
Thyroid cartilage (lateral aspect). Thyroid cartilage (anterior aspect).
Position of the larynx in the neck (oblique-lateral aspect).
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