Cutaneous nerves of thigh (posterior aspect).
The fascia lata and the fasciae of muscles have been removed.
2 Perineal branch of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
3 Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
7 Medial sural cutaneous nerve
9 Medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
13 Long head of biceps femoris muscle
15 Short head of biceps femoris muscle
17 Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
18 Lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
20 Tendon of biceps femoris muscle
23 Inferior rectal branches of pudendal nerve
29 Gluteus maximus muscle (cut)
31 Sciatic nerve dividing into its two branches: the common
peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve
32 Muscular branches of sciatic nerve to hamstring muscles
36 Long head of biceps femoris muscle (cut)
Gluteal region and posterior region of right thigh (posterior
aspect). The gluteus maximus muscle has been divided and
Gluteal region and posterior region of right thigh (posterior
aspect). The gluteus maximus muscle and the long head of the
biceps femoris muscle have been divided and reflected.
Anterior region of right knee, cutaneous
nerves and veins (anterior aspect).
Coronal section of popliteal fossa (MRI scan;
from Heuck et al., MRT-Atlas, 2009).
1 Cutaneous veins (tributaries of
3 Cutaneous branch of femoral nerve
4 Position of medial condyle of
5 Position of small saphenous vein
7 Terminal branches of posterior
8 Cutaneous veins of popliteal fossa
10 Superficial layer of fascia cruris
11 Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
15 Infrapatellar branch of saphenous
17 Position of tuberosity of tibia
25 Lateral inferior genicular artery
Posterior region of right knee, cutaneous
nerves and veins (posterior aspect).
Right leg, popliteal fossa, middle layer (posterior aspect).
The gastrocnemius muscle has been divided and reflected.
5 Tendon of semitendinosus muscle
6 Position of medial condyle of femur
7 Muscular branches of tibial nerve
9 Tendon of semimembranosus muscle
10 Common tendon of gracilis, semitendinosus, and sartorius
11 Medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
13 Muscular branch of popliteal artery
18 Lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
19 Medial sural cutaneous nerve
20 Medial superior genicular artery
21 Medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (cut and reflected)
22 Medial inferior genicular artery
25 Lateral superior genicular artery
26 Lateral inferior genicular artery
Right leg, popliteal fossa, deep layer (posterior aspect). The
gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles have been divided and reflected.
Right leg, popliteal fossa, deep layer (posterior aspect).
The muscles have been reflected to display the genicular arteries.
3 Medial superior genicular artery
5 Medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
8 Medial inferior genicular artery
13 Lateral superior genicular artery
14 Lateral inferior genicular artery
15 Lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
18 Lateral sural cutaneous nerves
20 Medial sural cutaneous nerve
23 Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
Right leg, popliteal fossa, deepest layer (posterior aspect).
Tibial nerve and popliteal vein have been partly removed
and a portion of the soleus muscle was cut away to display the
Right leg, cutaneous veins and
Right leg, cutaneous veins and
The superficial layer of the crural fascia
Right leg, cutaneous veins and
nerves (antero-medial aspect).
2 Venous anastomosis between small and
6 Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
12 Medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
15 Medial sural cutaneous nerve
19 Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve
20 Infrapatellar branches of saphenous
21 Terminal branches of saphenous nerve
22 Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve
Right leg, posterior crural region, and popliteal fossa,
middle layer (posterior aspect). The cutaneous veins and nerves
Right leg, posterior crural region, and popliteal fossa, deep
layer (posterior aspect). The medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
has been divided and reflected.
Right leg, posterior crural region, deepest layer (posterior
aspect). Triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) and flexor hallucis
longus muscles have been cut and reflected.
Cross section of the leg, superior to the malleoli
7 Muscular branch of tibial nerve
8 Medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
16 Lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
23 Tendinous arch of soleus muscle
24 Flexor digitorum longus muscle
28 Flexor hallucis longus muscle
30 Muscular branches of tibial nerve
32 Communicating branch of peroneal artery
33 Tendon of tibialis anterior muscle
35 Tendon of extensor hallucis longus muscle
36 Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle
39 Tendons of peroneus longus and brevis muscles
Right leg and foot, anterior crural region and dorsum of
foot (anterior aspect). Cutaneous nerves and veins.
Right leg and foot (medial aspect). Cutaneous nerves and veins.
2 Medial cutaneous branch of superficial peroneal nerve
4 Lateral cutaneous branch of superficial peroneal nerve
5 Cutaneous branch of sural nerve
6 Position of tuberosity of tibia
11 Venous arch of dorsum of foot
13 Infrapatellar branches of saphenous nerve
Right leg and foot (lateral aspect). Cutaneous nerves and veins.
5 Lateral calcaneal branches of
6 Venous network at lateral malleolus
7 Cutaneous branch of sural nerve
8 Tendon of peroneus brevis muscle
9 Tendons of extensor digitorum
22 Tendons of extensor digitorum
24 Synovial sheath of tendon of
25 Tendon of tibialis anterior muscle
26 Synovial sheath of tendon of
extensor hallucis longus muscle
27 Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
13 Lateral cutaneous branch of superficial
14 Medial cutaneous branch peroneal nerve
19 Inferior extensor retinaculum
extensor digitorum longus muscle
21 Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
Right foot with synovial sheaths of
extensor muscles (dorsal aspect). The
synovial sheaths have been injected
Right leg and foot, anterior crural region and dorsum of foot,
middle layer (antero-lateral aspect). The extensor digitorum longus
muscle has been divided and reflected laterally.
Right leg and foot, anterior crural region and dorsum of
foot, deep layer (antero-lateral aspect). The extensor digitorum
longus and peroneus longus muscles have been divided or
removed. The common peroneal nerve has been elevated to
show its course around the head of fibula.
Coronal Sections through the Foot
Coronal section through the foot and ankle joint
4 Extensor digitorum longus muscle
5 Muscular branches of deep peroneal nerve
7 Tendon of extensor digitorum longus muscle
9 Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
10 Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle
17 Extensor hallucis longus muscle
18 Tendon of tibialis anterior muscle
21 Extensor hallucis brevis muscle
22 Deep peroneal nerve (on dorsum of foot)
23 Dorsal digital nerves (terminal branches
25 Peroneus longus muscle (cut)
26 Superficial peroneal nerve (with peroneal muscles
28 Lateral anterior malleolar artery
30 Distal tibiofibular joint (syndesmosis)
31 Talocalcaneal interosseous ligament
33 Tendon of peroneus brevis muscle
37 Dorsal interosseous muscles
42 Talocalcaneonavicular joint
45 Intermediate cuneiform bone
47 Metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe
48 Proximal phalanx of great toe
49 Distal phalanx of great toe
50 Heads of metatarsal bones II–III
Coronal section through the foot and ankle joint (MRI scan;
from Heuck et al., MRT-Atlas, 2009).
496 Sections through the Lower Limb
Axial section through the middle of the right
thigh (section 2; MRI scan; inferior aspect).
Axial section through the middle of the right
thigh (section 2; inferior aspect).
5 Femoral head with ligament of femoral
8 Sciatic nerve and accompanying artery
10 Obturator vessels and obturator nerve
16 Vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis
Prof. Heuck, Munich, Germany).
Axial section through the pelvis and the hip joints
(section 1; MRI scan; inferior aspect).
Axial section through the pelvis and the hip joints in the female
(section 1; inferior aspect). Arrows: uterus, myometrium with myoma.
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