Brain and Cranial Nerves: Nerves of the Orbit 73
frontal nerve divided and reflected). Tentorium and dura mater partly removed.
2 Frontal nerve (divided and reflected)
3 Superior rectus muscle (divided) and eyeball
5 Short ciliary nerves and optic nerve (n. II)
7 Abducent nerve (n. VI) and lateral
8 Ciliary ganglion and superior rectus muscle
12 Inferior wall of the third ventricle connected
13 Lateral and medial branches of supra-orbital
15 Superior levator palpebrae muscle
19 Optic chiasma and internal carotid artery
Cranial nerves within the orbit 24 Ophthalmic artery (superior aspect).
74 Brain and Cranial Nerves: Base of the Skull with Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves at the base of the skull. The brain stem was divided and the tentorium fenestrated.
Both hemispheres were removed.
Section through the head at the level of the sella
turcica demonstrating cranial nerves (MRI scan, University
of Erlangen, Dpt. of Neurosurgery).
1 Superior sagittal sinus with falx cerebri
4 Optic nerve and internal carotid artery
5 Anterior clinoid process and anterior
attachment of tentorium cerebelli
8 Tentorial notch (incisura tentorii)
11 Falx cerebri and confluence of sinuses
12 Hypophysial fossa, infundibulum, and
16 Facial nerve (n. VII), nervus intermedius, and
vestibulocochlear nerve (n. VIII)
18 Right hemisphere of cerebellum
Brain and Cranial Nerves: Base of the Skull with Cranial Nerves 75
Regions of the Head: Lateral Region
Lateral superficial aspect of the face. Peripheral distribution of facial nerve (n. VII).
Superficial region of the face. Note
the facial plexus within the parotid
gland (semischematic drawing).
Regions of the Head: Lateral Region 77
Deep dissection of facial nerve. Retromandibular and submandibular regions of the head
(lateral aspect). The parotid gland has been removed.
Main branches of facial nerve (schematic drawing).
a = temporal branches; b = zygomatic branches; c = buccal branches;
d = marginal mandibular branch.
distribution of cutaneous nerves
12 Sternocleidomastoid muscle and
17 Angular artery (terminal branch
23 Depressor anguli oris muscle
25 Cervical branch of facial nerve
cervical nerve of cervical plexus)
27 Temporal branches of facial
30 Mylohyoideus muscle and nerve
31 Anterior belly of digastric
78 Regions of the Head: Lateral Region
7 Cervical branch of facial nerve
15 Depressor anguli oris muscle
18 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
Regions of the Head: Lateral Region 79
4 Parietal branch of superficial
6 Frontal branch of superficial temporal
9 Articular disc of temporomandibular
11 Masseteric artery and nerve
17 Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle
18 Medial branch of supra-orbital nerve
29 Mandibular branch of facial nerve
30 Cervical branch of facial nerve
(communicating branch with facial
nerve) and sternocleidomastoid muscle
80 Regions of the Head: Retromandibular Region
1 Parietal branch of the superficial temporal
2 Frontal branch of the superficial temporal
6 Communicating branches between facial
8 Posterior auricular artery and anterior
auricular branch of superficial temporal artery
11 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
19 Posterior superior alveolar nerve
21 Posterior superior alveolar arteries
22 Masseteric artery and nerve
25 Transverse facial artery and
29 Inferior alveolar artery and nerve
Regions of the Head: Retromandibular Region
1 Supra-orbital nerve (medial branch)
3 Superficial temporal artery and
5 Anterior deep temporal artery
9 Inferior alveolar nerve and artery
13 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
16 Greater occipital nerve (C2)
17 Facial nerve (cut) (n. VII)
20 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
(lateral and intermedial branches)
25 Internal jugular vein and ansa
26 Anterior supraclavicular nerve
82 Regions of the Head: Retromandibular Region
Transverse section through oral cavity and pharynx. The location of
inferior alveolar nerve and artery is indicated by a needle.
1 Superficial temporal artery and vein
2 Temporalis tendon, deep temporal
6 Inferior alveolar artery and nerve
7 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
9 Hypoglossal nerve and superior root of
11 Supratrochlear nerve and medial
branch of supra-orbital artery
13 Posterior superior alveolar artery
16 Parotid duct (divided) and buccinator muscle
Regions of the Head: Para- and Retropharyngeal Regions 83
19 Lingual nerve and submandibular
20 Mental nerve and mental foramen
22 Mylohyoid muscle (divided) and
28 Masseter muscle and mandible
29 Entrance of mandibular canal
34 Inferior alveolar nerve, artery, and vein
35 Pharyngeal constrictor muscle
38 Trigeminal nerve and ganglion
40 Superficial temporal artery
44 Superior root of ansa cervicalis
45 Lateral branch of supra-orbital nerve
48 Ciliary ganglion and short ciliary nerves
50 Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
53 Anterior superior alveolar nerve
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