Dissection of the Abdominal Organs: Upper Abdominal Organs

Upper abdominal organs (anterior aspect). Thorax and anterior part of diaphragm have been removed and the liver raised to display the

lesser omentum. A probe has been inserted into the epiploic foramen and lesser sac.

1 Falciform ligament and ligamentum teres

2 Liver

3 Gallbladder (fundus)

4 Hepatoduodenal ligament

5 Epiploic foramen (probe)

6 Pylorus

7 Descending part of duodenum

8 Right colic flexure

9 Gastrocolic ligament

10 Caudate lobe of liver (behind lesser omentum)

11 Lesser omentum

12 Stomach

13 Lesser curvature of stomach

14 Superior part of duodenum

15 Diaphragm

16 Greater curvature of stomach with gastro-omental


17 Twelfth thoracic vertebra

18 Right kidney

19 Right suprarenal gland

20 Inferior vena cava

21 Falciform ligament of liver

22 Abdominal aorta

23 Spleen

24 Lienorenal ligament

25 Gastrosplenic ligament

26 Pancreas

27 Lesser sac (omental bursa)

Horizontal section through the lesser sac above the level of

epiploic foramen (black arrow). Viewed from above. Red arrows:

routes of the arterial branches of celiac trunk to liver, stomach,

duodenum, and pancreas (posterior aspect).

312 Dissection of the Abdominal Organs: Upper Abdominal Organs

Upper abdominal organs (anterior aspect). Lesser sac. Lesser omentum partly removed, liver and stomach slightly reflected.

1 Falciform ligament and ligamentum teres

2 Liver

3 Hepatoduodenal ligament

4 Gallbladder

5 Probe within the epiploic foramen

6 Superior part of duodenum

7 Pylorus

8 Descending part of duodenum

9 Right colic flexure

10 Gastrocolic ligament

11 Greater omentum

12 Caudate lobe of liver

13 Fundus of stomach

14 Probe at the level of the vestibule of lesser sac

(through epiploic foramen)

15 Head of pancreas

16 Lesser curvature of stomach

17 Body of stomach

18 Diaphragm

19 Greater curvature with gastro-omental


20 Head of pancreas and gastropancreatic fold

21 Spleen

22 Tail of pancreas

23 Left colic flexure

24 Root of transverse mesocolon

25 Transverse mesocolon

26 Gastrocolic ligament (cut edge)

27 Transverse colon

28 Umbilicus

29 Small intestine

30 Lesser omentum

31 Lesser sac (omental bursa)

32 Duodenum

33 Mesentery

34 Sigmoid colon

Dissection of the Abdominal Organs: Upper Abdominal Organs 313

Upper abdominal organs (anterior aspect). Lesser sac. The gastrocolic ligament has been divided and the whole stomach

raised to display the posterior wall of the lesser sac.

Midsagittal section through abdominal cavity,

demonstrating the site of lesser sac (blue).

(Schematic drawing.) The epiploic foramen,

entrance to the lesser sac, is indicated by an

arrow. Red = peritoneum.














314 Dissection of the Abdominal Organs: Upper Abdominal Organs

Arteries of upper abdominal organs (anterior aspect). Dissection of celiac trunk. The lesser omentum has been removed and the

lesser curvature of the stomach reflected to display the branches of the celiac trunk. The probe is situated within the epiploic foramen.

Branches of celiac trunk (schematic drawing).

Dissection of the Abdominal Organs: Upper Abdominal Organs 315

Arteries of upper abdominal organs (anterior aspect). Branches of celiac trunk; blood supply of liver, pancreas, and spleen.

The stomach, superior part of duodenum, and celiac ganglion have been removed to reveal the anterior aspect of the posterior wall of the

lesser sac (omental bursa) and the vessels and ducts of the hepatoduodenal ligament. The pancreas has been slightly reflected anteriorly.

1 Lung

2 Liver (visceral surface)

3 Lymph node

4 Inferior vena cava

5 Ligamentum teres (reflected)

6 Right branch of hepatic artery proper

7 Diaphragm

8 Common hepatic duct (dilated)

9 Cystic duct and artery

10 Gallbladder

11 Probe in epiploic foramen

12 Right lobe of liver

13 Portal vein

14 Right gastric artery

15 Duodenum

16 Pylorus

17 Right colic flexure

18 Right gastro-omental (gastro-epiploic) artery

19 Transverse colon

20 Abdominal part of esophagus (cardiac part of stomach)

21 Fundus of stomach

22 Esophageal branches of left gastric artery

23 Lumbar part of diaphragm

24 Left gastric artery

25 Celiac trunk

26 Splenic artery

27 Pancreas

28 Common hepatic artery

29 Left gastro-omental (gastro-epiploic) artery

30 Gastroduodenal artery

31 Pyloric part of stomach

32 Greater curvature of stomach

33 Gastrocolic ligament

34 Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery

35 Short gastric arteries

36 Aorta

37 Spleen

38 Caudate lobe of liver

39 Left branch of hepatic artery proper

40 Descending part of duodenum (cut)

41 Left inferior phrenic artery

42 Suprarenal gland

43 Kidney

44 Transverse mesocolon





















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