Sections through the Lower Limb 497


17 Femur

18 Perforating artery

19 Sciatic nerve

20 Gluteus maximus muscle (insertion)

21 Vastus medialis muscle

22 Sartorius muscle

23 Femoral artery and vein

24 Great saphenous vein

25 Gracilis muscle

26 Adductor muscles

27 Biceps femoris muscle

28 Patellar ligament

29 Lateral condyle of femur

30 Posterior cruciate ligament

31 Tibial nerve

32 Popliteal artery and vein

33 Lateral head of

gastrocnemius muscle

34 Medial condyle of femur

35 Medial head of

gastrocnemius muscle

36 Tibialis anterior muscle

37 Tibia

38 Deep peroneal nerve, anterior tibial

artery, and vein

39 Patellar surface

40 Peroneus longus and brevis


41 Fibula

42 Soleus muscle

43 Flexor digitorum longus muscle

44 Tibialis posterior muscle

45 Posterior tibial artery and

vein and tibial nerve

46 Peroneal artery

47 Small saphenous vein and

sural nerve

48 Extensor hallucis longus muscle

49 Extensor digitorum longus muscle

50 Tendon of peroneus longus


51 Lateral malleolus (fibula)

52 Peroneus brevis muscle

53 Tibialis anterior muscle


54 Dorsalis pedis artery

55 Medial malleolus (tibia)

56 Tibialis posterior muscle


57 Flexor digitorum longus muscle

(tendon with synovial


58 Flexor hallucis longus muscle

59 Posterior tibial artery and


60 Lateral and medial plantar


61 Calcaneal tendon

62 Semitendinosus muscle

63 Semimembranosus muscle

64 Anterior cruciate ligament

65 Plantaris muscle

66 Small intestine

Axial section through the right knee joint

(section 3; MRI scan; inferior aspect).

Axial section through the middle of the

right leg (section 4; MRI scan; inferior aspect).

Axial section through the end of the

right leg (section 5; MRI scan; inferior aspect).

Axial section through the end of the

right leg (section 5; inferior aspect).

Axial section through the right knee

joint (section 3; inferior aspect).

Axial section through the middle of the

right leg (section 4; inferior aspect).

498 Foot: Posterior Region

Dorsum of the right foot, superficial layer (anterior aspect).

1 Superficial peroneal nerve

2 Superior extensor retinaculum

3 Lateral malleolus

4 Venous network of lateral malleolus and

tributaries of small saphenous vein

5 Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve (branch of

sural nerve)

6 Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve

7 Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle

8 Dorsal digital nerves

9 Tendon of tibialis anterior muscle

10 Saphenous nerve

11 Venous network of medial malleolus and

tributaries of great saphenous vein

12 Medial malleolus

13 Medial dorsal cutaneous nerves

14 Dorsal venous arch

15 Dorsal digital nerve (of deep peroneal


16 Tendon of extensor hallucis longus muscle

17 Dorsal digital arteries

18 Peroneal muscles

19 Deep plantar branch of dorsalis pedis

artery anastomosing with plantar arch

20 Extensor digitorum longus muscle

21 Extensor hallucis longus muscle

22 Inferior extensor retinaculum

23 Extensor hallucis brevis muscle

Dorsum of the right foot, superficial layer (anterior aspect). The

fascia of the dorsum has been removed.

Foot: Posterior Region 499

1 Extensor retinaculum

2 Lateral malleolus

3 Lateral anterior malleolar artery

4 Tendons of peroneal muscles

5 Tendon of peroneus tertius muscle

6 Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

7 Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle

8 Dorsal metatarsal arteries

9 Medial malleolus

10 Tendon of tibialis anterior muscle

11 Dorsalis pedis artery

12 Deep peroneal nerve (on dorsum of foot)

13 Extensor hallucis brevis muscle

14 Tendon of extensor hallucis longus muscle

15 Dorsalis pedis artery with deep plantar branch to

the plantar arch

16 Dorsal digital nerves (terminal branches of deep

peroneal nerve)

17 Lateral tarsal artery

18 Extensor digitorum brevis muscle (divided)

19 Arcuate artery

20 Dorsal interosseous muscles

21 Deep peroneal nerve

22 Medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bone

23 Tendon of peroneus longus muscle

24 Abductor hallucis and flexor hallucis brevis muscles

25 Medial plantar artery, vein, and nerve

26 Fourth and fifth metatarsal bone

27 Adductor hallucis muscle (oblique head)

28 Tendons of flexor digitorum longus muscle

29 Lateral plantar artery, vein, and nerve

30 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle

31 Plantar aponeurosis

Dorsum of the right foot, middle layer (antero-lateral aspect).

The cutaneous nerves have been removed.

Dorsum of the right foot, deep layer (antero-lateral aspect).

The extensor digitorum and hallucis brevis muscles have

been removed.

Cross section of the right foot at the level of the

metatarsal bones (posterior aspect).

500 Foot: Anterior Region

Sole of the right foot, superficial layer (from below).

Dissection of cutaneous nerves and vessels.

Sole of the right foot, middle layer (from below).

The plantar aponeurosis has been removed.

Foot: Anterior Region 501

Sole of the right foot, middle layer (from below). Dissection of vessels and

nerves. The flexor digitorum brevis muscle has been divided and anteriorly


1 Proper plantar digital nerves

2 Common plantar digital nerves

3 Plantar aponeurosis

4 Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve

5 Superficial branch of lateral plantar artery

6 Abductor digiti minimi

7 Proper plantar digital arteries

8 Common plantar digital arteries

9 Digital branch of medial plantar nerve to

great toe

10 Medial calcaneal branches

11 Tendons of flexor digitorum brevis muscle

12 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle

13 Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve

14 Lateral plantar artery

15 Plantar aponeurosis (remnant)

16 Digital synovial sheath

17 Lumbrical muscles

18 Tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle

19 Flexor hallucis brevis muscle

20 Medial plantar artery

21 Medial plantar nerve

22 Abductor hallucis muscle

23 Calcaneal tuberosity

24 Tendons of flexor digitorum longus muscle

25 Quadratus plantae muscle

26 Lateral plantar nerve

27 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle (cut)

28 Synovial sheaths

29 Plantar arch

Sole of the right foot. Synovial sheaths of flexor tendons indicated in light blue

(schematic drawing).

502 Foot: Anterior Region

Sole of the right foot, deep layer (from below). Dissection

of vessels and nerves. The flexor digitorum brevis muscle, the

quadratus plantae muscle with the tendons of the flexor digitorum

longus muscle, and some branches of the medial plantar nerve

have been removed. The flexor hallucis brevis and adductor

hallucis muscles have been cut and portions removed to show the

somewhat atypical course of the medial plantar artery and deep

muscles of the foot.

1 Proper plantar digital arteries

2 Proper plantar digital nerves

3 Tendons of flexor digitorum brevis muscle

4 Tendons of flexor digitorum longus muscle

5 Superficial branch of lateral plantar artery

6 Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve

7 Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve

8 Lateral plantar nerve

9 Lateral plantar artery

10 Abductor digiti minimi muscle

11 Calcaneal tuberosity

12 Common plantar digital arteries

13 Tendon of flexor hallucis longus muscle

14 Insertion of both heads of adductor hallucis muscle

15 Plantar metatarsal arteries

16 Medial plantar nerve of great toe

17 Deep plantar branch of dorsalis pedis artery

(perforating branch)

18 Plantar arch

19 Oblique head of adductor hallucis muscle (cut)

20 Medial plantar artery

21 Medial plantar nerve

22 Crossing of tendons in sole of foot (flexor hallucis

longus and flexor digitorum longus muscles)

23 Abductor hallucis muscle

24 Origin of flexor digitorum brevis muscle


Page numbers in bold indicate main



Abdomen, parasagittal section 298

Abdominal organs 291 ff

– position 292, 306

– upper 301, 312 ff

– – arteries 314 f

– – blood supply 316

– vessels 302 ff

Abduction of fingers 395

Acetabulum 188, 345, 432

– bony margin 438

– lunate surface 433, 436, 445

Achilles tendon 449, 457 ff, 489, 491 ff

– surface anatomy 476

Acromion 15, 188 f, 369 ff, 378, 382, 384 f

Adduction of fingers 395

Adductor hiatus 453

Adhesion, interthalamic 86, 107

Adnexa of uterus 359 ff

Air cells

– ethmoidal 28, 36, 38, 41 f, 44 f, 48, 53, 135

– – openings 144

– mastoid 70, 125 ff

Ala s. also Wing

– of central lobule of vermis 102

– of ilium 435

– of sacrum 434 f, 438

– of vomer 37, 45, 48 f

Amnion 359

Ampulla 128 f

– bony 129

– of ductus deferens 336 ff, 342, 344

– of rectum 342, 354

– of uterine tube 358, 361, 366

Amygdala (amygdaloid body) 107, 110 f, 114 f,


Anastomoses, portocaval 303

Aneurysm, infrarenal, of aorta 348


– fluorescent, of eye 134

– internal carotid artery 95 f


– costal 192

– inferior, of scapula 370 f, 382 f

– infrasternal 7, 192, 248

– – surface anatomy 204

– lateral, of scapula 188, 370 f

– of mandible 21, 52

– of ribs 370

– sphenoidal, of parietal bone 29

– sternal 192 f

– superior, of scapula 371

– venous

– – left 17

– – right 17, 398

Ankle joint 432, 443, 449 ff, 495


– cervicalis 71, 163, 177, 181 f, 266

– – muscular branches 181, 265

– – root

– – – inferior 184

– – – superior 69, 71, 82 f, 152, 179

– lenticular 116

– subclavia of sympathetic trunk 169

– thyroid, of sympathetic trunk 169

Antihelix 124

Antitragus 124


– mastoid 127

– pyloric 294, 324

– tympanic 126


– fibrosus 198

– inguinalis s. Ring, inguinal

– tympanic, of newborn 33

Anus 350 ff, 354, 361 ff, 366

Aorta 16 f

– abdominal 16, 210, 245, 256, 278, 292, 296,

300, 302, 329 ff, 348, 359 f

– – subtraktion angiography 328

– ascending 243, 245, 252 ff, 260, 266, 272,

284, 396

– – bypass vessel 263

– – of fetus 288

– – horizontal section 286

– descending 244, 252 f, 276

– – of fetus 288 f

– – horizontal section 286

– – main branches 281

– relation to bronchial tree 275

– thoracic 253, 274, 281


– lateral, of fourth ventricle 112

– of Luschka 112

– of Magendie 94, 112

– median, of fourth ventricle 94, 112

– nasal, anterior 22 f, 45

– pelvic, inferior 434, 438


– of cochlea 125

– of head of fibula 440

– of heart 252, 257 f, 262 f

– of lung 248 f, 271

– of patella 441

– of petrous part of temporal bone 27, 127

– of sacrum 191

– of urinary bladder 337, 339, 357

Aponeurosis 388 ff

– of abdominal wall 187

– bicipital 387 f, 416, 423

– of external abdominal oblique muscle 217,


– of levator palpebrae superioris muscle 142

– palmar 388, 423

– – transverse fasciculi 388

– plantar 449, 463, 499, 501

– – longitudinal bands 463


– auditory 22, 122 ff, 129

– lacrimal 142

– masticatory 22

– vestibular 122 ff, 129

– visual 132 ff

Appendix(-ces) 304

– of epididymis 343

– epiploicae 306

– fibrosa 299

– of testis 343

– vermiform 291, 304, 306 f, 310, 318, 324

– – Head’s area 205

– – orifice 310

– – variations in the position 307


– cerebral 65, 73 ff, 86, 90, 94, 99, 112, 116,


– of cochlea 129

– of vestibule 27, 129

Arachnoid mater 84 f, 89, 92, 100, 118

– spinal 230, 232, 474

Arbor vitae of cerebellum 94, 116


– anterior, of atlas 165, 200, 203

– aortic 95, 154, 169, 177, 245, 253, 256 f, 273 f,

279, 284

– – of fetus 288 f

– azygos 273 f, 276, 283

– of cervical vertebra 239 f

– costal 3 f, 188, 192 ff, 196, 212 f, 243 f, 264 f,


– – surface anatomy 204

– of cricoid cartilage 158

– dental 52

– iliopectineal 444 f, 453

– palatoglossal 147

– palatopharyngeal 147

– palmar

– – deep 427, 429

– – superficial 396, 423, 426 ff

– plantar 467, 501 f

– posterior

– – of atlas 200, 239

– – of axis 239

– pubic 436 f

– tendinous

– – of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle


– – of soleus muscle 457, 491

– venous

– – dorsal, of foot 468, 489, 492 f, 498

– – jugular 170, 172, 398, 406

– of vertebra 191, 231, 474


504 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– zygomatic 20, 33, 52, 54, 60 f, 79

– – coronal section 62

– – of newborn 33

Arcus costalis (s. also Arch, costal) 194


– of acoustic centers 131

– bare, of liver 299, 318

– calcarina 138

– cortical

– – acoustic 101

– – premotor 101

– – reading comprehension 101

– – sensory speech 101

– – somatomotor 101

– – somatosensory 101

– – visuosensory 101

– – of Wernicke 101

– cribriform, of renal papilla 326

– intercondylar, anterior, of tibia 440

– muscle-free, of pharynx 167

– of primary acoustic centers 131

– vestibular, superior 123, 130

Areola 204, 290

Arm (s. also Limb, upper) 368

– arteries 396 f

– axial section 430

– MRI scan 386

– muscles 382 ff, 386 f

– nerves 399 f, 414 ff

– – cutaneous 400

– sagittal section 386

– surface anatomy 401 f

– veins 398


– afferent, of glomerulus 329

– efferent, of glomerulus 329

Artery(-ies) 16, 98, 241, 399 ff

– alveolar

– – inferior 63, 80, 81 ff

– – superior posterior 63, 82

– angular 77, 79, 82, 168

– appendicular 302, 304, 310

– arcuate

– – of foot 467, 499

– – of kidney 329

– auricular

– – deep 63

– – posterior 80

– axillary 168, 170, 186, 207, 252, 387, 396,

411 f, 414 f

– basilar 31, 74, 86, 89, 93 ff, 98, 116, 121

– brachial 387, 396, 403, 410, 412, 414 ff, 418,


– – profunda 396, 404

– buccal 63, 80

– of bulb of penis 341, 351

– capsular, lower, of kidney 328

– carotid 154

– – common 83, 95, 97, 152, 157, 163, 165,

168 ff, 252 f, 255, 266, 281, 396, 414

– – – of fetus 288

– – external 63, 67, 69, 79, 97, 152, 163, 164,

168 ff, 396

– – internal 31, 62, 67, 69, 73 f, 87, 92 ff, 97 f,

122, 124, 168 ff, 396

– – – Angiogram 95 f

– – – loop 96

– cerebellar

– – inferior

– – – anterior 93 f, 96, 98

–––posterior 93 f, 96, 98, 116

– – superior 93 f, 96

– cerebral 92 ff

– – anterior 86, 92 ff, 97 f, 111

– – – area of blood supply 96

– – circle of Willis 93, 98

– – middle 92 ff, 98

– – – area of blood supply 96

–––parietal branch 94

– – – temporal branch 94

– – MRI angiograph 95

– – posterior 92 ff, 97 f

– – – area of blood supply 96

– cervical

– – ascending 168, 170, 185, 396, 414

– – deep 168, 237

– – superficial 168, 170, 236

– – transverse 168, 170, 264, 396, 414

– – – deep branch 235

– – – superficial branch 235

– ciliary

– – anterior 93, 133 f

– – posterior 93

– – – long 133 f

– – – short 133 f

– colic

– – left 304, 308

– – – anastomosis with middle colic artery


– – middle 302 ff, 308 f, 316 f, 328

– – right 302 ff, 309

– collateral

– – medial 408

– – middle 396, 409

– – radial 396, 408 f

– – ulnar

– – – inferior 396, 415

– – – superior 396, 416, 423

– communicating

– – anterior 93, 98

– – posterior 92 ff, 98

– coraco-acromial 411

– coronary 262 f

– – left 253, 258, 261 f, 284, 286 f

– – – circumflex branch 254, 262 f

– – – diagonal branch 262

– – – interventricular branch 253

–––– anterior 254 f, 263

– – – septal branch 254

– – right 243, 253 ff, 257 f, 263, 270, 287

–––posterior interventricular branch 262

– cortical, radiating 329

– cystic 299, 316, 317

– deep

– – of clitoris 362, 365

– – of penis 339, 341, 346, 347

– digital

– – dorsal, of foot 498

– – palmar 396, 428

– – – common 396, 423, 427 f

– – – proper 425, 427 f

– – – – of thumb 427

– – – of thumb 428

– – plantar

– – – common 501 f

– – – proper 501 f

– dorsal

– – of clitoris 365

– – of penis 341 f, 346 f, 352

– dorsalis pedis 467, 499

– – deep plantar branch 498 f, 502

– of ductus deferens 343

– epigastric 265

– – inferior 208, 212, 214, 216, 219, 293, 480

– – – pubic branch 218, 220

– – superficial 208, 216

– – superior 206, 208, 214, 216, 264 ff

– ethmoidal 94

– – anterior 31, 134, 141, 146

– – – nasal branch 146

– – posterior 134

– facial 63, 77, 79, 81, 97, 152, 168, 170, 398

– – transverse 63, 77, 80, 168, 170

– femoral 214, 216 f, 293, 340, 360, 367, 452,

466 f, 480, 496

– – circumflex

– – – lateral 467, 480 f

–––– ascending branch 480 f

– – – – descending branch 467, 480 f

– – – medial 467, 480 f

–––– ascending branch 481

– – entering the adductor canal 452

– gastric

– – left 315 ff

– – – esophageal branches 315

– – right 304, 315 ff

– – short 315 f

– gastroduodenal 296, 315 ff

– gastro-epiploic 315 f

– gastro-omental 315 f

– genicular

– – descending 467

– – inferior

– – – lateral 467, 487 f

– – – medial 467, 487

– – middle 467

Index 505

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– – superior

– – – lateral 467, 487 f

– – – medial 467, 487

– gluteal

– – inferior 346 f, 360, 484

– – superior 347, 360

– – – deep branch 483

– helicine 341

– hepatic

– – common 296, 315 f

– – of fetus 289

– – proper 279, 296, 299 f, 304, 316 f

– – – left branch 315

– – – right branch 315

– humeral, circumflex

– – anterior 170, 396

– – posterior 383, 396, 404 f, 408 f

– ileal 303 ff, 309

– ileocolic 302 ff, 309 f

– iliac

– – circumflex

– – – deep 208, 216, 338, 467, 480

– – – superficial 208, 216, 467

– – common 281, 308, 330 f, 346 f, 358 f

– – external 293, 330, 332, 338, 346 f

– – internal 332, 346 f, 360, 366

– – – main branches 347

– iliolumbar 347

– infra-orbital 63, 142

– intercostal 206, 210 f

– – anterior 207

– – highest 208, 281

– – medial branches 290

– – posterior 214, 276, 279 ff

–––dorsal branches 408

– – superior 168

– interlobar, of kidney 329

– interlobular, of kidney 328 f

– interosseous

– – anterior 396, 418, 423

–––posterior branch 421

– – posterior 396, 421, 424

– interventricular, anterior 257, 262, 270

– – bypass vessel 263

– iridial 134

– jejunal 302 ff, 308 f

– labial

– – inferior 168

– – superior 168

– of labyrinth 31, 93, 98

– lacrimal 93, 141

– laryngeal, superior 152, 166, 169

– lingual 146, 152, 168

– – deep 153

– lumbar 335

– macular, superior 134

– malleolar, anterior, lateral 495, 499

– mandibular, inferior 63

– masseteric 63, 79

– maxillary 62 f, 79 f, 81 ff, 97, 168

– – branches 63

– – – deep temporal 63

– – – pterygoid 63

– meningeal

– – anterior 31

– – base of skull 31

– – middle 31, 63, 82 f, 85, 87 f, 126, 141

–––parietal branch 88

– – posterior 31

– meningolacrimal 141

– mesenteric 308 f

– – inferior 281, 304 f, 308, 329

– – superior 281, 283, 292, 296, 300, 302 ff,

309, 316 f, 328 f

– metacarpal, dorsal 424

– metatarsal

– – dorsal 467, 499

– – plantar 467, 502

– musculophrenic 206, 208, 216

– nasal

– – dorsal 168

– – inferior, of retina 134

– – superior, of retina 134

– obturator 346 f, 360, 366, 467

– occipital 63, 81 f, 85, 168, 223, 235, 237 f,

240 ff

– – occipital branch 170

– ophthalmic 73, 93 f, 98, 132, 134, 141, 146

– ovarian 328, 360

– – ovarian branch 360

– – tubal branch 360

– palatine

– – descending 63, 146

– – greater 146

– – lesser 146

– pallidostriate 92

– pancreaticoduodenal

– – inferior 316 f

– – superior 315

– – – anterior 316

–––posterior 316

– perforating 467

– pericardiacophrenic 272, 281

– perineal 346, 352

– – superficial 351

– peroneal 467 f, 491

– pharyngeal, ascending 146, 165

– phrenic, inferior 315, 328

– plantar 499

– – lateral 467, 499, 501 f

– – – superficial branch 501

– – medial 467, 499, 501 f

– popliteal 446, 467, 484, 486 ff, 491

– princeps pollicis 396, 427

– profunda

– – brachii 409, 415

– – – anastomosis with posterior humeral

circumflex artery 408 f

– – femoris 467, 481

– of pterygoid canal 63

– pudendal

– – external 220, 467

– – internal 341, 346 f, 351 f, 360, 362, 364,


– pulmonary 16, 252 f, 260, 273, 274 ff, 281

– – branches 246

– – of fetus 288 f

– radial 388, 396, 414 ff, 419, 421, 423 f, 428

– – dorsal carpal branch 424

– – superficial palmar branch 396

– rectal

– – inferior 346 f, 351 f, 483

– – middle 347

– – superior 304, 308

– recurrent

– – radial 396, 416 ff

– – ulnar 418

– renal 281, 326 f, 331, 335

– – anterior branch 328

– – left 292

– – posterior branch 328

– – superior 329

– retinal 134

– – central 93, 133 f

– of round ligament 360

– sacral

– – lateral 347

– – median 333

– – middle 360

– scapular

– – circumflex 378, 404 f, 408 ff, 412

– – descending 168, 396, 404

– – dorsal 168

– scrotal, posterior 351

– segmental, inferior, anterior, of kidney 328

– septal 146

– sphenopalatine 63

– sigmoid 304, 308, 346

– spinal


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