– striate 121

– of suprarenal gland 326

– of temporal lobe 116

– visual 121, 138

Costae fluctuantes 194

Cowper’s gland 336 f, 339, 342, 344


– conchal 40, 42, 44

– frontal 28, 30

– of greater tubercle of humerus


– iliac 3, 189, 330, 433, 435, 482 f

– – surface anatomy 476 f

– infratemporal 52

– – of sphenoid 21, 25 f, 38

– intertrochanteric 438 f

– lacrimal

– – anterior 41

– – posterior 22

– of lesser tubercle of humerus 373

– nasal 40, 42, 44 f

– of nasal septum 146

– occipital

– – external 25

– – internal 27, 30, 39, 42

– sacral

– – intermediate 191, 434

– – lateral 191, 433 f

– – median 191, 195, 433 f, 437, 472

– sphenoidal 25

– supraventricular 271

– transverse 123

– urethral 338


– galli 30, 34, 37, 38, 40 f, 49, 53, 86

– spiralis ossea 127

– terminalis of right atrium 258, 283

Crossing of tendons

– in leg 460 f

– in sole of foot 460 f, 464 f, 502


– anterior, of stapes 128

– cerebri 73

– of clitoris 356, 361 f, 364

– commune 129

– of fornix 105, 106

– lateral, of superficial inguinal ring 217, 362

– long, of incus 126, 128

– medial, of superficial inguinal ring 362

– penis 337, 339, 342, 345, 352

– posterior, of stapes 128

– right of lumbar part of diaphragm 282 f, 335

– short, of incus 126, 128

Culmen of vermis 102

Cuneus 137

Cupula 125, 129


– cervical 193

– greater, of stomach 294 f, 311 f, 316

– lesser, of stomach 294 f, 311 f

– – longitudinal muscle layer 295

– lumbar 193

– thoracic 193

Cusp 261

– anterior, of tricuspid valve 258

– semilunar

– – anterior, of pulmonary valve 259

– – left

– – – of aortic valve 259

– – – of pulmonary valve 259

– – posterior, of aortic valve 259

– – right

– – – of aortic valve 259

– – – of pulmonary valve 259

– septal, of tricuspid valve 259, 261

Cuspid (canine) 50 f

– permanent 51

510 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


Declive of vermis 102


– of pyramidal tracts 109, 114

– of superior cerebellar peduncle 103


– inferior, for head of rib 191, 197

– superior, for head of rib 191, 197

Dens of axis 53, 86, 89 f, 165, 191, 195, 200 f,


– articulation with atlas 200

Dentition 50

Desmocranium 22


– largest, of pelvis 438

– oblique 434

– transverse 434

Diaphragm 3, 16, 206, 244, 255, 264 ff, 269 ff,

273, 276, 279 f, 281 ff, 284 f, 292 f, 307, 320

– central tendon 278, 283, 298, 329

– changes of position during respiration 282

– costal part 278, 282 f

– lumbar part 282, 315, 327

– – right crus 282 f

– midsagittal section 322

– oral 150

– pelvic

– – in the female 362 f

– – in the male 350 ff

– sternal part 278, 283

– superior aspect 283

– urogenital

– – fascia inferior 350

– – in the female 362 ff

– – in the male 337, 347, 350 ff, 353

Diaphragma sellae 75

Diaphysis s. Shaft

Diastole 260

Diencephalon 91

Digestive system, organization 291

Digitations, hippocampal 107, 110

Diploe 30, 53, 85, 87

Direction of the body 4 f


– articular

– – fibrocartilagenous 12

– – of sternoclavicular joint 177

– – of temporomandibular joint 54, 56 f, 79

– – of wrist joint 380, 425

– intervertebral 7, 89, 193, 197 ff, 472 f

– – inner core 198 f

– – midsagittal section 322

– – MRI scan 195, 201, 203, 232

– – outer portion 198

– optic 133 f


– of foot 492 ff, 498 f

– sellae 25 f, 30, 34, 36, 38, 41, 46, 75

– – of newborn 35

Douglas’pouch 354, 357 ff, 366 f

Duct 128 ff, 219

– cystic 296 f, 299 f, 317

– ejaculatory 336 ff, 344

– endolymphatic 128 f

– epididymal 343

– hepatic 296 f

– – common 297, 299, 317

– lymphatic, right 332

– nasofrontal 145

– nasolacrimal 135, 142, 145

– – opening 145

– pancreatic 296 f, 300 f, 317

– – accessory 297, 301, 317

– parotid 54, 58, 61, 77, 82, 151, 153, 168

– perilymphatic 129

– semicircular

– – anterior 122, 127 f

– – lateral 122, 127 f

– – posterior 122, 127 f

– submandibular 152 f

– thoracic 17, 170, 172 f, 184 f, 276, 279, 332

Ductus 338

– arteriosus Botalli 263, 288 f

– – remnant 253, 256

– deferens 218 f, 330, 336 ff, 341 ff, 344

– venosus 288 f

Duodenum 291 f, 296, 300, 302, 316

– descending part 297, 311 f

– Head’s area 205

– horizontal part 309, 317

– superior part 312

Dura mater 84 ff, 87, 88 f, 97, 118, 133, 200

– spinal 69, 71, 198, 230 f, 232, 474



– inner 31, 122 ff, 128 ff

– middle 122 ff, 128

– outer 122 ff

Elbow joint 10, 368, 374 f, 379

– axial section 431

– axis

– – of extension 391

– – of flexion 391

– – of rotation 391

– bones 374 f

– coronal section 10, 379

– ligaments 10, 379

– MRI scan 10, 379

– of newborn 9


– arcuate 27, 122

– carpal

– – radial 394

– collateral 107

– frontal 35

– iliopubic 433, 435, 438

– intercondylar 440 f

– parietal 29, 35

Epicardium 273


– lateral

– – of femur 439, 441, 446

– – of humerus 373, 379, 391 f

– medial

– – of femur 439

– – of humerus 373, 379, 387 f, 415

Epididymis 218, 330, 336 f, 339, 341, 343

– longitudinal section 343

Epiglottis 86, 89 f, 146, 155, 158, 161, 163

Epiphysis 114


– conjunctival 133

– corneal 133

– pigmented, retinal 133

Equator of lens 133

Esophagus 86, 154 f, 157, 244 f, 273 ff, 279, 291

– abdominal part 278, 282

– Head’s area 205

– horizontal section 286

– relation to bronchial tree 275

– thoracic part 278, 281

Eustachian valve (Valve of inferior vena cava)


Exostosis 380

Extremity s. also Limb

– caudal, of caudate nucleus 110 f, 114

Eye 84, 133 ff

Eyeball 68 f, 72 ff, 133, 142

– anterior segment 133 f

Eyelid 142

– upper 142


Facet, articular

– for acromion 369, 371

– inferior, of vertebra 191

– for sternum 369

– superior

– – of atlas 191, 200

– – of vertebra 191, 197


– cerebelli 86

– cerebri 67, 74 f, 86 f, 97, 120, 241

– inguinalis 218


– of adductor canal 452

– antebrachial 388, 423

– – distal part 428

– cervical 178 ff

Index 511

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– – lamina

– – – pretracheal 174, 179 f

– – – prevertebral 174

– – – superficial 174, 178

– cremasteric 341

– crural 493

– – superficial 468, 486, 492

– deep, of penis 339

– of external abdominal oblique muscle


– of Gerota 324 f

– inferior, of urogenital diaphragm 350

– lata 218, 486

– pectoral 290

– pharyngobasilar 164, 167

– renal

– – anterior layer 324 f

– – posterior layer 324 f

– spermatic

– – external 218, 340

– – internal 218, 340, 343

– temporal 58 ff, 79

– thoracolumbar 212, 214, 223, 455

– transversalis 210, 212 f


– longitudinal

– – dorsal 107

– – medial 116

– mamillotegmental 107

– mamillothalamic 107 f

– of Schütz 107

– transverse, of palmar aponeurosis 389

– of Vicq d’Azyr 107 f

Fastigium 102


– capsular, perirenal 300

– epicardial 252

Fat pad

– buccal 168

– infrapatellar 446, 448

Fatty tissue

– orbital 132

– subcutaneous 210

Femur 7, 12, 432, 438 f, 441, 446 ff

– coronal section 8 f

– MRI scan 8

– of newborn 9

– ossification 9

– proximal end 8

– X-ray 8

Fenestra 126

– cochleae 125 f, 128

– vestibuli 125, 129


– arcuate, cerebral 109, 116

– corticospinal 116

– intercrural 217 f, 220, 362

– pontine, transverse 109, 116

– radiating, of corpus callosum 104

– zonular 133

Fibula 7, 12, 432, 440 ff, 446 f, 493

– of newborn 9

– upper end 440


– radicularia posteriora 98, 239, 241

– terminale 230 ff, 475


– hippocampal 106 f

– of uterine tube 354, 356 ff

Finger 368

– joints 381

– ligaments 381

Fissure 23

– cerebral, longitudinal 66, 99 f, 104

– horizontal

– – of cerebellum 101

– – of right lung 244, 246, 248 f, 267 f

– oblique

– – of left lung 246, 248 f

– – of right lung 244, 246, 248 f, 267

– orbital

– – inferior 22 f, 33, 41, 47, 132

– – superior 22 f, 25, 30 f, 34, 38, 40 f, 47

– petrotympanic 27, 125


– colic

– – left 284 f, 302, 304, 312, 316

– – right 311 f

– duodenojejunal 296, 302 ff, 306, 309 f, 317 f

Flocculus of cerebellum 66, 102, 114

Floor of the oral cavity 150 f

Fluid, cerebrospinal 84 f

– flow 85, 112

Fluorescent angiography of eye 134


– ary-epiglottic 150, 160 f, 163

– axillary

– – anterior 385

– – posterior 385

– duodenal

– – inferior 310

– – superior 310

– gastropancreatic 312

– ileocecal 310

– interureteric 338, 355

– iridial 134

– of mucous membrane

– – of gallbladder 297

– – of stomach 294

– – of urinary bladder 355

– recto-uterine 366 f

– salpingopalatine 145

– salpingopharyngeal 144 f

– umbilical

– – content 293

– – lateral 219, 337

– – medial 219, 337 f

– – median 219, 293, 338, 354

– vestibular 161

– vocal 86, 89, 155, 161


– anterior 35

– antero-lateral 33, 35

– mastoid 33, 35

– posterior 35

– postero-lateral 33, 35

– sphenoidal 33, 35

Foot 442 f

– axis

– – for eversion 449

– – for inversion 449

– – long 432

– coronal section 495

– cross section 499

– ligaments 450 f

– MRI scan 449, 495

– of newborn, X-ray 9

– sagittal section 449

– skeleton 442 f


– alveolaria 41, 46

– cecum 28, 30, 149

– epiploic 311 ff, 315, 317 f

– – midsagittal section 322

– ethmoidal 132

– – anterior 28, 46 f

– – posterior 46 f

– infra-orbital 22 f, 41 f, 44 f, 47, 68, 142

– infrapiriform 482 f

– interventricular, of Monro 86, 94, 99, 105,

112 f

– intervertebral 193, 197 ff, 472

– jugular 30 f, 33 f, 201

– lacerum 26, 30, 127, 164

– magnum 25, 27, 30 f, 33 f, 39, 62, 89, 201 f

– mandibular 36, 52 f

– mastoid 27

– mental 20 ff, 23, 51, 52, 68 f

– nasal, of nasal bone 47

– nutrient 439

– obturator 188 f, 433, 436

– ovale 25 f, 30 f, 33 f, 38, 125, 164, 288 f

– palatine

– – greater 33, 37, 45, 164

– – lesser 33, 45, 164

– parietal 29

– rotundum 25 f, 30 f, 34, 38, 45, 46, 72

– sacral

– – anterior 434, 438

– – dorsal 191, 195, 433 f, 437

– sciatic

– – greater 444, 482 f

– – lesser 444, 482 f

– singulare 123

– sphenopalatine 46

– spinosum 25 f, 30 f, 34, 38

– stylomastoid 27, 31, 33, 70, 77, 127, 164

512 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– supra-orbital 42, 44 f

– suprapiriform 482 f

– transversarium 157, 191

– – of atlas 200

– – of axis 200

– vertebral 191

– zygomaticofacial 28


– major of corpus callosum 104

– minor of corpus callosum 104

Forearm 368

– anterior region 423

– arteries 397, 421

– axial section 419, 431

– blood vessels 419, 421

– bones 374 f

– muscles 388 ff, 419

– – extensor 392 f

– – flexor 389 ff

– nerves 419 ff

– – cutaneous 420

– position to manual skills 368

– posterior region 420 f

Forebrain 91

Foreskin 336

Formation, reticular 116

Fornix 90, 99, 114

– anterior, of vagina 354, 357

– conjunctival 148

– – inferior 132

– – superior 132

– posterior, of vagina 354


– acetabular 433, 445

– axillary 385

– canine 41, 45, 52

– cerebellar 25, 27

– cerebral 25, 27

– condylar 25

– coronoid 373, 379

– cranial

– – anterior 30 f

– – middle 30 f

– – posterior 30 f, 39

– hypophysial 25 f, 30, 34, 36 ff, 49, 75, 88

– – of newborn 35

– iliac 433, 435

– incisive 45

– infraspinous 371

– infratemporal 31, 52

– inguinal, lateral 293

– intercondylar 439, 441, 448

– interpeduncular 66, 99, 103

– ischiorectal 345

– jugular 27, 127, 155

– for lacrimal gland 28

– mandibular 27, 28, 33, 50, 54, 126, 164

– navicular, of urethra 336

– ovalis 258, 283

– popliteal 457, 468, 484, 487, 489

– – coronal section 486

– – surface anatomy 476

– pterygopalatine 31, 37, 46, 72 f

– radial, of humerus 373, 379

– retromandibular 168

– rhomboid 67, 69, 71, 115 f, 163

– scaphoid 124

– sublingual 52

– submandibular 52

– supraspinous 371

– supravesical 293

– temporal 20, 52

– triangular 124

– trochlear 28


– centralis 134

– of head of femur 439, 445

– submandibular 36


– of clitoris 362

– of ileocecal valve 310

– veli 115


– of bladder 339

– of eye 134

– of gallbladder 297 ff, 311, 316

– of stomach 294 f, 312

– of uterus 356 ff



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