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Vessels of the Abdominal Organs ________________ 302

Superior Mesenteric Vessels _____________________ 302

Portal Circulation _____________________________ 303

Superior Mesenteric Artery ____________________ 304

Inferior Mesenteric Artery ____________________ 305

Dissection of the Abdominal Organs _______________ 306

Mesenteric Arteries ___________________________ 308

Mesentery ________________________________ 310

Upper Abdominal Organs _______________________ 311

Posterior Abdominal Wall ______________________ 316

Pancreas and Bile Ducts ______________________ 316

Duodenum, Pancreas, and Spleen _________________ 317

Root of the Mesentery and Peritoneal Recesses ____ 318

Horizontal Sections through the Abdominal Cavity __ 320

Midsagittal Sections through the Abdominal Cavity __ 322


7 Upper Limb 368

Skeleton of the Shoulder Girdle and Thorax _________ 368

Scapula _______________________________________ 371

Skeleton of the Shoulder Girdle and Humerus ______ 372

Humerus ____________________________________ 373

Skeleton of the Forearm _________________________ 374

Skeleton of the Forearm and Hand __________________ 375

Skeleton of the Hand __________________________ 376

Joints and Ligaments of the Shoulder ____________ 378

Ligaments of the Elbow Joint _____________________ 379

Ligaments of the Hand and Wrist ________________ 380

Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm ________________ 382

Dorsal Muscles _________________________________ 382

Pectoral Muscles _____________________________ 384

Muscles of the Arm _____________________________ 386

Muscles of the Forearm and Hand _________________ 388

Flexor Muscles ____________________________ 388

Extensor Muscles __________________________ 392

Muscles of the Hand __________________________ 394

Arteries _________________________________________ 396

Veins ____________________________________________ 398

Nerves _______________________________________ 399

Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb ______________ 401

Posterior and Lateral Aspects __________________ 401

Anterior Aspect ____________________________ 402

Neck and Shoulder ____________________________ 403

Shoulder ____________________________________ 404

Posterior Region _____________________________ 404

Anterior Region ____________________________ 406

Shoulder and Arm ____________________________ 408

Axillary Region ___________________________________ 410

Brachial Plexus ___________________________________ 413

Arm ________________________________________ 414

Cubital Region _________________________________ 416

Forearm and Hand ____________________________ 420

Posterior Region ____________________________ 420

Anterior Region ____________________________ 422

Hand _________________________________________ 424

Posterior Region ____________________________ 424

Anterior Region ____________________________ 426

Sections through the Upper Limb ________________ 430

8 Lower Limb 432

Skeleton of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb ______ 432

Bones of the Pelvis ____________________________ 433

Skeleton of the Pelvis ___________________________ 435

Bones of the Hip Joint ___________________________ 438

Femur ______________________________________ 439

Skeleton of the Leg _____________________________ 440

Bones of the Knee Joint ________________________ 441

Skeleton of the Foot __________________________ 442

Ligaments of the Pelvis and Hip Joint ____________ 444

Knee Joint _______________________________________ 446

Ligaments of the Knee Joint ____________________ 447

Joints of the Ankle ____________________________ 449

Ligaments of the Foot ___________________________ 450

Muscles of the Thigh __________________________ 452

Adductor Muscles __________________________ 452

Gluteal Muscles ____________________________ 454

Flexor Muscles _______________________________ 455

Muscles of the Leg ____________________________ 457

Flexor Muscles _______________________________ 457

Muscles of the Leg and Foot ____________________ 458

Deep Flexor Muscles ________________________ 460

Extensor Muscles _____________________________ 462

Muscles of the Foot _____________________________ 463

Arteries _______________________________________ 466

Veins _________________________________________ 468

Nerves ______________________________________ 470

Lumbosacral Plexus ___________________________ 471

Lumbar Part of the Vertebral Canal and Spinal Cord __ 472

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