Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb: Anterior Aspect
Surface anatomy of the right arm and
Superficial veins of the right arm,
injected with blue gelatine (anterior aspect).
11 Tendon of flexor carpi radialis
12 Tendon of palmaris longus muscle
13 Location of adductor pollicis muscle
Posterior regions of neck and shoulder (dorsal aspect). Left side: superficial layer.
Right side: trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles have been removed. Dissection of dorsal
7 Descending and transverse fibers of trapezius muscle
8 Medial cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of spinal nerves
9 Ascending fibers of trapezius muscle
11 Cutaneous branch of third occipital nerve
14 Posterior supraclavicular nerve and levator scapulae muscle
15 Branches of suprascapular artery
20 Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of arm (branch of axillary nerve)
23 Long head of triceps muscle
24 Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm (branch of radial nerve)
25 Latissimus dorsi muscle (divided)
26 Ulnar nerve and brachial artery
27 Lateral cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of spinal nerves and
28 External intercostal muscle and seventh rib
29 Serratus posterior inferior muscle
404 Shoulder: Posterior Region
5 Superior transverse scapular
7 Axillary nerve and posterior
17 Serratus posterior superior
Posterior region of shoulder, deepest layer. Rhomboid and scapular muscles fenestrated;
posterior part of deltoid muscle reflected.
Collateral circulation of shoulder.
and circumflex scapular arteries
Shoulder: Posterior Region 405
and infraspinatus muscles are partially removed or reflected.
5 Splenius cervicis muscle and transverse
7 Transverse cervical artery (superficial
8 Spine of scapula and serratus posterior
15 Suprascapular artery and supraspinatus muscle
16 Axillary nerve, posterior circumflex humeral
artery, and lateral head of triceps brachii muscle
18 Long head of triceps brachii muscle
19 Circumflex scapular artery and teres major
Right shoulder and thoracic wall, superficial layer (anterior aspect). Dissection of the
2 Posterior supraclavicular nerve
3 Middle supraclavicular nerve
6 Cephalic vein within the deltopectoral
7 Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
12 Lateral cutaneous branches of
13 Transverse cervical nerve and external
16 Anterior supraclavicular nerve
18 Clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle
19 Sternocostal part of pectoralis major
20 Perforating branch of internal thoracic
21 Anterior cutaneous branches of
22 Abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle
23 Sternocleidomastoid muscle, cervical
branch of facial nerve, and anterior
24 External jugular vein and transverse
cervical nerve (inferior branch)
25 Sternoclavicular joint (opened) with
27 Omohyoid muscle and external
28 Jugular venous arch and sternohyoid muscle
29 Sternoclavicular joint (not opened)
Thoracic wall with neck region (anterior aspect).
The sternoclavicular joint is depicted. On the right side
the joint has been opened by a coronal section.
Right deltopectoral triangle, infraclavicular region
(anterior aspect). The pectoralis major muscle has been cut and
Right shoulder and thoracic wall with axillary region, deep
layer (anterior aspect). The pectoralis major muscle has been cut
3 Pectoralis major muscle (clavicular part)
4 Acromial branch of thoraco-acromial artery
7 Abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle
9 Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus
15 Clavicular branch of thoraco-acromial artery
18 Pectoral branch of thoraco-acromial artery
24 Pectoralis major muscle (reflected), brachial artery, and
25 Short head of biceps brachii muscle
26 Thoracodorsal artery and nerve
27 Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
28 Intercostobrachial nerve (T2)
29 Long head of biceps brachii muscle
30 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
32 Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
35 Long thoracic nerve and lateral thoracic artery
36 Intercostobrachial nerve (T3)
37 Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
Shoulder and arm (dorsal aspect). Dissection of the
quadrangular and triangular spaces of the axillary region.
Regional anatomy of the upper limb (dorsal aspect).
Localization of vessels and nerves.
Posterior region of shoulder and arm, superficial layer.
Note the segmental arrangement of the cutaneous nerves of
2 Dorsal branches of posterior intercostal artery and vein
3 Medial branches of dorsal rami of spinal nerves
5 Lateral branches of dorsal rami of spinal nerves
7 Posterior supraclavicular nerves
12 Triangular space with circumflex scapular artery and vein
13 Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of arm with artery
15 Terminal branches of intercostobrachial nerve
16 Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
17 Tendon of triceps brachii muscle
18 Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
19 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
20 Long head of triceps brachii muscle
21 Quadrangular space with axillary nerve and
posterior humeral circumflex artery
22 Anastomosis between profunda brachii artery and posterior
23 Course of radial nerve and profunda brachii artery
24 Lateral head of triceps brachii muscle
Scapular region, arm and shoulder, deep layer (dorsal aspect).
Part of deltoid muscle has been cut and reflected to display the
quadrangular and triangular spaces of the axillary region.
Scapular region, arm and shoulder, deep layer (dorsal aspect).
The lateral head of the triceps brachii muscle has been cut to
display the radial nerve and accompanying vessels.
5 Triangular space containing circumflex scapular artery and vein
8 Deltoid muscle (cut and reflected)
9 Quadrangular space containing axillary nerve and posterior
circumflex humeral artery and vein
10 Long head of triceps brachii muscle
11 Cutaneous branch of axillary nerve
12 Lateral head of triceps brachii muscle
13 Terminal branches of intercostobrachial nerve
14 Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
15 Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
16 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
17 Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
18 Anastomosis between profunda brachii artery and posterior
24 Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
25 Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
26 Tendon of triceps brachii muscle
The pectoralis major muscle has been slightly elevated.
5 Medial cutaneous nerves of arm and forearm
13 Lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve
muscles divided and reflected. Shoulder girdle and arm elevated and reflected.
2 Insertion of pectoralis major muscle
4 Roots of median nerve, axillary artery
5 Short head of biceps brachii muscle
6 Ulnar nerve and medial cutaneous nerve
12 Insertion of pectoralis minor muscle (coracoid process)
18 Pectoralis major and minor muscles (reflected)
20 Anterior cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
21 Anterior layer of rectus sheath
1 Sternocleidomastoid muscle (cut and reflected)
4 Pectoralis minor muscle and medial pectoral nerve
6 Pectoralis major muscle and lateral pectoral nerve
7 Median nerve and brachial artery
9 Short head of biceps brachii muscle
10 Thoracodorsal artery and nerve
11 Long head of biceps brachii muscle
16 Phrenic nerve and ascending cervical artery
17 Brachial plexus (at the levels of the trunks)
25 Lateral thoracic artery and long thoracic nerve
26 External intercostal muscle
27 Insertion of pectoralis minor muscle
29 Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
30 Insertion of pectoralis major muscle
Brachial plexus (anterior aspect). Clavicle and the two pectoralis muscles have been partly removed.
Main branches of brachial plexus. Posterior cord in purple, lateral cord in orange, and
medial cord in green (schematic drawing).
4 Clavicle and pectoralis minor muscle
5 Lateral cord of brachial plexus
13 Roots of brachial plexus (C5–T1)
18 Medial cord of brachial plexus
22 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
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