10 Choroid plexus of the lateral
11 Anterior horn of lateral ventricle
12 Cavity of septum pellucidum
14 Anterior limb of internal capsule
19 Posterior limb of internal capsule
20 Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
30 Cerebellum (left hemisphere)
Horizontal section through the brain, showing the subcortical nuclei and internal
Horizontal section through the head. Section 2. Horizontal section through the head. Section 4.
Brain: Horizontal Sections 121
6 Infundibulum and pituitary gland
9 Pons (cross section of brain stem)
10 Cerebral aqueduct (beginning of fourth ventricle)
24 Striate cortex (visual cortex)
Horizontal section through the head. Section 3.
Horizontal section through the head. (CT scan.) Section 3.
Sagittal section through the head.
Levels of the horizontal sections are indicated.
122 Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus
Right auditory and vestibular apparatus (anterior aspect).
15 Posterior semicircular duct
19 Petrous part of the temporal bone
20 Superior ligament of malleus
23 Anterior surface of pyramid with dura
25 Levator veli palatini muscle
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus
Internal acoustic meatus, left side. The bone was partly removed to show the bottom of
2 Lateral osseous semicircular canal
7 Tympanic cavity and tympanic
9 Anterior osseous semicircular canal
10 Geniculate ganglion and greater
15 Levator veli palatini muscle
20 Foraminous spiral tract (outlet of
cochlear part of vestibulocochlear
124 Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus
petrosal nerves (anterior aspect).
Right auricle (lateral aspect).
1 Anterior osseous semicircular canal (opened)
2 Posterior osseous semicircular canal
3 Lateral osseous semicircular canal (opened)
4 Facial nerve and chorda tympani
9 Bony base of internal acoustic meatus
10 Internal carotid artery within cavernous sinus
12 Facial nerve with geniculate ganglion
17 Levator veli palatini muscle
18 Internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Temporal Bone
1 Anterior semicircular canal (red)
2 Posterior semicircular canal
3 Lateral or horizontal semicircular
8 Petrotympanic fissure (red probe:
15 Petromastoid part of temporal bone
16 Squamous part of temporal bone
18 Zygomatic process of temporal
22 Spiral canal of cochlea at base
24 Auditory ossicles and tympanic
26 Canaliculus chordae tympani
28 Canaliculus for stapedius nerve (red)
30 Canaliculus mastoideus (red probe)
Right temporal bone (lateral aspect). Petrosquamous portion has been partly removed
to display the semicircular canals.
Right temporal bone (lateral aspect). Mastoid air cells and facial canal had been
opened. The three semicircular canals were dissected.
126 Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Middle Ear
Tympanic membrane with malleus and incus (internal aspect;
Tympanic cavity, medial wall. External acoustic meatus and lateral wall of tympanic
cavity together with incus. Malleus and tympanic membrane have been removed;
mastoid air cells are opened (left side).
2 Anterior ligament of malleus
3 Tendon of tensor tympani muscle
2 Lateral semicircular canal (opened)
4 Stapes with tendon of stapedius
6 Chorda tympani (intracranial part)
8 Tensor tympani muscle (processus
13 Promontory with tympanic plexus
2 Chorda tympani (intracranial part)
3 Floor of the external acoustic meatus
4 Facial nerve and facial canal
9 Chorda tympani (extracranial part)
Tympanic membrane (lateral aspect). External acoustic meatus
and facial canal have been opened to expose the chorda tympani
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Middle Ear
Frontal section through the petrous
part of the left temporal bone at the
level of the cochlea (posterior aspect).
Medial wall of tympanic cavity and
its relation to neighboring structures of
the inner ear, facial nerve, and blood
vessels (schematic drawing). Frontal
section through the right temporal bone
1 Anterior surface of the pyramid
9 Position of cochlea (modiolus with
20 Posterior semicircular duct
21 Stapes with stapedius muscle
23 Inferior recess of tympanic cavity
25 Promontory with tympanic plexus
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Auditory Ossicles
Tympanic cavity with malleus, incus, and stapes, left side
(lateral aspect). Tympanic membrane removed, mastoid antrum
Position and movements of the auditory ossicles
Chain of auditory ossicles in connection with the inner ear, left
12 Anterior and posterior crura
19 Posterior semicircular duct
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Internal Ear
Cast of the right labyrinth (postero-medial aspect).
Cast of the right labyrinth (lateral aspect).
Dissection of bony labyrinth in situ. Semicircular canals and
Auditory and vestibular apparatus. Arrows = direction of sound
waves; blue = perilymphatic ducts (schematic drawing; from
Lütjen-Drecoll, Rohen, Innenansichten des menschlichen Körpers,
Cast of the labyrinth and mastoid cells.
11 Posterior semicircular canal
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Internal Ear
Arrows: internal acoustic meatus.
1 Facial canal and semicanal of auditory tube 9 Posterior semicircular canal 17 Fenestra vestibuli
2 Superior vestibular area 10 Groove for sigmoid sinus 18 Promontory
3 Foramen ovale 11 Sigmoid sinus 19 Zygomatic process
4 Foramen lacerum 12 Tympanic cavity 20 Fenestra cochleae
5 Cochlea 13 Auditory tube 21 Mastoid process
6 Vestibule 14 Mastoid air cells
7 Anterior semicircular canal 15 Facial and vestibulocochlear nerves
8 Lateral semicircular canal 16 Temporal fossa
Bony labyrinth (left lateral aspect). Temporal and tympanic
bone partly removed, semicircular canals opened.
Internal ear. Diagram showing the position of the
membranous labyrinth and the tympanic cavity.
Auditory and Vestibular Apparatus: Auditory Pathway and Areas
Dissection of the brain stem showing the auditory pathway. Cerebellum and posterior part
of the two hemispheres have been removed (dorsal aspect).
Auditory pathway (schematic drawing, compare with figure above).
Red = descending (efferent) pathway (olivocochlear tract of Rasmussen);
green and blue = ascending (afferent) pathways.
5 Superior medullary velum and
7 Vestibulocochlear nerve (n. VIII)
10 Caudate nucleus and thalamus
11 Temporal lobe (superior temporal
gyrus) (area of acoustic centers)
12 Transverse temporal gyri of
13 Acoustic radiation of internal
14 Lateral geniculate body and
brachium of inferior colliculus
20 Dorsal (posterior) cochlear
21 Ventral (anterior) cochlear
22 Inferior olive with olivo -
cochlear tract of Rasmussen (red)
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