Index 519

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– – hallucis

– – – brevis 449, 464, 499, 501

– – – longus 459 ff, 491

– – – – tendon 449, 460 f, 463, 501 f

– – of hand 389 ff

– – of leg 457

– – pollicis

– – – brevis 427

– – – – deep head 429

– – – – superficial head 388, 427 ff

– – – longus 388 f, 418, 423

– – of thigh 455 f

– of foot 457 ff, 463 ff

– of forearm 388 ff, 419

– fusiform 13

– gastrocnemius 446, 455 f, 462

– – lateral head 455 ff, 484, 487 f, 491

– – medial head 455 ff, 458, 487 f, 491

– gemellus

– – inferior 455 f, 483

– – superior 455 f

– genioglossus 50, 86, 149 ff, 155, 166

– geniohyoid 62, 86, 150 ff, 155

– gluteus 454 f

– – maximus 225, 350 ff, 362, 455 f,

482 ff

– – – surface anatomy 476

– – medius 320, 455 f, 483 f

– – minimus 455, 483

– gracilis 350, 365, 452 f, 455, 480, 487

– – tendon 447, 452, 455, 457

– of great toe 463

– hamstring 484

– of hand 388 ff

– – deep layer 395

– of head 19

– hyoglossus 61 f, 150 ff, 160, 166 f

– iliacus 330, 453

– – horizontal section 320

– iliococcygeus 351

– iliocostalis 210 f, 221 ff, 320, 324

– – cervicis 222

– – insertion 222

– – lumborum 222

– – origin 222

– – tendons 225

– – thoracis 222, 236

– iliopsoas 293, 338, 367, 452 f, 480, 496

– of index finger 394

– infrahyoid 60 f, 151, 174, 175, 182

– infraspinatus 223, 240, 242, 382 f, 403 f,

408 f, 430

– intercostal

– – effect

– – – on costotransverse joint 196

– – – on costovertebral joint 196

– – external 196, 207, 222, 403, 412

– – innermost 206, 474

– – internal 196, 206 f, 210 f, 264

– – – of larynx, action 160

– interosseus(-i)

– – dorsal

– – – of foot 463, 495, 499

– – – of hand 380, 393 ff, 424

– – of foot 464

– – of hand 425, 427

– – – actions 394 f

– – palmar 394 f, 429

– – plantar 463

– interspinal, lumbar 224

– intertransversarius(-i) 221, 225

– – cervical, posterior 225

– – lumborum 224 f

– intrinsic, of back, medial column 212, 225

– ischiocavernous 345, 349, 350 ff, 364

– ischiocrural 454

– latissimus dorsi 196, 207, 211, 223, 228, 234,

324, 382 f, 385, 403, 408 f

– of leg 457 ff

– levator(es) 351

– – anguli oris 58, 167

– – ani 337, 344 f, 350 f, 355, 362, 364

– – costarum 223 f, 225, 241

– – labii superioris 58, 167

– – – alaeque nasi 58, 167

– – palpebrae superioris 73, 132, 135 f, 140

– – scapulae 181, 184, 222 ff, 235 ff, 240,

382 f, 403 ff

– – veli palatini 62, 122 f, 147, 167

– long, of back 221 f

– longissimus 210 f, 221 ff, 320

– – capitis 222, 225

– – cervicis 222, 236

– – insertion 222

– – origin 222

– – thoracis 222, 236

– longitudinal

– – inferior, of tongue 50, 149 166

– – superior, of tongue 50, 62, 86, 149

– longus

– – capitis 60 f, 157, 165

– – colli 157, 174, 185

– lumbrical

– – of foot 461, 463 f, 501

– – of hand 389, 394 f, 429

– masseter 19, 54, 55 ff, 58, 62, 77 ff, 168

– masticatory 19, 55 ff

– – effect on the temporomandibular joint


– mentalis 58, 167

– multicaudal 13

– multifidus 211, 223 ff, 324

– multiventral 13

– mylohyoid 55, 60 ff, 77 f, 86, 150 ff, 152, 155,

156, 166, 175

– nasalis 77, 167

– – alar part 58

– – transverse part 58

– of neck 203

– oblique

– – abdominal

– – – external 187, 196, 204, 208 ff, 212 f,

264, 300

– – – internal 187, 204, 210 ff

– – inferior 72, 132, 135 f

– – superior 72 f, 132, 135 f, 140

– obliquus capitis

– – inferior 222 f, 225, 237 f

– – superior 223, 237

– obturator

– – externus 344 f, 453

– – internus 344 f, 350, 351, 353, 355, 367,

455 f

– occipitofrontalis

– – frontal belly 56 ff, 60, 79, 85, 168

– – occipital belly 58, 70, 77, 85, 234 ff,

237 ff

– ocular, external 133

– omohyoid 60 f, 77 f, 81, 151, 156 f, 174 f,

264, 266

– – intermediate tendon 179

– opponens

– – digiti minimi 394, 428

– – – of foot 465

– – – of hand 389

– – pollicis 390, 394

– orbicularis

– – oculi 58 ff, 61, 70, 77, 79, 85, 142, 167

– – – orbital part 58, 60, 168

– – – palpebral part 58, 142

– – oris 58, 77, 167

– palatopharyngeus 163

– palmaris

– – brevis 388, 423

– – longus 388, 416, 419, 423

– – – tendon 388, 423, 428

– papillary 253, 261

– – anterior 256, 258 f, 271

– – – of right ventricle of fetus 288

– – posterior 258, 271

– – septal 258

– pectineus 344, 367, 452 f, 480

– pectoral 384 f

– pectoralis

– – major 14, 187, 207 f, 209 ff, 264 f, 290,

384 f, 387, 410, 412

– – – abdominal part 384

– – – clavicular head 185, 384

– – – insertion 411

– – – sternocostal part 384

– – – surface anatomy 204, 402

– – minor 168, 204, 207, 264 ff, 384 f

– – – insertion 411

– perineus transverse

– – deep 345, 350, 351 ff, 362, 364

– – superficial 350, 364

– peroneal 498

520 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– peroneus

– – brevis 457, 460, 495

– – longus 457, 460, 495

– – – tendon 462

– piriform 455 f, 483

– plantaris 456 ff, 487, 491

– popliteus 446, 457, 460

– procerus 58

– pronator

– – quadratus 390 f, 395

– – teres 387, 389, 391, 416, 419

– – – humeral head 418

– – – ulnar head 418

– psoas

– – major 210 f, 282 f, 292, 325, 330 f, 333,

335, 355, 359, 453

– – minor 453

– pterygoid

– – lateral 53 f, 55, 57, 62, 80

– – – connection with articular disc of

temporomandibular joint 57

– – medial 54, 55, 57, 62, 68, 80, 83, 146,

165 ff

– – – connection with articular disc of

temporomandibular joint 57

– pubococcygeus 351

– puborectalis 351

– pyloric sphincter 295

– pyramidalis 211 f, 367

– quadratus

– – femoris 455 f, 483 f

– – lumborum 210 f, 282, 330, 453

– – – horizontal section 320

– – plantae 449, 464, 501

– quadriceps femoris 446, 448, 452, 458

– – surface anatomy 477

– quadricipital 13

– rectus

– – abdominis 206, 208, 210, 212 f, 216,

264 ff, 292 f, 320, 324, 385

– – – surface anatomy 204

– – capitis posterior

– – – major 222 f, 225, 237

– – – minor 222 f, 225, 237 f

– – femoris 452 f, 455, 480 f

– – inferior 72, 132, 135 f

– – lateral 69, 71 ff, 74, 121, 132, 135 f, 138,


– – medial 74, 132, 135 f, 148

– – superior 72 f, 132, 135 f, 140

– rhomboid

– – major 222 f, 225, 234 f, 238, 382 f, 387,

403 ff, 408

– – minor 235, 238, 382 f

– ring-like 13

– risorius 58

– rotator 225

– – lumbar 224

– sartorius 218, 344, 367, 452 ff, 455, 457,

479 f, 487, 496

– – tendon 447, 452

– scalenus 60

– – anterior 162, 168, 170, 181, 184 f, 269,


– – medius 162, 180, 184 f

– – posterior 162, 181, 184 f

– semimembranosus 446, 455 ff, 484, 487

– – membranous part 456

– – tendon 447

– semispinalis

– – capitis 165, 222, 225, 228, 235, 238

– – cervicis 222 ff, 225, 238

– – thoracis 225, 228

– semitendinosus 13, 446, 452, 455 ff, 482,

484, 487

– – tendon 447, 452, 487

– – – intermediate 456

– serrated 13

– serratus

– – anterior 196, 204, 207 ff, 264, 290, 300,

384 f, 410

– – posterior

– – – inferior 222, 403

– – – superior 228, 235, 238, 404 f

– of shoulder 382 ff

– of sole of foot 463 ff

– soleus 446, 457 f, 487, 491

– – tendinous arch 457, 491

– sphincter s. also Sphincter; s. also Sphincter


– – urethrae 349

– spinalis 221, 223 f

– – thoracis 222, 225

– spinotransversal 221

– splenius

– – capitis 70, 77, 179 f, 228, 234 ff, 383, 403 ff

– – cervicis 228, 235 f, 403, 405

– stapedius 127

– sternocleidomastoid 58, 60 f, 63, 68, 77 ff,

81 f, 85, 152, 154, 156 f, 174, 178, 206, 209,

234 ff, 264, 384 f, 403, 405 ff

– – clavicular head 175

– – sternal head 175

– – surface anatomy 401

– sternohyoid 60 f, 78, 97, 151, 156 f, 174 f,

209, 264

– sternothyroid 151, 156, 174 f, 206, 265

– styloglossus 60, 71, 151, 166, 167

– stylohyoid 55, 60, 68, 71, 78, 150 ff, 166 f,


– stylopharyngeus 61, 67, 167

– subclavius 156, 207, 384 f

– subscapularis 196, 384, 386 f

– supinator 389, 391, 393

– suprahyoid 60 f, 151, 175

– supraspinatus 15, 382 f

– – tendon 378

– temporalis 19, 54, 55 ff, 62 f, 79

– – insertion 56

– – tendon 60 f, 80, 82

– temporoparietalis 58, 77

– tensor

– – fasciae latae 452 f, 455, 480, 483

– – – surface anatomy 477

– – tympani 122 f, 127

– – veli palatini 60 ff, 147, 167

– teres

– – major 223, 225, 234, 242, 378, 382 f, 387,

403 ff, 408 f

– – minor 382 f, 403 ff, 408 f

– of thigh 452 ff

– thyro-arytenoid 160

– thyro-epiglottic 160

– thyrohyoideus 60 f, 151 f, 156 f, 160, 166 f

– tibialis

– – anterior 459, 461 ff, 495

– – – tendon 458, 461, 491, 498

– – posterior 460 f, 491

– – – tendon 460

– transverse

– – of tongue 50, 62, 149

– – of trachea 160

– transversospinal 221, 225

– transversus

– – abdominis 206, 210 ff, 214, 293

– – thoracis 206, 264

– trapezius 15, 77, 157, 225, 378, 382 f, 408

– – ascending fibers 234, 382, 403

– – descending fibers 234, 382, 403

– – surface anatomy 402

– – transverse fibers 234, 382, 403

– triceps

– – brachii 14, 387, 389

– – – lateral head 382, 401, 408 f

– – – long head 382 f, 387, 403, 408 f

– – – – tendon 378 f

– – – medial head 382, 387, 401

– – – surface anatomy 401

– – – tendon 387

– – surae, surface anatomy 476

– tricipital 13

– unipennate 13

– vastus

– – intermedius 452 f, 455

– – lateralis 344, 448, 452 f, 455, 480 f

– – medialis 448, 452 f, 455, 458, 480 f

– vertical, of tongue 62, 86, 149

– vocalis 160 f

– zygomaticus

– – major 58, 77 ff, 168

– – minor 58

Muscle fibers, oblique, of stomach 295

Muscular coat

– of gallbladder 297

– of stomach 295

Myelencephalon 91

Index 521

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

Myocardium 256 ff, 259 f, 284

Myometrium 359, 367


Nasopharynx 62, 150, 155

Neck 154 ff, 403

– anatomical, of humerus 372 f

– anterior region 174 ff, 406

– arteries 168 ff

– of bladder 338

– coronal section 195, 201

– cross section 157, 174, 176

– of femur 9, 438 f

– of gallbladder 297

– horizontal section 203

– lateral region 178 ff

– lymph nodes 172 f

– lymph vessels 172 f

– of malleus 128

– MRI scan 157, 176, 195, 201

– muscles 203

– nerves 183, 414

– of radius 374

– posterior region 234 ff, 403

– of scapula 371

– surgical, of humerus 372 f

– of talus 443

– veins 170 f, 398

– vessels 183

Nerve(s) 147, 180, 400, 415, 423, 477

– abducent 31, 64, 66, 69, 72 f, 75, 93, 97 f,

111, 114, 136, 140

– accessory 31, 63 f, 66 f, 69, 71, 81, 98, 111,

114 f, 163 ff, 225, 235 f, 242, 403 ff, 407

– – intracranial portion 67

– alveolar

– – inferior 62, 68 f, 71, 80, 81 ff, 150

– – superior

– – – middle 69

–––posterior 68 f, 72, 80

– anococcygeal 351, 482

– of arm 414 ff

– auricular

– – great 63, 77 ff, 80 f, 174, 178 f, 229, 234,

236, 403 f

– – posterior 70, 77

– auriculotemporal 63, 68 f, 72, 77, 79 ff, 82 f,

85, 168

– – communicating branches to facial nerve 80

– axillary 383, 399, 404, 408 f, 413 f

– – cutaneous branch of arm 226, 409

– of back 226 ff

– buccal 63, 68 f, 72, 79 f, 81 f

– cardiac, cervical

– – inferior 278 f

– – middle 162

– – superior 278

– carotid sinus 165

– cervical, transverse 63, 78 f, 174, 178, 186,


– chorda tympani 62

– ciliary

– – long 141

– – short 68, 72 f, 140

– cluneal

– – inferior 226, 229, 351 f, 470, 476, 482 ff

– – middle 226, 229, 476, 482, 484

– – superior 223, 226 f, 229, 476, 482

– cranial 18, 64 ff, 98, 114 f

– – base of skull 31

– – nuclei 114

– cutaneous 416

– – brachial, medial 186

– – dorsal

– – – intermediate, of foot 489, 498

– – – lateral, of foot 498

– – – medial, of foot 468, 489, 498

– – femoral

– – – lateral 214, 218, 470 f, 475 ff, 479

–––posterior 226, 351 f, 470, 476, 482, 484

– – – – perineal branch 482, 484

– – lateral

– – – of forearm 399 f, 415 ff, 420, 424

– – – lower, of arm 399 f, 409

– – – upper, of arm 226, 400, 403, 408 f

– – medial

– – – of arm 399, 409 f

– – – of forearm 399 f, 408 ff, 413, 415 ff

– – perforating 483

– – posterior

– – – of arm 399 f, 403

– – – of forearm 399 f, 409, 420, 424

– – of region of knee 486

– – sural

– – – lateral 470, 479, 484, 486, 488 f

– – – medial 484, 487 ff

– digital

– – dorsal

– – – of foot 493, 498 f

– – – of hand 399 f

– – palmar 427

– – – common 399, 423, 427

– – – proper 423, 428

– – – supplied regions 424

– – – of thumb 400

– – plantar

– – – common 501

– – – proper 501 f

– dorsal

– – of clitoris 364

– – of penis 217, 341, 352, 471

– erigentes 349, 472

– ethmoidal, anterior 31, 141, 146

– – external nasal branch 68

– – internal nasal branches 147

– facial 31, 64, 66 f, 69, 70, 77 ff, 81, 98, 111,

114 f, 146, 165, 168

– – buccal branches 70, 77, 178

– – cervical branch 70, 77 ff, 174, 177 f, 186

– – communicating branches to

auriculotemporal nerve 80

– – marginal mandibular branch 70, 77, 79,

152, 178

– – temporal branch 70, 77

– – zygomatic branch 70, 77

– femoral 214, 293, 340, 367, 444 f, 467, 470 ff,

475, 477, 479 ff

– – cutaneous branch 486

– – – anterior 467, 479

– – muscular branch 480 f

– of forearm 419 ff

– frontal 69, 73

– – lateral branch 140

– genitofemoral 216, 330, 333, 359, 470, 472,


– – femoral branch 216, 340, 470, 479

– – genital branch 216 f, 340, 470, 479

– glossopharyngeal 31, 64, 66 f, 69, 71, 98, 111,

114 f, 151, 162 f, 165

– – carotid sinus branch 71

– – lingual branch 71

– gluteal

– – inferior 483 f

– – superior 483

– hypogastric 349

– hypoglossal 31, 33, 63 f, 66, 69, 78, 81, 97 f,

114 f, 151 f, 162, 164 ff, 183

– – intracranial portion 67

– – lingual branch 71, 183

– – omohyoid branch 183

– – thyroid branch 183

– iliocostalis 230

– iliohypogastric 212 f, 216, 329 f, 444 f, 470 ff,

475 ff

– – cutaneous branch

– – – anterior 470

– – – lateral 470

– ilio-inguinal 212, 214, 216 ff, 331, 333, 340,

359, 362, 470 ff, 475

– infra-orbital 68 f, 72, 79, 82, 136, 142

– – terminal branches 68

– infratrochlear 69

– intercostal 206 f, 214, 216, 279, 474

– – collateral branch 474

– – cutaneous branches

– – – anterior 207, 209, 211, 214, 229, 385,

400, 411, 470

– – – lateral 196, 207, 209, 214, 229, 385,

408 ff, 412, 470

– – mammarian branches, medial 290

– – perforating branches, anterior 208

– intercostobrachial 186, 196, 207, 290, 410,

412, 414 f

– – terminal branches 400

522 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– interosseous

– – anterior, of forearm 399

– – posterior, of forearm 421, 424

– labial, posterior 364 f

– lacrimal 68 f, 72 f, 140 f

– laryngeal

– – inferior 160, 163

– – recurrent 177, 185

– – – inferior laryngeal branch 162

– – – left 162, 255, 266, 269 ff, 272 ff, 276,

279, 335

– – – right 162, 276, 335

– – superior 162, 165 f

– – – external branch 162

– – – internal branch 151, 163, 173

– lingual 62 f, 68 f, 71, 81, 146, 151 f

– mandibular 31, 53, 68 f, 72, 83

– – inferior 63

– – meningeal branch 31

– masseteric 63, 72, 79 f

– maxillary 31, 68 f, 72, 136, 147

– medial 417

– median 168, 186, 207, 387 f, 391, 396, 399,

413 ff, 419, 423, 425

– – axillary region 410, 412

– – cubital region 416 ff

– – palmar branch 399 f, 423, 427

– – – digital 400

–––– common 423, 428

– – roots 399, 411, 415

– meningeal, recurrent 31

– mental 68 f, 79

– musculocutaneous 399, 410, 413 f

– mylohyoid 68 f, 77 f, 80, 152

– nasociliary 72 f, 141

– nasopalatine 146 f

– obturator 333, 346 f, 366, 467, 470 f, 475 ff,



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