Galea aponeurotica 55 ff, 60, 63, 79, 85, 234 ff

Galen’s vein 145

Gallbladder 296 f, 299 f, 302, 311 f, 317 f

– Head’s area 205

Ganglion(-ia) 164

– autonomic 334

– celiac 302, 323, 327, 331, 335

– cervical

– – middle 162, 185

– – superior, of sympathetic trunk 71, 146,

162 ff, 165, 168, 183 f

– ciliary 68 f, 72 f, 136, 141

– geniculate 70, 77, 123 f, 127, 146

– impar 335

– intramural 18

– otic 69

– prevertebral 18

– pterygopalatine 68 f, 146

– spinal 69, 98, 229 f, 240

– – dorsal root 474

– – dural sheath 71

– – meningeal covering 231

– spirale 131

– stellate 185

– submandibular 81, 151

– sympathetic 279 f, 327, 335

– trigeminal 31, 68 f, 72 ff, 140, 146

Genital organs

– female 354 ff

– – external 361 ff

– – – cavernous tissue 362

– – internal 358 ff, 366 f

– – arteries 360

– – lymph vessels 360

– – position 354

– male 336 ff

– – arteriography 341

– – external 340 ff

– – internal 343 f

– – nerves 349

– – vessels 340, 346 f, 351

– position 323

Genu s. also Knee

– of corpus callosum 99, 104 f, 107, 118, 120

– of facial nerve 70

– of internal capsule 120

– of optic radiation 137

Gerota’s fascia 324 f

Gingiva of upper jaw 61

Glabella 21 f


– accessory, of male genital organs 344

– bulbo-urethral 336 f, 339, 342, 344

– of Cowper 336 f, 339, 342, 344

– lacrimal 69, 72, 140, 142

– mammary 208, 290

– palatine 50, 165

– parathyroid 167

– parotid 58, 77 f, 152 f, 178

– pituitary (Hypophysis) 86 ff, 121, 148

– salivary 153

– sublingual 50, 149, 152 f

– submandibular 62, 69, 77, 152 ff, 177

– suprarenal 300, 311, 324, 326 f, 331

– – arteries 328

– thyroid 154, 161 f, 167, 169, 176, 266 ff,

275 ff

– – pyramidal lobe 184

– vestibular, greater 360, 361 f, 366


– of clitoris 356, 361 f

– penis 336, 339, 341

Globus pallidus 116, 120

Glomerulus 329

Glottis 161

Granulations, arachnoid, of Pacchioni 85, 100, 112

Gray matter 116, 118 f


– of aortic arch 249

– for auditory tube 33

– of azygos arch 249

– chiasmatic 25

– deltopectoral 170, 290, 387, 398, 406

Index 513

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– of esophagus 249

– for greater petrosal nerve 30

– infra-orbital 39 ff, 42, 44 f, 47

– lacrimal 41 f, 52

– for middle meningeal artery 27, 29, 34, 36, 49

– mylohyoid 36, 53

– nasolacrimal 39

– obturator 433

– for occipital artery 33

– for radial nerve 373

– for sigmoid sinus 27, 30, 34, 36, 53

– of subclavian artery 249

– for superior petrosal sinus 27, 30

– for superior sagittal sinus 25, 27 f, 42

– for tendon of peroneus longus muscle 443

– of thoracic aorta 249

– for transverse sinus 25, 27, 30, 42

– for ulnar nerve 373

Gubernaculum testis 343


– angular 101

– cingulate 99, 103

– dentate 106

– frontal

– – inferior 101

– – middle 100 f

– – superior 101

– of Heschl 131

– long, of insula 109

– occipitotemporal

– – lateral 99

– – medial 66, 99

– orbital 66, 99

– parahippocampal 66, 99, 106

– postcentral 99 f

– precentral 99 ff

– rectus 99

– short, of insula 109

– straight 66

– of striate cortex 137

– supracallosal 107

– supramarginal 101

– temporal

– – inferior 101

– – middle 101, 131

– – superior 101, 131

– – transverse 131



– of hamate bone 377, 394

– pterygoid 25 f, 37, 144, 164


– anterior region 423, 426

– arteries 396 f, 426 ff

– arteriogram 427

– axial section 425, 431

– coronal section 380, 425

– innervation 423 f

– ligaments 380 f

– longitudinal section 426

– MRI scan 380, 425 f

– muscles 388 ff

– – extensor 392 f

– – flexor 389 ff

– nerves 399 f, 423 f, 426 ff

– – cutaneous 400

– of newborn, X-ray 9

– posterior region 420 f, 424 f

– surface anatomy 401 f

– synovial sheaths of flexor tendons 14

– transverse section 395

– veins 398

Handle of malleus 126, 128

Haustra 307

Head 7, 145 ff, 458

– arteries 168 ff

– of caudate nucleus 104 ff, 110, 113, 115 f,


– coronal section 149

– CT scan 121

– deep, of flexor pollicis brevis muscle 394

– of epididymis 339, 343

– of femur 367, 432, 438 f, 445, 496

– – coronal section 345, 355, 367

– – frontal section 293

– – horizontal section 367

– – ossification center 9

– – trajectorial lines 8

– of fibula 440, 446

– horizontal section 1, 118 ff, 138, 148

– humeral, of pronator teres muscle 418

– of humerus 15, 372 f, 378, 430

– lateral

– – of gastrocnemius muscle 455 ff, 484, 487 f,


– – of triceps brachii muscle 382, 401, 408 f

– long

– – of biceps brachii muscle 207, 384 f, 407,


– – of biceps femoris muscle 456, 482 ff

– – of triceps brachii muscle 382 f, 387, 403 ff,

408 f

– lymph vessels 172 f

– of malleus 126, 128

– of mandible 50, 52, 62, 79

– medial

– – of gastrocnemius muscle 455 ff, 458, 487 f,


– – of triceps brachii muscle 382, 387, 401

– median sagittal section 143

– median section 90 f, 145, 233

– – in neonate 233

– of metacarpal bone 376 f

– of metatarsal bone 442, 451, 495

– midsagittal section 85

– MRI scan 90, 118 f, 149

– muscles 19

– oblique

– – of adductor hallucis muscle 463, 499, 502

– – of adductor pollicis longus muscle 394, 429

– of optic nerve 138, 148

– of pancreas 297, 312, 316 f, 320

– of proximal phalanx 376 f

– of radius 374, 379

– of rib 191, 197

– sagittal section 84

– short

– – of biceps brachii muscle 384 f, 407, 411 f

– – of biceps femoris muscle 456, 484

– of stapes 128

– superficial, of flexor pollicis brevis muscle 388,


– of talus 443, 451

– transverse

– – of adductor hallucis muscle 463 f

– – of adductor pollicis longus muscle 394, 429

– of ulna 374, 380

– ulnar, of pronator teres muscle 418

– veins 170 f, 398

– vessels 262 f

Head’s areas 205

Heart 16, 252 ff, 268 ff, 306

– blood flow 256

– – fetal circulatory system 288

– conducting system 261

– electron beam tomographic image 254

– of fetus 288

– function 260

– Head’s area 205

– left 16

– left lateral aspect 281

– movements 260

– MRI scan 256

– position 3, 243, 252

– right 16

– right lateral aspect 280

– valves 255 ff

Helix 122, 124


– binasal 139

– bitemporal 139

– homonymous 139


– cerebellar 89, 102 f, 116

– cerebral

– – auditory areas 130

– – frontal pole 89

– – lateral aspect 100

– – median aspect 99

– – occipital pole 88 f

– – temporal pole 89


– femoral 218

514 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– inguinal 217 ff


– adductor 453

– aortic 282, 453

– esophageal 282, 298

– maxillary 36 f, 42, 46, 48, 144

– sacral 434, 437

– semilunar 53, 145

Hilum of spleen 300

Hindbrain 91

Hindgut 291

Hinge joint 10, 11, 432

Hip bone 188 f, 432

Hip joint 432

– axial section 496

– bones 438

– coronal section 444

– ligaments 444

– MRI scan 5, 8

– X-ray 8

Hippocampus 138

Hook of hamate bone 377, 394

Horn s. also Cornu

– anterior, of lateral ventricle 104 f, 110, 112,

118 ff

– inferior, of lateral ventricle 105 f, 112, 116

– – entrance 119

– posterior, of lateral ventricle 104 ff, 110,

112 f, 120

Humerus 7, 10, 15, 368, 372 ff, 378, 430

– antero-lateral surface 373

– antero-medial surface 373

– of newborn 9

– posterior surface 373

Hymen 354, 356, 361

Hyoid s. Bone, hyoid

Hypophysis 86 ff, 121, 148

Hypothalamus 90 f, 108, 116

Hypothenar muscles 390 f, 395, 423

– axial section 431

Hypotympanon 127


Ileum 302, 304, 306

– terminal 307

Ilium 7, 433

– gluteal surface 437

– horizontal section 320


– cardiac, of lung 249

– for costoclavicular ligament 369

– digitate 30, 34

– trigeminal 27, 34


– central 37, 45, 50

– lateral 50

– permanent 51


– angularis 294 f

– tentorii 75


– of pancreas 297

– of tympanic ring 125

Inclination, pelvic 438

Incus 20, 122 f, 126, 128 f

Indusium griseum 104


– of hypophysis 65, 74 f, 93 f, 99, 114, 116, 148

– of right ventricle 256

– of uterine tube 354, 356 f, 361, 366

Insula 94, 116, 119 f

Intersections, tendinous, of rectus abdominis

muscle 211, 213, 293

Intestine, small s. Small intestine

Iris 133 f

– pupillary margin 134

Ischium 7, 433


– of lesser sac 318

– oropharyngeal 246

– of uterine tube 354


Jejunum 292, 302 ff, 306


– acromioclavicular 368 ff, 372, 378

– of ankle 432, 443, 449 ff, 495

– atlanto-axial 200 f

– – lateral 200 ff

– – median 53, 145, 165, 200, 202

– atlanto-occipital 53, 194, 200 ff

– biaxial 11

– calcaneocuboid 443, 451

– carpometacarpal 368, 375

– – coronal section 425

– – of thumb 11, 368, 375, 377

– costotransverse 191 f, 197, 199, 372

– – effect of intercostal muscles 196

– – of first rib 194

– costovertebral 191, 195, 197, 199

– – effect of intercostal muscles 196

– crico-arytenoid 158

– cricothyroid 158

– cuneonavicular 442, 449

– of fingers 10

– hip (s. Hip joint) 5

– humeroradial 374 f, 420, 431

– humero-ulnar 10, 374 f

– interphalangeal

– – of fingers 368, 375, 381, 425

– – of toes 432, 443, 449

– knee s. Knee joint

– metacarpophalangeal 10 f, 368, 375, 381,

394, 425

– – of thumb 425

– metatarsophalangeal 432, 443, 449

– – of great toe 495

– midcarpal 368, 375

– monaxial 11

– multiaxial 11

– radio-ulnar 10

– – distal 375, 381, 425

– – proximal 374 f, 379

– sacro-iliac 432, 434 f, 437

– of shoulder 378

– sternoclavicular 177, 368 f, 406

– subtalar 443, 449, 451

– synovial 12

– talocalcaneonavicular 432, 443, 449, 451, 495

– talocrural 432

– tarsometatarsal 443, 449

– temporomandibular 19, 53 ff, 63, 120

– – effect of masticatory muscles 55

– – ligaments 52 f

– tibiofibular

– – distal 432, 440, 495

– – proximal 432, 440 f, 446

– zygapophysial 195

Joint capsule s. Capsule, articular

Joint cavity s. Cavity, articular


– alveolaria 41, 45

– cerebralia 28


– costochondral 196

– ileocecal 310


Kerckring’s fold 297

Kidney 296, 300, 326 ff

– arteries 328 f

– arteriography 328

– coronal section 326

– Head’s area 205

– horizontal section 320, 324

– left 17, 292, 330 ff

– position 3, 323 ff

– right 292, 311, 330 ff

– segments 326

– ultrasound image 327

– upper pole 328

– vascular system 329

– veins 329

Killian’s triangle 167

Knee (s. also Genu) 486 f

Knee joint 432, 446 ff

– articular capsule 12

Index 515

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– axial section 497

– bones 441

– coronal section 12

– ligaments 447 f

– MRI scan 4, 446

– of newborn 9

– sagittal section 4, 446


Labium 355

– majus 354, 361

– minus 354 ff, 361 ff, 364

Labrum, glenoid 378

Labyrinth 128 ff

– bony 130

– membranous 130

Lacrimal apparatus 142

Laimer’s triangle (area prone to developing

diverticula) 167


– affixa 104 f, 115

– of axis 200

– cribrosa 30 f, 34, 38, 49

– of cricoid cartilage 158

– pretracheal, of cervical fascia 174, 179 f

– prevertebral, of cervical fascia 174

– superficial, of cervical fascia 174, 178

– terminalis 91, 108

– of thyroid cartilage 159

– of vertebra 191

Laryngopharynx 150, 155

Larynx 143, 154, 158 ff, 165, 233, 255

– cartilages 158 f

– coronal section 161

– entrance 246

– horizontal section 161

– MRI scan 203

– muscles 160

– – internal, action 160

– nerves 162

– position 159

– sagittal section 161

Layer, subcutaneous 204

Leg s. also Limb, lower

– axial section 459, 497

– bones 440 f

– coronal section 461

– cross section 491

– long axis 432

– surface anatomy

– – anterior aspect 477

– – posterior aspect 476


– lateral 131

– medial 103, 116

Lens 121, 132 f

– anterior pole 133 f

– posterior pole 133

Ligament(s) 484

– acetabular, transverse 445

– alar 200 f

– annular, of proximal radio-ulnar joint 379

– anococcygeal 350, 353, 364 f

– anterior, of malleus 126

– arcuate, medial 282 f

– bifurcate 449 f

– broad, of uterus 356, 367

– calcaneofibular 450 f

– calcaneonavicular, plantar 449 ff

– carpal, radiating 380 f

– carpometacarpal

– – dorsal 380

– – palmar 380

– collateral

– – carpal, ulnar 380

– – of elbow joint 379

– – fibular 446 ff

– – of interphalangeal joint 381

– – of knee joint 12, 446 ff

– – radial 379 f

– – tibial 447 f

– – ulnar 379

– coraco-acromial 378

– coronary, of liver 299

– costoclavicular, impression of clavicle 369

– costotransverse 474

– – lateral 199

– – superior 197 ff

– crico-arytenoid, posterior 158

– cricothyroid 158

– cruciate 12

– – anterior 446 ff, 497

– – posterior 446 ff

– cruciform 200

– cuneonavicular

– – dorsal 451

– – plantar 450 f

– deltoid 450 f

– – posterior part 450 f

– – tibiocalcaneal part 451

– – tibionavicular part 451

– denticulate 231, 240

– of elbow joint 10, 379

– falciform, of liver 244, 268, 278, 293, 298 f,

306 f, 311 f, 318, 320

– – free margin 293

– of foot 450 f

– fundiform, of penis 212

– gastrocolic 298, 306 f, 311 f, 315

– gastrosplenic 300, 311

– of hand 380 f

– of the head of femur 345, 351, 367, 444, 496

– hepatoduodenal 311 f, 318

– – content 291

– of hip joint 444

– iliofemoral 444 f

– iliolumbar 444 f

– of inferior vena cava 299

– inguinal 3, 187, 209, 211, 213 f, 216 ff, 220,

444 f, 452 f, 479 f

– – surface anatomy 204

– intercarpal

– – deep 380

– – dorsal 380

– interfoveolar 218, 293

– interspinous 198 f

– intertransverse 197 ff, 225, 240

– intra-articular 197, 199

– ischiofemoral 444 f

– of knee joint 446 ff

– of larynx 158

– lateral, of temporomandibular joint 53 f

– lienorenal 311

– longitudinal

– – anterior 197 ff

– – posterior 198 f, 201

– medial, of ankle s. Ligament, deltoid

– meniscofemoral, posterior 447

– metacarpal

– – dorsal 380

– – palmar 380

– – transverse

– – – deep 381

– – – superficial 423

– of ovary 356 ff

– palmar

– – of interphalangeal joint 381

– – of metacarpophalangeal joint 381

– palpebral

– – lateral 142

– – medial 142

– patellar 446 f, 452, 458 f, 462, 486, 495

– – surface anatomy 477

– of pelvis 444

– pisohamate 380 f

– pisometacarpal 380 f

– plantar, long 450 f, 465

– pubofemoral 444 f

– puboprostatic 344

– pulmonary 249

– radiate 197, 199

– radiocarpal

– – dorsal 380

– – palmar 380 f

– round 220

– – fatty tissue 363

– – of liver 292 f, 298, 303 f, 306, 317

– – of uterus 220, 354, 356 ff, 359 f, 362,


– sacro-iliac

– – dorsal 444

– – ventral 445

– sacrospinous 346, 444 f, 471

– sacrotuberous 346, 353, 444 f, 483 f


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