Respiratory System: Bronchial Tree
(medial aspect). The bronchopulmonary segments are numbered 1–10.
248 Respiratory System: Projections of Lungs and Pleura
Red = margins of the lung; blue = margins of pleura. The numbers indicate ribs.
Red = margins of lung; blue = margins of pleura. The numbers indicate ribs.
3 Horizontal fissure of right lung
14 Space between border of lung and pleura
Right lung (lateral aspect). Left lung (lateral aspect).
Right lung (medial aspect). Left lung (medial aspect).
3 Horizontal fissure of right lung
4 Oblique fissure of right lung
10 Oblique fissure of left lung
12 Groove of subclavian artery
14 Branches of right pulmonary artery
21 Branches of left pulmonary veins
250 Respiratory System: Bronchopulmonary Segments
Right lung (medial aspect). Left lung (medial aspect).
Right lung (lateral aspect). Left lung (lateral aspect).
The bronchopulmonary segments of the lungs are differ -
entiated by the various colors. Notice that there is no
segment in the left lung that corresponds to the seventh
segment of the right lung. Compare with the schematic
Respiratory System: Bronchopulmonary Segments 251
The bronchopulmonary segments are morphologically and
functionally separate, independent respiratory units of the
lung tissue. Each segment is surrounded by connective
tissue that is continuous with the visceral pleura. The
segmental bronchi are centrally located in each segment
and are closely accompanied by branches of the pulmonary
arteries, whereas the tributaries of the pulmonary veins run
between the segments. Thus, the veins serve two adjacent
segments that drain for the most part into more than one
vein. A bronchopulmonary segment is therefore not a
complete vascular unit, but segmentation is the result of a
specific architecture of the lung vasculature.
4 Lateral segment Middle lobe 4 Superior lingular segment Inferior
5 Medial segment bronchus 5 Inferior lingular segment division
6 Superior (apical) segment 6 Superior (apical) segment
10 Posterior basal segment 10 Posterior basal segment
Heart of 30-year-old woman (anterior aspect).
Position of heart and its vessels within the thorax
Heart of 30-year-old woman (oblique-posterior view).
17 Anterior interventricular sulcus
21 Epicardial fat overlying coronary sinus
22 Posterior interventricular sulcus
9 Left axillary artery and vein
Heart with related vessels. Dissection of coronary arteries (anterior aspect,
systolic phase of heart action).
9 Left common carotid artery and left
10 Descending aorta (thoracic part)
11 Ligamentum arteriosum (remnant of
18 Diagonal branch of left coronary artery
19 Interventricular branch of left coronary
Coronal section through the thorax
at the level of the ascending aorta
(MRI scan, courtesy of Prof. W. Bautz and
R. Janka, M. D., University of Erlangen,
6 Septal branch of left coronary artery
8 Anterior interventricular branch of left
12 Circumflex branch of left coronary artery
1 Courtesy of Drs. W. Moshage, S. Achenbach,
and D. Ropers, Dept. of Internal Medicine II,
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
Human heart (3-D reconstruction of electron beam CT scans as “Shaded Surface
Electron beam tomographic image of the human heart (axial section after
Heart in situ. Position of valves (anterior aspect). (Schematic drawing.)
Heart and related vessels in situ (anterior aspect). Anterior thoracic wall, pericardium, and
epicardium have been removed; trachea divided.
7 Conus arteriosus (interventricular septum)
8 Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve
10 Myocardium of right ventricle
14 Ligamentum arteriosum (remnant of ductus
15 Thoracic aorta (descending aorta)
21 Anterior papillary muscle with chordae
22 Myocardium of left ventricle
25 Right and left brachiocephalic veins
27 Papillary muscles of right ventricle
30 Anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle
31 Left atrioventricular (bicuspid or mitral) valve
Anterior aspect of the heart. Dissection of the four valves.
MRI scan of the heart (coronal section at the level of the
left atrium; courtesy of Prof. W. Bautz and R. Janka, M. D.,
University of Erlangen, Germany).
Circulation within the heart (anterior aspect).
Arrows = direction of blood flow.
8 Myocardium of right ventricle
11 Thyroid gland and internal jugular vein
12 Trachea and left common carotid artery
17 Anterior interventricular artery
18 Myocardium of left ventricle
19 Muscular vortex (right ventricle)
20 Posterior interventricular sulcus
21 Anterior interventricular sulcus
22 Muscular vortex (left ventricle)
31 Myocardium of left ventricle
Heart in situ. Myocardium and coronary arteries
Heart (posterior aspect). The myocardium of the left ventricle has
been fenestrated to show the muscle fiber bundles of the deeper
layer with their more circular course.
Vortex of cardiac muscle fibers (from below).
4 Opening of inferior vena cava
7 Right coronary artery and coronary sulcus
8 Anterior cusp of tricuspid valve
15 Conus arteriosus (interventricular septum)
17 Septomarginal trabecula or moderator band
25 Left atrioventricular (bicuspid or mitral) valve
Right heart (anterior aspect). Anterior wall of right atrium and
Heart, left ventricle with mitral valve, papillary muscles, and
aortic valve (anterior portion of the heart removed).
Heart, left ventricle, and atrium (opened) showing the
posterior part of the mitral valve with papillary muscles.
5 Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve
9 Right atrioventricular (tricuspid)
12 Left semilunar cusp of pulmonic
13 Right semilunar cusp of pulmonic
14 Left semilunar cusp of aortic valve
15 Right semilunar cusp of aortic
16 Posterior semilunar cusp of aortic
18 Anterior cusp of tricuspid valve
22 Septal cusp of tricuspid valve
24 Myocardium of right ventricle
Valves of heart (superior aspect). Left and right atria removed. Dissection of coronary arteries.
Above: anterior wall of the heart.
Pulmonic and aortic valves (from above). Anterior wall of the
heart at the top. Both valves are closed.
Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve (anterior aspect after
removal of the anterior wall of the right ventricle).
9 Anterior interventricular sulcus
12 Sulcus terminalis with sinu-atrial node
13 Line indicating plane of position of valves
18 Myocardium of right ventricle
Heart, fixed in diastole (anterior aspect). The ventricles are relaxed, atria
Heart, fixed in systole (antero-lateral aspect). The ventricles are contracted,
Morphological changes during heart movements.
A. Diastole: muscles of the ventricles relaxed,
atrioventricular valves open, semilunar valves closed.
B. Systole: muscles of ventricles contracted,
atrioventricular valves closed, semilunar valves open.
Right ventricle, dissection of atrioventricular node, atrio -
ventricular bundle (bundle of His), and right limb or bundle
Right atrium, anterior wall, showing the location of the
Left ventricle, dissection of left limb or bundle branch of
Conducting system of the heart (schematic drawing).
5 Muscle fiber bundles of right atrium
6 Coronary sulcus (with right coronary artery)
8 Entrance to left coronary artery
10 Branches of left bundle branch
19 Septal cusp of tricuspid valve
21 Atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His)
22 Bifurcation of atrioventricular bundle
27 Papillary muscles with Purkinje fibers
Coronary arteries (anterior aspect). The epicardium and
subepicardial fatty tissue have been removed. The arteries
have been injected with red resin from the aorta.
Vessels of the heart. Coronary arteries (red) and veins (blue)
of the heart (anterior aspect).
Right coronary artery and veins of the heart (dorsal aspect).
The epicardium and subepicardial fatty tissue have been removed.
2 Aortic bulb and (in the above specimen) sinu-atrial branch
10 Circumflex branch of left coronary artery
12 Diagonal branch of left artery
14 Anterior interventricular artery
15 Anterior interventricular sulcus
21 Oblique vein of left atrium (Marshall’s vein)
24 Coronary sulcus (posterior portion)
25 Posterior vein of left ventricle
30 Posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery
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