15 Articular facet for thyroid
Laryngeal muscles (lateral aspect).
Thyroid cartilage (12) and thyro-arytenoid
muscle have been partly removed.
Laryngeal muscles (lateral aspect).
Half of the thyroid cartilage (12) has been
removed. Dissection of the vocal ligament (19).
the larynx (schematic drawing).
Laryngeal cartilages (superior aspect).
Horizontal section through the larynx at the level of the vocal folds (superior aspect).
Sagittal section through the larynx. Coronal section through larynx and trachea.
Glottis in vivo (superior aspect).
Larynx and its innervation (posterior aspect).
Dissection of superior and inferior laryngeal nerves.
Larynx and thoracic organs (anterior aspect). Dissection of vagus and recurrent
Innervation of the larynx (schematic drawing).
2 Scalenus medius and posterior muscles
3 Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
10 External branch of superior laryngeal
15 Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
23 Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx
28 Posterior crico-arytenoid muscle and
29 Inferior laryngeal branch of recurrent
38 Middle cervical cardiac nerves
(branches of sympathetic trunk)
1 Midbrain (inferior colliculus)
2 Rhomboid fossa and medulla oblongata
3 Vestibulocochlear and facial nerve
4 Glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory
5 Occipital artery and posterior belly of
12 Thyroid gland and common carotid
22 Internal branch of superior laryngeal
1 Inferior colliculus of midbrain
2 Facial colliculus in floor of rhomboid fossa
3 Vestibulocochlear and facial nerves
9 Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx
10 Sympathetic trunk and superior cervical
11 Middle constrictor muscle of pharynx
12 Greater cornu of hyoid bone
13 Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx
15 Internal acoustic meatus with facial and
16 Jugular foramen with glossopharyngeal,
19 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
20 Accessory nerve (extracranial part)
21 Hypoglossal nerve (extracranial part)
25 Carotid sinus and carotid body
34 Greater and lesser palatine foramen
41 Styloid process and stylomastoid
Pharynx and parapharyngeal nerves in connection with brain stem
Red line = outline of superior constrictor muscle
in continuation with buccinator muscle and
orbicularis oris muscle (semischematic drawing).
4 Superior cervical ganglion of
6 Carotid body and carotid sinus
8 Common carotid artery and cardiac
12 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
17 Inferior constrictor muscle
20 Soft palate and palatine glands
26 Median atlanto-axial joint and
34 Mandibular canal with vessels and
41 Semispinalis capitis muscle
Parapharyngeal nerves and vessels. Dorsal aspect of the pharynx.
Cross section of head and neck at the level of the atlas (inferior aspect).
5 Depressor anguli oris muscle
13 Posterior belly of digastric
16 Thyropharyngeal part of inferior
18 Cricopharyngeal part of inferior
23 Inferior longitudinal muscle of
25 Superior constrictor muscle
28 Superior laryngeal nerve and
Dissection of pharynx, supra-, and infrahyoid muscles. Mandible partly removed
Dissection of pharynx, supra-, and infrahyoid muscles. Oral cavity opened (lateral aspect).
Muscles of the pharynx (posterior aspect).
2 Internal acoustic meatus and petrous
6 Superior constrictor muscle of
7 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
9 Middle constrictor muscle of pharynx
10 Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx
11 Muscle-free area (Killian’s triangle)
14 Thyroid and parathyroid glands
20 Superior cervical ganglion of
22 Laimer’s triangle (area prone
25 Levator labii superioris and levator
29 Depressor labii inferioris muscle
35 Tensor veli palatini muscle
36 Levator veli palatini muscle
37 Depressor anguli oris muscle
Muscles of the pharynx (posterior aspect).
Muscles of the pharynx (lateral aspect). (Schematic drawing.)
168 Vessels of the Head and Neck: Arteries
1 Frontal and parietal branches of superficial
8 Common carotid artery (divided)
11 Transverse cervical artery with two branches
(superficial cervical artery and descending
14 Costocervical trunk with two branches
(deep cervical artery and superior intercostal artery)
17 Supra-orbital and supratrochlear arteries
Arteries of head and neck. Diagram of the main branches
of external carotid and subclavian arteries.
2 Frontal branch of superficial
3 Parietal branch temporal artery
5 Superficial temporal artery and vein
10 External carotid artery within the
11 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
13 Sympathetic trunk and superior cervical ganglion
14 Sternocleidomastoid muscle (divided and reflected)
17 Ascending cervical artery and phrenic nerve
21 Brachial plexus and axillary artery
24 Median nerve (displaced) and
pectoralis minor muscle (reflected)
25 Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle
26 Orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle
38 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
Vessels of the Head and Neck: Arteries 169
pectoralis muscles have been reflected to display the subclavian and axillary arteries.
45 Thyroid ansa of sympathetic
trunk and inferior thyroid artery
50 Ansa subclavia of sympathetic trunk
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