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Kidney: Arteries and Veins

1 Diaphragm

2 Hepatic veins

3 Inferior vena cava

4 Common hepatic artery

5 Suprarenal gland

6 Celiac trunk

7 Right renal vein

8 Kidney

9 Abdominal aorta

10 Subcostal nerve

11 Iliohypogastric nerve

12 Central tendon of


13 Inferior phrenic artery

14 Cardic part of stomach

15 Spleen

16 Splenic artery

17 Superior renal artery

18 Superior mesenteric artery

19 Psoas major muscle

20 Inferior mesenteric artery

21 Ureter

22 Glomerulus

23 Afferent arteriole of


24 Glomeruli

25 Radiating cortical artery

26 Subcortical or arcuate artery

27 Subcortical or arcuate vein

28 Interlobular vein

29 Interlobular artery

30 Interlobar artery and vein

31 Vessels of renal capsule

32 Efferent arteriole of glomerulus

33 Vasa recta of renal medulla

34 Spiral arteries of renal pelvis

Retroperitoneal organs, kidneys, and suprarenal glands in situ (anterior aspect).

Red = arteries; blue = veins.


Glomeruli (210). Scanning electron micrograph showing glomeruli

and associated arteries.

Architecture of vascular system of kidney

(schematic drawing).


330 Retroperitoneal Region: Urinary System

Retroperitoneal organs, urinary system in the male (anterior aspect). The peritoneum has been


1 Costal arch

2 Right renal vein

3 Right kidney

4 Inferior vena cava

5 Iliohypogastric nerve and

quadratus lumborum muscle

6 Ureter (abdominal part)

7 Psoas major muscle and

genitofemoral nerve

8 Iliacus muscle

9 External iliac artery

10 Ureter (pelvic part)

11 Ductus deferens

12 Testis and epididymis

13 Celiac trunk

14 Superior mesenteric artery

15 Left kidney

16 Abdominal aorta

17 Inferior mesenteric artery

18 Common iliac artery

19 Iliac crest

20 Sacral promontory

21 Rectum (cut)

22 Medial umbilical ligament

23 Urinary bladder

24 Penis

Retroperitoneal Region: Urinary System 331

Retroperitoneal organs, urinary system in situ (anterior aspect). The peritoneum has been removed.

Note the autonomic plexus and ganglia at the abdominal aorta.

1 Diaphragm

2 Inferior vena cava

3 Suprarenal gland

4 Kidney

5 Superior mesenteric artery

6 Ureter

7 Right spermatic vein

8 Psoas major


9 Spleen

10 Cardiac part of


11 Abdominal aorta

12 Splenic artery

13 Celiac trunk and

celiac ganglion

14 Renal artery and vein

15 Left spermatic vein

16 Ilio-inguinal nerve

17 Superior hypogastric

plexus and ganglion

18 Left common iliac


19 Sigmoid colon



Retroperitoneal Region: Lymph Vessels and Nodes

Lymph vessels and lymph nodes of the posterior wall of thoracic and abdominal cavities

(anterior aspect). Green = lymph vessels and nodes; blue = veins; red = arteries; white = nerves.

1 Internal jugular vein

2 Right common carotid

artery and right vagus nerve

3 Jugulo-omohyoid lymph


4 Right lymphatic duct

5 Subclavian trunk

6 Right subclavian vein

7 Bronchomediastinal trunk

8 Azygos vein

9 Diaphragm

10 Right kidney

11 Right lumbar trunk

12 Right ureter

13 Common iliac lymph nodes

14 Right internal iliac artery

15 External iliac lymph nodes

16 Right external iliac artery

17 Left common carotid artery

and left vagus nerve

18 Internal jugular vein

19 Deep cervical lymph nodes

20 Thoracic duct entering

left jugular angle

21 Left subclavian vein

22 Left brachiocephalic vein

23 Thoracic duct

24 Mediastinal lymph nodes

25 Thoracic aorta

26 Left suprarenal gland

27 Left renal artery

28 Left kidney

29 Cisterna chyli

30 Lumbar lymph nodes

31 Abdominal aorta

32 Left ureter

33 Sacral lymph nodes

34 Rectum (cut edge)

Retroperitoneal Region: Vessels and Nerves 333

Vessels and nerves of posterior abdominal wall (anterior aspect). Part of the left psoas major muscle

has been removed to display the lumbar plexus. Red = arteries; blue = veins.

1 Diaphragm

2 Hepatic veins

3 Inferior vena cava

4 Inferior phrenic artery

5 Right renal vein

6 Iliohypogastric nerve

7 Quadratus lumborum muscle

8 Subcostal nerve

9 Inferior mesenteric artery

10 Right genitofemoral nerve

and psoas major muscle

11 Common iliac artery

12 Iliacus muscle

13 Right ureter (divided)

14 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

15 Internal iliac artery

16 Femoral nerve

17 External iliac artery

18 Inferior epigastric artery

19 Cardiac part of stomach and

esophageal branches of left

gastric artery

20 Splenic artery

21 Celiac trunk

22 Superior mesenteric artery

23 Left renal artery

24 Ilio-inguinal nerve

25 Sympathetic trunk

26 Transversus abdominis muscle

27 Iliac crest

28 Left genitofemoral nerve

29 Left obturator nerve

30 Median sacral artery

31 Psoas major muscle

(divided) with supplying


32 Rectum (cut)

33 Urinary bladder

334 Retroperitoneal Region: Autonomic Nervous System

Posterior wall of thoracic and abdominal cavities with sympathetic trunk,

vagus nerve, and autonomic ganglia (anterior aspect). Thoracic and abdominal

organs removed, except for the esophagus and aorta.

Organization of autonomic nervous

system (after Mattuschka). (Schematic

drawing.) Yellow = parasympathetic

nerves; green = sympathetic nerves.



Retroperitoneal Region: Autonomic Nervous System

1 Right vagus nerve

2 Right subclavian artery

3 Esophagus

4 Aortic arch

5 Sympathetic trunk

6 Greater splanchnic nerve

7 Intercostal nerve

8 Abdominal part of

esophagus and

vagal trunk

9 Celiac trunk with celiac


10 Superior mesenteric artery

and ganglion

11 Psoas major muscle and

genitofemoral nerve

12 Common iliac artery

13 Superior hypogastric plexus

and ganglion

14 Left vagus nerve

15 Brachial plexus

16 Left subclavian artery

17 Left recurrent laryngeal


18 Inferior cervical cardiac


19 Thoracic aorta

20 Esophageal plexus

21 Azygos vein

22 Diaphragm

23 Splenic artery

24 Left renal artery and plexus

25 Inferior mesenteric ganglion

and artery

26 Left external iliac artery

27 Superior cervical ganglion of

sympathetic trunk

28 Superior cardiac branch of

sympathetic trunk

29 Middle cervical ganglion of

sympathetic trunk

30 Inferior cervical ganglion of

sympathetic trunk

31 Right recurrent laryngeal


32 Lesser splanchnic nerve

33 Lumbar splanchnic nerves

34 Sacral splanchnic nerves

35 Inferior hypogastric ganglion

and plexus

36 Left recurrent laryngeal


37 Aorticorenal plexus and

renal artery

38 Ganglion impar

39 Esophagus with branches of

vagus nerve

40 Hepatic veins

41 Right crus of diaphragm

42 Inferior phrenic artery

43 Right vagus nerve entering

the celiac ganglion

44 Right lumbar lymph trunk

45 Lumbar part of right

sympathetic trunk

46 Lumbar artery and vein

47 Psoas major muscle

48 Iliac crest

49 Inferior vena cava

50 Iliacus muscle

51 Ureter

52 Left vagus nerve forming the

esophageal plexus

53 Left vagus nerve forming the

gastric plexus

54 Esophagus continuing into

the cardiac part of stomach

55 Lumbocostal triangle

56 Position of twelfth rib

57 Left lumbar lymph trunk

58 Ganglion of sympathetic


59 Quadratus lumborum muscle

60 Lumbar part of left

sympathetic trunk

61 Iliac lymph vessels

Ganglia and plexus of the

autonomic nervous system

within the retroperitoneal space

(anterior aspect). The kidneys and

the inferior vena cava with its

tributaries have been removed.

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