Pelvic Cavity in the Male: Coronal Sections 345
Coronal section through pelvic cavity at the level of prostate and hip joint (anterior aspect).
10 Deep transverse perineus muscle
11 Crus penis and ischiocavernosus muscle
20 Internal anal sphincter muscle
21 External anal sphincter muscle
26 Ligament of the head of the femur
Coronal section through pelvic cavity (MRI scan). Coronal section through anal canal.
346 Pelvic Cavity in the Male: Vessels of the Pelvic Organs
5 Right external iliac artery and vein
6 Right obturator artery and nerve
8 Sigmoid and superior vesical artery
13 Vesicoprostatic venous plexus
14 Deep dorsal vein of penis and
15 Penis and superficial dorsal vein
16 Spermatic cord and testicular artery
17 Bulb of penis and deep artery of penis
18 Cauda equina and dura mater (divided)
19 Intervertebral disc between fifth
23 Left internal pudendal artery
24 Ischial spine (cut), sacrospinal ligament,
25 Left inferior vesical artery
28 Branches of inferior rectal artery
32 Pudendal nerve and sacrotuberal ligament
Pelvic Cavity in the Male: Vessels of the Pelvic Organs
7 Urinary bladder (vesica urinaria)
10 Sphincter muscle of urethra
21 Inferior hypogastric plexus
23 Seminal vesicle (vesicula seminalis)
34 Branches of superior vesical artery
Vessels of the pelvic cavity in the male (medial aspect, midsagittal section). The gluteus
maximus muscle has been removed.
Main branches of internal iliac artery in the male
348 Pelvic Cavity in the Male: Abdominal Aorta
Abdominal part of the aorta showing an infrarenal
aneurysm with involvement of both iliac arteries (arrows)
(3-D reconstruction, courtesy of Prof. H. Rupprecht and
Dr. M. Rexer, Klinikum Fürth, Germany).
1 Twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12)
8 Left common iliac artery (included into the aneurysm)
11 Intrinsic muscles of the back
12 Thrombotic part of the aneurysm (green)
13 Inferior vena cava (compressed, blue)
16 Aneurysm of the aorta (red)
Abdominal part of the aorta with an aneurysm, after injection of contrast medium.
Above = horizontal sections through the abdominal cavity, showing different contrast medium
concentrations within the aorta and the aneurysm; below = 3-D reconstruction of the aneurysm;
red = aorta; green = thrombotic areas; blue = vein (vena cava inferior, partly compressed).
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