Disarticulated Skull II: Sphenoidal, Ethmoidal, and Palatine Bones 43
natural colored = left maxilla.
Part of a disarticulated base of
skull. The same specimen as shown
44 Disarticulated Skull II: Sphenoidal, Ethmoidal, and Palatine Bones
ethmoidal bone (yellow) and sphenoidal bone (green) (anterior aspect).
Frontal bone Palatine bone Maxilla
1 Squamous part 10 Orbital process 19 Infra-orbital groove
2 Inferior temporal line 11 Perpendicular plate 20 Infra-orbital foramen
3 Temporal surface 12 Conchal crest 21 Zygomatic process
4 Supra-orbital foramen 13 Nasal crest 22 Alveolar process with teeth
5 Zygomatic process 14 Horizontal plate 23 Palatine process
Occipital bone Left inferior nasal concha
6 Squamous part Ethmoidal bone 24 Anterior part of
15 Orbital plate inferior concha
Sphenoidal bone 16 Ethmoidal air cell
7 Greater wing (temporal surface) 17 Middle concha
8 Optic canal within the lesser wing 18 Perpendicular plate
9 Lateral pterygoid plate (part of bony nasal septum)
Disarticulated Skull II: Maxilla, Zygomatic Bone, and Bony Palate 45
7 Greater wing (orbital surface)
31 Central incisor and incisive bone or premaxilla
Anterior view of a disarticulated skull showing the connection of
the maxilla with the frontal and zygomatic bones. Yellow = ethmoidal
bone; red = palatine bone; green = sphenoidal bone.
46 Disarticulated Skull II: Pterygopalatine Fossa and Orbit
Illustration of canals and foramina connected with the right orbit and
pterygopalatine fossa (compare the above figure). The greater wing of sphenoidal
bone (green) is shown as being transparent. Brown = temporal bone;
yellow = ethmoidal bone; red = lacrimal bone; light red = inferior nasal concha;
violet = maxilla; red = palatine bone.
2 Temporal bone (petrous part)
7 Lateral plate of pterygoid process
13 Orbital plate of ethmoidal bone
20 Alveolar process of maxilla
Disarticulated Skull II: Orbit, and Nasal and Lacrimal Bones 47
9 Orbital plate of ethmoidal bone
10 Perpendicular plate of ethmoidal bone
12 Lacrimal groove of lacrimal bone
18 Nasal foramina of nasal bone
19 Anterior nasal spine of maxilla
21 Greater wing of sphenoidal bone
22 Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina
Anterior part of a disarticulated skull.
Orange = zygomatic bone; yellow = ethmoidal bone;
dark green = sphenoidal bone. The arrows indicate the locations
of the lacrimal bone (11) and the nasal bone (17).
Left lacrimal bone (anterior aspect).
Left nasal bone (anterior aspect).
11 Palatine process of the maxilla
5 Posterior border of nasal septum
Lateral wall of the nasal cavity. Median section through the skull.
Right inferior nasal concha (medial aspect). Anterior part
Right inferior nasal concha (lateral aspect). Anterior part
Septum and Cartilages of the Nose 49
7 Palatine bone (horizontal plate)
11 Hypophysial fossa (sella turcica)
Paramedian sagittal section through the skull including the nasal septum.
Cartilages of the nose (right anterior aspect). Arrow = nostril,
(schematic diagram of the external nose).
50 Maxilla and Mandible with Teeth
4 First premolars or bicuspids
5 Second premolars or bicuspids
13 Hard palate and palatine glands
21 Superior longitudinal muscle of tongue
22 Transverse muscle of tongue
24 Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue
Normal position of teeth. Dentition in centric occlusion (lateral
Upper teeth of the adult (inferior aspect).
Lower teeth of the adult (superior aspect).
Coronal section through the oral cavity.
Deciduous and Permanent Teeth 51
Comparison of the deciduous and permanent teeth.
Notice that the breadth of the alveolar arch of the child’s mandible
and maxilla holding the deciduous teeth is nearly the same as the
comparable portion in the jaws of the adult. Note the emergence of the
third molars. The numbers of the teeth correspond to the numbers in
Deciduous teeth in child’s skull. The developing crowns of the
permanent teeth are displayed in their crypts in the maxilla and
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