Brain and Cranial Nerves: Trigeminal Nerve 69
Cranial nerves in connection with the brain stem. Left side (lateral superior aspect).
Left half of brain and head partly removed. Notice the location of trigeminal ganglion.
Main branches of trigeminal nerve (schematic drawing of figure on opposite page).
5 Ciliary ganglion lateral to optic nerve
7 Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
12 Posterior superior alveolar nerves
13 Tympanic cavity, external acoustic
18 Hypoglossal nerve (n. XII) and
superior root of ansa cervicalis
21 Optic nerve (n. II) (intracranial part)
26 Vestibulocochlear nerve (n. VIII) and
27 Glossopharyngeal nerve (n. IX)
29 Vagus nerve (n. X) (leaving brain stem)
30 Hypoglossal nerve (n. XII) (leaving
31 Accessory nerve (n. XI) (ascending
33 Spinal ganglion and dura mater
36 Lateral and medial branch of
39 Pterygopalatine ganglion and
middle superior alveolar nerve
40 Middle superior alveolar nerves
(entering superior dental plexus)
42 Mental nerve and mental foramen
44 Otic ganglion (dotted line)
70 Brain and Cranial Nerves: Facial Nerve
Facial canal and tympanic cavity opened, posterior wall of external acoustic meatus removed.
Branches of facial nerve: a = temporal branch; b = zygomatic branches; c = buccal branches;
d = marginal mandibular branch.
Facial nerve (schematic drawing of the dissection above).
2 Facial nerve with geniculate ganglion
3 Cerebellum (right hemisphere)
4 Occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle
5 Facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen
7 Cervical branch of facial nerve
8 Sternocleidomastoid muscle and
15 Nucleus and genu of facial nerve
Cranial nerves in connection with
the brain stem (oblique-lateral aspect).
Lateral portion of the skull, brain, neck
and facial structures, lateral wall of orbit
and oral cavity have been removed. The
tympanic cavity has been opened.
The mandible has been divided and
the muscles of mastication have been
Brain and Cranial Nerves: Connection with the Brain Stem
3 Lateral rectus muscle and inferior branch
5 Chorda tympani, facial nerve (n. VII), and
vestibulocochlear nerve (n. VIII)
6 Glossopharyngeal nerve (n. XI)
7 Lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve
8 Styloid process and stylohyoid muscle
10 Lingual branches of glossopharyngeal
11 Lingual branch of hypoglossal nerve
13 Superior root of ansa cervicalis (branch of
hypoglossal nerve, derived from C1)
14 Lateral ventricle with choroid plexus and
17 Fourth ventricle and rhomboid fossa
23 Spinal ganglion with dural sheath
25 Internal carotid artery and carotid
sinus branch of glossopharyngeal
26 Dorsal roots of spinal nerve
28 Branch of cervical plexus (ventral
primary ramus of third cervical
72 Brain and Cranial Nerves: Nerves of the Orbit
11 Posterior superior alveolar nerves
12 Branches of superior alveolar plexus
adjacent to mucous membrane of
21 Abducent nerve (n. VI) (divided)
24 Maxillary nerve (n. V2) and foramen
32 Trochlea and superior oblique muscle
Cranial nerves innervating extra-ocular muscles (lateral aspect).
6 Optic nerve and short ciliary nerves
9 Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve and
5 Lateral rectus muscle (divided)
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