– common

– – of extensor digitorum longus muscle 493

– – of flexor tendons of hand 390 f

– digital

– – of flexor tendons of hand 390 f

– – of foot 501

– of extensor tendons of hand 392

– of flexor tendons

– – of foot 501

– – of hand 390

– of hand 14

– of tendon

– – of extensor hallucis longus muscle 493

– – of flexor pollicis longus muscle 390 f

– – of tibialis anterior muscle 493

Systole 260



– coli 306

– free, of colon 307 f, 310, 318


– of caudate nucleus 115

– of epididymis 343 f

– of pancreas 297, 300, 316

Talus 443, 449 ff

– articular surface

– – calcaneal

– – – anterior 449

– – – middle 449

–––posterior 449

– – navicular 449

– of newborn 9

Tectum 94, 108, 114

Telencephalon 91

Tendon 393, 415, 499

– of abductor pollicis longus muscle 388, 390,

392, 394, 401, 427

– annular, common 135, 141

– of biceps femoris muscle 455 f, 484

– – surface anatomy 476 f

– calcaneal 449, 457 ff, 489, 491 ff

– – surface anatomy 476

– central

– – of diaphragm 278, 283, 298, 329

– – of perineum 353, 361

– of deep flexor muscles 458

– of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle 392 ff

– of extensor carpi radialis longus muscle 392 ff

– of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 392, 424

– of extensor digiti minimi muscle 392

– of extensor digitorum brevis muscle of foot 493

– of extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot

459, 462, 491, 498 f

– of extensor digitorum muscle of hand 392 ff,

401, 424

– of extensor hallucis longus muscle 458 f, 491,

493, 498 f

– of extensor indicis muscle 392, 394, 401

– of extensor muscles of hand 381

– of extensor pollicis brevis muscle 388, 392,

394, 427

– of extensor pollicis longus muscle 392, 394,


Index 529

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– of flexor carpi radialis muscle 380 f, 389 f,

394 f, 427 f

– – surface anatomy 402

– of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 380 f, 388, 390 f,

394 f, 427 f

– of flexor digitorum brevis muscle of leg 463 ff,

501 f

– of flexor digitorum longus muscle of leg 460,

463 ff, 501 f

– of flexor digitorum profundus muscle of hand

389 f, 394 f, 425, 427

– of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle of hand

389 f, 394 f, 425, 427 f

– of flexor hallucis longus muscle 449, 460 f,

463, 465, 501 f

– of flexor pollicis longus muscle 388, 390, 394 f

– of gracilis muscle 447, 452, 455, 457

– of iliocostalis muscle 225

– intermediate

– – of digastric muscle 150

– – of omohyoid muscle 179

– – of semitendinosus muscle 456

– of long head

– – of biceps brachii muscle 378, 387, 415 f,


– – of triceps brachii muscle 378 f, 392

– of lumbrical muscle of hand 394

– of palmaris longus muscle 388, 402, 423, 428

– of peroneus brevis muscle 491

– of peroneus longus muscle 462, 464, 491

– of peroneus tertius muscle 462, 499

– of plantaris muscle 488

– of sartorius muscle 452

– of semimembranosus muscle 447

– – surface anatomy 476

– of semitendinosus muscle 447, 452, 487

– sheath s. Sheath, fibrous; s. Synovial sheath

– of short head of biceps brachii muscle 387

– of stapedius muscle 126, 128

– of superior oblique muscle 135 f, 140

– of supraspinatus muscle 378

– of temporalis muscle 60 f, 80, 82

– of tensor veli palatini muscle 126

– of tibialis anterior muscle 458, 461, 493, 495,

498 f

– of tibialis posterior muscle 460 f

– of triceps brachii muscle 409

Tenon’s space 132

Tentorium cerebelli 67, 75, 87 ff, 97, 121

Testis 3, 218, 330, 336 f, 339, 341, 343, 351, 479

– Head’s area 205

– longitudinal section 343

Thalamus 90 f, 99, 103 ff, 107, 113, 116, 120

Thenar muscles 390 f, 395, 423

– axial section 431


– anterior region 478 ff

– arteries 480 f

– axial section 496

– muscles 480 f, 484 f

– nerves, cutaneous 478 f, 484

– posterior region 484 f

– veins 478 f

Thoracic cage, changes of position during

respiration 282

Thorax 1, 7, 188 f, 369 ff

– coronal section 253, 284 f

– horizontal section 286 f

– MRI scan 253, 284 ff

– paramedian section 283

– sagittal section 245, 263

– skeleton 192 ff

Thymus 155, 233, 265 ff, 292

– remaining parts 245

Tibia 7, 12, 432, 440 ff, 446

– of newborn 9

– upper end 440


– adipose

– – encasing round ligament 363

– – perirenal 300, 324

– cavernous, of female external genital organs


Tongue 83, 84, 143

– innervation 31


– cerebellar 66, 102

– lingual 149, 161

– palatine 83, 143, 147, 149, 153, 165

– pharyngeal 144

Tooth (teeth)

– deciduous 51

– lower 22, 50 ff

– molar 42, 50 f

– – permanent 51

– – third 37

– premolar 37, 50 f

– upper 22, 41 f, 44 f, 50 ff


– carneae 259

– septomarginal 258

Trachea 154, 243, 255, 274 ff, 285

Tract(s) 477

– cerebellorubral 103

– iliotibial 448, 452 f, 455, 480, 495

– – surface anatomy 476 f

– olfactory 65 f, 69, 74 f, 98 f, 103, 107, 114 f,


– – lateral root 99

– – medial root 99

– olivocochlear 131

– optic 66, 71, 107, 137 f

– pyramidal 109, 116

– – course 111

– – lateral 103

– of Rasmussen 131

– spiral, foraminous 123

Tractus solitarius 116

Tragus 122, 124

Triad, portal 299


– carotid 155, 173, 178 f

– deltopectoral 384, 407

– – surface anatomy 402

– lumbar 223

– lumbocostal 335

– of neck 155

– sternocostal 283

– submandibular 155

– suboccipital 237 f

– supraclavicular 155


– of bladder 336, 338 f, 355

– habenular 115

– hypoglossal 115

– olfactory 66, 115, 137


– greater 9, 438 f, 482

– lesser 438 f

– third 439


– of humerus 373, 375, 379

– peroneal, of calcaneus 443

– of superior oblique muscle 72, 135 f, 141

– of talus 443, 450 f

Trunk 7, 187 ff

– brachiocephalic 162, 168 f, 252 f, 256 f, 263,

267 f, 274 f, 396, 414

– bronchomediastinal 332

– celiac 279, 283, 300, 302, 316, 327 ff, 330 f,

333, 335

– – branches 311, 314 f

– costocervical 168

– cross section 204

– horizontal section 210 f

– jugular 172 f

– lumbar 332

– lumbosacral 471

– lymph vessels 17

– median section 4, 233

– – in neonate 233

– midsagittal section 322, 354

– neuro-vascular segments 187

– parasagittal section 325

– pulmonary 245, 252 ff, 260 ff, 266, 269, 271

– – of fetus 288

– – relation to bronchial tree 275

– reference lines 217

– regions 217

– sagittal section 5

– skeleto-motoric segments 187

– skeleton 221

– subclavian 184, 332

– sympathetic 18, 67, 146, 162, 164 f, 168, 185,

266, 279 ff, 327, 333, 334 f, 471 f

– – cervical part 174

– – Ramus communicans 280 f

530 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– thyrocervical 162, 168 ff, 177, 271, 396, 404

– vagal 335

– – anterior 327

– – posterior 327


– auditory 120, 122 ff, 126 f, 143

– – bony part 27

– – opening 145, 147

– – pharyngeal opening 86, 144, 246

– uterine 354 ff, 359 f, 366 f

– – position 323


– calcanei 451

– cinereum 99

– frontal 35

– parietal 29, 35

– of vermis 102

Tuber-trochanter line 482


– anterior

– – of atlas 191

– – of transverse process 191

– articular 21, 27 f, 50, 54

– conoid 369

– corniculate 160

– cuneiform 160

– dorsal, of atlas 223

– genial 36, 52

– greater, of humerus 372 f, 430

– infraglenoid 370 ff

– intercondylar

– – lateral, of tibia 440

– – medial, of tibia 448

– – posterior, of tibia 440

– jugular 25, 27, 39

– lesser, of humerus 373, 430

– olfactory 99

– pharyngeal 25, 27, 33, 164

– posterior

– – of atlas 191, 200

– – of transverse process 191

– pubic 433, 435

– of rib 191 f, 197

– supraglenoid 370 f

– thyroid

– – inferior 159

– – superior 159

Tuberculum sellae 38


– calcaneal 443, 450, 457, 463, 491

– deltoid 373

– of distal phalanx 376 f

– – of great toe 442

– of fifth metatarsal bone 443

– ischial 188, 344, 433, 436 f, 455 f, 472, 482

– masseteric 52

– maxillary 39 ff, 46

– radial 374 f, 379

– sacral 433

– tibial 440 f, 458 f

– ulnar 374

Tubules, seminiferous, convoluted 343


– albuginea

– – of corpora cavernosa 339

– – of corpus spongiosum 339

– – of testis 341

– vaginalis

– – parietal layer 341, 343

– – testis 218, 343

– – visceral layer 341, 343


Ulna 7, 10, 368, 374, 376 f, 379 ff, 425

– anterior surface 375

– axial section 419, 431

– of newborn 9

– posterior surface 374

Umbilicus 3, 187, 209


– hippocampi 99

– of parahippocampal gyrus 106

Urachus 289, 339, 354, 361

Ureter 3, 210, 296, 300, 326 ff, 330 ff, 336 ff,


– abdominal part 326 f, 330, 336

– Head’s area 205

– pelvic part 330, 336

– position 323


– female 354 f

– male 336 ff

– membranous part 336 ff, 342, 344

– prostatic part 336 ff, 344 f

– spongy 337 ff

Urinary bladder

– base 367

– of the female 354 f, 357 ff, 361

– of the fetus 289

– frontal section 293

– Head’s area 205

– horizontal section 324

– of the male 336 ff

– midsagittal section 322

– mucous membrane 338 f

– position 323

Urinary organs, position 323 f

Urinary system 330 f

Urogenital system

– female 354 ff

– male 336 ff

Uterus 354 ff, 358, 359 f, 366 f

– position 323

Utricle, prostatic 338

Uvula 62, 86 f, 144, 147, 163, 165

– of bladder 338

– of vermis 102


Vagina 322 f, 355, 356, 358, 360

Vallecula of epiglottis 149


– aortic 253, 255 f, 258 f, 261, 284

– atrioventricular

– – left 255 f, 258 f

– – right 255 f, 258 ff, 287

– bicuspid 255 f, 258 f

– of heart 255 ff

– – position 255, 260

– ileocecal 310

– – horizontal section 320

– of inferior vena cava 288

– mitral 255 f, 258 f

– pulmonary 255 f, 259 f, 271, 286, 325

– tricuspid 255 f, 258 ff, 287

Vasa recta of renal medulla 329

Vein(s) 16, 468

– alveolar

– – inferior 83

– anastomotic

– – inferior 92

– – superior 89

– angular 170

– arcuate 329, 468

– axillary 170, 186, 196, 214, 252, 264, 398,


– azygos 244, 246, 276, 279 f, 332

– basilic 398, 402, 410, 419

– brachial 398, 415

– – surface anatomy 402

– brachiocephalic 155, 170, 177, 244, 252, 255,

265, 267, 271, 274, 396, 398

– – of fetus 288 f

– cardiac

– – great 258, 262

– – middle 262

– – minimal 262

– – small 262, 270

– cephalic 170 f, 207, 209, 211, 265, 290, 398,

406, 416

– – accessory 401 f

– – on forearm 398, 401 f, 419

– – surface anatomy 402

– cerebral 92

– – great 90, 145

– – inferior 89, 92

– – internal 86

– – middle, superficial 92

– – superior 89, 92

– of Cockett 468 f

Index 531

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.

– coronary 262 f

– cubital, median 398, 402, 416, 419

– – surface anatomy 402

– cutaneous

– – of leg 489

– – of popliteal fossa 486

– – of region of knee 486

– – of thigh 484

– digital

– – of foot 468

– – of hand 398

– dorsal

– – deep, of penis 217 f, 339 ff, 342, 346

– – of penis 479

– – superficial, of penis 346

– epigastric

– – inferior 212, 219

– – superficial 210 f, 217, 468

– – superior 206, 208

– ethmoidal, anterior 31

– facial 77, 79, 152, 170, 398

– femoral 214, 293, 340, 367, 452, 467 f, 480,


– – entering the adductor canal 452

– gastric, left 303

– gastro-omental 303

– hemiazygos 279

– – accessory 279, 287

– hepatic 283, 299, 303

– ileal 303

– ileocolic 303

– iliac

– – circumflex, superficial 210 f, 217, 468, 479

– – common 359

– – external 293, 346, 468

– – internal 279

– intercostal 206, 210 f

– – anterior 207

– – posterior 276, 279 ff

–––dorsal branches 408

– – superior 281

– interlobar, of kidney 329

– interlobular, of kidney 329

– jejunal 303

– jugular 154

– – anterior 170, 398

– – external 77, 80, 170, 264 f, 398

– – internal 80, 124, 127, 152, 157, 165, 170 f,

177, 179, 244, 252, 264 f, 274 f, 398

– – – of fetus 289

– labial

– – inferior 170

– – superior 170

– of labyrinth 31

– lacrimal 140

– lumbar 335

– – ascending 279

– median, of forearm 402

– meningeal, middle 87 f

– mesenteric

– – inferior 300, 303, 308

– – superior 296, 300, 302 ff, 309, 316

– metacarpal, dorsal 398

– metatarsal, dorsal 468

– nasal, superior, of retina 134

– oblique, of left atrium of heart 262

– obturator 366

– occipital 85, 170, 398

– ophthalmic, superior 31

– para-umbilical 303

– perforating 468, 492

– pericardiacophrenic 272, 281

– peroneal 468

– plantar

– – lateral 499

– – medial 499

– popliteal 446, 467, 484, 486 ff

– portal 16, 296, 299, 303 f, 315, 317

– – of fetus 289

– posterior, of left ventricle 262

– of posterior abdominal wall 279

– of posterior thoracic wall 279

– pudendal, external 467 f, 479

– – superficial 210, 217

– pulmonary 16, 252 f, 271

– – branches 246

– – of fetus 288 f

– – left 249, 262, 272 ff, 276, 281

– – right 244, 249, 262, 272 ff, 276, 283

– radial 419

– rectal

– – inferior 352

– – superior 303

– renal 326 f, 331

– – left 292, 327

– – right 329 f

– retinal 134

– – central 133

– retromandibular 77, 152

– sacral, median 279

– saphenous

– – great 210 ff, 214, 217 f, 340, 344, 467 f,

479, 480, 486, 489, 492

– – small 468, 484, 489, 492 f

– – – anastomoses with great saphenous vein

468, 489

– scapular, circumflex 378, 408 f

– scrotal, posterior 351

– sigmoid 303

– spermatic 331

– splenic 294, 303, 317

– subclavian 170 f, 184, 207, 244, 255

– – right 264 ff, 270

– subcortical of kidney 329

– submental 152, 170

– superficial

– – on dorsum of foot 469

– – of forearm 420

– – of leg 469

– – of lower limb 468 f

– supra-orbital 170

– suprascapular 378

– sural 487

– temporal

– – inferior, of retina 134

– – superficial 77, 79, 85, 168, 170, 183, 398

– – superior, of retina 134

– testicular 341, 349

– thoracic

– – internal 208, 264 ff, 398

– – lateral 196, 208, 290, 398

– thoraco-epigastric 207, 410 f

– thymic 270

– thyroid

– – inferior 170, 181, 269, 272

– – superior 170

– tibial

– – anterior 468

– – posterior 468

– ulnar 425

– umbilical 289

– vorticose 133, 140

Velum medullary superior 102, 115


– cava

– – inferior 210, 252, 272, 283, 285, 303 f, 311,

320, 327, 329, 330 f, 359

– – – of fetus 288 f

– – – opening 258, 288

– – superior 169 f, 177, 244, 252 f, 255, 260 ff,

270 f, 280, 282, 284 f, 396

– – – of fetus 288 f

– vorticosa 133, 140

Ventricle 269

– fourth 71, 86, 91 f, 94, 102, 112, 116

– of larynx 161

– lateral 71, 104 f, 116

– – central part 112, 118

– left 16, 244 f, 252 f, 255, 258, 262 f, 268 ff,

271, 273, 285, 325

– – of fetus 288

– right 16, 243 ff, 252 ff, 255, 262 f, 268 ff,

273, 325

– – of fetus 288 f

– – horizontal section 287

– – midsagittal section 322

– third 86, 90 f, 99, 105, 107, 112, 115 f, 119 f

– – inferior wall 73

Ventricular system 112

Vermis of cerebellum 66, 74 f, 94, 102 ff, 105,

107, 116, 240

Vertebra 190

– cervical 7, 53, 159, 190, 192 f, 369 f

– – joints 195

– – seventh 188 f, 193, 370

– lumbar 7, 188, 190, 199

– – fifth 438

532 Index

Page numbers in bold indicate main discussions.


– lumbar

– – first 189, 211, 369 f

– – joints 195

– prominens 188, 193, 222 f, 235, 370

– thoracic 7, 190, 197

– – first 192, 369 f

– – joints 195

– – twelfth 192, 369 f

Vertebral column 84, 188 f, 193 ff, 369

– cervical 53, 193

– joints connecting to the head 200 f

– ligaments 197 f

– lumbar part 472 f

– – median section 473

– – MRI scan 473

– – paramedian section 473

– – sagittal section 472

– midsagittal section 322

– relation to spinal cord 475

– thoracic 193

Vertex of skull 84

Vesicle, seminal 336 ff, 341 f, 344 ff

Vessels s. also Artery; s. also Vein

– of arm 415 ff

– gastro-omental 311 f

– lymphatic s. Lymph vessels

– retinal 134

Vestibular apparatus 122 ff, 129


– of larynx 149

– of lesser sac 324

– nasal 53, 144 f

– oral 50, 53, 83, 150

– of vagina 355, 361

Vidian canal 25, 33, 45 f, 146, 164


– breve 394

– of flexor tendon 394

Visual apparatus 132 ff

Visual pathway 137 f

– injuries 139

Visual system, 3-D reconstruction 139

Vomer 20, 22 f, 33, 45, 47 ff

Vortex, muscular, of right ventricle 257



– abdominal

– – anterior 187, 293

– – – arteries 208

– – – muscles 205

– – – – superficial 209

– – – segments 205, 214

– – – surface anatomy 204 f

– – horizontal section 214

– – nerves 214 ff

– – posterior 316 ff

– – – veins 279

– – transverse section 213

– – vessels 214 ff

– thoracic 206 ff

– – anterior 187, 206 ff

– – – arteries 208

– – – muscles 205

– – – – superficial 209

– – – segments 205, 214

– – – surface anatomy 204 f

– – position of spinal nerves 229

– – posterior

– – – MRI scan 229

– – – veins 279

White matter 118

Window, round 125 f, 128

Wing s. also Ala

– greater, of sphenoidal bone 20, 22 f, 25 f, 34,

38, 40 f, 47, 132

– – cerebral surface 25, 52

– – maxillary surface 38

– – of newborn 35

– – orbital surface 25, 38, 40 ff, 45

– – temporal surface 25, 42, 44

– lesser, of sphenoidal bone 22, 23, 25 f, 30, 34,

38, 40 ff, 44, 132

Wrist 368

– coronal section 380

– ligaments 380 f

– MRI scan 380

– skeleton 376 f

Wrist joint 368, 375

– coronal section 425


Zona orbicularis 444 f


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