Regions of the Neck: Anterior Region
Cross section of the neck at the level of the thyroid gland (MRI scan,
courtesy of Prof. Heuck, Munich).
relation to trachea, larynx, and vessels of the neck is shown.
Anterior region of the neck and thoracic cavity. Both clavicles, sternum, and ribs have been
removed. Main veins are colored in blue.
Anterior region of the neck (schematic drawing). Regional anatomy
of the thyroid gland with related blood vessels.
11 Sternoclavicular articulation
Regions of the Neck: Anterior Region
178 Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region
7 Lateral supraclavicular nerves
8 Middle supraclavicular nerves
Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus. Erb’s point is indicated
by an arrowhead (schematic drawing).
Lateral region of the neck with posterior and carotid triangles. Superficial dissection.
Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region 179
6 Internal carotid artery and vagus nerve
8 Muscular branches of cervical plexus
10 Posterior supraclavicular nerves
11 Middle supraclavicular nerves
13 Pretracheal lamina of fascia of neck
17 Cervical branch of facial nerve
22 Superior root of ansa cervicalis
27 Intermediate tendon of omohyoid muscle
180 Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region
lamina of the cervical fascia.
1 Sternocleidomastoid muscle (reflected) and
3 External carotid artery and superior thyroid artery
5 Deep cervical lymph nodes and external jugular vein
6 Omohyoid muscle and pretracheal lamina of cervical fascia
11 Splenius capitis and levator scapulae muscles
13 Scalenus medius muscle and brachial plexus
14 Posterior supraclavicular nerves
15 Middle supraclavicular nerve
16 Clavicle and anterior supraclavicular nerves
17 Sternocleidomastoid muscle (reflected)
Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region
2 Facial artery and mylohyoid muscle
3 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
4 Internal jugular vein, hypoglossal nerve,
and superficial cervical lymph nodes
5 Superior thyroid artery and vein and inferior pharyngeal
6 Thyroid cartilage and vagus nerve
7 Ansa cervicalis, omohyoid muscle, and common carotid artery
8 Right superior thyroid artery
10 Sternothyroid muscle and inferior thyroid artery
11 Muscular branches of ansa cervicalis to the infrahyoid muscles
13 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
14 Sternocleidomastoid muscle and lesser occipital nerve
20 Posterior supraclavicular nerves
22 Middle supraclavicular nerve
24 Anterior supraclavicular nerves
182 Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region
infrahyoid muscles are displayed.
2 Mylohyoid muscle and facial artery
anterior belly of digastric muscle
6 Superior thyroid artery and vein and
inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
7 Omohyoid muscle (superior belly)
8 Ansa cervicalis, thyroid gland, and
14 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
15 Sternocleidomastoid muscle and lesser
17 Superficial cervical lymph nodes and
23 Transverse cervical artery and
Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region 183
5 Thyrohyoid branch of hypoglossal
6 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
8 Omohyoid branch of hypoglossal
9 Omohyoid muscle and superior
11 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
15 Superior root of ansa cervicalis
22 Sternohyoid and sternothyroid
24 Superficial temporal artery and vein
27 Spinal processes of cervical
Neck with submandibular region (lateral aspect). Hypoglossal nerve (n. XII). Mandible
slightly elevated. Arrow = superior cervical ganglion.
Nerves and vessels of the neck (lateral aspect).
The ansa cervicalis with connection to the spinal nerves is
184 Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region
2 Mylohyoid muscle and facial artery
3 Anterior belly of digastric muscle
6 Omohyoid muscle, superior thyroid artery
7 Sternothyroid muscle, thyroid cartilage,
and pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland
8 Common carotid artery and sympathetic
10 Phrenic nerve, ascending cervical artery, and
11 Inferior thyroid artery, vagus nerve, and
12 Thyroid gland and unpaired inferior thyroid
13 Thoracic duct and left subclavian trunk
14 Subclavius muscle (reflected)
15 Sternocleidomastoid muscle (reflected)
16 Posterior belly of digastric muscle
17 Superior cervical ganglion and splenius
19 Internal carotid artery and branch of the
glossopharyngeal nerve to the carotid body
21 Cervical plexus and accessory nerve
22 Inferior root of ansa cervicalis
25 Scalenus medius muscle and clavicle
26 Transverse cervical artery, brachial
plexus, and scalenus posterior muscle
28 Thoraco-acromial artery and pectoralis
Regions of the Neck: Lateral Region 185
1 Superior cervical ganglion of sympathetic trunk and posterior
1a Anterior belly of digastric muscle
2 Facial artery and common carotid artery (reflected anteriorly)
3 Ascending cervical artery and longus colli muscle
4 Omohyoid muscle and superior thyroid artery
5 Sympathetic trunk and sternohyoid muscle
6 Middle cervical ganglion and inferior pharyngeal constrictor
7 Scalenus anterior muscle and phrenic nerve
8 Thyroid gland and inferior thyroid artery
11 Recurrent laryngeal nerve and trachea
12 Common carotid artery and cervical cardiac branch of vagus
13 Sternocleidomastoid muscle and accessory nerve
15 Lesser occipital nerve, longus capitis muscle, and cervical plexus
16 Phrenic nerve, scalenus posterior muscle, and levator scapulae
17 Supraclavicular nerves and scalenus medius muscle
18 Brachial plexus and pectoralis major muscle (clavicular head)
19 Transverse cervical artery and clavicle
21 Thoraco-acromial artery and pectoralis minor muscle
22 First rib, accessory phrenic nerve, and subclavian vein
23 Internal jugular vein, thoracic duct, and subclavius muscle
Cervical and Brachial Plexuses
vein was divided to display the roots of cervical and brachial plexuses.
3 Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus
5 Suprascapular nerve and artery
7 Median nerve (with two roots) and musculocutaneous nerve
10 Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
13 Parotid gland and facial nerve (cervical branch)
17 Common carotid artery dividing in internal and external
carotid artery and superior root of ansa cervicalis
18 Omohyoid muscle and cervical branch of facial nerve
joining the transverse cervical nerve (C2, C3)
20 Transverse cervical nerve and sternothyroid muscle
21 Common carotid artery and vagus nerve
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